The story of RX

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The story of RX

Introducing Amy Fekkes, graphic designer of the new RX series logo.

The RX series have just launched their brand new logo! We did a quick Q&A session with the creator of the new logo, graphic designer Amy Fekkes, who works in the RX series marketing team.  We asked Amy a few questions about the history of the RX brand and the process she went through to create a selection of preferred designs, through to senior management approving their favourite logo for the company to implement across the board.

How old is the RX series brand?

15 years old, the first analyser having been released in 2002.  We now have 5 analysers in our range.

How many versions of the RX series logo have been created?

This is the third version.

What is the meaning behind each of the individual names of the analysers? (RX misano, RX monaco, RX daytona+, RX imola, RX modena)

Each of the analysers are named after famous racetracks around the world.  This helps reinforce the idea of workflow and speedy turnaround of results.

What inspired this current brand re-fresh?

I felt passionate about the RX series and felt the old logo was not communicating the correct brand image us as a marketing team wanted to portray. Therefore, I set out to design a logo which voiced the cutting edge and innovative technology the RX series has to offer.

The new logo needed to portray a more modern brand image which would be attractive and eye-catching in order to entice new customers and build upon existing business.

What is the meaning behind the design of the new logo?

The shape of the logo is inspired by the seamless, dynamic workflow of a Randox laboratory. This modern innovative logo speaks quality and reliability with its flowing design and robust RX typeface.

The simple, clean cut, iconic design is instantly recognisable and gives us a superior edge over our competitors.

The logo helps reflect the brand image of innovative technology at the heart of the laboratory.

Why did you change the colours of the logo and what is the reason behind the new chosen colours?

I wanted to strengthen the relationship between the RX series and Randox brands.  The green now correlates with the green in the Randox brand, therefore strengthening overall brand awareness.

The subtle introduction of black in the palette creates a strong clean contrast against the Randox green and communicates power and clarity.

How did you decide on the final logo?

After much in-depth research and sketching, the design was then created digitally using Illustrator®.

The final decision was a two-step process.  I selected my preferred designs and presented these to the marketing team who voted on their two favourite designs. These two designs were then brought forward to senior management to make the final decision.  I was absolutely delighted that my favourite of the two was chosen.

As a team, we believe that the new logo will be instantly recognisable to customers worldwide and synonymous with high quality, reliable clinical chemistry testing.  Initial feedback has been very encouraging and we look forward to strengthening our presence globally through our modern, innovative logo.

Make sure to check out our social media accounts for more!