Evidence Investigator: One Analyser for Multiple Food Testing Industries

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Evidence Investigator: One Analyser for Multiple Food Testing Industries


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28 September 2020

The Randox Evidence Investigator: One Analyser for Multiple Food Diagnostic Industries

The Randox Evidence Investigator has been validated for Randox Food Diagnostics across various food matrices including tissue, feed and cereals, honey, aquaculture, and milk, making it the perfect testing equipment solution for any food testing laboratory.

How can the Randox Evidence Investigator benefit me?

  • The Randox Evidence Investigator is a multi-analyte quantitative drug residue screening analyser. Using Randox’s patented Biochip Technology, the analyser ensures screening food for drug residues is accurate and efficient, offering a range of laboratories comparable results to LC-MS/MS.
  • Using multiplex technology, the Evidence Investigator can provide simultaneous detection for a wide range of analytes from a single sample, saving you time and resource, and getting the reliable results you need.
  • The analyser uses unique image processing software to translate the Relative Light Units (RLU) generated from the chemiluminescent reactions into an analyte concentration.
  • No manipulation of results is required, which reduces the scope for any operator error. The Randox Evidence Investigator provides excellent sensitivity with a quantitative concentration result (ppb) for each analyte tested.
  • The analyser boasts an extensive test menu with tests for the most widely used drug residues and the most commonly detected mycotoxins in the feed production industry.
  • When purchasing the Randox Evidence Investigator, you will receive the complete package required for sample analysis which includes the analyser, PC and imaging software, a thermoshaker and a barcode scanner.

Visit the Randox Food Diagnostics website for more information on this technology.

For all enquiries relating to food testing on any of our Randox analysers, please contact us via email at: info@randoxfooddiagnostics.com


Want to know more?

Contact us or visit our Randox Food Diagnostics website.

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Contaminated Cereal Products Rejected at EU Borders

In the month of May alone, over 20 cases of feed and cereal based products have been rejected at EU borders after testing positive for aflatoxins with a risk decision level marking of ‘serious’, countries of origin include; Turkey, Egypt, Gambia, U.S, Indonesia, India, Azerbaijan and Spain.

The European Union have set tolerance levels for Aflatoxin B1 at 2 parts per billion (ppb) and total aflatoxins at 4ppb for nuts, cereals and dried fruits.

Aflatoxins are a mycotoxin produced by a fungus and thrive in hot and humid climates. Aflatoxin B1 is the most prevalent among food products and commonly occur among cereals (including wheat, barley, rice and corn) oilseeds (peanuts, almonds, pistachios and other nuts) spices, fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products.

Screening for Mycotoxins

There are various screening methods available for mycotoxins in food, but few offer the choice of screening for multiple mycotoxins from one sample. Randox Food Diagnostics has created patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT), an immunoassay ELISA based method, to save the feed and cereal industry time and money on testing.

The Myco Array kit range can screen for 3-10 mycotoxins simultaneously from a single sample and depending on the users testing requirements, customisable kits are available.

For more information on mycotoxin screening with Randox Food Diagnostics contact info@randoxfooddiagnostics.com