Randox Biosciences Launch New Website

Randox Biosciences is delighted to officially announce the launch of our new website which offers a sleek, simple yet informative platform to further your knowledge of our product range and how we can assist you.
After six months of hard work and dedication the website has a fresh look. The interactive aspect of the website provides an easy way for our visitors to learn about Randox Biosciences products and services.
The improved interactive navigation ensures the user enjoys a seamless transition through Randox Biosciences extensive range of products and services with a better experience for both mobile and desktop versions. Potential customers will be able to identify with ease which client segment they fit into – whether it be Academic Research, Biopharma or Clinical Laboratory, enjoying a fully responsive experience.
During the redesign of the Randox Biosciences website we ensured that the brand identity remained consistent throughout, incorporating the brand colours across the site. We in cooperated GIFS (Graphics Interchange Format or moving images) on the top of the homepage as the main header of the website to automatically attract visitors with a moving graphic.
The GIF represents the Biochip Array Technology and the two different diagnostics testing we offer at Randox Biosciences. The GIFs images were continued throughout the website to highlight the three industries we cater for. Brochure downloads are also available on the new website for customers to enhance their knowledge with more in-depth information of Randox’s products and services.
The incorporation of an overview video on the homepage enables website users to gain a snapshot view of Randox Biosciences products and services. The idea of presenting the video first is to allow the visitor to understand our company from a visual method rather than processing a lot of written information.
73% of consumers worldwide would prefer seeing a video than text because they are more “entertaining”.1 The video itself, captures exactly what Randox Biosciences is and what we do. A short yet effective video clearly illustrates the science behind of Randox Biosciences and how this reaches the patient through drug discovery and development.
Julie-Ann O’Hare, Director of Randox Biosciences, commented:
“I am thrilled with the final product of the website, which I hope our current and potential customers will utilise it with ease. The website is another aspect of aligning our marketing strategy and branding to ensure our messaging is clear, concise and consistent across the board. We look forward to the continuation of promoting Randox Biosciences in the digital landscape throughout 2019.”
An e-commerce section of the website is under construction for the sale of our BioReagent products, which they are very excited to launch upon completion in Q3.
Check out our new and improved website for yourself. It is available at: https://www.randoxbiosciences.com/. Also, to find out more email us at info@randoxbiosciences.com
- http://rocketium.com/academy/6-reasons-why-customers-prefer-video-ads-to-the-text-ones