DIKI: Drug Induced Kidney Injury Array from Randox Biosciences

Randox Biosciences introduces the innovative Randox Drug Induced Kidney Injury Array (DIKI). The new panels allow superior monitoring of nephrotoxicity for enhanced safety in drug development. It has been developed to identify four early stage markers of DIKI by screening for the biomarkers KIM-I, NGAL, Cystatin C, and Clusterin which have been identified as more sensitive than transitional testing methods to enhance accurate diagnosis of DIKI.
Our Biochip Array Technology enables multiplex immunoassay testing. The DIKI panel of 4 markers is combined on a single biochip, enabling simultaneous results from each patient sample, delivering:
- Excellent inter-assay precision and required sensitivity
- Superior specificity
- Lower sample volume
- Fast turnaround time
- Safer drug development
With the number of hospitalised patients who develop a drug-induced renal problem due to the numbers of potent drugs have been added to the therapeutic arsenal in recent year1 – the DIKI can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health and wellbeing. Blakely stated that “drug-induced nephrotoxic contributes to 8 to 60% of all cases of AKI seen on the intensive care unit (ICU)”.2 Randox offers a 4-plex Drug Induced Kidney Injury test which detects early stage toxicity across the nephron, assisted through composite measurement. Earlier and more reliable detection of drug-induced kidney injury would improve clinical care and help to streamline drug-development. (Dieterle et al., 2010)3.
The poor sensitivity of serum creatinine for detecting and monitoring DIKI is well documented in academic journals. As a result, for early phase trials European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are encouraging the use of more novel urinary biomarkers alongside conventional safety monitoring. The new panel will be able to identify the levels of toxicity present in the kidneys which is classified as one of the most common side effects of drug development trials.
The new Randox Drug Induced Kidney Injury (DIKI) panel can help you conduct clinical trials safer and faster. For more information contact info@randoxbiosciences.com.