Home - CKD



Sunday 19th March

The Randox Grand National Trophy is one of the most iconic and prestigious sporting trophies in the world of horseracing. From the start of the Randox sponsorship of the Grand National in 2017, Randox CEO Dr Peter FitzGerald proposed a unique trophy would be designed and produced each year.  The winning owner receives the full size the trophy, with the winning trainer, jockey and groom all receiving a miniature version.

Each trophy is uniquely Randox and has a story to tell. The design of the trophy has evolved over the years and the 2023 trophy, which is revealed today, has a special significance as it incorporates several key elements that represent the company’s values and achievements – alongside a nod to a very special racehorse.

At the top of the trophy there is a beautifully crafted horse mid-jump, symbolising the 30 fences that the winner will navigate during the four-mile, two-and-a-half-furlong contest on Saturday 15th April. The horse is shown making its way over a horseshoe instead of a fence, representing protection and good luck.

In the centre of the trophy, a gold blood drop symbolises Randox’s diagnostic testing. This leads up to the DNA double helix, representing the company’s genomic testing capabilities. Randox offers seven different types of genetic testing, empowering people to find out more about their future health.

The base of the trophy features a molecular pattern, representing Randox’s molecular testing capabilities. The “o” in Randox is embellished with red enamel, symbolising accuracy and precision, which are integral to the Randox brand. The red enamel is also representative of a blood drop, used in much of Randox’s diagnostic testing.

Etched along the bottom of the trophy, is “Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Red Rum winning his first Grand National race” paying tribute to the legendary Red Rum’s first of his record three Grand National triumphs in 1972. The quartet of silver strands that connect the top and bottom of the trophy represent Randox’s support of racing and sponsorship of the Grand National.


Elizabeth Moran of Randox, who designed the trophy, said: “It was a wonderfully creative challenge to design this year’s trophy, reflecting both this national, iconic sporting event and Randox’s innovation within healthcare, and I think we got it just right.”

Silversmith Cara Murphy, who produced the trophy added: “I am delighted with what we have achieved.  This is a highly intricate trophy and was challenging to produce – the end result is a trophy to grace the podium and recognise the achievement of winning the world’s greatest steeplechase.”

The 2023 Randox Grand National Trophy is a beautiful and intricate work of art that embodies the company’s commitment to innovation, accuracy, and precision in the field of diagnostic testing. The horse, the horseshoe, and the nod to Red Rum all come together to create a stunning and symbolic celebration of horseracing.

During the Randox Grand National Festival (Thursday 13th April – Friday 15th April inclusive), the trophy as well as trophies from previous Randox Grand Nationals, can be viewed in trophy marquee next to the Red Rum Garden at Aintree Racecourse.


World Kidney Day 2023

World Kidney Day 2023

“Kidney health for all – Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable”

Thursday 09th March 

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is considered a leading cause of global mortality with an overall global prevalence rate of around 13%1. This figure rises to 15% in the US2 and the statistics show that these rates are likely to continue this upward trend3. CKD is defined as damage to the kidneys which affects its ability to correctly filter bodily fluids which ultimately results in renal replacement therapy in the form of dialysis or transplantation4. This sustained or chronic damage of the kidney encourages kidney fibrosis and loss of structure. The early stages of CKD are generally asymptomatic with symptoms beginning to manifest in stages 4 and 5. These symptoms include nausea & vomiting, fatigue & weakness, oliguria, chest pain, hypertension, to name a few4.

World Kidney Day is an annual, global campaign spearheaded by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations – World Kidney Alliance (IFKF – WKA) which intends to raise awareness of how critical our kidneys are and to limit the prevalence and impact of kidney disease5. This year’s focus is “Kidney health for all – preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable.”

It is no surprise that patients suffering from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as CKD were subject to worse prognosis during the COVID-19 pandemic6 due to prioritising of ongoing complex care over acute patient care7. But a pandemic is only one circumstance, albeit a major one, which can affect the ability of hospitals and laboratories to uphold their normal testing capacity. For example, natural disasters can make it impossible for people to reach facilities for testing or treatment7. Similar situations could arise at a more local level such as road closures, power outages or public transport strikes which have the potential to delay diagnosis or treatment.

To this end, laboratories should look to introduce novel and effective methods for testing under adverse conditions. Rapid testing will be imperative to help achieve these goals and promote fast test turnaround times and accurate diagnosis. The Randox CKD Arrays, in conjunction with the Randox Evidence Investigator, allow for simultaneous and quantitative detection of multiple serum biomarkers of kidney damage-related analytes allowing diagnosis at a much earlier stage than traditional creatinine tests.

Utilising patented Biochip Technology, the Randox CKD arrays could improve patient risk stratification whilst monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Diagnosis of CKD at early stages will allow earlier intervention for the treatment of kidney disease, and the prevention of further kidney damage. The utility of this test cannot be overstated. In adverse circumstances, the Randox Evidence Investigator could permit diagnosis of CKD and determination of CKD severity at the site of the patient, helping prepare for the unexpected and support the vulnerable.

More information of CKD and other kidney related conditions can be found at: Homepage – World Kidney Day


  1. Lv JC, Zhang LX. Prevalence and Disease Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2019;1165:3-15. doi:
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States, 2021. US Department of Health and Human Services; 2021.
  3. Kovesdy CP. Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease: an update 2022. Kidney International Supplements. 2022;12(1):7-11. doi:
  4. Vaidya SR, Aeddula NR. Chronic renal failure. Published 2019.
  5. International Society of Nephrology. Homepage. World Kidney Day. Published 2023.
  6. Nikoloski Z, Alqunaibet AM, Alfawaz RA, et al. Covid-19 and non-communicable diseases: evidence from a systematic literature review. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1). doi:
  7. Hsiao LL, Shah KM, Liew A, et al. Kidney health for all: preparedness for the unexpected in supporting the vulnerable. Kidney International. 2023;103(3):436-443. doi:


For more information, please contact


Jaffe Creatinine Assay

Reagent | Creatinine (Jaffe)

A Marker of GFR Function

Benefits of the Randox Jaffe Creatinine Assay

Excellent precision

The Randox Jaffe creatinine assay displayed a within run precision of < 4.0% CV.

Exceptional correlation

The Randox Jaffe creatinine assay displayed a correlation coefficient of at least r=0.99 when compared to commercially available methods.

Liquid ready-to-use

The Randox Jaffe creatinine assay is available in a liquid ready-to-use format for convenience and ease-of-use.

Calibrator and controls available

Calibrator and controls available offering a complete testing package.

Applications available

Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox Jaffe creatinine assay on a variety of clinical chemistry analysers.

Ordering Information

Cat NoSize
CR5101 x 200ml (S)(L)EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR3814R1 6 x 51ml (L)
R2 3 x 28ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR8022R1 6 x 68ml (L)
R2 6 x 20ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR8316R1 4 x 20ml (L)
R2 4 x 7ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
(L) Indicates liquid option
(S) Indicates standard included in kit

Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers.  Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.

More useful information

  • Physiological Significance
  • Renal Function
  • Diabetes
  • COVID-19

Creatinine is the end-product of muscle catabolism of creatine. In humans, creatinine production is relatively stable, but mainly depends on muscles mass. Consequently, any physiological changes in muscle mass will cause a variation in the creatinine pool independently of GFR changes. Creatinine is freely filtered by the glomerulus at a constant rate with 10% to 40% secreted by the tubules 1.

According to the National Institutes of health, the overall prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is approximately 14% 2. Creatinine is the most commonly utilised assay in the assessment of renal function 3. The National Kidney Disease Education Program recommends calculating GFR from SCr. Creatinine measurements are useful in the monitoring of disease progression, with the diagnosis of renal failure when SCr levels are greater than the upper normal interval 4.

Creatinine measurements are useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetic nephropathy, the leading cause of kidney disease in patients commencing renal replacement therapy, affecting 40% of diabetics (type 1 and type 2) 5. The RENAAL (Reduction of Endpoints in NIDDM with the Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan) study risk score for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) emphasizes the importance of the identification of elevated SCr, alongside other renal markers, in the prediction of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) development in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and nephropathy 6.

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication in COVID-19 patients 7. The analysis of creatinine in COVID-19 patients on hospital admission and after 2 to 4 days highlighted impaired renal function and is the leading cause of death in these patients 8. The National Institute of Care Excellence (NICE), have set out four guidelines for acute kidney injury in hospitalised suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients and highlights the importance of creatinine testing 9.

Clinical Chemistry Calibrator

Clinical Chemistry Controls

Clinical Chemistry EQA

Enzymatic Creatinine Assay

Reagent | Creatinine (Enzymatic)

A Highly Sensitive And Reproducible Method


Benefits of the Randox Enzymatic Creatine Assay

Superior method

The Randox enzymatic method offers a superior specificity when compared to the traditional Jaffe method.

Excellent precision

The Randox creatinine assay displayed a within run precision of < 2.18% CV.

Exceptional correlation

The Randox enzymatic creatinine assay displayed a correlation coefficient of at least r=0.99 when compared to commercially available methods.

Limited interferences

The Randox enzymatic creatinine assay suffers minimal interferences from Bilirubin, Haemoglobin, Intralipid® and Triglycerides, for truly accurate results and ensures suitability with paediatric samples.

Calibrator and controls available

Calibrator and controls available offering a complete testing package.

Applications available

Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox enzymatic creatinine assay on a variety of clinical chemistry analysers.

Ordering Information

Cat NoSize
CR2336R1 4 x 50ml (S)
R2 4 x 10ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR2337R1 4 x 100ml (S)
R2 4 x 20ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR4037R1 4 x 50ml (L)
R2 4 x 19.5ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR8122R1 4 x 65ml (L)
R2 4 x 32.3ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
CR8317R1 4 x 20ml (L)
R2 4 x 9.5ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
(L) Indicates liquid option
(S) Indicates standard included in kit

Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers.  Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.

More Information

  • Methodology
  • Physiological Significance
  • Renal Function
  • Diabetes
  • COVID-19

The Laboratory Working Group of the National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) released guidelines for the improvement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation as well as the measurement of serum creatinine (SCr). The recommendation included the recalibration and standardisation of SCr methods to be traceable to the isotope dilution-mass spectrometry (IDMS) reference method. Two IDMS traceable creatinine methods are commercially available: enzymatic assays and compensated Jaffe assays 1.

Of the two enzymatic assays available, the Randox enzymatic creatinine assay converts creatinine to ammonia (NH3) and I-Methylhydantoin. Ammonia then reacts with α-oxoglutarate in the presence of GLDH with oxidation of the co-enzyme NADPH. The decrease of NADPH is proportional to the creatinine concentration and is measured at 340nm 1, 2.

The Randox enzymatic creatinine assay exhibits high sensitivity and reproducibility with the added advantage of liquid ready-to-use reagents with good stability. The enzymatic method represents an improvement for use in the accurate and reliable determination of creatinine.

Creatinine is the end-product of muscle catabolism of creatine. In humans, creatinine production is relatively stable, but mainly depends on muscles mass. Consequently, any physiological changes in muscle mass will cause a variation in the creatinine pool independently of GFR changes. Creatinine is freely filtered by the glomerulus at a constant rate with 10% to 40% secreted by the tubules 1.

According to the National Institutes of health, the overall prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is approximately 14% 3. Creatinine is the most commonly utilised assay in the assessment of renal function 4. The National Kidney Disease Education Program recommends calculating GFR from SCr. Creatinine measurements are useful in the monitoring of disease progression, with the diagnosis of renal failure when SCr levels are greater than the upper normal interval 5.

Creatinine measurements are useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetic nephropathy, the leading cause of kidney disease in patients commencing renal replacement therapy, affecting 40% of diabetics (type 1 and type 2) 6. The RENAAL risk score for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) emphasizes the importance of the identification of elevated SCr, alongside other renal markers, in the prediction of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) development in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and nephropathy 7.

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication in COVID-19 patients 8. The analysis of creatinine in COVID-19 patients on hospital admission and after 2 to 4 days highlighted impaired renal function and is the leading cause of death in these patients 9. The National Institute of Care Excellence (NICE), have set out four guidelines for acute kidney injury in hospitalised suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients and highlights the importance of creatinine testing 10.

Related Products

Clinical Chemistry Calibrator

Clinical Chemistry Controls

Clinical Chemistry EQA

Cystatin C Assay

Reagent | Cystatin C

An Indispensable Marker of Renal Impairment

Benefits of the Randox Cystatin C Assay


Exceptional Correlation

A correlation coefficient of r=1.00 was displayed when the Randox methodology was compared against commercially available methods.


Excellent Precision

The Randox Cystatin C assay displayed a within run precision of < 4.2%.

Measuring range

Wide Measuring Range

The Randox Cystatin C assay has a measuring range 0.4 – 10mg/l for the comfortable detection of clinically important results.

Calibrator & Controls

Dedicated Cystatin C Calibrator and Controls

Dedicated Cystatin C Calibrator and Controls available offering a complete testing package.


Applications Available

Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox cystatin C assay on a variety of clinical chemistry analysers.

Ordering Information

Cat NoSizeAnalyserEasy Read
Easy Fit
CYS4004R1 2 x 17.6ml (L)
R2 2 x 6.1ml
EnquireKit Insert RequestMSDSBuy Online
(L) Indicates liquid option

Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers.  Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.

Diagnostic Uses

  • COVID-19

Serum creatinine (SCr) is the most commonly utilised screening test for renal impairment; however, SCr can be affected by age, dietary protein intake, ethnicity, gender, and lean muscle mass. Consequently, the sensitivity of SCr for the early detection of kidney disease is poor and not suitable for the renal assessment in the elderly 1.

The biggest drawback of SCr is that up to 50% of renal function can be lost before significant SCr levels become detectable as SCr is insensitive to small changes in GFR. Consequently, treatment is not provided at the appropriate time which can be fatal, and so an earlier and more sensitive biomarker for renal function is imperative 2.

Cystatin C (CysC) is a low-molecular-weight (13.3kDa) non-glycosylated protein belonging to the cystatin protease inhibitor family 2, 3. Formed at a constant rate by all nucleated cells, CysC is freely filtered by the glomerular membrane in the kidneys, reabsorbed and fully catabolised by the proximal renal tubule and is not returned to the bloodstream, and so is the ideal marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 3, 4.

Serum CysC levels are inversely correlated with GFR 3. The main advantage of CysC as a marker of renal function is in the creatinine ‘blind’ area, the elderly and in paediatrics 5. It has been reported that CysC has important associations with mortality across the GFR range, including those who are grouped as ‘preclinical kidney disease’ (GFR between 60 and 90mL/min per 1.73m2). Moreover, CysC has been identified as a stronger predictor of adverse cardiovascular outcomes compared to SCr. Combining SCr, CysC and urine albumin to SCr ratio improves risk stratification for kidney disease progression and mortality 6.

Acute kidney injury (AKI) presents with elevated levels of CysC in those with severe COVID-19 in comparison to those with mild COVID-19. CysC can be utilised to determine the extent of kidney damage as well as distinguishing those with severe and mild COVID-19 7.

Useful Links

Cystatin C Calibrator

Cystatin C Control

A-Z Randox Reagents

Reagents Brochures

Kidney Testing on the Randox Biosciences Evidence Series

March is National Kidney Month, a full month dedicated to raising awareness about kidney disease.

There are two kinds of kidney disease; Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects 3 million people in the UK1. Chronic Kidney is defined as a condition that causes damage and stress on the kidneys, therefore decreasing the ability to keep your body healthy.

The kidneys play a vital role of removing any waste and extra water from the blood to form urine. The kidneys also make hormones that help control your blood pressure, make red blood cells, and keep your bones strong and healthy.2

It is crucial to look after your kidneys. If kidney disease gets worse, the excess waste can build to high levels in your blood, resulting in complications such as high blood pressure, anemia, weak bones, poor nutritional health and nerve damage, as well as increasing the risk of developing heart and blood vessel disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease if often caused by diabetes or having a high blood pressure, which can both be prevented by early detection and treatment. Without treatment the kidney disease will worsen resulting in kidney failure which requires dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life.

Chronic Kidney Disease I:

  • Fatty Acid Binding Protein I – FABPI
  • Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor I – sTNFR I
  • Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor II – sTNFR II
  • Macrophage Inflammatory Protein Iα – MIP-Iα
  • Interleukin-8 – IL-8
  • Epidermal Growth Factor – EGF
  • D-Dimer

Chronic Kidney Disease II:

  • Complement C3a Des Arginine – C3a des Arg
  • C-Reactive Protein – CRP
  • Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin – NGAL
  • Cystatin C

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is when your kidneys stop working properly. This is caused by reduced blood flow to the kidneys, which often happens as a complication of another serious disease.3 AKI affects one in five people admitted to hospital as an emergency, and is considered deadlier than a heart attack 2.

AKI can be reversible if found and treated quickly. Therefore, it is important, if someone has signs of having AKI, to get it treated promptly. Abnormal levels of salt and chemicals can build up in our bodies which causes organs to fail, resulting in the need for dialysis, or can even cause death. 3

  • Osteopontin – OPN
  • Serum creatinine – Creatinine
  • Serum cystatin-C – Cystatin-C
  • Kidney injury Molecule-I – KIM-I
  • Urinary neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin – NGAL

The Evidence Series of Immunoassay analysers contains four revolutionary Biochip Array Technology platforms including the Evidence, Evolution, MultiSTAT and the Investigator.

Randox’s renal panel is available on our Evidence Investigator Immunoassay Analyser, which is a multiplex testing platform allowing for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. It provides a unique platform for assessment of biological samples in a rapid, accurate and easy-to-use format.

For more information on any of the Evidence Series analysers, please visit  or contact us at









Is Biomarker Multiplexing the future of kidney disease screening?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is both a cause and a consequence of cardiovascular diseases, and is an increasing burden on global health. As diabetes, obesity and hypertension incidences continue to rise and the world’s population steadily ages, CKD’s prevalence is already estimated to be between 11% and 13% globally for all five KDOQI stages, with a majority in Stage 3 (about 90% of all stages).

With early stages of CKD being asymptomatic and current diagnostic tools (proteinuria determined by albumin to creatinine ratio and decreased renal function estimated from GFR using the CKD-EPI equation) are insufficiently sensitive to detect most cases up to stage 3, it is likely that the true prevalence of CKD is still underestimated. Therefore the need to improve both early diagnostics and overall CKD outcome is all the more critical.

Accordingly, biomarker research has been intense in the field of renal disease for at least 10 years with a number of promising candidates emerging, some now well-known by specialists: Cystatin C, NGAL or KIM-1 for example.

However, further novel biomarkers, assessed in combination using a properly developed multiplex assays can allow superior insight into CKD than what their individual performance could achieve.  This also largely stems from selecting the markers that are indicative of complementary mechanisms that contribute to the development of CKD.

When assayed together from a single serum sample and after combinatorial analysis has been applied, these biomarkers can open new avenues in the management of CKD, such as proper diagnosis of the condition from Stage 1, clear differentiation between stages and monitoring of the progression pace of the disease. Early screening of patients at risk of CKD is now within reach and it is expected that its systematic use will have a profound impact on health system economics.

Another area of interest in renal research is Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) which may arise as a result of cardiac surgery and can subsequently lead to CKD. AKI detection is also of significant interest in the field of drug development, where early stage toxicity is still a large cause of new drug marketing withdrawal. Hence selecting and qualifying kidney tissue damage biomarkers, and assembling them into a multiplex panel is a key priority to those involved in early stage clinical trials.

An AKI panel has been worked out using the same principles as those used in the development of the CKD panel: high individual diagnostic value and multiple, independent cellular targets. This panel is now ready for final clinical qualification and will be one of the first of several organ-targeted safety panels aiming to become standard for drug induced toxicity screening.

It is key to the adoption of multiplex testing that proper validation guidelines be published and that careful, matrix-based validation data is made available to potential users. It is essential that multiplexed testing comes to the front line of testing in the field, so it can deliver to its full potential and start translating into public health improvement and cost savings. Technology is ready, let’s make a start!

Dr Claire Huguet

Randox Biosciences – Head of Biomarkers


For further information about kidney disease screening from Randox Biosciences, please contact




Looking after your kidney health during your pregnancy

With this year’s World Kidney Day theme focusing on women’s health and in particular, their kidney health, the campaign is drawing attention to the need for a higher awareness, timely diagnosis and proper follow-up of kidney issues amongst women.

One key area being highlighted by the campaign is the close links between pregnancy and kidney health problems.  The two are intrinsically connected – with CKD considered a high-risk factor for problematic pregnancies and reduced fertility, and in turn, pregnancy-related complications, including preeclampsia, can increase the risk of kidney disease.

Although not commonly known, women who have Chronic Kidney Disease are at increased risk of hypertensive disorders and premature births – which can be devastating for all involved.

Women with Chronic Kidney Disease who become pregnant also usually have mild kidney dysfunction, the severity of which will depend on the stage the CKD is at.

It is clear therefore that there is a need for increased awareness of Chronic Kidney Disease in pregnancy, to timely identify its existence before conception, and to monitor its progress before, during and after birth.

With a comprehensive panel of kidney health tests, Randox are working to ensure timely diagnosis of kidney function problems, to ensure that necessary treatment is administered at the earliest possible stage, when it is most likely to be successful.

Pregnant women, or women hoping to get pregnant in the future, can therefore determine their kidney health and be empowered to embark upon the necessary lifestyle changes or treatment required to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.

For example, the Randox test for albumin, low concentrations of which are the earliest marker of kidney damage, can identify individuals with diabetic nephropathy (damage to the kidneys caused by diabetes) around 10 years earlier than standard protein tests. The Randox albumin test can therefore enable preventative measures to be taken to reduce your risk of developing kidney disease.

In addition to albumin, there are a number of other highly specific and sensitive tests for kidney health, which are available as part of a Randox Health Check at our Randox Health Clinics. These include;

  • Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, which is an equation that considers age, gender, blood and protein levels to determine how well the kidneys are functioning.
  • Creatinine, which is a waste product produced by muscle tissue, and removed by the kidneys. When kidney function is diminished, creatinine levels increase.
  • Other proteins within the body which should be filtered by the kidneys, and are therefore measured to determine kidney function, include;

–              Cystatin C

–              Beta-2-Microglobulin

–              Microalbumin, which is not usually found in urine, but can appear when normal kidney function is impaired.

  • Minerals processed by the kidneys and analysed by Randox Health include;

–              Magnesium

–              Calcium

–              Phosphate

–              Potassium

–              Sodium

Both World Kidney Day and Randox are working towards improving healthcare worldwide. With access to these high-performance kidney health tests, expectant mothers with kidney problems can be diagnosed early, before the condition develops into something more serious – keeping both you, and your baby healthy.

With early diagnosis we can improve patient treatment outcomes and reduce the number of people across the world suffering with kidney health problems.


If you are a clinician or lab interested in running renal function assays, download our Reagents Brochure or email

If you want to find out the status of your own Kidney Health, book a health check with Randox Health today. Speak to our team by phoning 0800 2545 130.




Randox Testing Services: Customer Testimonials from Ireland

At Randox Testing Services (RTS), we pride ourselves on helping our customers improve the health and safety of their working environment. Using our accurate and reliable testing methods and a range of additional services including training and policy reviews, we create tailored packages to meet the needs of our customers. We work with customers all over the world, but this month are highlighting the work we are doing across Ireland.

This month RTS will be attending the Northern Ireland Occupational Health, Hygiene and Wellbeing Conference at Titanic Belfast. This conference brings together companies from a range of industries all across Ireland to discuss the importance of employee health and wellbeing. As a company that began in Northern Ireland, RTS have always had strong connections with local businesses and are continually expanding our reach across Ireland.

Some of the companies with which we currently work, like GRAHAM construction, have recently provided feedback on our services. GRAHAM is based in Hillsborough, Co. Down and is a national construction, asset management and project investment business. They deliver services to a diverse range of clients from a network of regional offices, throughout the UK and Ireland.

GRAHAM Construction are proud to be partnered with Randox as their main Drug & Alcohol Service Provider. Over the years they have given a consistent, prompt, efficient, and professional service that delivered what was promised, when promised, to the proper agreed standards, which assists us in managing our relevant responsibilities with ease and confidence. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to others.”

This is great feedback to receive from such a reputable company who have a range of different testing needs. The construction industry is becoming more and more proactive when it comes to drug and alcohol testing. At RTS our experience working with GRAHAM and other major construction firms across the UK and Ireland means we are extremely well equipped to deal with the changing needs of this industry.

Another industry which requires a flexible and reliable drug and alcohol testing services provider is the aviation industry, especially when it comes to recruitment. We have been working with CAE Parc Aviation Services, the global leader in the provision of aviation personnel and support services to conduct pre-employment testing.

“We use Randox for Pre-Employment and Random Drug & Alcohol testing for select clients. We would happily recommend their services.”

Again, through working with various industries, the experience our staff possess is second to none. By qualifying the exact needs of our customers we create customised, cost-effective packages to ensure all testing needs are met.

As well as offering drug and alcohol testing services, our complete solution also includes a host of training, educational and consultancy services to equip our customers in tackling drug and alcohol misuse. Including comprehensive chain of custody training programs, which enables employers to conduct on-site collections to the same standard as a Randox Testing Services collection specialist.

The Henderson Group in Newtownabbey are another large company that has availed of the services offered by Randox Testing Services. The Henderson Group are the owners of the SPAR, EUROSPAR, ViVO, ViVOXTRA and ViVO Essentials franchises in Northern Ireland and have been distributing food and grocery-related products to the convenience retail sector for over 100 years.

“We switched provider for our Drug and Alcohol policy almost two years ago, moving to Randox.  The switchover was relatively seamless and the impact on our business has been positive.  Our tests are now all completed within target and we have realised a saving to boot.  We are glad we made the switch.”



Randox Testing Services is committed to tailoring our service to the needs of customers all over the world, and across the island of Ireland.

If your company would like to speak to us, please contact

Alternatively you can contact David O’Regan, the Business Development Executive for Ireland directly: David.O’



Take a proactive approach to your kidney health this World Kidney Day

On 8th March 2018, it’s World Kidney Day, a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of good kidney health. With a similar agenda to that of Randox, whose vision it is to ensure patients across the globe have access to the latest advancements in health technology, World Kidney Day works to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems.

This year, the World Kidney Day theme is Kidneys and Women’s Health, to highlight that approximately 195 million women worldwide are affected by Chronic Kidney Disease. In 2018 World Kidney Day and International Women’s Day are recognised on the same date, offering the perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of women’s health and specifically their kidney health.

CKD is currently the 8th leading cause of death in women, with close to 600,000 deaths each year.

According to some studies, CKD is more likely to develop in women compared with men, with an average 14% prevalence in women compared to 12% in men.

However, the number of women successfully put on dialysis for their Chronic Kidney Disease is lower than the number of men – potentially due to slower progression of the disease, inequitable access to transplantation, and a general lower disease awareness.

It is therefore fitting that World Kidney Day has chosen Women’s Health as its theme for this year – due to the clear need for a higher awareness, timely diagnosis and proper follow up of kidney issues amongst women.

With a comprehensive panel of kidney health tests, Randox are working to ensure timely diagnosis of kidney function problems, to ensure that necessary treatment is administered at the earliest possible stage, when it is most likely to be successful.

For example, the Randox test for albumin, low concentrations of which are the earliest marker of kidney damage, can identify individuals with diabetic nephropathy (damage to the kidneys caused by diabetes) around 10 years earlier than standard protein tests. The Randox albumin test can therefore enable preventative measures to be taken to reduce your risk of developing kidney disease.

In addition to albumin, there are a number of other highly specific and sensitive tests for kidney health, which are available as part of a Randox Health Check at our Randox Health Clinics. These include;

  • Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, which is an equation that considers age, gender, blood and protein levels to determine how well the kidneys are functioning.
  • Creatinine, which is a waste product produced by muscle tissue, and removed by the kidneys. When kidney function is diminished, creatinine levels increase.
  • Other proteins within the body which should be filtered by the kidneys, and are therefore measured to determine kidney function, include;
  • Cystatin C
  • Beta-2-Microglobulin
  • Microalbumin, which is not usually found in urine, but can appear when normal kidney function is impaired.
  • Minerals processed by the kidneys and analysed by Randox Health include;
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphate
  • Potassium
  • Sodium

Both World Kidney Day and Randox are working towards improving healthcare worldwide. With access to these high-performance kidney health tests, patients with kidney problems can be diagnosed early, before the condition develops into something more serious.

Although end stage kidney failure affects only 0.05% of the general population, it commands between one and two billion pounds a year of the entire annual NHS budget. We know that loss of kidney function is devastating and hope our innovations can identify those at risk of kidney problems before they occur.

One such test for Chronic Kidney Disease risk measures levels of the protective hormone adiponectin, and is available exclusively at Randox.

Adiponectin can accurately assess levels of hidden and dangerous visceral fat within the body, which is the main cause of almost all the disorders associated with metabolic syndrome, including Chronic Kidney Disease. Assessing adiponectin can determine risk of CKD, as well as a range of other illnesses including prediabetes, cardiovascular disease and various cancers.

By using adiponectin to assess risk of kidney problems, we can empower individuals with the tools they need to prevent kidney problems in their future.

With early diagnosis we can improve patient treatment outcomes and reduce the number of people across the world suffering with kidney health problems.

If you are a clinician or lab interested in running renal function assays, download our Reagents Brochure or email

If you want to find out the status of your own Kidney Health, book a health check with Randox Health today. Speak to our team by phoning 0800 2545 130.


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