Molecular Diagnostics from Randox Biosciences

Our Randox Biosciences division is a trusted partner in supplying quality diagnostic solutions to the Clinical, Life Science, Pharmaceutical, Research and BioPharma industries.
Our molecular product range offers diagnostic, prognostic and predictive solutions across a variety of disease areas including sexually transmitted infections (STI), respiratory tract infection, colorectal cancer, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Additionally, we can provide a wide range of assay formats including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyping, pathogen detection and mutation detection. The arrays are optimised for use with the Randox Evidence Investigator semi-automated, medium throughput bench-top biochip analyser.
One test, 10 results.
Our STI multiplex array II simultaneously detects 10 bacterial, viral and protozoan infections including primary, secondary and asymptomatic co-infections for a complete infection profile. The assay is based on a combination of multiplex, PCR and biochip array hybridisation. Innovative PCR priming technology permits high discrimination between multiple targets. A unique primer set is designed for each target which will hybridise to a complimentary oligo-nucleotide probe spotted on a biochip discrete test region (DTR).
The combination of priming and spatially organised biochip array technology enables enhanced specificity of the assay. Analysis can be completed from template DNA through PCR to data readout in less than 6 hours. The array is validated for urine and swab sample matrices with up to 53 patient samples being processed simultaneously. The array is CE marked for routine clinical use.
Our STI Multiplex Array II includes tests for the following STIs;
Neisseria Gonnorrhoea (NG) Mycoplasma Genitalium (MG)
Ureaplasma Urealyticum (UU) Chlamydia Trachhomatis (CT)
Tricomonas Vaginalis (TV) Haemophilus Ducreyi (HD)
Mycoplasma Hominis (MH) Treponema Pallidum (TP)
Herpes Simplex virus I (HSV-1) Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)
Randox Biosciences also offer four additional Molecular arrays.
For more information on our Molecular arrays please contact us by sending an email to