Different methods of drug testing and the benefits of each

Types of Drug Testing
At Randox Testing Services (RTS) we provide a range of testing solutions to enable you to conduct employee testing. Our screening procedure is efficient and involves an experienced sample collection officer visiting your premises to collect samples and transport them back to our laboratories for analysis. Alternatively, we can also train a member of your staff to collect samples on site with the same degree of accuracy as an RTS collection officer. Our testing solutions ensure coverage of all types of employee testing and meet the needs of all businesses.
For-Cause Testing
For-cause drug and alcohol testing is conducted when there is suspected drug abuse or alcohol misuse in the workplace. Suspicion may arise because of the employee exerting signs of substance abuse, if an allegation has been made, if drugs or alcohol have been found within the workplace or following an accident at work.
The key benefits include;
- Legal compliance with correct measurements being taken if an employee is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Can deter employee misuse of drugs or alcohol due to a workplace drug and alcohol testing policy being in place.
Pre-Employment Testing
Pre-employment screening for substance abuse is an increasingly common type of workplace drug and alcohol testing. As an indicator of candidate suitability, it forms an essential part of a company’s recruitment process and helps maintain the safety of its current employee workforce and business environment.
The key benefits include,
- Pre-employment screening is one of the easiest programmes to implement.
- Screening applicants for use of drugs and alcohol ensures you employ the right people for your business.
- Effective way of preventing future issues such as absenteeism and decreased productivity.
- Pre-employment screening can help protect the integrity of a company by acting as an effective deterrent.
- A pre-employment drug test is proved helpful to boost the repute of an organisation. The drug abusers usually stay away from applying in any firm that held a drug test at the time of employment.
Random Testing
Random testing for drugs and alcohol is a popular type of employee testing. With knowledge that a test could be conducted on anyone at any time it acts as an effective deterrent of drug abuse or alcohol misuse among employees.
The key benefits include;
- Random testing is a deterrent for employees as they are aware they could be asked to undertake a test at any time.
- It is a convenient and easy way to maintain a safe working environment free from substance abuse.
- Employees are less likely to tactfully try to disguise results, or alter their habits, as they will be given little or no notice that a test is going to be conducted.
- Employees are less likely to feel singled out due to random selection.
Post-incident testing
Post-incident testing occurs after an accident or incident in the workplace to determine if drugs or alcohol may have contributed to the cause. Incidents include injury to an employee, assault of an employee by another member of staff or damage to property.
If this is required, it is recommended that all employees involved in the incident are tested.
The key benefits include;
- Safeguards the rights of the employees and employers to proving or disproving if drugs or alcohol were a factor in an incident.
- Minimises the chance of a similar incident occurring.
Abstinence Monitoring
Abstinence monitoring provides employees with the support and opportunity to remain abstinent and continue to successfully at work. This type of testing is an effective tool to track progress towards addiction recovery for both the employee and the employer. Regular drug screens also give the recovering person added motivation to protect their sobriety.
For the employer abstinence monitoring provides greater security in knowing that their employee is safe to work. This is particularly important for safety critical roles.
The key benefits include;
- Ensures that an employer is tackling and reducing the instances of substance abuse in the workplace.
- Shows support from an employer throughout an employee’s rehabilitation process.
- Increases employee morale and productivity.
- Helps prevent staff turnover by offering a second chance.
- Studies have shown that close monitoring by physicians, especially in early recovery, results in abstinence rates of over 80%.
At RTS we offer varied testing methods to be as flexible as the customer needs to fit in with their requirements.
For any further questions about implementing a workplace drug and alcohol testing policy or just general questions on workplace testing, please get in touch today!
Email – testingservices@randox.com
Phone – +44 (0) 28 9445 1011