Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic
09 July 2020
Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic
On 31 December 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, reported a cluster of 27 pneumonia cases (including seven severe cases) of unknown aetiology, with a common reported link to Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, a wholesale fish and live animal market. On 23 January 2020, Wuhan City was locked down – with all travel in and out of Wuhan prohibited –and movement inside the city was restricted.
By March, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, with more than 150 countries worldwide being affected. Many countries, including the UK; imposed stringent public health measures that included the closure of businesses & strict social distancing guidelines.
Due to the enforced lockdown, many within the UK workforce had to make alternative working arrangements, with working from home becoming the new norm. With the closure of businesses and the hospitality sector including bars and restaurants, it meant people seeking alternative means to purchase and consume alcohol.
Before the pandemic, alcohol was attributed to being a financial burden to the UK health system and wider economy. The British Medical Journal estimated that alcohol costs the NHS more than £3.5 billion and the wider economy at least £21bn each year.
The organisation Alcohol Change UK commissioned new research to look at whether people’s drinking habits changed during the COVID-19 lockdown. Over 2,000 people completed the survey, with results weighted to ensure they were representative of the UK population.
The key takeaway from the report is people are consuming alcohol differently because of the lockdown. Around one in five drinkers (21%) told us that they have been drinking more frequently since the lockdown. This suggests that around 8.6 million UK adults are drinking more frequently under lockdown.
Furthermore, while almost half of drinkers said they were drinking about the same amount on a typical drinking day, 15% said they have been drinking more per session since lockdown.
The Global Drug Survey produced a special report for COVID-19 with more than 80,000 participants. The report stated that 44% of those who participated said the frequency of alcohol use increased. Reasons for this included ‘having more time to drink and feeling bored more often.’ However, 25.5% reported having decreased their use of alcohol during COVID-19.
As restrictions begin to ease and more people return to work, it is important to highlight the impact of COVI-19 on the workforce. People’s way of life has changed dramatically, with this change comes different ways of consuming alcohol. It is important to note that the figures above are a proportionate representation based on those who took part, but valuable insights can be gained when looking at alcohol use. For employers who have staff returning to work, their safety is of paramount importance. This will include effectively managing substance misuse, should it be an issue in the workplace.
Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol’s impact on your body starts from the moment you take your first sip. While an occasional glass of wine or beer isn’t a cause for concern, the cumulative effects of drinking wine, beer, or spirits can take its toll.
Consumption of alcohol can impact various parts of the body. Effects can range from weakening of the immune and digestive system, to inflammation and sugar level issues.
Our ‘Effects Of’ Series provides educational posters that can be displayed in workplaces to highlight the dangers of alcohol. Click here for more information.
About Randox Testing Services
Randox Testing Services are a specialist in the workplace drug & alcohol testing sector. We provide a wide range of testing for companies who want to reduce the impact of substance misuse in the workplace. With a range of service options and expert staff on hand to provide help and training, our services will help to eradicate the impact of drugs and alcohol.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, RTS have continued to provide drug & alcohol testing services. At all times, we have ensured our staff are equipped to provide sensible advice and flexible solutions to drug & alcohol testing.
We have provided each Collection Officer with full PPE to ensure they meet requirements for personal and professional safety. Full social distancing guidelines are followed at all times when possible whilst conducting testing. We will continue to advise and navigate companies through this period as more businesses return and testing is required.
If you have any questions regarding drug & alcohol testing, contact us today.
Phone: +44 (0) 28 9445 1011
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RX modena and Randox Reagents used in COVID-19 hospital in India
RX modena and Randox Reagents used in COVID-19 hospital in India
Randox Laboratories has installed an RX modena into a COVID-19 hospital in India; the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College in Madhya Pradesh state.
The installation, which marks the first RX modena to be used in an Indian Government Medical College, replaces existing instrumentation in the Medical College laboratory, an initiative which was driven by College Dean Dr. Pradeep Kumar Kasar and Head of Department Dr. Ashok Kumar Sahu.
The RX modena will cater for an additional 38 samples compared to the previous instrumentation, and is running a range of biochemistry tests that play a pivotal role in COVID-19 patient management, including C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Ferritin, and Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH).
Dr. Ashok Kumar Sahu, Head of Biochemistry at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, commented;
“We are very pleased with the performance of the RX modena, and in particular with its wide menu of tests that can be utilized for COVID-19 patient management. Its high throughput and versatility have been a great support for the clinicians working in our COVID-19 hospital, in determining risk stratification, disease progression, and response to treatment.”
The RX modena is a high volume, floor standing, fully automated clinical chemistry analyser with a world leading test menu which covers specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, diabetes and veterinary testing. The versatile analyser offers advanced methodologies with excellent correlation to the gold standard, and excellent reagent CV ranges.
Shail Dholabhai, Randox India Sales Manager, commented;
“We are delighted that the team at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College have chosen the RX modena to fulfil the testing requirements of this COVID-19 hospital. Offering an unrivalled test menu of routine and specialized chemistries, the RX modena provides laboratories with the superior precision, reliability and accuracy that the Randox RX series is renowned for.
“Capable of performing a total of 1200 tests per hour including ISE, the RX modena presents a new class of efficiency which will result in faster and more accurate diagnoses, and ultimately, lead to better patient outcomes.”
Benefits of the RX modena
- Capable of performing 800 photometric and a total of 1200 tests per hour including ISE.
- World-leading extensive test menu covering routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, antioxidants, cardiac, diabetes and veterinary testing, offering cost savings through consolidation of routine and novel tests on a single platform.
- Economic platform with low water consumption of less than 20 litres per hour saving on consumable costs. The RX modena also requires less than 5 minutes minimal maintenance.
- Interactive touch-screen technology with integrated barcode readers for reagent and sample identification. Increased functionality with 13 wavelengths generated via diffraction grating (340-800nm) ensuring a multitude of chemistries are possible on one system.
- Easy-to-use advanced Microsoft 10 software with a built-in Inventory Management System calculating the number of tests remaining, providing alerts of shortages and expired reagents and calibrators. The RX modena also features automatic test re-run function and sample dilution.
- Dedicated reagent and sample pipettes to minimise the risk of errors and contamination. The RX modena also features a continuous loading hatch to allow for samples to be analysed quickly and easily during a run.
- Advanced QC capabilities with daily, monthly and batch QC with data archiving, Levey-Jennings charts and automatic QC and calibration. There are also 7 different calibration options available.
For further information about the RX modena click here.
For information about laboratory tools for COVID-19 patient management please click here.
For other enquiries please contact
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COVID-19 Testing: PCR (Diagnostic) vs Antibody
18 June 2020
COVID-19 Testing: PCR (Diagnostic) vs Antibody
The advice from the World Health Organisation in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic has been simple; Test. Test. Test.
But what are the different types of COVID-19 tests and what are they used for?
Diagnostic (PCR) Testing
This type of testing detects SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) within the body and will tell you if you currently have COVID-19. PCR tests cannot tell you if you have had past infection.
Sample collection for a PCR test can vary, though it is usually in the form of a swab, which will gather an individual’s nasopharyngeal (nose and throat) secretions.
PCR tests for COVID-19 all use methods that detect a specific part of the viral genome – for example Viral RNA or Antigen.
A sample is prepared by extracting the chosen section of the genome, and then PCR (Polyamerase Chain Reaction) techniques are used to amplify (replicate) the genome section, ready for detection.
Viral RNA Tests
This type of test detects the RNA (Ribonucleic acid) contained within the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
It is this type of test, for RNA, that is recommended by The World Health Organisation for COVID-19 diagnosis.
Antigen Tests
Antigens are molecular structures on the surface of viruses that are recognized by the immune system and are capable of triggering an immune response.
Antigen tests detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by looking for the antigen on the surface of the virus.
Randox COVID-19 Test
The Randox COVID-19 test, as recommended by the World Health Organisation, detects the RNA contained within the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
After sample extraction and amplification, the virus is detected on our patented Randox Biochip Technology platform.
The Randox Biochip, which can run multiple tests simultaneously, performs two tests for COVID-19 – one specific and one confirmatory – as recommended by the WHO. This delivers extra assurance of the correct diagnosis and avoids the need to repeat the test.
Antibody (Serology) Tests
Antibody (also known as serology) tests, are usually performed on a patient blood sample, and look for antibodies (a type of protein) that may have been developed by the patient’s immune system to fight off disease.
If present, antibodies may provide a degree of immunity for the patient against COVID-19 in the future.
However, there is still much unknown about the body’s antibody response to COVID-19, including;
- Whether all patients who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 will generate antibodies (recent studies and news reports indicate that this isn’t the case. Click here for an example.)
- Whether those who have had more severe symptoms as a result of COVID-19 will produce more antibodies than those who had mild symptoms, or were asymptomatic.
- If antibodies from other coronaviruses previously experienced by the patient may be enough to fight off the virus, therefore eliminating the need for COVID-19 specific antibodies.
- How long any COVID-19 specific antibody response will last for.
- How much future immunity is provided by COVID-19 antibodies. Will it prevent the patient from being infected, or will future infection just be less severe?
If antibodies for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are present this can give an indication that the patient has been previously infected with COVID-19. Antibody tests do not confirm the real-time presence of the virus in your system.
For example, a negative antibody result does not necessarily mean the body has not been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It could in fact, be currently infected, but has not yet generated antibodies. A diagnostic test will confirm current presence of the virus.
Therefore, it is recommended that antibody tests are used in tandem with a diagnostic test to determine a complete overview of the patient’s COVID-19 status.
Randox Health currently offers both diagnostic testing and antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
A combination of diagnostic and antibody testing is available for individual purchase, or as part of our ‘Back to Business’ COVID-19 testing service, for staff screening.
Visit Randox Health to find out more.
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Why Choose Randox Reagents?
Randox offers an extensive range of third party diagnostic reagents which are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality; producing accurate and precise results. We have the largest test menu of over 100 assays, covering over 100 disease markers including specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drug monitoring, drugs of abuse, antioxidants, coagulation, diabetes and veterinary testing.
Some of the key benefits of Randox Reagents include:
Reduced costs
Randox reagents can help create cost-savings for laboratories through excellent reagent stability; by eliminating the need for costly re-runs through the excellent quality of products. We also offer a range of kit sizes including smaller kit sizes for niche tests to reduce waste.
Reduce the risk of errors and have confidence in patient results
Our traceability of material and extremely tight manufacturing tolerances ensure uniformity across reagent batches reducing lot-to-lot variability. In addition, our assays are validated against gold-standard methods, giving you the confidence that you are sending out the correct patient results.
Reduced labour
Reduce your time spent on running tests through liquid ready-to-use reagents, automated methods (compared to the traditional laborious ELISA methods used for some tests such as cystatin C or adiponectin) as well as our easy-fit options.
Expand your routine testing
With speciality assays for 195 of the most common clinical chemistry analysers; assays which usually require dedicated equipment, or was previously only available as an ELISA, can now be run on automated biochemistry analysers, allowing your laboratory to expand its routine test menu. For example, cystatin C, adiponectin, TxBCardio™ and many more.
Bring testing in-house
With smaller kit sizes and excellent reagent stability (most are stable for 28 days on-board the analyser), you don’t have to worry about reagent wastage, allowing testing to be brought in-house rather than sent to external laboratories.
Expand your test menu without expanding your lab
There is no need to buy any extra equipment in order to expand your test menu. Our reagents can be programmed onto the majority of the most common biochemistry analysers. At present, we have hundreds of applications available.
Visit our Reagents Resource Hub and Download our reagents brochure for information on the full range of biochemistry reagents.
Randox reagents are available for a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers. For more information, please contact

Drug Use in Australia: A Randox Toxicology Report
19 March 2020
Drug Use in Australia
Drug Use in Australia: A Randox Toxicology Report
Approximately 43% of all Australians aged 14 years and over have admitted to using an illicit drug on at least one occasion throughout their life.
Additionally, nearly 16% of Australians have confessed to using an illicit drug at least once in the last year.
Cannabis is the most frequent drug used among the Australian people with an estimate of 35% lifetime use. The closest to this is MDMA which has an estimate of around 11% lifetime use.
A reason towards the high cannabis use may be due to the Australian Capital Territory legalizing the recreational possession and cultivation of marijuana in September 2019. This now allows any residents of the capital territory over the age of 18 to possess up to 50 grams of dried marijuana and grow two plants per person or four per household at a time. The supply of the drug to other people however still remains an illegal act.
It is estimated that approximately 60 per cent of those who use illicit drugs are also daily smokers and/or consume alcohol at a level that is considered to be of risk to their everyday health. Another noticeable finding among drug users in Australia is that the majority of methamphetamine, cocaine or ecstasy users are also users of other illicit drugs.
Using our revolutionary Biochip Array Technology, the Evidence MultiSTAT is a fully automated benchtop analyser that enables onsite, simultaneous testing for up to 21 classical, synthetic or prescription drugs from a single sample in under 20 minutes.
To find out more about our Biochip Array Technology and our Evidence Series range of analysers, visit or email
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RTS Blog | Wales introduce minimum alcohol pricing
12 March 2020
Wales introduce minimum alcohol pricing
RTS Blog | Wales introduce minimum alcohol pricing
From 2nd March, there was a change in the way alcohol is sold in Wales, with the introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP).
Retailers and any outlets serving alcohol must charge at least 50p a unit, meaning a typical bottle of wine costs no less than £4.69. Welsh Health Minister Vaughan Gething said it would tackle “harmful and damaging” drinking of cheap, strong alcohol.
A recent report found that alcohol sales in Scotland had dropped after a similar system was implemented in May 2018. The Public Health Minimum Price for Alcohol Wales Act 2018 forces retailers to use a formula for working out minimum pricing.
What is a unit of alcohol?
- A unit is 10ml of pure alcohol
- This is equivalent to about half a pint of lower or standard-strength beer or cider
- A single 25ml shot of sprits is about one unit
- A small 125ml glass of wine contains about 1.5 units
Source: NHS Direct Wales
What is minimum unit pricing?
Minimum unit pricing (MUP) is a method in setting a baseline price below which no one can sell an alcoholic drink. The price is based on how much alcohol is in each drink. The minimum price that’s being set in Wales is 50p per unit of alcohol. Whether the drink is beer, cider, wine, spirits or any other kind of alcoholic drink; its minimum price will depend on how much alcohol it contains. For example:
- A standard-strength pint of beer or cider contains around 2.5 units of alcohol, so it can’t be sold in Wales for less than £1.25 (2.5 x 50p)
- A bottle of wine has about 10 units of alcohol in it, so the minimum price for it is around £5 (10 x 50p)
- A bottle of whisky or vodka contains around 26 units, and so cannot be sold for less than £13 (26 x 50p)
Why has it been introduced?
Official figures show about 500 people die in Wales each year from alcohol-related causes, with 60,000 hospital admissions related to alcohol consumption, adding up to an estimated £159m cost to the Welsh NHS r.
Dr Sarah Aitken, director of public health for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, said the organisation had been supportive of the law change since it was first mooted.
“We see the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on people’s health every day,” she said.
About Randox Testing Services
Randox Testing Services are a specialist in the workplace drug & alcohol testing industry. We provide testing solutions for companies who want to reduce the impact of substance misuse in their workplace. With a range of service options and expert staff on hand to provide help and training to staff, our services will help to eradicate the impacts of drugs and alcohol.
To find out more about our range of products and how our service packages can help your company, contact us today.
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Phone – +44 (0) 28 9445 1011
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The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry
27 February 2020
The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry
The use of antibiotics in the dairy industry
In this month’s Randox Food Diagnostics blog, we look at the dairy industry and their use of antibiotics.
Antibiotics are used in the dairy industry routinely for pure preventative purposes. Due to poor conditions and hygiene, it is common that cattle will become infected which results in loss of milk yield and beef. Antibiotics are used to alleviate and prevent further suffering from potential zoonotic diseases.
Antibiotics are administered to cattle through a blanket use practice, within a herd to ensure all are treated. Once administered to the animal they must be given a ‘dry’ period when the dairy cattle are allowed to rest between lactations. This lasts roughly around 60 days in which a herd cannot be milked to ensure the antibiotics are out of the cattle’s milk. This however is at a cost to the farmer and cattle cannot be rushed back into milking too soon after administration.
To support the global dairy industry, and to help dairy processors monitor their use of antibiotics, Randox Food have developed the most comprehensive testing methods for milk.
The InfiniPlex for Milk Array is the world’s first screening technology that allows users to test for 130+ contaminants in milk in under 22 minutes. In addition to testing for antibiotics, InfiniPlex can detect anti-parasitic, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic drug residues from a single sample using patented Biochip Array Technology.
Available on both the Evidence Investigator, a semi-automated system, capable of analysing up to 48 samples in under 2 hours and the Evidence MultiSTAT, a fully automated system that delivers results from a single neat sample of milk in under 22 minutes.
If you are a centralised laboratory, internal surveillance programme, low throughput laboratory or a dairy processor we have the perfect solution for your testing needs.
For more information on the antibiotic screening arrays available, contact to find out how Randox Food can simplify your screening practices today.
Want to know more?
Contact us or visit our Randox Food Diagnostics website.
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Illicit drugs costs the USA more than $740 billion annually
18 February 2020
Illicit drugs affecting the US economy
Illicit drugs costs the USA more than $740 billion annually
The abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs is extremely costly to the USA, exacting more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and health care, according to a report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
A substantial number of 70,237 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2017. Opioids are currently the main driver of drug overdose deaths. Opioids were involved in some 47,600 overdose deaths in 2017 (67.8% of all drug overdose deaths).
In 2017, the states with the highest rates of death due to drug overdose were West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and Kentucky. States with statistically significant increases in drug overdose death rates from 2016 to 2017 included Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Randox Toxicology are first to market when it comes to testing for the latest drugs of abuse and new psychoactive substances on the market. Our revolutionary Biochip Array Technology provides state-of-the-art drug detection, utilizing simultaneous drug detection from a single sample across multiple matrices.
To find out more join us at AAFS February 17-22, Anaheim Convention Center, booth #508. Our reps Pankaj, Khushbu and Matt will be there demonstrating our Biochip technology and our Evidence MultiSTAT.
You can also email us at: or visit our website:
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Coronavirus: A Global Health Emergency of International Concern
There is still a lot unknown about the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), however, current knowledge is mostly based on the intel of existing coronaviruses including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) 1. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2019-nCoV a global health emergency of international concern. The WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated: “The main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in China but because of what is happening in other countries. Our greatest concern is the potential for this virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems, which are ill-prepared to deal with it” 2.
WHO recommend educating all and increasing knowledge of the 2019-nCoV. The aim of this article is to provide further information on the 2019-nCoV to aid in combatting the mass hysteria through education.
About the 2019-nCoV
The 2019-nCoV belongs to a large family of respiratory viruses with illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. 2019-nCoV is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans 3. Coronaviruses are common in a variety of animal species including: bats, cats, cattle and camels 1. Coronaviruses are zoonotic which means the virus can be transmitted between animals and humans. SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats and MERS-CoV was transmitted from dromedary camels 3. Zoonotic viruses are commonplace with approximately 60% of current infectious diseases and 75% of all emerging infectious diseases in humans being zoonotic according to the UNEP Frontiers 2019 Report: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern, with approximately one new infectious disease emerging in humans every four months 4.
2019-nCoV Transmission & Prevention
The exact origin of the 2019-nCoV is unknown and the analysis of the genetic trees of this virus is ongoing, however ‘it is important to note that person-to-person spread can happen on continuum’. Currently, it is unclear on how contagious the 2019-nCoV is 5. It is believed that the spread of the 2019-nCoV virus is similar to that of other respiratory pathogens (influenza). It is believed that the spread occurs via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs and lands in the mouth or noses or possibly inhaled into the lunch of people nearby (about 6 feet). It is unclear at this time if the 2019-nCoV can be caught via touching surfaces or objects that have the virus and then touching their nose, mouth and possibly eyes.
It is important to understand that the transmissibility and severity of viruses vary and there is still much to learn about the 2019-nCoV 6. Whilst there is no vaccine to prevent the transmissibility of the 2019-nCoV, daily steps can be taken to aid in the prevention of the spread, similar to that of respiratory infections in general 7:
1. Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet, before eating, after blowing your nose, sneezing and coughing.
2. If soap and/or water is not readily available, alcohol-based (minimum 60% alcohol) hand sanitisers can be used.
3. Avoid toughing mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands.
4. Avoid close contact with those who are sick.
5. Stay at home when you are sick.
6. Always cover coughs and sneezing with a tissue and discard in a bin.
7. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning wipe or spray.
It is vitally important to get tested if you believe you have the 2019-nCoV which can aid in preventing the further transmissibility of the virus.
Randox Coronavirus Arrays
Randox are developing a rapid test for the 2019-nCoV which will utilise the Randox Biochip Technology, with results available within 3 hours on the Vivalytic and with 5 hours on the Randox Evidence Investigator.
The Randox Novel Coronavirus Array detects the 2019-nCoV strain quickly and accurately, enabling effective and accurate medical protocols to be actioned.
The Randox Extended Coronavirus Array encompasses multiple strains of the coronaviruses including: 2019-nCoV, 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKUI. The wider panel provides a comprehensive coronavirus screening panel, enabling effective and accurate medical protocols to be actioned.
Want to know more?
Contact us or download our coronavirus flyer
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