A week dedicated to unsung heroes! – Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2017
A week dedicated to unsung heroes! – Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2017
From April 23rd to April 29th we are celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week! This is a week dedicated to raising awareness for those who work in a laboratory & the hard work that goes unnoticed every day in laboratories around the world.
Have you ever wondered what happens between submitting your patient sample and receiving your results? Have you ever wondered who conducts the detailed laboratory testing for your annual check-up such as cholesterol and glucose levels? Or who analyses these results? The answer, a Medical Laboratory Professional (MLP). MLP’s provide up to 70% of the medical laboratory results for physicians and others to make informed decisions about a patient’s diagnosis and aftercare treatment plan. The work that laboratory professionals do each and every day is integral to providing excellent patient care. They perform and interpret billions of laboratory tests every year.
Providing accurate and reliable test results is of the utmost importance for laboratory professionals and also for us at Randox. With a passion for Quality Control, and with more than 30 years’ experience developing Laboratory QC for the in vitro diagnostics market, we believe in producing high quality material designed to streamline procedures, whilst reducing costs in laboratories of all sizes and budgets. These qualities have been reflected in our Acusera true third party quality controls, Acusera 24.7 interlaboratory data management software, Acusera Verify Calibration Verification material and RIQAS, the largest international EQA scheme.
Randox Quality Control would like to take this opportunity to thank all the laboratory professionals around the world and especially our own laboratory staff – you truly are the “Unsung Heroes of Healthcare”.

Clin Lab 2017

Randox Laboratories will be attending Clin Lab from 6th – 8th April 2017. We look forward to meeting you at Pragati Maidan Exhibition Center, India at Stand No. 9C08, Hall 9.
Randox Laboratories is a global leader in healthcare diagnostics. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective.
Drop by our stand to receive a live demonstration of our latest products including Acusera 24.7, RX imola and RX daytona+. These will take place at Stand No. 9C08, Hall 9 from Thursday – Saturday.
Acusera 24.7
Reduce time spent troubleshooting and analysing QC data with unique access to instantly updated peer group statistics and automatic calculation of Measurement Uncertainty, Sigma Metrics and Total Error all on one centralised platform.
RX series
The RX Series is globally renowned for quality and reliability, teamed with one of the most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menus on the market you can benefit from real cost savings through the consolidation of routine and specialised tests on a single platform.
RX series
The RX series of clinical chemistry analysers combines robust hardware and intuitive software ensuring unrivalled precision and accuracy for results you can trust.
Committed to advancing biochemistry testing for laboratories. We offer a range of high quality reagents that cover routine and novel markers with applications for use on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers.
Quality Control
Delivering accurate results, Randox QC provides the complete laboratory package combining true third party controls, calibration verification material, interlaboratory data management software and the world’s largest international EQA scheme – RIQAS.
Acusera 24•7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Is it possible to compare multiple instruments on a single Levey-Jennings Chart?
With Acusera 24•7 users can combine multiple instruments, as well as analytes and QC lots on a single chart. This will enable comparative performance assessment and facilitate immediate visualisation of any ongoing or emerging trends. It may also be useful for troubleshooting out of control QC events.
Is it possible to compare different levels of control on a single Levey-Jennings Chart for identification of concentration related bias?
Yes data for multiple QC lots can be displayed on a single, convenient Levey-Jennings chart allowing any concentration related problems to be identified quickly.
How often is peer group data updated?
With Acusera 24•7, peer group data is uniquely updated live in real-time. The instant nature of the peer data will help reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, re-running QC samples and performing any instrument maintenance. With real-time peer group data you can compare to other laboratories around the globe using the same lot of QC material and identify if there are any issues and whether they are unique to your lab or a widespread issue.
Is there a limit to the number of users?
There is no limit to the number of concurrent users – you can have as many as you want. There are 5 different levels of user access – Admin, Group Co-Ordinator, Manager, User and Technical Support. It is worth noting that User access can be customised per user to ensure access to only the required functionality
How can the software help me to meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements?
Unique to Acusera 24.7 , our software will automatically calculate Measurement Uncertainty (UM) and provide your laboratory with a printable report that can be used to help meet ISO 15189:2012 accreditation requirements. In addition to this the software can help to prevent the release of patient results in the event of a QC failure for example when the Quality Control rules are violated.
Is it possible to use RiliBAK as my allowable limits?
QC data can indeed be rejected or alerted based on RiliBAK guidelines. Other options are also available, including, CLIA, Biological Variation, RIQAS TDPA and user defined performance limits.
Is Acusera 24.7 secure?
To authenticate users, a number of security measures are used, including; participant number, username and a password combination (for individual role-based accounts). Password complexity standards are enforced on user account setup. CAPTCHA is enforced after several failed login attempts to prevent or guard against automated attacks. HTTPS and X509 certificate authentication is in place meeting industry security standards.
I have never used interlaboratory software before, is there training provided with my purchase of 247?
There are a number of different options available in terms of training. The easiest, most convenient and accessible form of training is through the use of our walk through demo that has voice-over and text so everyone can follow. With our software comes a user guide, this is a walk through that laboratories can use to guide them through the usage of the software. Additionally, there is also the possibility of a live demo from the sales consultant in your area who will be able to run through the software with you.
Can I create unique login credentials for each user?
Yes, each user will have their own personal log-in. If a lower level user, e.g. user, technical support or manager forgets their password they can have it reset by the administrator. However, if a group co-ordinator or admin forgets their password they should contact Randox directly who will be able to reset their credentials and resend to the administrator’s email address.
I currently use non-Randox Quality Controls, does this affect the ability of the software?
Not at all, our software is so flexible that it can be used with any other manufacturers Quality Control material. However, you will only have access to the internal functions of the software and will not have access to peer group statistics. For this reason we recommend the software is used alongside our Acusera true third party Quality Control solutions.
Is Acusera 24.7 the only software option available?
Yes this is the only option available – Unlike other manufacturers there is no need for any additional software packages or options. All functionality is available in the one software package.
My computer is very old, do I need a new, modern and up-to-date operating system to run the software?
Not necessarily. As long as you have stable access to the internet you can access Acusera 24.7 as it is a cloud based software.
My patient data is confidential. Will the software need access to this data?
Acusera 24.7 will not require access to your patient data. This is important for a laboratory but less for the software. Acusera 24.7 will only need access to the results of your Quality Control to ensure that your instrument/s are performing to standard and therefore ensuring that your patient results will be reliable and accurate.
I have forgotten my username and password – what do I do now?
If an individual with user level or manager level access forgets their username and password, they should contact the laboratory administrator. If an administrator or group co-ordinator forgets their username or password they should contact Randox who will verify the administrator and send new login details for the account.
Is Acusera 24.7 Connect required to import QC data?
Acusera 24.7 Connect is only required if you wish to import QC data automatically. Data can also be entered manually using the data entry screen or in a semi-automated manner using the EDI function.
I need to renew my license, is this done automatically?
If your licence has expired and you would like to renew you should get in touch with your local Sales Consultant.
My internet connection isn’t great. Will this affect the running of the software? What happens if the signal drops when entering results?
If connection is lost from the laboratory’s side, all data will be transferred to the web and once reconnected, the previous session will also be remembered. Emergency power generators and fall over servers are in place to ensure 99.8% uptime is guaranteed.
Are there any additional software requirements?
You must have access to a Java applet. This software is available as standard on almost all modern computers, laptops and notebooks.
Celebrate Christmas with Randox Quality Control
T’was the week before Christmas and all through the lab not a thing could be heard not even a sound. The analyser lay silent asleep in the corner, the lab staff at home dreaming of a few days’ rest, only a few more days to go before the big day!
The big man in red, what will he bring those who already have everything? Peace, happiness and health for their loved ones throughout the festive break, that would be the wish for everyone to make. And what better way to ensure they stay healthy, well it all begins in the laboratory…
An important consideration to remember when choosing your lab Quality Control (QC) is that approximately 70% of clinical decisions are based on laboratory test results. It is therefore essential that the results gained from laboratory testing are accurate and reliable in order to provide the appropriate treatment and avoid or prevent potential misdiagnosis.
Patient results are of the utmost importance for a laboratory and therefore running the best Quality Control material should be at the top of their agenda. QC material should have a number of features that allow a lab to judge the overall quality of their output. These features include the controls ability to be commutable (which means how well it reacts as a replicate of a patient sample), is it a true third party control that has been manufactured to provide an independent and unbiased assessment of performance, does your control come with clinically relevant levels and does it have a long shelf life as well as a good open vial or reconstituted stability? These are the questions lab staff will be asking themselves when deciding on what QC is the right QC.
So stay off Santa’s naughty list by providing accurate and reliable patient test results, do this by employing Randox QC in your laboratory. Our controls have been designed to deliver significant cost savings without sacrificing on quality. With consolidated controls (combining up to 100 analytes in a single vial) your lab can reduce QC costs and preparation time, the inclusion of analytes present at clinical decision levels will eradicate the need for additional controls and because of our long shelf life (2 years for liquid controls, 4 years for lyophilised) and excellent stability claims your laboratory can be sure that expensive lot changes will be a thing of the past! Our controls can be described as true third party and this, combined with the commutable nature of the controls, leads to us being able to claim that we have the best Quality Control material around.
So this Christmas when deciding what QC to choose – make sure you look no further than Randox Quality Control. Our QC family is known as Acusera and our product offering includes QC and calibrator material, Interlaboratory Data Management Program (Acusera 24.7), the world’s largest international EQA/PT scheme better known as RIQAS and the newest addition to the family, Linearity or Calibration Verification material.
We have packages for every lab regardless of size and budget and we guarantee you will become ho-ho-hooked on Randox QC.
Wishing you all season’s greetings and a prosperous New Year from everyone at Randox QC.

What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a method of process improvement which focuses on minimizing variability in process outputs. The Six Sigma model was developed by Motorola in 1986, and Motorola have reportedly saved over $17 Billion due to its successful implementation.
The model looks at the number of standard deviations (SD) or ‘sigmas’ that fit within the quality specifications of the process. In the laboratory, the quality specifications relate to the Total Allowable Error (TEa). The higher the number of standard deviations that fit between these limits, the higher the sigma score and the more robust the process or method is. As sources of error or variation are removed from a process, the SD becomes smaller and therefore the number of deviations that can fit between the allowable limits is greater; ultimately resulting in a higher sigma score.
A process with a sigma score of six is considered to be a high quality process, making six the target for many industries including the clinical laboratory.
In order to achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. In a Laboratory context, this would equate to 3.4 failed QC results per million QC runs.
Sigma is calculated using the following equation:
Sigma = (TEa – %Bias) / %CV
TEa – Total Allowable Error
%Bias – Deviation from the target or peer group mean
%CV – Imprecision of the data

Why is Six Sigma useful in the laboratory?
Six Sigma can be used to help answer one of the most commonly asked questions in laboratory quality control. How often should I run QC?
The Six Sigma model allows laboratories to evaluate the effectiveness of their current QC processes. Its most common use is to help implement a risk-based approach to QC, where an optimum QC frequency and multi-rule procedure can be based on the sigma score of the test in question. The performance of tests or methods with a high sigma score of six or more may be evaluated with one QC run (of each level) and a single 1:3s warning rule. On the other hand, tests or methods with a lower sigma score should be evaluated more frequently with multiple levels of QC and a multi-rule strategy designed to increase identification of errors and reduce false rejections.
The below table shows how multi-rules and QC frequency can be applied according to Sigma Metrics:
Sigma Score | QC Frequency | Number of QC Samples | QC Rules |
6 or more | Once per day | Each level of QC | 1:3s |
5 | Once per day | Each level of QC | Multi-rule strategy |
4 | At least twice per day | Each level of QC | Multi-rule strategy |
< 4 | At least four times per day | Each level of QC | Multi-rule strategy |
It is important to note that this is just an example and it may be necessary to run QC samples more often than three times per day. Some high throughput laboratories prefer to run QC samples before and after a set number of patient samples, while others opt to run QC samples after a set period of time. Whatever frequency you choose it is vital that the frequency is appropriate for the test in use. Download our guide ‘How often is right for QC’ to find out more.
What can Randox offer?
Randox’s Acusera 24.7 Live Online is a peer group reporting software application designed to complement the Acusera QC range. The intuitive and user-friendly software boasts some of the most advanced features on the market, and Version 1.6 provides automatic calculation of sigma scores for individual assays, giving the user an at-a-glance overview of assay performance.
Peer group reporting software is an integral part of any modern laboratory seeking to streamline their QC processes and reduce costs. With Acusera 24.7 Live Online, there has never been a better time to implement, save and succeed.
Contact us today to find out how Randox can help your laboratory achieve its goals.