Syphilis and Confidante home STI test: screening for 10 infections
Syphilis and Confidante home STI test: screening for 10 infections
What is syphilis?
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Although spread through sexual contact, it is frequently passed to an unborn child by its infected mother, where it can cause congenital syphilis resulting in high rates of stillbirth and increased risk of infant mortality.
Primary syphilis is when sores appear at the point where the bacteria entered the body. These sores can appear anywhere such as: around the opening of the urethra, penis, foreskin and anus in men; the vulva, clitoris, cervix, urethra and anus in women.
Secondary syphilis occurs when untreated sores have appeared and healed. It is still infectious and maintains its ability to be passed on.Tertiary syphilis is a progression from untreated secondary forms of the infection. Left untreated, after many years, the infection can cause serious damage to the heart, brain, eyes, internal organs and nervous system, which can ultimately lead to death.
Important Statistics
Below are some statistics that have been published: about syphilis in recent years.
- In 2017, there were approximately 422,000 diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) made in England, around the same number that was reported in 2016.
- There were 7,137 diagnoses of syphilis reported in 2017, a 20% increase (from 5,955) relative to the year prior and a 148% increase relative to 2008.
- The impact of STIs remains greatest in young heterosexuals 15 to 24 years; black ethnic minorities; and gay, bisexual and other MSM
- The increase in syphilis follows a 10-year trend, with 78% of diagnoses in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM).
How is the infection passed on?
Syphilis is passed on from one person to another through sex (vaginal, anal and oral) and also by direct skin contact with syphilis sores or rashes. Symptoms do not have to be visible for it to be passed on. It can still be transmitted before sores appear or after they have disappeared. Pregnant women can also pass syphilis onto their unborn baby.
What are the complications?
If syphilis is not treated effectively, it can spread to other parts of the body. This can result in long term complications, such as damage to the heart, brain, eyes and other organs. Ultimately, this damage can even lead to death.
Confidante Test
Confidante avoids any embarrassing examinations, allowing you to take a test in the privacy of your own home. The Confidante test is made to be quick and easy to use, with no technical jargon, making it extremely convenient.
Confidante is now only £40 with free postage and packaging (RRP £85). Your results will be delivered discreetly via post within 7 days and will not appear on your medical record.
If you want to read more about Confidante or buy a kit visit here, or contact a member of our team today.
Testing for STIs with Confidante At Home Testing Kit
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed from one person to another typically through unprotected sex or genital contact.1 Some of the most common STIs are Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Herpes, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Viral Hepatitis. Over one million STIs are acquired every day worldwide.2
Not all STIs cause noticeable symptoms. You could have an STI and not know. Therefore it is essential to get regular health checks. Some STIs, like chlamydia, can be asymptomatic – i.e. they display no symptoms but can cause long-term complications like infertility.3
STI symptoms in women
- yellow or green vaginal discharge
- smelly discharge (often fish-like)
- bleeding between periods
- bleeding after sex
- pain during sex
STI symptoms in men
- discharge from penis tip
- irritation of the urethra
- swollen testicles
STI symptoms in both genders
- pain when urinating
- itching, burning or tingling around the genitals
- blisters, sores, lumps or a rash around genitals or anus
Confidante At-Home STI Testing Kit
If you have recently entered a new relationship, experienced unprotected sex or are planning a family you should get tested for STIs, and may want to avail of our 10-plex STI test.
We offer a home testing sexually transmitted infection kit called ‘Confidante’ which enables you to be tested for 10 of the most common STIs. Confidante is designed to ensure a simple, hassle-free process where you will receive your results in 7 working days of posting your sample via email or telephone.
The process is straightforward and so simple: Buy Online / Register Kit Online / Collect Sample / Post / Receive Results.
For healthcare professionals, we also offer a Multiplex Sexually Transmitted Infection Array allowing you to outsource samples for STI testing. The CE-marked STI Array provides excellent precision, specificity, sensitivity and accuracy for STI diagnoses, which reduces the risk of false reporting and unnecessary confirmatory tests. Our simultaneous multiplex testing means smaller sample volumes are required, enabling faster throughput and rapid patient diagnosis saving you time and money.
STI Multiplex Array detects the following;
- Chlamydia Trachomatis
- Neisseria Gonorrhoea
- Herpes Simplex 1
- Herpes Simplex 2
- Treponema Pallidum
- Mycoplasma Hominis
- Ureaplasma Urealticum
- Mycoplasma Genitalium
- Haemophilius Ducreyi
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
Randox Clinical Laboratory Services
Tests for each of the STIs detailed above are run in Randox Clinical Laboratory Services (RCLS) in Antrim, Northern Ireland. RCLS is built upon Randox’s 35 years of experience and provides a clinical laboratory service designed to meet the time-sensitive, bespoke requirements of clinical and research projects globally.
RCLS have 4 UKAS ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratories No. 9329 – with unrivalled facilities across the UK. They are situated in Liverpool, London, Holywood and Randox Science Park Antrim. Within each of the locations there are a team of experienced scientists to support your project while you save money, time and labour.
There are a variety of analyser platforms available across the RCLS laboratories including the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers, along with our Evidence Series of multiplex immunoassay/molecular diagnostic systems, which utilise our intelligent Biochip Array Technology. Each site also offers alternative third-party analysers.
To find out more information about Confidante sexual health testing, or RCLS, visit: or email To find out more information about our STI Array visit: or email
Take control with Confidante this Sexual Health Week
The prevalence of STIs
More than 30 different bacteria, viruses and parasites known to be transmitted through sexual contact and therefore over 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide.
As a result the requirement for multiplex diagnostic testing has become increasingly prevalent, as many STIs can co-exist.
Sexual Health Week
Sexual Health Week, which takes place on 24th – 28th September each year, highlights the importance of safe sex. If you have recently entered a new relationship, experienced unprotected sex or are planning a family you may wish to avail of an STI test to determine your current sexual health status and take appropriate corresponding action.
The thought of sexual health testing however can often be nerve-wracking and embarrassing, which is why we offer a home testing kit called Confidante, which enables you to be tested for 10 of the most common STIs from the comfort of your own home.
You can purchase your test kit in complete confidence as transactions are handled safely and securely.
STIs tested with Confidante
· Chlamydia | · Trichomonas Vaginalis |
· Gonorrhoea | · Mycoplasma Hominis |
· Syphilis | · Mycoplasma Genitalium |
· Herpes Simplex 1 | · Ureaplasma Urealyticum |
· Herpes Simplex 2 | · Chancroid |
The process is simple and easy to follow:
- Buy Online
- Register Kit Online
- Collect Sample and Post
- Receive Results
Confidante is specifically designed to be straightforward to use, with all you need included in our discreetly packaged kit. We have made the entire process as convenient as possible with pre-paid envelopes and user-friendly instructions to ensure a simple, hassle-free process.
You will receive your confidential results in 7 working days of posting your sample either via email or telephone depending upon your section on the test order form.
To order your STI kit visit
For further information please contact or phone 028 9442 2413
STI mockumentary goes viral as STI rates in the UK continue to soar
- New STI awareness campaign infects digital and social media
- ‘Mockumentary’ promotes revolutionary new STI home test
- Thousands caught out by spoof STI and sniffer dog squad
- Leading sexual health charity praises timing of campaign as Christmas Party season kicks in
British biotechnology company Randox Laboratories, continues to break new ground, with a spoof documentary to promote its home STI test, Confidante. The award winning firm, recognised internationally for its leading diagnostic technologies, is proving that it is also ahead of the curve when it comes to promoting its products.
Thousands have been caught out by the ‘mockumentary’ which follows the officers and dogs of the STI Detection unit as they sniff out undetected STIs around the UK.
The film, which shows unsuspecting punters outed in public by sniffer dogs Radar, Frisbee and their handlers, ends with an invitation to ‘check your privates in private’ with the Confidante test. The light-hearted strategy is designed to prompt 25-34 year olds to think about their sexual health and get tested.
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, said:
“So far, ten thousand people a day are watching the mockumentary, we expect this to grow as the campaign continues. For us it is ultimately about improving health, raising awareness of STIs and encouraging people get tested, we’ve opened up what can be a taboo subject and have done so with humour!
Every day one million people across the world are infected with an STI and at home incidents are continuing to soar – in the UK we are seeing worrying levels of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis in particular; we want people to take their sexual health seriously and regular testing is a key part of that”.
Sexual health charity FPA has applauded the timing and effectiveness of the campaign. Natika Halil, director of health and wellbeing, said:
“This has clearly created something of a talking point around STIs, which is particularly important in the run up to Christmas and New Year parties as we know people are less likely to think of infections after they have been drinking.
If you have sex without a condom then you are at risk of getting an STI, and not everyone who has an infection has signs or symptoms – so it’s possible to pass it on without realising.”
The infectious digital content has been produced Randox Marketing and creative agency Langland. Randox Marketing Manager, Chris Henry said they wanted something that would start people talking about STIs:
“Our goal was to engage a whole new audience of potential customers who may be too embarrassed to take their sexual health seriously. We believe this campaign does exactly that, communicating the shock of being exposed in public, but doing it with humour, in a way people can engage with without feeling they are publically declaring they have an STI.”
Confidante is the world’s first STI home test kit, to detect 10 common STIs and can be used in the privacy of the home. It uses Randox’s unique Biochip Array Technology, with results delivered within 7 working days, confidentially, via a nurse specialist, either by phone or email. Advice, GP appointments, treatments are available through the Randox Healthcare division, Randox Health.