Randox Reagents: Solving the Problem of Heart Attack Misdiagnosis

Randox Reagents: Solving the Problem of Heart Attack Misdiagnosis

A report has today revealed that almost a third of patients in England and Wales are being given a misdiagnosis following a heart attack, following a study of 243 NHS hospitals, conducted by researchers at Leeds University.

Timely evaluation of patients with chest pain and subsequently suspected heart attack is a major challenge for hospitals around the world, with chest pain typically representing around 5% of all visits to the Emergency Department (ED) and 25% of ED admissions. One of the biggest challenges facing emergency doctors now is how to prioritise people presenting with chest pain – to primarily deal with those suffering from a heart attack, and to be able to move those who are not, to a different ward, to alleviate the pressures of the overrun A&E departments.

Responding to the escalating misdiagnosis crisis in emergency hospitals across the globe, scientists at Randox Laboratories in the UK have developed a test which could help clinicians rule out heart attacks in patients immediately upon arrival at hospital; allowing clinicians to accurately prioritise those who have truly suffered heart attacks.

This Randox test, for Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), is a highly sensitive biomarker for use in the earlier diagnosis of patients with suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), enabling faster “rule-in” and “rule-out”. H-FABP is detectable as early as 30 minutes after chest pain onset, significantly earlier than traditionally used biomarkers such as Troponin or CK-MB , which typically require 6-12 hours to reach detectable concentrations.

Put simply, given that H-FABP is released earlier than traditional biomarkers used in diagnosing a heart attack, an earlier diagnosis is achievable.  

A succession of recent international clinical trials have demonstrated that by combining H-FABP, via this new laboratory assay, with the existing tests already used in hospitals for for Troponin I or Troponin T, the sensitivity and negative predictive value for ruling out AMIs is significantly improved.

Growing evidence indicates that even when one of the newer generation of “highly sensitive” Troponin assays is used, utilising the combination of Troponin and H-FABP is superior to Troponin alone.

The value of H-FABP is not just in positive diagnosis – but doctors are beginning to see it as a means of ‘ruling out heart attack’ when a patient presents at A&E with chest pain.


Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about our H-FABP test, and how this can go a long way in solving the heart attack misdiagnosis crisis, by emailing reagents@randox.com

We Are Randox | Randox Rugby Team Promote Healthy Work-Life Balance at Randox

As a global healthcare diagnostics company, we know a thing or two about health.  And we know that taking time out from our busy lives to relax and unwind is important to stay healthy.  Whether that’s taking your dog for a walk, meeting up with friends, getting lost in a good book, or playing your favourite sport. 

Playing a competitive sport brings a wealth of benefits – it’s the perfect way to socialise and look after your health at the same time! Not only is it good for your physical health, but can go a long way in maintaining your mental wellbeing too.

There is great value in exercise and fresh air. However, it’s an unfortunate fact of life that most 9-5ers just don’t have the opportunity to indulge in this pleasure very often.

Randox, being a company serious about health and wellbeing, like to know we’re giving our employees the best opportunities to be as healthy as they can, and live their lives as fulfilled as possible.

Amongst many sports in which Randox encourages employees to take part, we encourage our employees to regularly take the time to engage in some friendly competition of 5-a-side rugby against each other.  The County Antrim countryside, in which our Randox headquarters are located, is the perfect setting for an informal game of rugby – our rugby players can let off some steam and take in the scenery at the same time!

The team was banded together by Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, who occasionally joins in on the games himself! Dr. FitzGerald is a strong advocate of teamwork and camaraderie in the workplace.

Jonathan Acheson, Randox Health Sales Executive, who plays for our Randox Rugby Team, commented;

“At Randox we work hard but we play hard too!  Our work can often be very fast-paced and Randox is expanding phenomenally – for example we’re all working towards our 5 year sponsorship of the Randox Health Grand National, beginning in 2017, which is keeping us all very busy.  So it’s important that we take time to unwind and recharge our batteries.  We’re lucky that we’re able to take advantage of being in such a lovely area of Northern Ireland – right beside Lough Neagh – and so we can get outside after work and have a good run-about!”

Follow Randox Careers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up-to-date with the hashtag #WeAreRandox

Randox Biochip Blood Test detects Alzheimer’s Disease risk in 3 hours

Randox are delighted to announce that at this week’s American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, in Philadelphia, we have been presented with a NACB / AACC Distinguished Abstract Award for a new Randox Biochip Blood Test to identify Alzheimer’s Disease risk.

Or more specifically, an award for our “Development of a New Biochip Array for ApoE4 Classification from Plasma Samples using Immunoassay Based Methods!”

Out of 1024 posters presented at the diagnostics conference, which is the largest of its kind globally, the poster for our new ApoE4 test, presented by our R&D Scientist Dr. Emma Harte, was one of only 29 to receive this prestigious award.

Emma is one of a team of Randox scientists at our Teoranta site in Dungloe, Co. Donegal, Ireland who carried out this pioneering Alzheimer’s research.

The ApoE4 poster demonstrated the work involved in the development of our ApoE4 blood test, performed on our patented Randox Biochip Array Technology.  This blood test is an affordable method of identifying patients at risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease, and provides a faster alternative to standard testing which analyses a patient’s DNA.  Standard molecular testing can be both time-consuming and expensive.

The Randox ApoE4 Biochip Array can conduct multiple diagnostic tests on a single blood sample, which has both cost and time-saving benefits, in addition to a rapid diagnosis for the patient.

The Randox Biochip analyses the Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a gene which is recognised as one of the most significant genetic risk factors for dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.

There are three versions of the ApoE gene: E2, E3 and E4. The E4 version increases a person’s risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and it may also be associated with an earlier onset of memory loss.

Each parent passes on one ApoE gene to their child.  Around 25% of the population inherit one copy of the ApoE4 gene. Inheriting two copies of the E4 variant increases a person’s disease risk by 10 times or more.

Our research into the identification of this gene was conducted in conjunction with our colleagues at the Medical University of Vienna, and verified the accuracy of the Randox Biochip Blood Test by analysing 384 samples and comparing the results to that of a standard molecular diagnostic test.  Both tests provided the same accurate results, however the Biochip test results were available in a significantly faster 3 hours.

In combination with information on medical and family history, medication, and lifestyle, an individual’s ApoE4 status, as obtained from the Randox Biochip test, can go a long way in advising personalised medicine for the patient.

“This type of testing is important in our quest to understand and diagnose Alzheimer’s and empower patients to understand risks, consider medication, and even make early lifestyle changes,” said Emma, our R&D Scientist.

“Pairing this test with medical and family history for risk of Alzheimer’s disease has the real potential to advance personalised medicine.  This fast, accurate testing will allow doctors and patients to make more informed choices earlier to potentially slow the possible progress of Alzheimer’s.”

Dr. Emma Harte PhD, one of our Randox R&D Scientists! Emma presented our ApoE4 poster at this week’s AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, in Philadelphia.

New Randox project committed to helping bladder cancer patients

Scientists at global healthcare company Randox, recently unveiled as the sponsors for The Grand National 2017 under the banner of Randox Health, today announced the company has been awarded an Innovate UK research award, for their pioneering work in the development of a diagnostic test for the detection of bladder cancer in haematuria patients.

The urine-based test is being developed in collaboration with The Belfast Trust and Queen’s University Belfast, and has been described by the project’s Lead Scientist at Randox, Dr Mark Ruddock, as the “holy grail” of diagnostic tests to stratify patients with haemeaturia (blood in the urine), who are at high risk of bladder cancer;

“Currently, all haematuria patients are ‘red-flagged’ as candidates for an invasive procedure called a cystoscopy (a camera inserted into the bladder), which is both embarrassing and uncomfortable for the patient.    In comparison, the revolutionary Randox test is based on a simple urine sample so is non-invasive and much more comfortable for the patient.”

 Considering less than 20% of patients with visible haematuria, and less than 5% with invisible haematuria are found to have bladder cancer,   Dr Ruddock highlighted the urgent need for a test that can inform decisions for patients who present with haematuria;

“In the UK, over £33.5 million is spent each year managing patients with haematuria who are subsequently found not to have bladder cancer.  As such, haematuria is a significant healthcare burden, which is only set to increase because of our aging population.  Use of this new test will allow urology teams the opportunity to reduce the number of unnecessary cystoscopies carried out on patients identified as ‘low risk’, and stratify patients identified as ‘high risk’.  This will result in significant healthcare savings, and an improvement in the waiting times for haematuria patients who do require diagnostic services ie. those patients deemed ‘high-risk’.”

Randox was successful in winning funding for phase one of the project, which has enabled an economic study to be carried out by The National Institute for Health Research Diagnostic Evidence Co-Operative Leeds who will investigate the economic benefits of the new diagnostic test for The National Health Service, and its role in the current patient care pathway.  On successful completion of phase one, Randox will be eligible to apply for phase two funding.

Professor Peter Selby, Professor of Cancer Medicine at the University of Leeds, and Director of the NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Cooperative Leeds, said:

“Bladder cancer is a very important disease which can be life threatening but also in many patients it can generate great anxiety, frequent hospital visits and many investigations. The new approach being developed by Randox has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of lives of many people at risk of bladder cancer.”

“Diagnostic Classifier for risk stratification of haematuria patients” was selected by Innovate UK in the “Stratified Medicine: connecting the UK infrastructure” competition.

New Randox project committed to helping bladder cancer patients

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