Randox announces ‘Race against Dementia’ as partner charity for Randox Grand National Festival 2023
Randox announces ‘Race against Dementia’ as partner charity for Randox Grand National Festival 2023

Thursday 16th February
Randox today announces that Race Against Dementia, a global charity founded by three-times Formula 1 World Champion Sir Jackie Stewart, OBE, as its charity partner for the Randox Grand National Festival 2023.
Today, across the globe, more than 55 million people are living with dementia, with someone new being diagnosed with the disease every three seconds. Unless a cure is found, it is estimated that one in three people born today will die with dementia.
Randox will support Race Against Dementia throughout the three-day Aintree festival, to highlight the impact of the disease and to raise funds for much needed research into its prevention and cure.
On Ladies Day (Friday 14th April), Randox’s sponsored race over the Grand National fences will be titled ‘The Randox Supports Race Against Dementia Topham Chase’, and there will be opportunities to reach out to both the racing public and, through the festival’s media coverage, to the nation.
The 2023 Festival will also enable a welcome return to Aintree for Sir Jackie, who raced at Aintree in the 1960s, at a time when Aintree was part of the Grand Prix circuit.
As a global diagnostics company, with over 40 years of experience and a focus on preventative healthcare, Randox and Race Against Dementia are natural partners.
In the pursuit of a cure for dementia, improved testing and diagnosis will both enhance patient management and greatly accelerate the race for treatment.
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox said:
“Randox is proud to partner with Race Against Dementia as our nominated charity for 2023.
“We understand the importance of taking action early regarding current and future health. As a global market leader within the clinical diagnostics field, it was an obvious choice for Randox to partner with a similarly ambitious organisation. Race Against Dementia is a cause very close to many of our hearts.”
Sir Jackie Stewart OBE, Founder of Race Against Dementia, said:
“Race Against Dementia is delighted to be supported by Randox Laboratories in our race to find a cure for dementia.
“It is a great privilege to partner with an organisation which is an active innovator and is supporting our mission to accelerate the progress of dementia research.
“We are confident that working together with Randox will help to raise funds that will allow us to break new ground in the search for a cure or prevention of dementia.
“On a personal front, I have raced at Aintree before – it is a pleasure to be back, with another ‘race’ in mind.”
Dickon White, Regional Director, The Jockey Club North West, said:
“We are proud to support Race Against Dementia at the Grand National Festival and extend our thanks to Randox for helping to bring this partnership to fruition.
“Being staged over the famous Grand National fences, the Randox Supports Race Against Dementia Topham Chase should prove a very suitable vehicle for helping to publicise the vital work of Race Against Dementia.”
About Randox Laboratories
With over 40 years of diagnostic experience, Randox is globally recognised as being at the forefront of diagnostic capability and understands the importance of comprehensive and reliable research.
Past research and development has identified key proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease risk, stratifying at-risk populations, for early identification and assisting with clinical research.
Randox has recently made significant investment to deliver preventative, personalised testing packages across the nation and has opened over 20 new Randox Health clinics. Randox Health clinics focus on the provision of cost-effective, timely and accurate testing to identify risk to health, improve clinical diagnoses and promote preventative healthcare.
About Race Against Dementia
Race Against Dementia is a global charity, founded by Sir Jackie Stewart, OBE, to fund pioneering research into the prevention and cure of dementia.
RAD supports a number of Early Career Researchers in the UK, US, Australia, Europe and South Africa in order to accelerate dementia research.
RAD’s vision is a breakthrough in the prevention or treatment of dementia with the greatest of urgency.
For more information, please contact Market@randox.com
The Gift of Health: FREE Specialised Test with every Everyman or Everywoman purchased in December
This December, treat your friends and family to the greatest gift of all. The gift of health.
Throughout the month, Randox Health are offering a free Specialised Test, Cough, Cold & Flu, with every Everyman or Everywoman Programme purchased.
Examining up to 150 different indicators of health in your body! The programmes are among the most advanced in the world with our Signature Programme being the most advanced, examining up to 350 different indicators of disease and ill-health. This is due to our advanced technology.
The perfect gift, or perhaps Christmas treat for yourself? These 12-month programmes are guaranteed to give you the most advanced picture available of your current health status.
This month, each programme also comes with a free Cough, Cold & Flu check worth £100.
What is the Cough, Cold and Flu check?
In a world where warnings about antibiotic resistance make daily headlines, Randox Health is helping people take back control.
Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat antibiotic infections. But they don’t work for everything. Taking them when we don’t need them can enable dangerous bacteria that lives inside us to become resistant. That means if you need antibiotics in the future, they may not work. As the NHS says, this puts you and your family at serious risk.
Only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, so finding out what’s behind your infection is essential.
With the Randox Health Cough, Cold and Flu test one swab can detect and identify the cause of 21 respiratory infections in just five hours. With this knowledge, you will find out what’s treatment is going to be appropriate for you.
Take the guesswork out of getting better and book your Cough, Cold and Flu test either as a standalone check or for free with or Everyman or Everywoman Programme.
Specialised tests are available at our clinics in London, Liverpool, Holywood and Crumlin, and also through our innovative mobile health clinic. Gift cards can be purchased from as little as £20.
To find out more about the offer or to purchase the most thoughtful of Christmas presents – a gift card for the ‘gift of health’ – please phone our team on 0800 2545 130. You can also drop them an email. info@randoxhealth.com
Detecting the earliest possible signs of type 2 diabetes
Randox Laboratories is this month driving awareness of diabetes and the need for early and accurate diagnosis to enable patients to take preventive action before the condition worsens.
Diabetes UK have stated that diabetes is the fastest growing health threat of our times and an urgent public health issue. Statistics show that since 1996, the number of people living with diabetes has more than doubled. It has been estimated that there are 1.1 million people living with diabetes in the UK that have yet to be diagnosed, including 84,836 people in Northern Ireland.
According to Diabetes UK around 700 people a day are diagnosed with diabetes, which equates to one person every two minutes. If nothing changes, it is estimated that diabetes will affect one in ten people by 2040. This will raise diabetes prevalence from 415 million to 642 million by 2040. With current treatment taking up almost 9% of the annual NHS budget – roughly £8.8bn a year – the implications for future healthcare budgets are clear if this dangerous trend persists.
The good news however, is that recent research has found that type 2 diabetes is preventable through lifestyle changes. The NHS recently released the UK’s National Diabetes Prevention Programme which is aimed at tackling the increasing growing threat of diabetes.
However, following a warning raised by an Oxford University study, which looked into efforts of this Prevention Programme, it was found that it is unlikely to have much impact because the blood tests used were inaccurate at detecting pre-diabetes – the stage at which diabetes is reversible.
The blood tests used in the National Diabetes Prevention Programme were only effective at detecting diabetes at a stage when damage had already been done.
At Randox, we have developed a number of tests that can help detect the earliest possible signs of diabetes, often before symptoms have even manifested – including a pioneering test for the hormone Adiponectin.
Assessing Adiponectin levels allows doctors to calculate a patient’s levels of visceral fat – a dangerous, internal fat stored around organs. This deep fat, which is not visible to the naked eye, is linked to health problems including Type-2 diabetes.
Low levels of adiponectin equate to high levels of visceral fat which can be combated by improving your diet, exercise habits and even stress levels. Given that 70% of Type-2 diabetes can be prevented by lifestyle changes, there is strong correlation that by detecting low levels of Adiponectin and taking corrective and preventive action, it could result in a decrease in the numbers of people who develop the life-altering condition.
In addition to a test for the Adiponectin biomarker, Randox Biosciences have created a Metabolic Syndrome Array that measures 12 markers associated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Metabolic Syndrome is a is a group of cardiovascular risk factors that affects over 20% of adults and results in a person being three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack, and five times more likely to develop diabetes.
Ultimately, we would like to see all medical professionals who are at the forefront of patient care armed with the most accurate diagnostic tools available. Updating traditional practice may not be easy but we believe it is imperative to do so, if we are to effectively challenge this global epidemic.
Randox remains focused on providing early diagnoses and preventing illnesses by providing innovative diagnostics tests that will continue to revolutionise the healthcare landscape.
For further information, please contact Randox PR by emailing randoxpr@randox.com or phoning 028 9442 2413.
The Randox Health Everyman: so much more than a health MOT
It’s a concept we’re all familiar with.
Every year we take our car to get serviced to make sure everything is in working order and to fix the things that aren’t quite right.
Even if it’s been driving smoothly, using fuel economically and experiencing no apparent issues, we get it checked out anyway, because it’s better to find the small problems before they become bigger ones. Prevention is better than cure, right?
So why should we treat our bodies any differently?
Nearly half of all faults found during car MOTs could be avoided by carrying out simple maintenance, and it’s the same when it comes to our bodies.
With 50% of cancers, 70% of cardiovascular disease and 80% of strokes being preventable, a comprehensive health MOT can provide an accurate picture of your health while you are still well and provide you with the information you need to take action to prevent future problems.
This Movember, we’re encouraging men to take a proactive approach to their health – to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their body and their health in the same way they do with their car each year.
Your body is the most important vehicle you will ever own and that’s why we provide a comprehensive menu of blood tests for 25 different aspects of your health simultaneously, whereas a standard car MOT will only test 8 different areas of your car’s health.
But that’s not surprising when you know how complex the human body is compared to a car! Or when you learn that Randox Health’s testing programme is the most comprehensive and personalised health MOT on the market.
Between three and five tests are traditionally offered in the GP setting, and even in standard healthcare companies’ ‘premium packages’, only 30-35 routine blood tests may be carried out.
Within the Randox Health Everyman Programme we offer a varied range of 150 health tests.
Much more than a standard health MOT, this full body testing makes Randox Health the world’s most advanced preventive and personalised health MOT.
By harnessing the cutting-edge Randox Health science and technology, developed over 35 years, you have the knowledge to prevent future illness, and the power to secure your health.
Contact the Randox Health team today to find out more:
Tel: 0800 2545 130
Email: info@randoxhealthni.com
Randox supports Health Secretary’s new 21st century focus on prevention
For over 36 years, Randox has been developing cutting-edge diagnostic technologies to improve the quality, accuracy and timeliness of laboratory results, because we firmly believe that access to accurate and timely diagnostics is key to improving healthcare.
As 70% of clinical decisions are based on laboratory output, our efforts are central to healthcare and improving patient outcomes. It will come as no surprise therefore that we support the announcement made by Health Secretary Matt Hancock this week about a new green paper, entitled “Prevention is better than cure,” that will argue for a shift towards preventative healthcare, to help people stay well.
On Monday Mr Hancock argued that the “numbers don’t stack up” when it comes to spending on prevention as opposed to treatment, with £97bn of public money in the UK spent on treating disease and only £8bn preventing it.
He added that “we need a new 21st century focus on prevention.”
Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive Public Health England, echoed Mr Hancock’s sentiments by saying; “We need to move from a system that detects and treats illnesses to one that also predicts and prevents poor health through promoting health in all policies and puts people back in charge of their own health.”
It’s a goal that we at Randox share with both Mr Hancock and Mr Selbie. With new and emerging diagnostic technologies, we can speed up diagnoses, improve patient outcomes, make every pound go further and give clinicians more time with their patients.
Much earlier and much more effective diagnosis can simultaneously improve healthcare outcomes and reduce the burden on healthcare services.
At Randox, we look forward to a time when sickness is actively prevented, rather than managed. By utilising innovative diagnostic products capable of diagnosing disease and ill-health at the earliest possible stage, we can truly transform the life of the patient.
For further information please email randoxpr@randox.com