Pursuing Perfection: Insights into Global IQC Practices
Pursuing Perfection: Insights into Global IQC Practices
In a time when medical laboratory personnel are pushed to their limits, internal quality control and quality management are easy to consider a nuisance. However, these processes are vital to ensure accuracy and precision in the potentially life-saving tests performed in these laboratories. Most High-to-middle-income countries have strict regulations governing quality procedures in medical laboratories, but global standardisation in these areas is lacking. Over 70% of clinical decisions are based on laboratory testing but many clinicians are unaware of the accuracy and precision limitations associated with many of these tests. This places the responsibility on laboratory staff to ensure that all results provided to clinical decision-makers are as true as possible. For this, they rely on IQC and a robust quality management system.
To determine the state of the industry, a report by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Task Force on Global Laboratory Quality (TF-GLQ) surveyed over 100 IFCC full and affiliate members, receiving responses from 46 countries1. This survey consisted of a series of multiple-choice questions in relation to quality practices in their respective countries.
Findings by IFCC Task Force on Global Laboratory Quality
90% of respondents indicated that quality standards are in use in their country, despite being mandatory in only 46.7% of those countries.
These responses are encouraging showing that at least some level of predefined QC practice is implemented even in countries that do not legislatively mandate the inclusion of quality standards. This also hints that in those countries where it is not mandatory, it may soon become a requirement to adhere to a specified QC system. Nevertheless, in countries where regulatory measures are currently absent, the rigour of the implemented quality control procedures may not be adequate to ensure the accurate reporting of results.
42.5% of respondents indicated that IQC was not run in all laboratories in their country.
These respondents indicated that IQC is run in 50-99% of laboratories in their country. This less encouraging result shows that minimum IQC practices are not implemented globally. However, due to the multiple-choice nature of this survey, it is difficult to determine how drastic this issue is. Although it does raise the question of how these laboratories verify the precision of their results.
66.7% of respondents indicated that they use assay manufacturer quality control material.
This refers to first party quality control materials which are optimised by the manufacturer for use with a specific assay, instrument or method. These controls are often manufactured from the same material as the calibrator, making them less sensitive to subtle changes in performance, allowing them to mask weaknesses in the assay in question and therefore should be considered less effective options than third-party controls. Additionally, ISO15189:2022 encourage the use of third-party controls and require laboratories seeking accreditation that do not use third party controls to provide a sufficient explanation as to why this is the case.
60% of respondents indicated that not all laboratories in their country had written IQC policies and procedures.
This highlights an important aspect of a quality management system. Without written IQC policies and procedures it is almost impossible to standardise the IQC process and corrective action across laboratory staff, never mind on a national scale. Drafting this documentation can be cumbersome, however, many organisations can be contracted to assist with the drafting and implementation of these procedures for laboratories seeking to gain accreditation.
28.6% of respondents reported that manual interpretation of the IQC data was normal practice.
Manual data interpretation also poses challenges to the standardisation of IQC processes. Written IQC policies and procedures are crucial in implementing standard acceptance criteria for IQC results. Manual data interpretation also implements restrictions on the ability to carry out more advanced statistical analysis of the QC data.
The implementation of robust IQC practices is crucial for ensuring the trueness and precision of the results produced by a laboratory. Used correctly, IQC can monitor variability caused by instrumentation and lot changes as well as various other sources of analytical error. ISO15189:2022 provides a thorough framework for designing rigorous IQC policies and procedures, highlighting key areas such as the use of third party QC material, levels of QC material, the frequency at which IQC should be completed, matrix composition, acceptance/rejection criteria and non-conformance procedures. For more information on ISO15189:2022 accreditation, take a look at our educational guide ISO15189:2022 Updates.
The results from this survey conducted by IFCC show a clear disparity between IQC processes around the globe, displaying differences in requirements, recommendations, and legislation. Standardisation of IQC is not without its challenges. However, by striving to achieve the highest possible levels of quality, and following the guidance laid out in ISO15189:2022, laboratories can be confident in the results they provide to clinicians.
Acusera Quality Control
The Acusera range offers unbiased, independent third party quality controls for medical and research laboratories of all shapes and sizes. Our assayed controls are provided with target values for most commercially available analysers, ensuring that your test menu will be covered. With enhanced stability, commutability and consolidation, all our controls are manufactured to provide a clinically relevant challenge to your test method, aiding in ISO15189 accreditation. For more specialist laboratories, our teams are happy to discuss your requirements and help to provide bespoke quality control material, providing an extremely flexible QC range.
Acusera 24.7
Designed for use with the Acusera range of third party controls, the Acusera 24•7 software will help you monitor and interpret your QC data. Access to an impressive range of features, including interactive charts, the automatic calculation of Measurement Uncertainty & Sigma Metrics and live peer group data generated from our extensive database of laboratory participants, ensures Acusera 24•7 is the most comprehensive package available. For laboratories performing manual review of their IQC data, Acusera 24•7 provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-use platform for advanced statistical analysis and monitoring of these data.
For more information on our Acusera range of IQC material, or Acusera 24•7, feel free to reach out to us at marketing@randox.com or alternatively, browse our range of literature at the QC Resource Hub
- Wheeler SE, Blasutig IM, Dabla PK, et al. Quality standards and internal quality control practices in medical laboratories: an IFCC global survey of member societies. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). 2023;0(0). doi:10.1515/cclm-2023-0492
Laboratory Quality Control – Acusera
Acusera true third party quality controls offer complete test menu consolidation for laboratory Internal Quality Control.
Providing accurate and reliable sample material and delivering results you can trust.

Key Benefits of Acusera
A commutable sample matrix increases confidence that performance mimics that of patient samples.
With an extensive range of assayed/unassayed, liquid/lyophilised and single/multi-analyte controls, the Acusera portfolio has a solution to suit all laboratory preferences.
The values assigned to both our calibrators and control materials are traceable to a recognised reference material or reference measurement procedure meeting ISO 17511 and ISO 18153 requirements.
Accurate Target Values
Our process utilises thousands of independent labs globally, ensuring availability of highly accurate, robust target values for a wide range of instruments and methods, ultimately eliminating the need to spend time and money assigning in-house.
True Third Party Controls
Manufactured independently, the Acusera range delivers unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method, helping to meet ISO 15189:2022 requirements whilst eliminating the need for multiple instrument dedicated controls.
Specialising in consolidation, the Acusera range of multi-analyte controls is designed to reduce the number of individual controls required to cover your test menu, ultimately reducing costs, preparation time and storage space.
Our superior manufacturing processes ensure stability claims and analyte levels won’t differ significantly from lot-to-lot. You can therefore be sure of receiving the same standard of product time and time again.
Shelf Life Longevity
With a shelf life of up to four years for lyophilised controls and two years for liquid controls, you can benefit from continuity of lot supply whilst reducing the frequency of new lot validation studies, thus saving time and money.
Clinically Relevant Levels
The presence of analytes at key decision levels not only helps to ensure accurate instrument performance but maximises laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for additional low/high level controls at extra expense.
Acusera Internal Quality Control Range
With over 390 parameters, choice and flexibility is guaranteed.
Browse the controls below

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Randox – Diabetes

During December, we aim to highlight how the Randox product portfolio can be used for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes, with a focus on the Randox Reagents diabetes panel which offers a total of 12 assays for accurate and reliable diabetes testing.
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and it is estimated by WHO (World Health Organisation) that 2.2 million additional deaths are being caused by the condition each year. The number of people with the condition has being growing rapidly in the last 30 years, the International Diabetes Federation predicts that approximately 438 million people will have diabetes by 2030. Early diagnosis and constant monitoring of diabetes is essential in order to manage the condition, as diabetes can lead to other health problems such as heart disease, kidney damage or failure, nerve damage and even blindness.
Randox knows that this condition cannot be ignored as each year it is increasingly becoming a burden on the health service. Randox Reagents are committed to advancing diabetes related testing and offer an extensive range of high quality reagents: from diabetes diagnosis, to the monitoring of diabetes-related complications, the Randox Reagents diabetes testing panel covers the full spectrum of clinical testing requirements.
Reagents Diabetes Testing Assays

To aid with the growing concern of diabetes, Randox Reagents offer a comprehensive range of 12 assays within their diabetes testing panel including assays for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes which includes fructosamine, glucose and HbA1c and also those which monitor diabetes-related complications such as adiponectin, cystatin c, microalbumin and NEFA. The Randox diabetes reagents offer a range liquid ready-to-use and lyophilised formats for increased efficiency, applications are also available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers.
RX series Direct HbA1c Testing Capabilities

Renowned for quality and reliability the RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers boasts a world leading test menu with an extensive range of high performing and unique assays available. In addition to NEFA, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut) and Fructosamine the RX series welcomes Direct HbA1c testing on the RX Daytona +, RX imola and RX modena. The latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method improves laboratory performance and time, highly improving accuracy and precision by revolutionising your diabetes testing capabilities.
Quality Control

Designed for use in the Quality Control of both HbA1c and Total Haemoglobin assays, our Acusera HbA1c controls are an ideal match for laboratories running these parameters and POCT testing. Available in liquid ready-to-use or lyophilised formats, these controls offer attractive stability and flexibility for labs and healthcare practices of any size. Manufactured using human whole blood which ensures commutability, our controls directly mimic the performance of real patient samples helping deliver reliable results.
RIQAS Glycated Haemoglobin Programme

Designed to monitor the performance of HbA1c, our RIQAS glycated haemoglobin EQA program is suitable for both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. As the largest EQA scheme in the world, access to large peer groups is guaranteed. Additional benefits include; monthly analysis, user-friendly reports allowing at-a-glance performance assessment, ability to register up to five instruments per programme and cost savings via our unrivalled consolidation.
Metabolism: how Randox is helping to diagnose metabolic conditions
Many people talk about their metabolism as if it is a muscle or organ they can somehow control. In reality, your metabolism refers to a series of chemical processes in each cell that turn the calories you eat into fuel to keep you alive.
Metabolism is the biochemical process of combining nutrients with oxygen to release the energy our bodies need to function. Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns to maintain vital body functions such as heart rate, brain function and breathing. RMR accounts for up to 75 percent of the calories you burn each day. Knowledge of your individual RMR is a critical piece of information to appropriately establish daily calorie needs.
The body’s major organs — the brain, liver, kidneys, and heart — account for about half of the energy burned at rest, while fat, the digestive system, and especially the body’s muscles account for the rest.
Did you know?
Approximately 20-25% of the world’s adult population have metabolic syndrome?
A common misconception surrounding metabolic health is that it refers solely to your weight, and if you are overweight you are considered to be unhealthy. But in actual fact this may not be entirely true. Good metabolism means that your body is in good overall health, which doesn’t account for just your weight! Common metabolic disorders include genetic metabolic disorders, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Understanding and testing to see how well your metabolism is functioning is key to ensuring long lasting health.
There are a number of genetic metabolic disorders caused by mutations of single genes. Examples of common disordersinclude Gaucher’s disease, hemochromatosis and cystic fibrosis. Gaucher’s disease is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to break down fat that can accumulate in the liver/spleen and bone marrow. Hemochromatosis is a condition that is caused by the over-absorption and build-up of iron while cystic fibrosis is a metabolic disorder that appears as a result of a build-up of mucus in lungs/liver and intestines. Each of these metabolic disorders affect certain organs from functioning properly and therefore your overall healthiness.
Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common types of metabolic disorders in the world that is expected to affect 592 million people by 2035. It is characterised by high blood sugar, insulin resistance or a lack of insulin being produced by the pancreas. Insulin resistance occurs when the body isn’t able to use insulin the right way which increases blood glucose levels. Insulin is needed for cells to take in glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream and convert it into energy. Over time this lack of insulin can damage the organs in your body.
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome (also known as syndrome X, Reaven’s syndrome, and CHAOS) is not a disease but a collection of risk factors that affect your health; these include high blood pressure, high blood sugar/cholesterol and abdominal fat. Left untreated, these risk factors, together, can lead to long term serious problems including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and developing type 2 diabetes.
Can you improve your metabolic health?
Yes! The good news is that if you discover that your metabolic health is not up to scratch you can improve it through a combination of diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments such as:
- 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise 5-7 times a week
- Low-dose aspirin to reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack
- Quit smoking
- Medication for blood pressure/cholesterol/ blood sugar
- Limit alcohol intake
- Eat a healthy balanced diet
Related Products
Randox has developed the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers for superior semi-automated and fully automated testing. The RX series extensive dedicated test menu goes beyond routine testing and has many unique and high-performance tests available. Our range of tests covers several parameters to assess your overall metabolic health.
Metabolic Health Profile
Albumin | Chloride | Potassium |
Alkaline Phosphatase | C02 Total | Sodium |
ALT | Creatinine | Total Bilirubin |
AST (GOT) | Glucose | Total Protein |
Direct Bilirubin | Lactate | Urea |
Calcium |
The RX series clinical chemistry analysers provide laboratories with a robust and smart solution ensuring you maintain a consistent workflow and can provide accurate results first time, every time. Offering excellent customer support services, our trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument.Our world-famous test menu of high quality reagents ensures excellence in patient care, guaranteeing unrivalled precision and accuracy reducing costly test re-runs or misdiagnosis and offering complete confidence in results.
For more information visit: https://www.randox.com/clinical-chemistry-analysers/
Complete QC solutions for results you can trust

Randox Quality Control aim to deliver the complete QC package and with our portfolio we believe we have something to offer every laboratory regardless of their size or budget.
The Randox Quality Control portfolio includes;
- Acusera true third party Quality Control’s
- Acusera 24.7 Live Online, Interlaboratory Data Management Software
- RIQAS, the world’s largest international EQA scheme
- and, Acusera Verify, dedicated calibration verifiers
Designed to streamline QC in even the most demanding laboratories our complete QC solutions will save precious time and money through consolidation, ease-of-use and high quality products.
With accurate and reliable testing at the top of a laboratory’s priority list, we at Randox Quality Control strive to put you at the top of ours.
Request your FREE QC consultation
Randox Quality Control’s specialist QC consultants can provide your laboratory with a FREE consultation to demonstrate how we can help you streamline your laboratory, meet regulatory requirements and save time and money.
Simply fill out the form below to request your consultation today.
RIQAS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

- How do I register for RIQAS?
Complete the RIQAS method questionnaire and enrolment document for the programmes you wish to participate in. RIQAS will then issue you with a unique laboratory reference number. The enrolment document should be returned to RIQAS before the start of the cycle. These documents can be easily downloaded from the RIQAS website. Simply click on the programme of interest and download the relevant documentation.
- What if my current method is not listed in the method questionnaire or enrolment document?
Use the method questionnaire to help you complete the registration of methods section on the enrolment document. If a code is not available for your method/assay please state the details of your method clearly in the appropriate section at the end of the enrolment document.
- How do I enter my EQA results?
Participants may conveniently enter their results online via RIQAS.Net. Alternatively results can be entered via the manual return sheet and submitted by fax or post before the final submission deadline.
- How do I know when to submit my EQA results?
Each RIQAS pack will contain a multi-lingual product insert containing instructions for use. The product insert also highlights the recommended date of analysis and more importantly the final date by which the results must reach Randox. The final date for submission of results can also be found on the RIQAS calendar. All results should reach RIQAS before 5pm GMT on the final submission date.
- How and when are RIQAS reports issued?
For most programmes reports are available within 72 hours of the final submission date (for RIQAS Serology Programmes, reports are sent via email within 7-10 days of the final submission date). The reports may be accessed online via RIQAS.Net or alternatively may be sent by email or post. Individual reports may be emailed to up to three addresses.
- Can I register multiple instruments for a single EQA programme?
Yes, laboratories can register up to five instruments per programme at no extra cost. Individual reports for each instrument plus a unique multi-instrument report are provided. The multi-instrument report allows for comparative performance assessment of each instrument. Additional sample packs may be ordered as required.
- What is the summary CSV file?
Laboratories can register to receive a CSV file containing a summary of their report statistics, acceptable limits and performance indicators for every sample. The file mirrors the information found on the quantitative report summary page but will also include the calculated SD and SDPA. If you wish to receive a summary CSV file, please indicate this by ticking the box on the enrolment document and include the email addresses to which the reports should be sent.
- Is RIQAS accredited to ISO/IEC 17043:2010?
Yes, in 2012 RIQAS celebrated gaining accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043:2010. This standard outlines general requirements for proficiency testing and demonstrates our commitment to quality whilst providing both participants and accrediting bodies with confidence in the schemes operation. Our accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 highlights the superior quality and excellence of RIQAS. **Please be aware that not all RIQAS programmes are accredited. Programmes marked with a “+” highlight the programmes not accredited.**
9. What if I don’t need all the parameters in a particular EQA programme?
Reduced parameter options are available for selected EQA programmes offering greater flexibility, whilst ensuring suitability for laboratories of all sizes and budgets.
10. How does the group reporting facility work?
The Group Reporting facility enables group co-ordinators to monitor the performance of satellite sites. Each individual laboratory in the group will receive an individual report, the group supervisor will receive a unique instrument group report comparing each laboratory’s performance within the group.
11. Will I receive a certification of participation?
Yes, RIQAS provides certificates as proof of EQA participation and performance for laboratory accreditation purposes. A complimentary certificate of participation for each RIQAS programme is available to participants at the end of each cycle, provided at least 50% of results have been returned. A certificate of performance is also supplied with the end-of-cycle report. Certificates will specify the cycle number, programme name and the LABORATORY / HOSPITAL NAME specified in the enrolment document.
12. Can you offer technical support and advice?
Unrivalled technical support is available through our team of RIQAS scientists and experts who are on hand to offer advice and to help you troubleshoot technical issues relating to our RIQAS programmes.
13. I have found a transcription error on my report. Can I submit the revised result?
Participants are permitted to submit corrected results up to 4 weeks after the final date of the sample. Although a new report will not be issued, results can be viewed on the charts of subsequent reports, showing “C” in place of the sample number. If a result is corrected and resubmitted to RIQAS before the final date for the current sample, it will be entered as a current result.
14. How do I notify a change of method if the cycle is already underway?
It is possible to change your units, method, instrument or reagent classification during a cycle. For participants using RIQAS.Net changes can be made in the method changes section of the data entry menu. Each RIQAS return sheet also has a section for method changes.
15. How do I add extra parameters to my registration?
Extra parameters can be added to a registration via RIQAS.Net using the method changes section on the data entry menu. A list of your registered laboratory reference numbers will appear on screen. Select the laboratory reference number for which you would like to add the assay details and select ‘Add Parameter’. A list of parameters you are not registered for will appear. Select the parameters you wish to add and complete the assay details. Parameters cannot be deleted on RIQAS.Net. If you wish to delete a parameter please contact RIQAS directly on mail@riqas.com.
A week dedicated to unsung heroes! – Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2017
From April 23rd to April 29th we are celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week! This is a week dedicated to raising awareness for those who work in a laboratory & the hard work that goes unnoticed every day in laboratories around the world.
Have you ever wondered what happens between submitting your patient sample and receiving your results? Have you ever wondered who conducts the detailed laboratory testing for your annual check-up such as cholesterol and glucose levels? Or who analyses these results? The answer, a Medical Laboratory Professional (MLP). MLP’s provide up to 70% of the medical laboratory results for physicians and others to make informed decisions about a patient’s diagnosis and aftercare treatment plan. The work that laboratory professionals do each and every day is integral to providing excellent patient care. They perform and interpret billions of laboratory tests every year.
Providing accurate and reliable test results is of the utmost importance for laboratory professionals and also for us at Randox. With a passion for Quality Control, and with more than 30 years’ experience developing Laboratory QC for the in vitro diagnostics market, we believe in producing high quality material designed to streamline procedures, whilst reducing costs in laboratories of all sizes and budgets. These qualities have been reflected in our Acusera true third party quality controls, Acusera 24.7 interlaboratory data management software, Acusera Verify Calibration Verification material and RIQAS, the largest international EQA scheme.
Randox Quality Control would like to take this opportunity to thank all the laboratory professionals around the world and especially our own laboratory staff – you truly are the “Unsung Heroes of Healthcare”.

Acusera 24ā¢7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Is it possible to compare multiple instruments on a single Levey-Jennings Chart?
With Acusera 24•7 users can combine multiple instruments, as well as analytes and QC lots on a single chart. This will enable comparative performance assessment and facilitate immediate visualisation of any ongoing or emerging trends. It may also be useful for troubleshooting out of control QC events.
Is it possible to compare different levels of control on a single Levey-Jennings Chart for identification of concentration related bias?
Yes data for multiple QC lots can be displayed on a single, convenient Levey-Jennings chart allowing any concentration related problems to be identified quickly.
How often is peer group data updated?
With Acusera 24•7, peer group data is uniquely updated live in real-time. The instant nature of the peer data will help reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, re-running QC samples and performing any instrument maintenance. With real-time peer group data you can compare to other laboratories around the globe using the same lot of QC material and identify if there are any issues and whether they are unique to your lab or a widespread issue.
Is there a limit to the number of users?
There is no limit to the number of concurrent users – you can have as many as you want. There are 5 different levels of user access – Admin, Group Co-Ordinator, Manager, User and Technical Support. It is worth noting that User access can be customised per user to ensure access to only the required functionality
How can the software help me to meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements?
Unique to Acusera 24.7 , our software will automatically calculate Measurement Uncertainty (UM) and provide your laboratory with a printable report that can be used to help meet ISO 15189:2012 accreditation requirements. In addition to this the software can help to prevent the release of patient results in the event of a QC failure for example when the Quality Control rules are violated.
Is it possible to use RiliBAK as my allowable limits?
QC data can indeed be rejected or alerted based on RiliBAK guidelines. Other options are also available, including, CLIA, Biological Variation, RIQAS TDPA and user defined performance limits.
Is Acusera 24.7 secure?
To authenticate users, a number of security measures are used, including; participant number, username and a password combination (for individual role-based accounts). Password complexity standards are enforced on user account setup. CAPTCHA is enforced after several failed login attempts to prevent or guard against automated attacks. HTTPS and X509 certificate authentication is in place meeting industry security standards.
I have never used interlaboratory software before, is there training provided with my purchase of 247?
There are a number of different options available in terms of training. The easiest, most convenient and accessible form of training is through the use of our walk through demo that has voice-over and text so everyone can follow. With our software comes a user guide, this is a walk through that laboratories can use to guide them through the usage of the software. Additionally, there is also the possibility of a live demo from the sales consultant in your area who will be able to run through the software with you.
Can I create unique login credentials for each user?
Yes, each user will have their own personal log-in. If a lower level user, e.g. user, technical support or manager forgets their password they can have it reset by the administrator. However, if a group co-ordinator or admin forgets their password they should contact Randox directly who will be able to reset their credentials and resend to the administrator’s email address.
I currently use non-Randox Quality Controls, does this affect the ability of the software?
Not at all, our software is so flexible that it can be used with any other manufacturers Quality Control material. However, you will only have access to the internal functions of the software and will not have access to peer group statistics. For this reason we recommend the software is used alongside our Acusera true third party Quality Control solutions.
Is Acusera 24.7 the only software option available?
Yes this is the only option available – Unlike other manufacturers there is no need for any additional software packages or options. All functionality is available in the one software package.
My computer is very old, do I need a new, modern and up-to-date operating system to run the software?
Not necessarily. As long as you have stable access to the internet you can access Acusera 24.7 as it is a cloud based software.
My patient data is confidential. Will the software need access to this data?
Acusera 24.7 will not require access to your patient data. This is important for a laboratory but less for the software. Acusera 24.7 will only need access to the results of your Quality Control to ensure that your instrument/s are performing to standard and therefore ensuring that your patient results will be reliable and accurate.
I have forgotten my username and password – what do I do now?
If an individual with user level or manager level access forgets their username and password, they should contact the laboratory administrator. If an administrator or group co-ordinator forgets their username or password they should contact Randox who will verify the administrator and send new login details for the account.
Is Acusera 24.7 Connect required to import QC data?
Acusera 24.7 Connect is only required if you wish to import QC data automatically. Data can also be entered manually using the data entry screen or in a semi-automated manner using the EDI function.
I need to renew my license, is this done automatically?
If your licence has expired and you would like to renew you should get in touch with your local Sales Consultant.
My internet connection isn’t great. Will this affect the running of the software? What happens if the signal drops when entering results?
If connection is lost from the laboratory’s side, all data will be transferred to the web and once reconnected, the previous session will also be remembered. Emergency power generators and fall over servers are in place to ensure 99.8% uptime is guaranteed.
Are there any additional software requirements?
You must have access to a Java applet. This software is available as standard on almost all modern computers, laptops and notebooks.
Demand for external support driving growth of EQA
“In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Quality Controls Market” recently published by Markets and Markets has highlighted an overall significant growth within the Quality Control Market. Further growth is anticipated in the coming years with the Markets and Markets report estimating that the IVD QC market will be worth $979 million.
One area that is currently experiencing growth within this sector is the EQA segment, which Markets and Markets estimates to command a 6.6% share of the overall IVD market. The report is crediting growth within this segment to you, the customer, stating “…various end users or customers of IVD quality control products mostly prefer external support to run their quality control activities. For this, market players are largely focusing on providing external quality assurance (EQA) support”. As such companies such as Randox are being approached to provide EQA for a range of small, independent laboratories and large laboratory chains alike.
What other factors have contributed to this growth?
The adoption of ISO15189 and other similar standards is becoming mandatory in many countries, as discussed in a previous blog post. Accreditation highlights the accuracy and reliability of the patient results being released. ISO15189 states that “The laboratory shall participate in interlaboratory comparisons such as those organised by external quality assessment or proficiency testing schemes”. Therefore laboratory managers are employing EQA programmes in their laboratory to meet such requirements. EQA also enables laboratories to meet other accreditation requirements such as peer comparison and clinically relevant testing.
Selecting the right EQA for you
When selecting the right EQA scheme for your laboratory there are a number of considerations to be made; sample frequency, peer group numbers, report format, report turnaround and so on. According to a survey conducted by Randox Quality Control 55% of respondents listed sample frequency as the most important feature to be considered when selecting an EQA scheme. Sample frequency is an ongoing debate regarding EQA. However, schemes with frequent reporting will allow you to easily pinpoint when an error occurred and implement corrective actions with minimal disruption. Also making the top three key factors in this survey were; quality samples and peer group numbers.
What can Randox Quality Control offer?
As the largest international EQA scheme available on the market RIQAS offers laboratories around the world assurance that the results they are releasing are accurate and reliable. With more than 40,000 participant in 124 countries and 32 flexible programmes we are certain that the external support we offer for your quality control activities will provide you with the upmost confidence in your laboratory’s performance. Furthermore with our programmes accepted by national and international accreditation bodies worldwide employing RIQAS can help you gain accredited status providing your end users with peace of mind. With other benefits such as programme consolidation, rapid report turnaround, easy to read at-a-glance reporting and the ability to register up to 5 instruments per programme at no extra cost why don’t you contact us today and find out how we can support your quality control activity?
To request a visit from a QC consultant contact us via acusera@randox.com
Microalbumin shifts when changing reagent batch

A laboratory running a competitors 3rd party Microalbumin QC noticed shifts in their QC values whenever they changed reagent batch.
They tested two levels of quality control over three different batches of reagent the results can be seen in the table below.
Competitor Control – Microalbumin | ||
Reagent Batch |
QC Level One |
QC Level Two |
1 | 19.9 | 81.0 |
2 | 29.7 | 90.5 |
3 | 50.4 | 122.4 |
As can be seen from the findings above, Microalbumin results shifted significantly each time they changed reagent batch. This was the case for both the level one and level two control however when the lab tested the same set of patient samples across the three reagent batches results were consistent and did not show the same shifts.
The laboratory decided to contact Randox and ask about our Microalbumin controls. They were concerned about the shifts seen with their current supplier and highlighted the fact they were no longer confident in the results they were releasing. This led to them trialling the Randox liquid ready-to-use Microalbumin control with the same three reagent batches they tested previously.
Having tested two levels of the Randox quality control over the same three reagent batches the laboratory reported to us that their results were back on track and they were delighted with the outcome! The results of the Randox control can be seen in the table below.
Randox Control – Microalbumin | ||
Reagent Batch |
QC Level One |
QC Level Two |
1 | 33.5 | 158.8 |
2 | 34.9 | 164.9 |
3 | 34.8 | 168.0 |
The difference seen with the Randox control across the three reagent batches was much smaller than that of their previous control and was in line with the changes seen with their patient samples.
This case study highlights the commutability of the Randox QC range. By using a control with a matrix that reacts to the test system in the same manner as the patient sample the laboratory was confident in the patient test results produced and were able to meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements.