Invest in employee health with Randox Health EveryBusiness

Invest in Prevention with Randox Health EveryBusiness
Employee Health and welling strategies are being increasingly introduced by companies. Research in Right Management’s The flux report: Building a resilient workforce in the face of flux, published in February 2014, found that 60% of HR directors recognise that employee health and wellness are key attributes to enabling businesses to achieve their strategic objectives. However, a key problem in the area of health and wellness is that it is often misunderstood. Companies view health and wellness strategies as a firefighting measure; something that is introduced when things go wrong in the company and performance slides.
This view is narrow and to a certain extent wrong. The old saying “Prevention rather than cure” is extremely fitting within these situations. Health and wellbeing should not be about reactive illness management and employers shouldn’t wait until their employees become stressed or ill then seek to cure. Instead they should look at a prevention strategy.
Proactive Health and Wellbeing
Early intervention really does matter. Businesses that spend more time promoting wellbeing and resilience see an upturn in performance, engagement and productivity. If they also use specific data gathering and measurement throughout the year, they can demonstrate the effect of the wellbeing programmes that they’ve implemented and learn what works for them. Health and wellbeing programmes can see an 80% improvement in organisational performance, which is a huge benefit to any business.
In addition, businesses that make a commitment to employee wellbeing can also expect a return in areas such as psychological contract, improved sense of wellbeing, resilience and enhanced positive regard for the employer. Everyone has potential to be healthy, efficient, productive and happy at work. People just need the right support. With an ageing population, it is important that organisations start to recognise this. Read our blog on why to invest in employee health and the benefits.
Randox Health EveryBusiness
Our EveryBusiness corporate service aims to provide a unique health and wellbeing service for your business. EveryBusiness will benefit you and your employees and improve the productivity of your business. Our EveryBusiness service is for employers trying to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees and by doing so benefit from the results of creating a unique health and wellbeing environment.
Contact a member of our team today for more information.
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