Innovations in Gestational Diabetes testing

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Innovations in Gestational Diabetes testing

More and more women in the United States are waiting until they’re older to start having children.

The number of births to women aged 45–49 rose 14% in 2013 from 2012, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Vital Statistics Report.  With this comes the responsibility by clinicians and laboratories to better assess those at risk of gestational diabetes and to aid better control of the condition for those who already have it.  Quick and precise detection of risk of gestational diabetes and associated complications by clinical labs will provide women with the autonomy to take control of their maternal health.

Innovations in maternal health testing have meant that analysis such as adiponectin and enzymatic fructosamine are now available in automated biochemistry formats and with more accurate methodologies; allowing laboratories to assess gestational diabetes risk, and evaluate control of the condition with ease, speed and accuracy.  Testing of such analytes have historically been non-routine and not easily accessible for clinical laboratories, and now with little adjustment within the laboratory, these can be added to the test menu allowing for detailed patient testing profiles.

Current innovations in the area of gestational diabetes testing will ultimately secure the health, both during and post-pregnancy, of mother and baby.

Randox Laboratories are a global manufacturer of automated adiponectin and fructosamine biochemistry assays.  For further information, download our brochure or contact

INFOGRAPHIC: What is Diabetes?

A shocking 7 million people worldwide are diagnosed with diabetes each year! As such, it is one of the biggest challenges to healthcare today. Help raise awareness of diabetes by sharing our infographic:

Gestational Diabetes: The Third Kind

Year upon year, WHO (World Health Organisation) have set a date to raise awareness of various health issues from Food Safety, to Hypertension to Vector-Borne diseases. This year, WHO are setting their goals in raising awareness on Diabetes; those with family and friends affected and those diagnosed. The RX series take a closer look at a type of Diabetes we don’t often talk about to raise awareness for the #BeatDiabetes campaign by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Diabetes is a life-long condition, featuring in the top 10 causes of death globally, responsible for approximately 1,497,371 deaths worldwide and 6,088 in the UK alone yearly. As a major non-communicable disease, diabetes claims on average around 8% of total health budgets in developed countries.

As many know, diabetes can come in 2 common forms: Types I Diabetes; where the pancreas does not produce insulin and Type II Diabetes; where the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin/the body’s cells do not react to insulin. Not very often, however, do we hear the term Gestational Diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women, usually in their third trimester. The good news is, the condition usually disappears soon after the baby is born, but what are the risks, how serious is it really and what are the chances you may find yourself dealing with the condition?

Pregnancy puts extra demands on the body, as it demands higher level of nutrition, and energy. Gestational Diabetes (GDM) occurs when the body can’t produce enough extra insulin to meet these demands.

The condition is surprisingly common, with 15% of all pregnancies resulting in the mother suffering from GDM. Whilst it only occurs in pregnancy; it is estimated that over 50% of women who have had gestational diabetes will go on to develop type II diabetes within 5-10 years of delivery which is a startling statistic.

A study carried out at JSS Medical College aimed to investigate the biochemical parameters that could be used to diagnose GDM. Levels of serum creatinine, uric acid and the albumin were studied in GDM patients and unaffected pregnant women to consider any correlation between these biochemical markers and certain clinical parameters. The RX daytona, a clinical chemistry analyser from Randox’s RX series range was used to analyse the samples. The conclusion was that biochemical parameters such as serum creatinine, uric acid and albumin, can help in predicting the early onset and progression of GDM.

The study also stated that early diagnosis was paramount as it could help in the proper treatment of gestational diabetes and its associated complications for mother and baby, thus helping to improve the quality of life of the GDM patients and their offspring.

There are measures women can take before and during pregnancy to prevent the likelihood of Gestational Diabetes occurring. One study shows that increasing fibre intake to 10g per day reduces the risk by 26%. Also, women who exercise before pregnancy have a lower risk of gestational diabetes, the more intense the exercise, the lower the risk. However, this doesn’t have to mean extremely strenuous exercise, anything as simple as walking at a brisk pace, rather than at a leisurely pace will reduce your risks.

This year on World Health Day, we urge you to share your stories and give support for those affected by diabetes and use the hashtag #BeatDiabetes to get involved with the conversation.

Randox offers high quality tests for the diagnosis of diabetes and the monitoring of its complications.

To find out more about the RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers and how we tackle Diabetes with accurate and early diagnosis, take a look at our brochures below.

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Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Gestational RX series Clinical Chemistry Analysers Diagnostics Randox

Why do labs favour automated assays over ELISAs?


The use of ELISAs for clinical testing within a laboratory is notably time and personnel consuming, with heavy resources used on manual interaction.  Moving from ELISA technique to an automated biochemistry method for detection of the same analyte increases time and personnel efficiency considerably – time and management efficiencies equal cost effectiveness. The significance of ensuring quality in testing practices, and as such confidence in clinical results, is also a key consideration for running automated biochemistry tests over manual ELISA testing techniques. The risk of error, contamination and therefore compromising clinical results (which is higher when running ELISA methods) will be greatly reduced through the alternative biochemistry automation.


By transitioning analytes historically only available on ELISA to automated biochemistry methods, laboratories are able to expand their test offerings to patients and clinicians.  As an example within key cardiovascular testing, analysis such as H-FABP, 11dhTxB₂, adiponectin and sPLA₂ being available in an automated biochemistry format allows laboratories to expand their testing and test menu with ease. Automated biochemistry analytes increase testing range, with little adjustment within the laboratory, allowing for detailed patient testing profiles, without the manual restrictions placed by running ELISA techniques.

Randox Laboratories are a global manufacturer of a range of automated biochemistry assays, available on hundreds of manufacturers’ analysers. For further information, download our brochure or contact

How reliable is BMI?

BMI is commonly used to assess how healthy we are, but how reliable is BMI as a measure of health?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is frequently used to measure health. This involves comparing your weight in relation to your height to give you an indication of your weight status.  It will categorise you as being either underweight, overweight, obese or healthy. Although widely used, BMI is often argued to be inaccurate as it doesn’t take into account muscle mass, age, sex, ethnicity and fitness levels. Even with a ‘healthy’ BMI, you could still be at risk of developing illnesses such as heart diseases, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

A more accurate indicator of health is the waist-to-hip ratio, found by dividing waist width by hip width. A wider waist circumference gives you an indication of total body fat as well as the level of visceral fat. Visceral fat is essentially body fat stored within the abdominal cavity; the internal fat that surrounds the organs.

There is a growing body of research which suggests that visceral fat or so-called ‘belly fat’ is the most dangerous type of fat, with it being linked to chronic diseases such as cancers, heart diseases and diabetes-related illnesses. Furthermore, visceral fat levels have even been suggested to predict type 2 diabetes, although this is a warning sign more commonly displayed in women rather than men.

Factors which contribute to increased visceral fat levels include lifestyle habits such as stress and exercise habits; dietary contributors and demographics such as age, ethnicity and even gender.

Presence of a blood analyte (or component) called adiponectin is closely linked with visceral fat levels.  An ever-increasing number of clinical studies highlight that lower levels of adiponectin indicate higher levels of visceral fat. Adiponectin levels can be tested to give you an accurate measurement of the level of visceral fat you are carrying.

In short, monitoring visceral fat levels is a much more accurate measure of risk of a number of diseases including cancers, CVD and diabetes than BMI; which does not take into account muscle mass, age, sex, ethnicity and fitness level.  A true measure of visceral fat levels can be measured using the adiponectin test, which can be requested from your doctor today!

For health professionals

Adiponectin is an adipokine exclusively secreted by adipocytes which has an important role in a number of metabolic processes such as fatty acid oxidation and glucose regulation.

Randox Adiponectin assay is an automated biochemistry assay for the measurement of adiponectin in serum or plasma, and is available for use on most biochemistry analysers.   For more information, please contact us:

Go Green: World Water Day 2016

Year after year, the UN Water celebrate World Water Day as a way to raise awareness of various prevalent issues linked to Water globally. This year’s theme is “The Link Between Water and Jobs”, focusing on workers whose jobs, as well as their lives, depend on a sustainable access to safe water and how cleaner water can create jobs and a greener environment.

It is estimated, almost 50% of the population’s workers rely on clean water. However, only 1 in 10 actually have access to clean water. This is a dangerous statistic for many individuals, such as the farmer, the fishermen, the factory workers and many more of those included in the 340,000 individuals who die every year from poor, unclean water.

According to UN Water, “Water is the essential building block of life. But it is more than just essential to quench thirst or protect health; water is vital for creating jobs andsupporting economic, social, and human development.”

Here, at Randox’s The RX series, we understand that every dropmatters, and we value our planet. As a socially and economically responsible company, we ensure that our analysers are engineered for unrivalled efficiency, using as little as 5 litres per hour, and display consistently low sample, reaction and dead volumes across our full range of analysers.

Let’s use this as a day to learn:
Visit the UN Water Day 2016 website

Pictured: RX monaco

RX series Randox World Water Day

How does Randox contribute to science?

Last week marked British Science Week 2016, an annual campaign that aims to inspire innovation and celebrate science. To mark the occasion, thousands of events took place across the UK. Randox Laboratories got involved, celebrating the innovation of Randox scientists, and the complementary work of our teams, through a series of tweets and articles. Read on to find out more about our teams, and how we contribute to science!

What are the different divisions within Randox?

The Randox team encompasses our clinical chemistry teams Randox Reagents, Randox QC and the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers; our niche divisions including Randox Food Diagnostics, Randox Toxicology and Randox Biosciences; and, our service divisions including Randox Testing Services and Randox Health. The contribution each team has made to science is simply marvellous.

How do we contribute to science?

We contribute to the innovation of diagnostic technologies

At the forefront of the Randox success is our investment in R&D. Beginning our journey in 1982 with a small selection of reagents, our test menu now comprises of over 116 biomarkers. Today our reagents and QC products are used to ensure the accuracy of patient diagnosis across the world; even American astronauts use Randox reagents to test their antioxidant levels before going into space!

On par with this is our RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers. Launched in 2003, the RX daytona was the first in the range of flexible analysers; still in circulation, the RX daytona is currently used by GB athletes to ensure their health and wellbeing in the run up to Olympics 2016.

We are paving the way for personalised, preventative healthcare

From the creation of our revolutionary Biochip Array Technology (BAT) and launch of our first Biochip analyser in 2002, our thirst for innovation and creativity has continued to grow. Dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics; the Randox Biosciences team pave the way to the future of healthcare with tailored solutions for clinical and research use.

From personalised healthcare to preventative healthcare, our succession to improving healthcare continues to expand; with our own Randox Health clinics we utilise our own innovative materials and technologies to provide private health care across the UK, soon to be the world with our acquisition of 10 new international clinics!

We are pioneers in the industry of drug and alcohol testing

As the first company to bring to market synthetic cannabinoids, Kratom and Bath Salts, Randox Toxicologists pioneer to strengthen 21st century drug testing. Sharing in this vision, the Randox Testing Services team recently helped the UK Home Office to shape the drug driving law that was passed in 2015; they created the tests needed to enforce the law. These tests can detect even the smallest amounts of illegal drugs in the body, and since then, drug drive arrests have soared by 800%.

And our innovation does not stop there!

Randox entered the realm of food and wine screening with the Randox Food Diagnostics team, a team of specialists who aim to improve the standards of global food safety with the development of superior screening solutions. Exported all over the world, our products, including dedicated kits for wine analysis, are utilised on such a large scale that our Randox Food Diagnostic scientists analyse enough wine to fill 40 Olympic swimming pools every year!

Maintaining the Randox goal to improve health worldwide is what motivates our R&D scientists, who work hard to help this be achieved!

What do Randox do to inspire others to enter a career in science?

Inspirational in itself is the success of Randox; founded in 1982 in Northern Ireland, it is now a global success with presence in over 145 countries. The company’s success is largely due to the determination of founder Dr Peter Fitzgerald. In fact, in 2010 Dr Peter Fitzgerald was appointed as CBE for services to business in Northern Ireland.

In addition to the company’s awe inspiring success, the Randox Careers team aspire to inspire, and attend careers fairs and presentations, along with Randox scientists and engineers, to share their experiences of working in the industry; most recently our ‘Women in STEM’ initiative has focused on encouraging women to enter careers in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

To celebrate British Science Week 2016, we shared the story of two Randox scientists; read Michael Mullan’s interview ‘A day in the life of a Molecular Biologist’ or listen to Clinical Analyst Emmet Donnelly in our ‘Interview with a Randox R&D scientist.

So what does the future hold for Randox?

As the future of science continues to prosper, so does the future of Randox! With the new Randox Science Park in the works, exciting developments in the areas of manufacturing, R&D, and healthcare awaits; accelerated development of products will be facilitated with further investment in R&D, and next generation medical diagnostics manufacturing. In addition a Transformative Healthcare Centre from the Randox Health division will also be included.  Randox Science Park will advance our efforts of improving health worldwide!

RX analysers are taking part in Olympics 2016

Did you know, the RX daytona is currently used in the English Institute of Sport? 

The RX daytona, the first analyser of the RX series, is used at the English Institute of Sport to test elite athletes for GB athletics in the lead up to the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Randox reagents are also utilised to ensure the health and wellbeing of these elite athletes, with various chosen reagents including Albumin, IgA and TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity).

Why was the RX daytona the chosen analyser?

The RX daytona is a compact analyser with cost-effective benefits, and is complimented with a world-leading test menu. Providing performance like no other, our Great British athletes can be assured of accurate and reliable results! The RX series ensures confidence in testing, and flexibility of choice with a series of clinical chemistry analysers available.

The RX series, as part of the Randox team, aim to perform as highly as our award-winning athletes expect!

Understanding the competitive environments of our GB athletes, and supporting their dreams to succeed, we ensure confidence in results with precision and accuracy like no other. This is why the RX series analysers are one step ahead of the rest.

Find out more about our versatile range of clinical chemistry analysers here. Alternatively, email to speak to a member of the RX series team.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Randox Reagents Team Celebrate British Science Week!

This British Science Week 2016, the Reagents Team at Randox are celebrating the hard work our Research and Development Team put in every day, to help bring the best quality diagnostic reagents to the market. 

We caught up with Emmet Donnelly, Clinical Chemistry R&D Scientist, to explain a bit about what his work involves, and how it’s impacting on global healthcare!

What is your position and what does it involve?

I am a Clinical Analyst on the Clinical Chemistry R&D Team. This role involves the development of new reagents and the improvement of existing reagents. It also involves the transfer and testing of existing chemistries onto new analyser platforms. Troubleshooting and resolving customer queries also forms part of a clinical analyst’s role.

For those of us who aren’t in the industry, can you explain what reagents and assays are?

A reagent is a chemical used to detect the quantity of another component or analyte in a sample (blood or urine), for example a cholesterol reagent contains the necessary chemical make-up to detect the amount of cholesterol in a patient sample.

An assay is the procedure involved in determining the amount of analyte in a sample using a reagent. For example a cholesterol assay involves enzymes within the reagent breaking the cholesterol down into its chemical constituents. These constituents react with other components in the reagent to form a coloured indicator. If this assay is being used on a clinical chemistry analyser, light is passed through the coloured mixture and the amount of light absorbed is proportional to the concentration of analyte in the sample.

How does you work impact on global healthcare?

The diagnostic assays are a vital component in the diagnosis of disease. In order to find out, for example, why a patient is feeling poorly they must first have a blood test to measure all their blood analytes. This will help diagnose the underlying problem and aid in choosing and monitoring the correct treatment for that patient. For example a patient suffering from diabetes must constantly have their glucose levels monitored so that correct doses of insulin can be administered.

What is your favourite Randox product and why?

I like some of the old products like glucose, ALP and cholesterol because they are the tried and tested reagents that are essential for monitoring the health of our vital organs. These always comprise part of the panel of testing to be done when our GP takes a blood sample from us.

I also like the newer reagent products such as the DOA (Drugs of Abuse) reagents. They offer a means of detecting illegal substances in urine samples offering aid to law enforcement.

Emmet’s interview is available to view on YouTube.
If you would like further information on our diagnostic reagents, contact

Randox diagnostic tests are out of this world!

The scientists here at Randox work hard on research and development, to ensure that we are producing the highest quality range of clinical diagnostic tests on the market.  Excitingly, as a result American astronauts have recently enlisted our help to test their antioxidant levels before they go to space!

Why do astronauts need their antioxidant levels tested?

It is very important for astronauts to monitor their health and take plenty of antioxidant supplements in order to prevent bodily damage and to survive long periods of time in space!  The main concern is to monitor and control the levels of free radicals in the body as well as to prevent damage from radiation which can cause bone and muscle loss and diminished immunity.

What can antioxidants prevent the astronauts against?

Bone loss – Bone loss can happen during long periods of microgravity (weightlessness), where astronauts can suffer from calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K deficiency.  Vitamin supplementation paired with exercise can protect against this.

Vision-related hazards – Astronauts can suffer from degraded vision, caused by a shortage of vitamin B, especially vitamin B9 (folic acid).

Magnesium deficiencies – There can be a lack of magnesium due to a loss of fluid volume in the blood circulation which can cause damage to DNA stabilisation. This lowers the ability of mitochondria to produce cellular energy (mitochondria is part of the cell related to respiration and energy production).

Memory loss – Lipoic acid can reduce the risk of astronauts developing memory problems which can occur through being exposed to radiation.

Radiation – A reduction in the capacity of astronaut antioxidant defence systems and damage to DNA can occur due to exposure to space radiation. Vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium, glutathione and sulphur compounds are all nutrients which should be supplemented to their diet to counter these effects.

The Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) test from Randox can help give astronauts an overall picture of their antioxidant health, which helps them manage their wellbeing in space.  To find out more about Randox antioxidant testing, download our Antioxidant Products brochure, or contact

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