We Are Randox | Randox raises Ā£4464 for local charity Hope 365 to build ā€˜Hope Homesā€™ in Ethiopia

We Are Randox | Randox raises Ā£4464 for local charity Hope 365 to build ā€˜Hope Homesā€™ in Ethiopia

A care centre in Ethiopia which looks after rescued street children has expressed its gratitude after thousands of pounds were raised by global diagnostics firm Randox, which will go towards supplying new furnishings for the centre and employing additional staff.

Almost £4,500 was donated in the company‘s annual charity raffle which will go towards improving facilities at the Tesfa Manoriya Bota Centre which is run by the Northern Ireland charity Hope 365. It was established 18 months ago by Chief Executive, Michael Holmes who has an extensive background working with charity organizations. Before establishing Hope365 Michael spent the last eight years working in Ethiopia to help improve the life of children who were left homeless.

The ‘hope home’, as it’s known locally, offers a new start for street children in Ethiopia who have been living in squalid, unsanitary, dangerous and unhealthy conditions. The Randox raffle donation will fund new furnishings for the centre and support the employment of specially trained staff, counselors and educational experts to develop individual care plans for each child, helping them to look forward to a bright future.

Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr Peter FitzGerald said;

“We hold an annual raffle every year and donate the proceeds to charity. This year we decided to pick a local charity, Hope 365, which is near our headquarters in Crumlin. When we heard about the great work that Hope 365 were doing for children in Ethiopia we decided that the money would go a long way to improving their lives and wellbeing. The Tesfa Manoriya Bota Centre is really a life-changing place for Street Kids that will not only give them the opportuntiy to learn and develop but give them a whole new lease of life and security for the future. We were thrilled that all our staff were able to raise so much to support this worthy charity.

 Hope 365 Chief Executive, Michael Holmes said;

“This funding will make a huge difference in the lives of the children we work with, many of whom don’t even know what age they are when we meet them. Their parents have died due to either illness or poverty and they are left homeless, sleeping in doorways and drains, with no one to take care of them or protect them. No human being deserves to live like this, especially not a child. Though the charity is only in its infancy, every donation goes directly to the Hope Home and we ultimately aim to provide a home for 26 children in the future at the Hope Home. We want to help them reach their full potential and educational ambitions and where possible, reunite them with their extended family.”

If you would like to get involved with charity fundraising in 2017, please share your ideas with us by emailing internal.communications@randox.com.  

Tantalising first images of 2017 Randox Health Grand National trophy released

For the first time in the Grand National’s history a new trophy will be designed every year during the sponsorship with the global diagnostics company Randox Health. The first of the five new trophies will be unveiled at the highly anticipated Weights Evening Reception on Tuesday 14th February.

Today marks the final step of the 2017 trophy design, with its hallmarking at the prestigious Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office, in the City of London, which has been hallmarking precious metals for over 700 years.  This concluding stage in the design of the trophy has enabled its sponsor to release to the public for the first time some tantalising teaser pictures of what will be presented to the 2017 Randox Health Grand National winner.

In advance of the annual Weights Reception, over the next 14 days a series of images from the trophy will be released before the grand unveiling at the Victoria and Albert in London.

Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director of Randox Health, commented;

“Given that the Randox Health Grand National is such an iconic event it is fitting that each winner will receive an inimitable trophy; their own unique piece of history.  To win this event, given the demanding nature of the course and the quality of the competition, requires preparation, stamina, skill and teamwork of the very highest standard. There is no other race in the world like this and we want to ensure the winner’s trophy, which will change each year, reflects the status of the achievement.”

The trophy has been created at workshops at the magnificent Burghley House in Stamford by Silversmith Shannon O’Neill, who described the silver 2017 trophy as an ornate work of art, laced with images depicting the speed, agility and excitement of jump racing, and decorated with a red stone.

Shannon commented;

“I’m incredibly honoured to have been given the opportunity to design and create a piece of art as important as the trophy for the Randox Health Grand National. Meeting the Randox requirement has been an exciting challenge – the brief was ambitious and we’re all delighted with the final outcome. That this is a unique piece makes it even more special. I look forward to its unveil in February and additionally to seeing the next four trophy designs over the coming years.”

Additionally, for the first time in history, each member of the winning team, made up of owner, trainer, jockey and groom will receive their own version of the trophy, a decision about which Ed Chamberlin, Lead Racing Presenter for ITV is delighted;

“Nothing comes close to the immense amount of passion, dedication, and teamwork that goes in to preparing for these big races, and for the biggest race of all, the Randox Health Grand National. From the stable staff in the yard to the punter at the bookies, the jockey training for the race of his life to the ground staff tending to the racecourse and the fences, in racing everyone has a very important role to play, whether that’s in front of the camera or behind the scenes.  So I’m thrilled that Randox Health is paying tribute to the fact that the contributions of each member of the winning team are equally important.”

He added;

“For ITV it’s exciting to have an ambitious and innovative partner in the form of Randox Health for the world’s greatest race.  Everything we do as racing broadcaster is about making the sport much more accessible and engaging with the public, and the revamping of the Randox Health Grand National trophy with this fun, teasing roll-out is a perfect launch for this.”


For more information about Randox Health please contact Nicola McHugh or Amy McIlwaine in the Randox PR team by emailing randoxpr@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413

The countdown to the Randox Health Grand National 2017!

We Are Randox | Randox employees give back to the community with charity events and fundraising initiatives

With the January blues in full force we decided to have a look back over all the wonderful events that Randox staff took part in during 2016. Together Randox staff rallied together to raise money for numerous events and charities making a huge difference to the lives of others.

Back in April Rachel Walls, our technical support specialist in Ardmore initiated a bake sale on behalf of her sister, Ursula McKenna who ran both the Dublin Marathon and Manchester half Marathon in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Trust. The bake sale was a roaring success and Randox staff enjoyed a selection of scrumptious buns raising a total of £308 that went towards Ursula’s total fundraising amount of £3000.

Ursula said,

“Our cousin suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, and running a few marathons is easy compared to what he has to deal with on a daily basis.”

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic condition caused by a faulty gene that controls the movement of salt and water across the cell wall. This causes mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive tract, causing problems with breathing and digestion. An estimated 1 in 2,500 babies born in the UK have Cystic Fibrosis, with more than 2.5 million people in the UK carrying the faulty gene.  Currently there is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis, however there are treatments to help manage the symptoms. The Cystic Fibrosis Trust helps suffers by funding cutting-edge research, driving up standards of care and supporting people with the condition and their loved ones every step of the way.

May was the month that Randox staff and the Randox Biosciences department joined together to help raise awareness of stroke by wearing purple clothes to work.

Stoke is a brain attack that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to the brain so without blood your brain cells can be damaged or die.

This damage can have different effects, depending on where it happens in your brain. A stroke can affect the way your body works as well as how you think, feel and communicate. The Stroke Association have dedicated the month of May to raising awareness and increasing the public’s knowledge of this condition.

In July Gary Laverty, one of our software developers who works in our Laurelbank site  took a beating when he allowed Randox staff to throw water balloons at him in order to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. This charity aims to improve the lives of everyone who is diagnosed with cancer. Their aim is to make life a little brighter and ensure that no one faces this horrible disease alone. They are on hand to offer assistance right from the beginning of a diagnosis, through treatment and beyond, including support to the wider family circle.

Gary raised a total of £409.38 on the day which was presented to Margaret Young from Macmillan Cancer Support at Randox headquarters in Crumlin.

Gary Laverty said,

“When my father was ill last year, Macmillan offered tremendous support to both him and my family. Their commitment to helping cancer patients is incredible, really life-changing. I debated a few fundraising ideas but thought that the water balloon idea was something unusual so I hoped people would see it as a really fun event. The fundraiser went really well and I am delighted at the amount we raised for such an amazing charity! My colleagues got really involved and it was a really fun event, thankfully it wasn’t too cold on the day!”

In the months leading up to Christmas Randox Teoranta in Dungloe our team of scientists engineers and software developers organised a Christmas shoebox appeal in conjunction with Team Hope, a charity based in Ireland, who for the past 18 years have delivered Christmas shoebox gifts to over three million children in some of the remotest and poorest parts of the world. Randox Teoranta  filled a total of 54 boxes with items ranging from school essentials, clothes, hats, scarves gloves and socks and of course extra special gifts for Christmas including games toys, sweets and even musical instruments.

Claire Newbon, Manufacturing Operative said,

“Within the team here at Randox Teoranta we are all very fortunate to have great jobs, loving families and a roof over our heads.  But we are very aware that there are adults and children in other parts of the world who aren’t so lucky, through no fault of their own.

“At the most joyful time of the year, the Teoranta team wanted to be able to share the magic of Christmas with those children who would otherwise not get any presents.”

In the week leading up to Christmas Randox staff organised a Christmas jumper day with donations going towards Save the Children and a Christmas raffle on behalf of Hope 365.  £640.25 was raised for Save the Children, and £4464.00 was raised for Hope 365, which would go towards furnishing “Hope Homes” in Ethiopia so that the children will have somewhere peaceful to sleep at night.

The Christmas raffle took place on 23rd December during which all staff from each site came together to see if they were lucky enough to win any of the prizes that were on offer. Prizes included a 55inch TV, M&S and Amazon vouchers, Christmas hampers, an IPad Air 2 and an extra day’s annual leave.

Randox Teoranta in Donegal also held their own Christmas Raffle and Coffee Morning with all proceeds going towards the local hospital in Dungloe. A total of  €740 was raised for the hospital which was greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your generous donations throughout the year, we hope that we can continue to support charities and events throughout 2017.

If you would like to further support Hope 365  they are actively seeking 52 people to take part in a marathon or part of a marathon this year, to compliment a person who is running 52 marathons in one year for the charity. There is also a football academy, endorsed by Paddy McNair, which is taking place in July in Ethopia if you would like to get involved with this. For further information, please contact Internal Communications.

If you would like to get involved with charity fundraising in 2017, please share your ideas with us by emailing internal.communications@randox.com.  

Randox supports calls from Oxford University for more accurate diagnosis of diabetes following report warning

Calls for more accurate diagnosis of people at risk of developing Type-2 diabetes have been supported by Randox, following a warning raised by an Oxford University study which looked into efforts to tackle the worsening epidemic of the condition.

The study, which was published in the British Medical Journal, examined results from the NHS’s programme which involves a screening test for pre-diabetes. The authors determined that the UK’s National Diabetes Prevention Programme is unlikely to have much impact because the blood tests used were inaccurate at detecting pre-diabetes, though these are currently the only ones available to doctors and patients. The study argues that if the screening is inaccurate then people will either be falsely reassured or receive incorrect diagnoses, which will not help the worldwide challenge to reduce people at risk of developing diabetes that continues to increase across the world.

It is estimated that Type-2 diabetes causes 22,000 early deaths every year in England alone. Across the UK over 3m people currently have the condition though experts say this will increase to 5m by 2025.

With current treatment taking up almost 9% of the annual NHS budget – roughly £8.8bn a year – the implications for future healthcare budgets are clear if this dangerous trend persists.

Global reagents Manger Susan Hammond said,

Although we wholly back the NHS’s belief that positive lifestyle changes make crucial differences in people’s health and lives, we also believe that unless earlier and more accurate diagnostic screening is employed on a twin-track of treatment, this epidemic will continue to worsen.  We welcome that this study highlights the fact that clinician’s s are currently limited in what they can use to tackle the threat posed by diabetes. There are emerging biomarkers   they could be given access to,  such as Adiponectin and determining a person’s risk of Metabolic Syndrome.”

Assessing Adiponectin levels allows doctors to calculate the amount of visceral fat stored around a patient’s organs. This deep fat, which is not visible to the naked eye, is linked to health problems including Type-2 diabetes. High levels of adiponectin equate to low levels of visceral fat which can be combated by improving your diet, exercise habits and even stress levels. Given that 70% of Type-2 diabetes can be prevented by lifestyle changes, there is strong correlation that by detecting low levels of Adiponectin and taking corrective and preventive action, it could results in a decrease in the numbers of people who develop the life altering condition.

In addition to a test for the Adiponectin biomarker, Randox Biosciences have created a Metabolic Syndrome Array that measures 12 markers associated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Metabolic Syndrome is a is a group of cardiovascular risk factors that affects over 20% of adults and  results in a person being three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack, and five times more likely to develop diabetes.

Mrs Hammond concluded,

“We would ultimately like to see all medical professionals who are at the forefront of patient care armed with the most accurate diagnostic tools available. Updating traditional practice may not be easy but we believe it is imperative to do so, if we are to effectively challenge this global epidemic.”

Randox remains focused on providing early diagnoses and preventing illnesses by providing innovative diagnostics tests that will continue to revolutionise the healthcare landscape.

To find out more about our tests for metabolic arrays click here and Adiponectin click here.

We Are Randox | Travis Lai returns home to Malaysia with Randox

Being part of a global company offers endless opportunities including career growth, international travel and the chance to relocate somewhere new and exciting, or to take your job back home!

Travis Lai, one of our business development executives for Randox Quality Control took the opportunity to relocate from London to Malaysia in order to be closer to his family back in December 2015! Read our Q&A below to find out what it’s like to work for Randox and how Travis enjoys being closer to his family and friends.

Hi Travis, can you tell us a little bit about your background working for Randox?

I have been with Randox now for nearly three years working as a business development executive for Randox Quality Control.  As part of my role I am constantly developing new sales leads, developing relationships with current and new customers, in charge of distributor management and planning and overseeing new marketing initiatives which all aim to grow the Quality Control division at Randox.

How did you find working in the London?

When I first started working for Randox I was based in the London Wall office. I had been to London a few times before I joined Randox and already knew a few people who were living in London which was nice. London is a very vibrant and multi-cultural city with lots to do and see. It was a big change for me in the beginning as it took me a while to get used to the food and of course the weather! I made sure to buy a raincoat during my first week!

What made you decide to relocate home to Malaysia?

I worked in London from April 2014 to Dec 2015 before I took the opportunity to return home to Malaysia due to a family concern. I had been thinking about it for a while and when the opportunity came Randox approved my application for relocation. I was very pleased that I was given this unique opportunity as it’s quite rare that employees are able to transfer from London to as far as Asia for a job role. But that’s one of the perks working in a global organisation, you get to experience things that you wouldn’t get the opportunity to do so elsewhere– I am extremely grateful that I got the opportunity to move back home for work.

Were you able to continue to work in the same job role once you moved home?

Yes, I was able to continue to work as a business development executive for Randox Quality Control which is great, the only thing that changed was my location.

What do you enjoy the most about being home in Malaysia?

I love being closer to my family and friends here at home, I think that’s probably the best thing for me I missed them a lot when I was living in London. It’s also great to get back to the sunny weather, Malaysia is quite warm all year around so there isn’t much of a need for a raincoat over here and I also love the food.  My favourite dish is called Nasi lemak, it is a Malay fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and considered the national dish. In terms of work, it’s useful that I am closer to the end users and distributors. This really comes in handy when I need to get in touch with distributors urgently and I don’t have to worry about time differences.

If you are interested in joining our global team make sure that you check out Randox careers website to see what new opportunities we have for you.


Santa makes an appearance at the annual Randox Christmas Raffle!

This morning at Randox HQ we held our Annual Christmas Raffle for all our staff, and we had a special visitor join us!

A friendly old man with a fluffy white beard, a bright red suit, and a large stocking packed full of Christmas gifts stopped by with his team of Christmas helpers to give a present to each of the children, who were visiting Randox with their parents.

That’s right, it was Santa Claus! Santa’s visits to Randox have become a well-established tradition here since they began in 1982, the same year the company was founded. Mrs FitzGerald invited all the staff to bring their children to work on the final Friday before Christmas, where they were greeted by Santa and given a present.

Each year the room is always jam-packed and the air filled with joy and small squeaks of excitement, and 2016 was of course no different. This year Santa’s very busy helper Steven Moore searched high and low for the perfect gift for 108 girls and boys!

Each child got a present from Santa, sat with him to tell him what they want for Christmas, and had a family photo taken as a special souvenir of their visit to take home.

Santa’s time spent with the children of Randox followed a fun-filled morning of excitement and Christmas jubilation at our Annual Christmas Raffle.

We had some very lucky winners this year who walked away with some incredible prizes, generously donated in aid of our nominated charity, Hope 365.

Our biggest prize of the morning was a massive 55” TV, which was won by Craig Monahan from our IT Team, when his ticket was called out by our Master of Ceremonies, Michael Mulligan.  Congratulations Craig!

Neville Gorman, our Manufacturing Planning Manager was also delighted when he won a 16GB iPad Air 2! What a fabulous start to the Christmas weekend for Neville. 

Perhaps our most coveted of our annual Christmas Raffle is the extra day’s holiday kindly donated by our Human Resources Department.  This star prize this year went to Charis Gryparis, one of our R&D Scientists.

Other prizes at our raffle included a Canon Printer, boxes of biscuits and sweets, Christmas hampers, Amazon and M&S vouchers, and much more.

All money raised through our raffle ticket sales are going towards the very worthy cause of Hope 365. Hope 365 is an Antrim based charity with shops in Crumlin and Ballyclare, which works to help the lives of street children in Ethiopia.  

We are delighted to have been able to help Hope 365 in some way at this time of year and are very proud to announce that through our Christmas Raffle we have raised over £4200! Our money will furnish “Hope Homes” in Ethiopia with beds for these children.

Our team at Randox Teoranta in Donegal also held their own Christmas Raffle and Coffee Morning this week, with all proceeds going towards the local hospital in Dungloe.

We are very proud of our Teoranta team, who this year have raised a mammoth €740 for this hospital, through the Christmas Raffle and Coffee Morning, and additionally a Charity Lunch during the summer.

At the Teoranta Raffle, there were also a number of lucky prize winners – see the list below for the recipients!

Lorraine Boyle won a lovely voucher from Stepping Stone.

Paul Dunne and Imelda Bonner each won a festive bottle of whiskey.

Breid Gallagher, Brendan Bonner and Tony Sharkey took home a tasty box of sweets each.

Daniel Melly, Brendan Bonner, Dermot Sweeney and Kevin Boyle each won a bottle of wine.

John Boyle, Tony Sharkey, Eoin Boyle Pete McKee and Michael Boyle each took home a small gift from the raffle.

Lauren Kearns and Mark Reynolds were the lucky recipients of a box of Christmas biscuits each.

And lucky Conal O’Donnell won the coveted extra day of annual leave!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas Raffles and Santa Visit this year and we hope you enjoy seeing a selection of our photos from the events. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable and relaxing break with your friends family at this time of year. Season’s Greetings!

For more information on our Christmas Raffles and Santa Visit at Randox please contact randoxpr@randox.com

We Are Randox | Christmas Traditions at Randox

Christmas time at Randox is always something to look forward to. Each year the different sites are brightly decorated, the Christmas tree goes up and everyone is full of Christmas cheer.

And with Christmas 2016 around the corner we thought that we would share with you some festive traditions that take place here at Randox.

It starts with some fairy lights and tiny Santas, and suddenly you realise you’re in a Winter Wonderland at Randox at Christmas time. Teresa is almost hidden at Ardmore reception by a miniature fir tree, decked with balls and stars! Wherever you are in the company, you will find festive cheer – this is a time of year when Randox goes to town, not only for its staff and their children but also charities and people in need.

It began in 1982, the same year the company was founded. Mrs FitzGerald invited all the staff to bring their children to work on the final Friday before Christmas, where they were greeted by Santa and given a present. As the company has grown so too has Santa’s list and this year his very busy helper Steven Moore has searched high and low for the perfect gift for 108 girls and boys! Each year the room is always jam-packed and the air filled with joy and small squeaks of excitement, and 2016 is of course no different.

Over the years new traditions have been added and everyone looks forward to the now legendary Randox Christmas raffle where there are always some fabulous prizes to be won. This year our raffle takes place on Friday 23rd December, and prizes include a 55” TV, an iPad and an extra day’s holiday which is always a popular prize! All money raised by the raffle is going towards the very worthy cause of Hope 365, an Antrim based charity that works to help street children in Ethiopia.

Then it’s time for ‘Secret Santa’ organised within each department.  From a hat names are drawn, and you have to buy a present for whoever you pick! This has been a great tradition carried on by Randox staff for many years. It’s always fun to see what people get and trying to guess who was behind it!

As well as many individual team Christmas dinners over the month of December, the annual company-wide Christmas lunch is something many people look forward to. This year we’ll have almost 100 people joining us at the luxurious Merchant Hotel in Belfast on Thursday 22nd December.

Not only do our teams get involved in the Christmas festivities but they also organise a number of events to raise money for charities. This year we took part in Christmas Jumper Day on the 16th December for ‘Save the Children’ and raised a staggering £640.52!

We are also organising a collection for ‘Help the Homeless’, donating hats, scarfs, gloves to help keep everyone warm during the winter months. Our Randox Teoranta team in Donegal also donated 54 Christmas shoeboxes for the annual Team Hope Ireland Appeal.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading about some our traditions here at Randox and we wish you an enjoyable and relaxing time with your family at this time of year. Season’s Greetings!

For more information on our Christmas traditions at Randox please contact randoxpr@randox.com

Talented Teoranta: David McIntyre’s journey from the 2015 Open Morning to joining Team Randox

It’s not every day you get to have a cup of tea and a chat with someone who’s been involved in revolutionising the face of global health – that’s why we think our Open Mornings are so important.

Our next one is on Friday 23rd December at Randox Teoranta in Dungloe, Donegal – if you’re a scientist, engineer, software developer or software tester we’d love you to join us.

During our 2015 Open Morning, final year Engineering student David McIntyre came along to find out more, and was so inspired he left his CV. Now he’s part of our team. Read more to find out why.


Hi David, how did you start your career with Randox Teoranta?

I first came here on the Christmas Eve Open Morning 2015.  I was home for the holidays, and as I was in my final year I was obviously thinking about where I would go after graduation. I already knew a few people who worked here and I’d heard it was doing some impressive things, but I wanted to see for myself what a €25m R&D facility looked like.

What was your first impression of the facilities here?

My first impression didn’t disappoint. It is a top class facility and is packed with the latest technology. You don’t see many companies as high end as this in Donegal- it’s really one of a kind. When I arrived I met Christina the Engineering Manager who gave me a tour of each of the departments. I was really pleased that I got to view the Randox Biochip as I’d heard a lot about it in the news, and I also get to walk about the manufacturing and engineering departments. I got to talk to some of the engineers and ask them questions, and see some of their design work which I was extremely impressed with. It gave me a good feel for the facility, because I could visualise myself here –where I’d be, and who I’d be working with. Everyone was very friendly which put me at ease straight away so I decided to submit my CV at the end of the tour.

How did you find the recruitment process?

As part of the recruitment process I was invited back for six weeks to undergo an assessment period which was a brilliant experience. It actually happened before University started back so it suited me perfectly.

At the end of the six weeks I was offered a full time positon which I was thrilled about. I was delighted that I was able to get a job in my own county and not have to commute long distances to work each day. Currently I live in to Kincasslagh, Belcruit, Co Donegal which is only 15 minutes from Dungloe.

What was the most challenging thing you faced during your first few months?

The most challenging thing that I faced in the beginning was getting used to how everything works. This was my first job related to my degree so I didn’t really know what to expect. It took a while to get used to procedures and dealing with documentation – with a global company there is a lot you have to get right!

I’m well settled in now and really enjoying my role here in Randox, especially working with our 3D printer. To be given the opportunity to work with a 3D printer is great, that’s really been the highlight of my year so far as it’s such a unique piece of equipment. I have had the opportunity to create gears and even bearings which has been really interesting. It’s such an impressive machine. We can design a part and print it the very same day. If you were going to do this via conventional methods you would need to create the drawings and send the drawings to a fabricator and then you would be waiting a week or so to get it back.

What advice do you have for anyone who is interested in engineering?

My advice to anyone who is interested in engineering or science is to definitely come along to the Open Morning 2016 and see what Randox Teoranta has to offer. It’s a fantastic facility in Donegal, in a beautiful location and you will get a good insight as to what goes on in a design and manufacturing facility.

This is something that you don’t really get the opportunity to do in college and it’s a chance to get some behind the scenes knowledge of what it’s really like to work as an engineer. Everyone who works here is very friendly so you can ask as many questions as you like. It worked out great for me – it could do for you too!

For more information about our Randox Teoranta Open Morning on Friday 23rd December please contact randoxpr@randox.com

Make sure to share on your social media platforms using the hashtag #TalentedTeoranta!

Senior R&D Scientist at Randox Teoranta in Dungloe, Dr Sarah Gildea, on her PhD in Equine Influenza Virus and what she loves the most about being home

Since the opening of Randox Teoranta back in 2010, our team of scientists, engineers and software developers has grown significantly.

Career opportunities at our state-of-the-art research, development and manufacturing centre is utilising the talented skill set of Donegal people and newcomers alike, while actively attracing the Donegal Diaspora back to the area.

Donegal graduates who are working away from home have the opportunity to return, or for those from further afield, they have the opportunity to experience the distinct Donegal lifestyle for the first time.

Senior R&D Scientist at Randox Teoranta in Dungloe, Dr Sarah Gildea, returned to her native Donegal to work in Randox Teoranta, after having worked in the Irish Equine Centre in Kildare.  She chatted to us about her PhD in Equine Influenza Virus and what she loves the most about being home.

Hi Sarah, can you tell us a little bit about your background and where you started your career? 

I’m originally from Ardara which is in the south west of Donegal and about half an hour away from Dungloe where Randox Teoranta is based. Once I graduated from the University of Limerick with a Bsc in Equine Science, I got a job in the Virology Unit of The Irish Equine Centre, which is in Kildare. I stayed there for 13 years and during that time I got the opportunity to complete my PhD in Equine Influenza Virus.

Why did you choose Randox Teoranta?

After travelling to Kildare each week I finally got the opportunity to return home to work last June when I was lucky enough to join the Randox Teoranta team here in Dungloe. Travelling to Kildare was beginning to take its toll on me – I wasn’t home until late Friday evening and then I was away again on Sunday so it was always a short trip home. Don’t get me wrong now, it’s great to travel and see different parts of the world that you wouldn’t get the opportunity to see otherwise, but being a bit of a home bird I had wanted to come home for a while. I never thought that I would get the opportunity to work at home in the field of science, especially veterinary science. So as you can imagine I was delighted when I heard that Randox was opening a new R&D site in Dungloe and was expanding their expertise to include a veterinary division. I thought it was such a rare opportunity to be given the chance to work in my area of expertise so close to where I grew up.

What’s the difference in terms of the facilities between Randox Teoranta and the Irish Equine Centre?

Coming from the Irish Equine Centre where I was involved in diagnosing diseases for race horse trainers and veteran surgeons from all around Ireland to Randox Teoranta where I am developing tests to supply the likes of Irish Equine Centre and like-minded companies had its advantages. I already had a broad knowledge of vet diagnostics and diseases but now instead of diagnosing diseases I am creating the innovative diagnostic tests that the Irish Equine Centre would use. It meant that I already had a good knowledge on the flaws of some of the current tests and my experience gave me a good insight for what’s important when developing new innovative diagnostic tests.

How important is it that companies like Randox invest in places like Dungloe?

By investing in science and engineering at Randox Teoranta I have not only been able to bring back my knowledge and experience to my home county, but also teach and educate those in the community who are interested in pursuing a career in science but don’t necessarily want to travel far from home.  Randox Teoranta not only allows me to give back to the community but also make huge savings on  travel expenses as I no longer have to commute long distances to work each day. But really the most important thing for me is being close to all my family and friends.

For more information about our Randox Teoranta Open Morning on Friday 23rd December please contact randoxpr@randox.com

Make sure to share on your social media platforms using the hashtag #TalentedTeoranta!

We Are Randox | Randox Scientist Marta Crudden inspires the next generation of scientists at St. Bride’s Primary School

As a world-leader in diagnostics, dedicated to improving the health of populations across the globe, we know the importance of inspiring and nurturing the next generation of scientists who will carry on our hard work and strive to realise our vision.

Our scientists at Randox are all equally passionate, knowledgeable and experienced, and as such often make visits to schools, universities and colleges to spend time with students interested in asking our team about what it’s like to work in a global healthcare company.

This month, Marta Crudden, an R&D Scientist in our Serum Production Team, paid a visit to St. Bride’s Primary School in Belfast, to spend the day with the pupils there and showcase what a career in science has to offer.

Marta commented;

“When I was offered the opportunity to speak at St. Bride’s Primary School I jumped at the chance, because I am passionate about encouraging school children to pursue a career in STEM.  I have a Biomedical Degree from Queen’s University and also spent 5 years there conducting cancer research, so science has played a big part in my life.

“I was delighted to be able to share my experiences with the children, who were very interested in what I had to say.  It was very enjoyable listening to and answering their imaginative questions, and I particularly enjoyed the presentation I gave to the pupils on DNA, because they were all incredibly curious and eager to learn more.

“They were fascinated to hear that all cells, not just humans, have DNA, and therefore were throughly attentive when we moved on to our interactive session on DNA.  During this session I showed them how to extract DNA from strawberries and what it really looks like in a real organism.

“This prompted a lot of interesting questions about cloning animals, including dinosaurs!  There is nothing quite like the imagination and curiosity of children!

“A few days after my day at St Bride’s I received a number of messages from some of the parents saying thank you for my talk, and for inspiring their kids to become interested in science.

“I like to think that some of those children will go on to choose STEM subjects when they go to highschool, and could even end up working here at Randox!  I’m delighted to have been able to share the work we do with the next generation of scientists.”

For more information on how Randox promotes STEM careers within schools and universities please contact randoxpr@randox.com

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