Obesity: the disease, the problems, and the power of prevention

Obesity: the disease, the problems, and the power of prevention

Earlier this year the World Obesity Federation made the stark statement that: “The early diagnosis and treatment of childhood obesity could be considered similar to vaccination.”

Essentially, they want to see this condition treated in the same way as chicken pox, measles and mumps: tackled – in the hope of eradication – by a strategic approach founded on proactive policies and early prevention.

Obesity in children and adolescents has risen tenfold in the last 40 years, according to a recent study by The Lancet. In Britain, one in ten young people aged between 5 and 19 is obese. Worryingly, the prevalence of obesity is actually higher in younger children than older ones.

The WHO first called for obesity to be understood as a disease in 1948, but back then it wasn’t even considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In 1997 the WHO held a special conference on obesity and stated that: “the global epidemic projections for the next decade are so serious that public health action is urgently required.”

Then it was alarmed that the prevalence of men with a BMI greater than 30 was 15% and 16.5% in women. To think that it has now risen dramatically to 67% for men and 57% for women, highlights just how serious a problem obesity poses to society.

The calls for more countries to officially recognise it as a disease is based on the position that obesity meets the definition of a chronic, relapsing, progressive disease that causes organ damage.

Women and men who are obese are 12.5 and 5.2 times (respectively) more likely to develop diabetes than people who are a healthy weight. 90% of people with Type 2 diabetes are obese.

People with diabetes are then at a greater risk of a range of chronic health conditions including cardiovascular disease, blindness, amputation, kidney disease and depression than people without diabetes. Diabetes leads to a two-fold excess risk for cardiovascular disease, and diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of preventable sight loss among people of working age in England and Wales.  About one in twenty people have diabetes, yet people with diabetes account for one quarter to one third of hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease.

According to Government figures released this year, people who have Type 2 diabetes are 28.4% more likely to die early than their peers.

Getting in front of this wave of diabetes will not only bring down the numbers of people affected but also see a positive impact on the numbers of obese people. As with all conditions – the earlier they are identified, the better. To do this, new methods of diagnosis are being developed.

A radical new test for a protein found in our blood called adiponectin can identify pre-diabetes. This is a game-changing diagnostic tool that empowers people with the knowledge that they are at risk, but may be able to avoid it through relatively simple lifestyle changes.

The adiponectin test is available from Randox – both for clinical use and also through our Randox Health clinics.  We have developed the most comprehensive health checks available on the market. These are so sensitive that in a range of conditions including diabetes we are able to identify signs of pre-illness.  This enables clients to make often simple changes to stay healthy.

We know that prevention works. The NHS carried out a study in 2016 which revealed an average 26% reduction in new cases of Type 2 diabetes in those participating in a diabetes prevention programme, compared with usual care.


To find out more, click here.

For further information please email: randoxpr@randox.com

Focus on Chronic Kidney Disease diagnosis (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a long term condition which involves the progressive loss of kidney function a late diagnosis can result in end stage renal disease requiring kidney dialysis or transplantation. Typically, CKD is result of a combination of other conditions which puts a strain on the kidneys, these conditions can include high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol amongst many other ailments.1

Randox Biosciences are continually researching and developing new tests, targeting various health concerns around the world to improve diagnostics and health worldwide. Recently, our dedicated scientists have developed a new test, utilising our proprietary Biochip Array Technology (BAT) that simultaneously and quantitatively detects multiple early biomarkers associated with kidney damage allowing for earlier intervention and treatment, preventing further kidney damage.

We offer two multiplex Chronic Kidney Arrays as shown below:

Early detection provides those diagnosed with the opportunity to alter their lifestyle in order to improve their kidney and overall health, whether that is through the reduction of salt in their diet, increased physical activity and alcohol limitation.

To find out more about the Chronic Kidney Disease Arrays offered by Biosciences email info@randoxbisociences.com

1 NHS – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/kidney-disease/



Powering the Evidence Series – Biochip Array Technology

In 2002, Randox invented a worlds first; Biochip Array Technology, instantly changing the landscape of diagnostic testing forever. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte platform which provides an unrivalled increase in patient information per sample. Instead of a patient sample needing to be subdivided for each test result, or in some cases re-collected, Biochip Array Technology offers a diagnostic patient profile with each patient sample.

How does it work?

Biochip Array Technology is a precision multiplex testing platform allowing for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.

The biochip detection system is based on a chemiluminescent reaction. This is the emission of light, without heat, as a result of a chemical reaction. An enzyme is used to catalyse the chemical reaction on the biochip which generates the chemiluminescent signal. The light emitted from the chemiluminescent reaction that takes place in each DTR is simultaneously detected and quantified using a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Camera.

Each biochip has up to 49 Discrete Test Regions (DTR). This means that up to 44 tests can be carried out simultaneously. The additional DTR are reserved for internal quality control and visual reference, a unique Biochip Array Technology feature.


How is the technology applied?

With over £250 million invested into Biochip Array Technology research and development, Randox have launched a range of Biochip Array Technology immunoanalysers – The Evidence Series. This includes the Evidence, the Evidence Evolution, the Evidence Investigator and the Evidence MultiSTAT. Each analyser is developed with boundary pushing engineering, designed to make financial, labour and time savings for the end user.

The Evidence Series has truly revolutionised diagnostic testing forever. Offering unrivalled capabilities across all analysers, we truly believe that the Evidence Series range of immunoassay analysers can meet your diagnostic testing capabilities.


For more information on any of the Evidence Series, please visit http://www.randox.com/evidence-series/ or contact us evidenceseries@randox.com.

We Are Randox | Christmas Raffle raises Ā£4030 for Cancer Fund for Children

This year our much-anticipated Christmas Raffle took place on Friday 22nd December 2017, in aid of Cancer Fund for Children.

Every week in Northern Ireland, another three children, teenagers or young adults, aged between 0 and 24 years old, are diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer Fund for Children helps families cope with the impact cancer has on their lives, and they support them through life, both during and after treatment, by offering a range of free short breaks for families coming to terms with a cancer diagnosis.

We’re delighted to let you all know that we raised a mammoth £4030 from this year’s Christmas Raffle. This money will go a long way in providing families dealing with cancer in Northern Ireland the opportunity to relax far away from the pressures of gruelling cancer treatment and hospital visits.

Congratulations to all our prize winners from this year’s Christmas Raffle, and in particular to the winners of our most coveted prizes – a 55″ Ultra HD 4K Curved Samsung TV, and an extra day of annual leave!

 Congratulations to Ian Moore and to Sarah Savage on receiving these prizes.

 Thanks again everyone for all your support with the Christmas Raffle – to our Internal Comms team who organised the event, to Andy from Cancer Fund for Children for joining us and helping us see where our money would be going, and of course to everyone who bought a ticket!

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


To find out more about charity fundraising at Randox, please email randoxpr@randox.com 




Cocaine on the Rise

Newly emerged figures from Public Health England have documented that the UK’s current approach to drug treatment has failed to reduce drug related deaths. With UK drug abuse now at an all-time high, 2017 saw a 23% increase in treatment presentations for crack cocaine use, according to The Conversation. An additional article by the Business Insider UK reported that seizures related to cocaine in Britain are now at their highest since 2008.

Crack cocaine is a powerful stimulant designed to temporarily speed up the mind and body. Freebase cocaine (powder cocaine) and crack cocaine (rock form cocaine) can both be smoked to reach the brain quicker, whilst snorting the substance causes a slower effect. A very addictive substance, cocaine is reported to make a user over confident and careless with risks including, breathing and mental health problems, depression and the risk of an overdose related death. When taken in conjunction with alcohol the dangers of cocaine are increased, as the mixture produces the toxic chemical, cocaethylene.

The Conversation highlighted “Cuts to drug treatment budgets are extremely shortsighted. Not only do effective services save lives, they reduce the spread of blood-borne viruses, including HIV. About half of people who inject drugs have hepatitis C. Getting them into treatment is an essential part of plans to eliminate the disease.” At Randox Toxicology we offer the most comprehensive drugs of abuse test menu across multiple matrices. Our DoA ULTRA panel detects up to 20 targeted drugs, offering the largest cross-reactivity profile of over 240 analytes, including Benzoylecgonine/Cocaine. Benzoylecgonine is the most common metabolite measured in urine drug screens to detect cocaine. Using our revolutionary Biochip Array Technology, Randox Toxicology provide cutting-edge multiplex testing capabilities for rapid and accurate drug detection from a single sample.

The price of cocaine has fallen by 13% since 2007 according to Business Insider UK. Price trends in addition to new and emerging UK supply routes have made the drug more appealing and readily available. Whilst the average age group using cocaine is 35 years old, a 30% increase has been seen in young people under the age of 25 years old. A rise which has not been witnessed in a decade.

The increase of cocaine use has shown how vital drug treatment is in responding to the ever-changing market, with services needing to adapt quickly to the needs of varied groups. Amidst the ongoing cocaine problem, Randox Toxicology are leading the way in developing new tests through significant research and development.

For further information on how Randox Toxicology are fighting drugs of abuse, email info@randoxtoxicology.com

We Are Randox | John Fitzgerald wins Ulster University awards for Master’s degree project with Randox

Here at Randox, we’re proud of the talented and innovative teams we have at all our sites. One of our talented engineers at Randox Teoranta recently won a prize for his final year university project in collaboration with Randox. John Fitzgerald, an Electronic Design Engineer, was presented with two awards from Ulster University on Thursday 7th December 2017 – the Civica Prize for excellence in his final project and the Institute of Engineering Technology Prize for achieving the highest grades in his class.

We caught up with John to hear all about it;

A very well done on your awards, John! Tell us about your final project for which you won the Civica Prize.

Firstly it is important to note that my final year project was conducted in conjunction with Randox Teoranta. Without the support, resources and encouragement from the exceptional Research & Development Engineering team here in Dungloe, my project would not have been such a success.

My final year project centred on the design of an industry-standard compact dry bath incubator, designed for the heating and cooling of small volume samples. With a simple and compact design, broad and precise temperature range, the intended use of the product was for bench-top laboratory incubations. The design also incorporated innovative, yet modest, capacitive touch pad controls and a digital display to provide confident temperature selection and accuracy.

This design project required design capabilities in three core engineering disciplines, electronic, embedded and mechanical engineering.

Were you surprised to learn you’d won an award for the project?

Yes, definitely! I was surprised when I received an email at the end of November, informing me that I was to receive the award. I can recall the quality of projects that were on show so this was a complete surprise to me.

I invested a great effort in this project and I’m proud of the personal and academic goals I’ve attained, however, the works achieved would not have been possible without the generous investment of advice from various different sources. I wish to take this opportunity to express my genuine appreciation and thanks to them all.

Thank you to Randox – the industrial knowledge and resources they provided for this wrk added significantly to the quality and relevance of my project to the real world. A special word of thanks, too, should also be afforded to my final year supervisor in Ulster University for the consistent academic support he delivered throughout the course of this MEng final year project.

Did you always want to be an engineer?

To be perfectly honest, the answer to this question is no. I was very uncertain for a long time what career I wanted to pursue as a secondary school student. I was never really exposed to the engineering profession and the wide variety of career paths it can lead to so engineering wasn’t something I immediately thought of when I was thinking of careers I would enjoy.

My father has a lot to answer for though – he was a tool-maker by trade and he instilled a significant interest in engineering and basic electronics in me, and is probably one of the primary reasons I felt a career in electronic engineering was the correct path for me. I decided to apply for my university placement year at Randox Teoranta in the Electronic Engineering team.

After just a few months in to my placement at Randox Teoranta, I knew I had made the correct career choice. I was Randox Teoranta R&D Engineering’s first university placement student, and that I could live at home in Donegal for the year and still receive a first class industrial experience.

How did you find your placement year at Randox?

My placement experience at Randox Teoranta was first class. I was afforded every opportunity to develop and grow my engineering skills. As my competency grew, so did my responsibilities and the complexity of jobs afforded to me.

The team of engineers in Randox Teoranta are exceptional professionals and provided excellent guidance to me as a young student engineer. The work I was tasked with was challenging and relevant and a considerable amount of the work I contributed to, remains in some form in the final Misano analyser that is manufactured today in Dungloe.

I cannot stress enough how important my placement year at Randox Teoranta was for me upon returning for my final two years of university. It provided me with a clear career path and I discovered a passion for Printed Circuit Board Design that I would not have been exposed to, if it were not for this placement.

I was extremely grateful to be offered a graduate position during my placement year on completion of my degree. This security made my final two years at university much more comfortable and also allowed me to discuss with the company the potential to complete my final year project in conjunction with Randox Teoranta. The opportunity to continue my learning and professional development as part of such a progressive and diverse engineering environment was an easy decision to make. As an added bonus, I am able to live at home, in the most beautiful part of the country and engage in an extremely rewarding and challenging profession in my field of study all at the same time. I consider myself very fortunate.

Tell us what a typical day is like in your role as Electronic Engineer.

One of the reasons I enjoy being an Electronic Engineer with Randox Teoranta to such a high degree, is the same reason that makes this question quite difficult to answer.

It is hard to categorise a typical day in my role as an Electronic Engineer in Randox Teoranta. I spend my time on a wide variety of duties or tasks depending on the design needs of the engineering team. I could be spending my time designing circuit schematics for new PCB designs, I could be producing the printed circuit board layout of designed circuit schematics, I could be testing new sensors, electronic parts or manufactured PCB’s to verify their performance, I could be engaging in verification and validation work for a new analyser, I could be engaging in the formation of critical design reports, the list can go on and on.

As the cliché goes, “every day is different”, something which is definitely applicable in this scenario.

What advice would you give to young people considering visiting the Randox Teoranta open day on Fri 22nd December?

I would encourage any young person with a remote interest in a career in Science or Engineering to attend the open day on Fri 22nd December. I believe they will be surprised as to the wide variety of professions and opportunities available at their doorstep.

A conversation with an experienced professional could ignite a spark which could provide clarity as to what they would like to pursue in further education, and in turn professionally. This is an opportunity I wish I was afforded as a young person growing up in rural Donegal, and I consider it an opportunity not to be missed for young people with a genuine interest in these exciting professional fields.


From all the staff at Randox, congratulations to John on this fantastic achievement. We look forward to seeing the pioneering engineering work you will continue to be part of in the future.

The Randox Teoranta Open Morning is on Friday 22nd December 2017 from 10am – 2pm at Randox Teoranta, Meenmore, Dungloe, Co. Donegal.

To find out more tel: +353 7495 22600 or email: randoxpr@randox.com

Pictured with John Fitzgerald (centre) is Dr. Robert McMurray, course director for MEng Engineering at Ulster University (left), and Angela Canavan, Managing Director of Civica who was present to award the Civica prize (right).

The Importance of a Workplace Substance Misuse Policy

What is a workplace substance misuse policy?

Many organisations implement a policy that outlines the expectations they have concerning the misuse of drugs and/or alcohol and how this can affect performance and safety in the workplace. This can often be referred to as a substance misuse policy.

Employers hold the responsibility to ensure employees are fully aware of the company’s rules, regulations, testing and disciplinary procedures. Fundamentally, this is to guarantee complete workplace safety. The policy itself holds a vital importance providing employees with the knowledge of the standards expected of them in the workplace.

To ensure transparency of information, it is imperative that the policy is written in a clear, comprehensive manner. This should allow them to understand without confusion or misinterpretation the implications the organisation has in place for users who misuse substances.

Why is this policy so important for businesses to implement?

Alcohol and / or drug use increases the chances of problems occurring in the workplace. For example, studies have found that employees with alcohol problems are 2.7 times more likely to have an accident whilst at work.

Some of the main issues that associated with substance misuse in the workplace are:

  • Absenteeism – It’s estimated that there are 17 million lost days of work per year due to substance misuse.
  • Low productivity levels – Employees may lose focus in different tasks and become de-motivated.
  • Inappropriate behaviour – Some cases of substance abuse may lead to inappropriate actions or in extreme cases crime

Evidence suggests that many people who suffer from alcohol and drug abuse are in employment. Studies show that 25% of registered drug addicts are in full-time employment and that 3.3% of all adults in England and Wales aged 16 – 59 classified as frequent users.

Significant issues such as these provide growing concerns for employers to put in place a workplace substance misuse policy to guarantee the welfare of all stakeholders. Under the Health & Safety Act 1974, employers have a duty to ensure the safety of their employees is met to all principles. Introducing an effective workplace policy is a key part in maintaining these standards.

The importance of a workplace policy for drugs and alcohol can benefit employers by:

  • Building relationships with employees by showing them there is support available.
  • Policies can raise awareness of issues in the business and can encourage staff members to take action if they feel they have a problem.
  • Its importance can reduce the number of sick employees, it can also increase staff turnover & productivity levels.
  • Employers who implement a workplace policy can also see a rise in efficiency, improved staff relationship, communication and improved corporate image and in some cases customer relations.


What we at Randox Testing Services can do:

Randox Testing Services is a market leader in the drug and alcohol testing industry. Our expertise is relied upon by safety-critical companies all over the world. We provide complete drug and alcohol testing solutions to a range of blue chip companies across multiple industries including aviation, transport, construction, maritime, retail and occupational health to name a few.

Our expert consultancy service allows employers to create an effective drug and alcohol misuse policy. We offer comprehensive advice, guidance and support in composing an effective policy and explaining best procedures and testing methods to use. We also provide assistance to employers with an existing substance misuse policy, helping to modify existing documents to ensure they are legally viable and can withstand challenge in court.

To ensure clear communication of any policy changes, our experts can come to your workplace and present the policy to your staff. By having a third party explain the policy employers can ensure all the benefits are communicated effectively. This way staff do not feel like they are being victimised or persecuted, but know their employer is looking after their workplace wellbeing.

Combining our consultancy service with our drug and alcohol testing service and / or point of care products, employers can find a complete testing solution from Randox Testing Services.

For more information on our products and services call +44 (0) 28 9445 1011, email, testingservices@randox.com or visit our website www.randoxtestingservices.com


About Randox Testing Services

At Randox Testing Services we offer complete drug and alcohol testing solutions to a wide range of industries across the globe. We work with companies to help create and implement effective workplace testing policies that suit their needs and budget.

To support our customers our additional services include training and education courses as well as policy reviews and consultancy. Our experts are at hand to discuss any testing requirements you may have. To get in touch email testingservices@randox.com today.




Randox Strengthening Ties Between Northern Ireland and China

Off the back of its key involvement in this month’s prestigious China Summit held in Belfast, global diagnostics company Randox Laboratories has this week taken a delegation of representatives to China to reach out to existing and potential business partners.

Having exported its diagnostic products to China for over 25 years, the healthcare firm cites the country as one of its most important markets, and regularly hosts conferences and training events in the capital city for its vast distributor network.

Earlier this year, following 18 months of extensive market research and infrastructural developments, Randox launched a new market expansion initiative in China to help strengthen business relationships and increase exports – a programme which Global Sales Manager Susan Hammond credits with having accelerated demand for Randox products.

Susan Hammond, who manages Randox’s expansion in the Chinese market commented;

“At Randox we actively seek to strengthen the ties between Northern Ireland and China, and the recent China Summit in Belfast goes to show that relationships between our two countries are at an all-time high.

“We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to contribute to the discussions around collaborative opportunities in economic development, education, health and life sciences at the China Summit and to share our personal success story in the Chinese market.

“The summit marks a significant milestone in Northern Ireland’s relationship with China, and its very existence is testament to the success of the innovative market strategies of key businesses and institutions across NI.”

As well as meeting with business partners across China this week, Randox also hosted over 250 guests at performances by world-famous concert pianist and International Tchaikovsky competition winner Barry Douglas, in the Forbidden City Concert Hall of Beijing and in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Susan continued;

“Our sponsorship of Barry Douglas and his Camerata Ireland orchestra is important for the work we undertake in promoting Northern Ireland to Chinese audiences.  We can showcase not only the science and innovation that come from our shores, but also the breadth of cultural talent.

“Hosting Chinese delegates, corporates, and academic professionals at Barry Douglas performances in China provides us with the perfect platform to help build connections and identify areas for business collaboration. It is a rare opportunity to be able to visit key business partners while simultaneously supporting our young musicians in their careers.”

Barry Douglas, Founder and Artistic Director of Camerata Ireland said;

“I am thrilled to be here in China to play for our Chinese guests – there is nothing quite like music in its ability to connect with people from all walks of life across the globe.  It is a pleasure to be able to use music as a vehicle for strengthening relationships in both business and the arts, and even more so to be able to share it with the wonderfully generous team from Randox.”


For further information about Randox’s expansion in the Chinese market, please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing RandoxPR@randox.com



Give the Gift of Health this Christmas with Randox Health

Showing you care comes in many different packages.

This year, you can give the ‘gift of health’ to someone you love, through a Randox Health Gift Card.

Randox Health has the most comprehensive health screening programmes in the world, as well as a wide range of specialised tests. The Everyman, Everywoman and Signature programmes carry out up to 350 tests. That means your results deliver a complete understanding of your health: your heart, kidneys, thyroid, fertility, bones and more. And it doesn’t just tell you how you are now, but helps you to manage your health for the future.

Each one of our programmes lasts for twelve months and include personalised health plans, a private consultation with an expert and repeat testing. This unique aspect enables you to see exactly what impact you’re making on your health as you follow our recommendations.

Specialised testing is also available on areas including cardiac health, coeliac autoimmune disease, hormonal health and genetic testing.

The programmes are available at our clinics in London, Holywood and Crumlin, and also through our innovative mobile health clinic. Gift cards can be purchased from as little as £20.

To find out more and purchase the most thoughtful of Christmas presents – a gift card for the ‘gift of health’ – click here.

To book a health screening at a Randox Health clinic in Crumlin, Holywood or London, please call 0800 2545 130.

For further information please contact the Randox PR Team by emailing randoxpr@randox.com or phoning 028 9442 2413 

Your dream career awaits at Randox Teoranta

This festive season, Dungloe-based Randox Teoranta has a message for ambitious students and graduates – that achieving your career dream is possible, and it might not be as far away as you think.

The global healthcare diagnostics firm today launched its annual recruitment drive by asking life scientists, engineers and software developers to reflect on the career dreams they had as children, and to consider the world-class careers on offer in rural Donegal.  In previous years, these areas of industry have suffered most from mass emigration of the university graduates who have had to look elsewhere for jobs in their respective fields.

Randox Teoranta wants to let students, graduates and experienced professionals across the island of Ireland, and those further afield who have moved abroad to find work, know that they can find the career they’ve always dreamed of close to home.

Ciaran Richardson, Head of R&D at Randox Teoranta, commented;

At Randox Teoranta we have scientists working on a range of research projects, including the development of innovative health technologies capable of diagnosing stroke, gastrointestinal disorders and chronic kidney disease. This is following ground breaking developments in 2016 where scientists in Randox Teoranta were involved in the launch of a pioneering new test used to determine a patient’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

“In addition to those interested in human health we also have scientists who when they were younger wished to pursue a career in the animal research and veterinary science world. These scientists within our veterinary department are involved in the development of novel multiplex tests used to monitor disease spread and improve animal welfare.

 “We have software developers who are working with revolutionary technologies – augmented and mixed reality headsets for example – that in their youth they could only have dreamed of”.

“And we have engineers who, as children, loved to take apart their electronic toys and piece them back together. They’re now using their talent to engineer machines which detect disease and save lives.  I can think of no better use for their skillset and I’m incredibly proud that our biotechnology hub right here in rural Donegal means that young people from far and wide can achieve their career dreams.”

If you’re at school and currently thinking about university choices, a school leaver, student, graduate, or experienced professional, come along to Randox Teoranta’s Open Day on Friday 22nd December 2017. Parents of students are also welcome to visit the state-of-the-art site in Dungloe, Donegal, where visitors will be treated to an opportunity to view the facility and meet members of the Randox team.

Come and view our hub of pioneering research and development, where cutting-edge science, technology and IT takes place. If you, or someone you know, is interested in a career in life sciences, engineering, software development or software testing, come along to Randox Teoranta on Friday 22nd December.

Don’t just dream it. Make it happen at Randox Teoranta.


The Randox Teoranta Open Morning is on Friday 22nd December 2017 from 10am – 2pm at Randox Teoranta, Meenmore, Dungloe, Co. Donegal.

To find out more tel: +353 7495 22600 or email: randoxpr@randox.com

No booking is required.

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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje Polityki Prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
Wyślij zapytanie
    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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