Approaching the Fundamental Impact of STIs Worldwide
Approaching the Fundamental Impact of STIs Worldwide

02 March 2021
The Global Economic Burden of STIs & The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual Health Whitepaper Download
Sexual Health encompasses; genito-urinary medicine, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, contraception, psychosexual medicine, abortion services, teenage pregnancy and sexual and reproductive health. It is delivered in various settings, providing care across specialised services as well as through primary and third sector organisations.
Sexual and reproductive health is a fundamental public health issue and is clearly recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This whitepaper focuses on the profound impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) worldwide with WHO reporting that more than 1 million STIs are acquired every day (WHO, 2020).
The whitepaper discusses issues such as antimicrobial resistance, in particular gonorrhoea, and the challenges faced in a social and public concept due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Syphilis and Confidante home STI test: screening for 10 infections
What is syphilis?
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Although spread through sexual contact, it is frequently passed to an unborn child by its infected mother, where it can cause congenital syphilis resulting in high rates of stillbirth and increased risk of infant mortality.
Primary syphilis is when sores appear at the point where the bacteria entered the body. These sores can appear anywhere such as: around the opening of the urethra, penis, foreskin and anus in men; the vulva, clitoris, cervix, urethra and anus in women.
Secondary syphilis occurs when untreated sores have appeared and healed. It is still infectious and maintains its ability to be passed on.Tertiary syphilis is a progression from untreated secondary forms of the infection. Left untreated, after many years, the infection can cause serious damage to the heart, brain, eyes, internal organs and nervous system, which can ultimately lead to death.
Important Statistics
Below are some statistics that have been published: about syphilis in recent years.
- In 2017, there were approximately 422,000 diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) made in England, around the same number that was reported in 2016.
- There were 7,137 diagnoses of syphilis reported in 2017, a 20% increase (from 5,955) relative to the year prior and a 148% increase relative to 2008.
- The impact of STIs remains greatest in young heterosexuals 15 to 24 years; black ethnic minorities; and gay, bisexual and other MSM
- The increase in syphilis follows a 10-year trend, with 78% of diagnoses in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM).
How is the infection passed on?
Syphilis is passed on from one person to another through sex (vaginal, anal and oral) and also by direct skin contact with syphilis sores or rashes. Symptoms do not have to be visible for it to be passed on. It can still be transmitted before sores appear or after they have disappeared. Pregnant women can also pass syphilis onto their unborn baby.
What are the complications?
If syphilis is not treated effectively, it can spread to other parts of the body. This can result in long term complications, such as damage to the heart, brain, eyes and other organs. Ultimately, this damage can even lead to death.
Confidante Test
Confidante avoids any embarrassing examinations, allowing you to take a test in the privacy of your own home. The Confidante test is made to be quick and easy to use, with no technical jargon, making it extremely convenient.
Confidante is now only £40 with free postage and packaging (RRP £85). Your results will be delivered discreetly via post within 7 days and will not appear on your medical record.
If you want to read more about Confidante or buy a kit visit here, or contact a member of our team today.
Testing for STIs with Confidante At Home Testing Kit
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed from one person to another typically through unprotected sex or genital contact.1 Some of the most common STIs are Chlamydia, Genital Warts, Herpes, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Viral Hepatitis. Over one million STIs are acquired every day worldwide.2
Not all STIs cause noticeable symptoms. You could have an STI and not know. Therefore it is essential to get regular health checks. Some STIs, like chlamydia, can be asymptomatic – i.e. they display no symptoms but can cause long-term complications like infertility.3
STI symptoms in women
- yellow or green vaginal discharge
- smelly discharge (often fish-like)
- bleeding between periods
- bleeding after sex
- pain during sex
STI symptoms in men
- discharge from penis tip
- irritation of the urethra
- swollen testicles
STI symptoms in both genders
- pain when urinating
- itching, burning or tingling around the genitals
- blisters, sores, lumps or a rash around genitals or anus
Confidante At-Home STI Testing Kit
If you have recently entered a new relationship, experienced unprotected sex or are planning a family you should get tested for STIs, and may want to avail of our 10-plex STI test.
We offer a home testing sexually transmitted infection kit called ‘Confidante’ which enables you to be tested for 10 of the most common STIs. Confidante is designed to ensure a simple, hassle-free process where you will receive your results in 7 working days of posting your sample via email or telephone.
The process is straightforward and so simple: Buy Online / Register Kit Online / Collect Sample / Post / Receive Results.
For healthcare professionals, we also offer a Multiplex Sexually Transmitted Infection Array allowing you to outsource samples for STI testing. The CE-marked STI Array provides excellent precision, specificity, sensitivity and accuracy for STI diagnoses, which reduces the risk of false reporting and unnecessary confirmatory tests. Our simultaneous multiplex testing means smaller sample volumes are required, enabling faster throughput and rapid patient diagnosis saving you time and money.
STI Multiplex Array detects the following;
- Chlamydia Trachomatis
- Neisseria Gonorrhoea
- Herpes Simplex 1
- Herpes Simplex 2
- Treponema Pallidum
- Mycoplasma Hominis
- Ureaplasma Urealticum
- Mycoplasma Genitalium
- Haemophilius Ducreyi
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
Randox Clinical Laboratory Services
Tests for each of the STIs detailed above are run in Randox Clinical Laboratory Services (RCLS) in Antrim, Northern Ireland. RCLS is built upon Randox’s 35 years of experience and provides a clinical laboratory service designed to meet the time-sensitive, bespoke requirements of clinical and research projects globally.
RCLS have 4 UKAS ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratories No. 9329 – with unrivalled facilities across the UK. They are situated in Liverpool, London, Holywood and Randox Science Park Antrim. Within each of the locations there are a team of experienced scientists to support your project while you save money, time and labour.
There are a variety of analyser platforms available across the RCLS laboratories including the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers, along with our Evidence Series of multiplex immunoassay/molecular diagnostic systems, which utilise our intelligent Biochip Array Technology. Each site also offers alternative third-party analysers.
To find out more information about Confidante sexual health testing, or RCLS, visit: or email To find out more information about our STI Array visit: or email
Raising awareness of sexual health on National STIQ Day
National STIQ Day
National STIQ day was introduced in 2010 and every year since then the 14th of January has been dedicated to raising awareness for STIQ. The purpose is to emphasize the importance of sexual health and to encourage everyone to get regular health checks.
Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) are infections passed from one person to another through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex, or genital contact.
Lack of symptoms
More and more people in the UK are catching STIs and each year the infection rate is rising. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1 million STIs are acquired every day and the majority of these STIs have no symptoms.1 Therefore you could have an STI and not be aware. 70% of women and 50% of men show no symptoms after contracting Chlamydia which is the most common STI condition in the UK.2
Even though the majority of the time symptoms of STIs aren’t visible, there can be signs of having an STI, including unusual discharge from the vagina, penis or anus, pain when peeing, lumps or skin growth around the genitals, a rash, unusual bleeding, itchiness or blisters around the genitals.3
What to do when you catch an STI
Anyone can catch an STI regardless of what age you are, your sexuality or how many sexual partners you have, as it only takes one sexual encounter to put you at the risk of catching an STI. A shocking fact from Public Health England shows that a case of chlamydia or gonorrhea is diagnosed in a young person every 4 minutes in England, and over 144,000 diagnoses of these sexually transmitted infections are seen in people aged 15 to 24 in 2017. 4
It is extremely important to get routinely tested. The earlier the diagnosis is made and treated the less chance of having long-term effects including infertility.
Randox Biosciences 10-plex STI test
Randox Biosciences would like to take the opportunity to support STIQ day by offering our CE marked 10-plex STI test, a cost-effective solution for accurate STI testing. This test detects the following 10 infections simultaneously from a single patient urine sample.
- Neisseria gonorrhoea (NG)
- Mycoplasma genitalium (MG)
- Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU)
- Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)
- Trichomonas vaginalis (TV)
- Haemophilus ducreyi (HD)
- Mycoplasma hominis (MH)
- Treponema pallidum (TP)
- Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)
- Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)
Does your laboratory or clinic carry out STI testing? Our molecular analyser, the Bosch Vivalytic, powered by our award winning Biochip Array Technology, could be the diagnostic solution.
For more information about our STI Arrays or Vivalytic email:
Evidence Series ā Investigator and Molecular testing
Evidence Investigator | Adaptable, Efficient & Comprehensive
The Evidence Investigator is a compact, semi-automated benchtop analyser that offers efficient and comprehensive testing across a range of applications including clinical diagnostics, molecular, research, toxicology and food diagnostics.
Renowned for its versatility, robustness and effective reporting methods, the Evidence Investigator has been used in a wide range of laboratory settings for over 15 years. This highly advanced yet simple to use analyser has only one moving part, giving the user peace of mind.
The Evidence Investigator contains a host of innovative on-board data analysis features ensuring manual processes are kept to a minimum.
By utilising the same multiplex technology as the other Evidence Series analysers, the Evidence Investigator can process up to 44 results from a single sample, with a maximum throughput of up to 2376 tests per hour. Offering efficiency without compromising on accuracy, the Evidence Investigator is the perfect fit for medium throughput laboratories seeking maximum use of bench space.
Molecular Testing
Our molecular product range offers diagnostic, prognostic and predictive solutions across a variety of disease areas including sexually transmitted infection (STI), Respiratory tract infection, colorectal cancer, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Additionally, we can provide a wide range of assay formats including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyping, pathogen detection and mutation detection.
Pathogen Detection
STI and Respiratory Arrays
Both arrays detect the most common and frequently requested infections in sexual and respiratory health. These comprehensive, highly sensitive and specific tests enable identification of co-infections simultaneously, often in asymptomatic patients and enable antibiotic stewardship.
Mutation Detection
KRAS, BRAF, PIK3CA array and Familial Hypercholesterolemia Arrays I & II
These unique biochip assays permit high discrimination between multiple targets in a number of genes with a rapid turnaround time (3 hours). The arrays enable detection of the most frequently occurring mutations known to cause disease (FH) and adversely affect patient treatment (KRAS, BRAF, PIK3CA). A unique primer set is designed for each target which will hybridise to a complimentary oligo-nucleotide probe spotted on a biochip discrete test region (DTR).
SNP Genotyping
Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Array
This array identifies individuals with a genetic predisposition to coronary heart disease (CHD). The innovative multiplex primers are designed to discriminate DNA sequences which differ only at one base.
For more information on our Evidence Series or Molecular range of Assays, contact us at
Evidence Investigator | Adaptable, Efficient & Comprehensive
The Evidence Investigator is a compact, semi-automated benchtop analyser that offers efficient and comprehensive testing across a range of applications including clinical diagnostics, molecular, research, toxicology and food diagnostics.
Renowned for its versatility, robustness and effective reporting methods, the Evidence Investigator has been used in a wide range of laboratory settings for over 15 years. This highly advanced yet simple to use analyser has only one moving part, giving the user peace of mind.
The Evidence Investigator contains a host of innovative on-board data analysis features ensuring manual processes are kept to a minimum.
By utilising the same multiplex technology as the other Evidence Series analysers, the Evidence Investigator can process up to 44 results from a single sample, with a maximum throughput of up to 2376 tests per hour. Offering efficiency without compromising on accuracy, the Evidence Investigator is the perfect fit for medium throughput laboratories seeking maximum use of bench space.
Accurate and Robust
Like all the Evidence Series analysers, what sets it apart is technology. The Evidence Investigator is extremely well equipped to provide reliable results, while simultaneously robust enough to withstand frequent, heavy use.
Results are generated using a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera, which quantifies chemiluminescent light. This light measures the degree of binding between the patient sample and specific biochip bound ligands, generating highly accurate and reliable results.
The Evidence Investigator is the world’s first platform allowing consolidation of immunoassay and molecular diagnostics. This is achieved through utilising protein and DNA based biochips. By giving the user the ability to consolidate tests, the Evidence Investigator improves laboratory efficiency and reduces costs.
Advanced Reporting
The Evidence Investigator image processing software translates light signal generated from chemiluminescent reactions into analyte concentration. This removes the need for any manual processing of data.
Previously unreported tests can also be retrieved, so they can be tested retrospectively. This saves time, labour costs and reduces any reagents wastage. All data is then analysed on-board, removing issues related to human error and result manipulation.
About the Randox Evidence Series
The Evidence Series is set to revolutionise diagnostic testing forever. Offering unrivalled capabilities across all analysers, we truly believe that the Evidence Series range of immunoassay analysers can meet your diagnostic testing capabilities.
For more information on the Evidence Investigator, or any of the Evidence Series analysers, visit or contact us
Molecular Diagnostics from Randox Biosciences
Our Randox Biosciences division is a trusted partner in supplying quality diagnostic solutions to the Clinical, Life Science, Pharmaceutical, Research and BioPharma industries.
Our molecular product range offers diagnostic, prognostic and predictive solutions across a variety of disease areas including sexually transmitted infections (STI), respiratory tract infection, colorectal cancer, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Additionally, we can provide a wide range of assay formats including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyping, pathogen detection and mutation detection. The arrays are optimised for use with the Randox Evidence Investigator semi-automated, medium throughput bench-top biochip analyser.
One test, 10 results.
Our STI multiplex array II simultaneously detects 10 bacterial, viral and protozoan infections including primary, secondary and asymptomatic co-infections for a complete infection profile. The assay is based on a combination of multiplex, PCR and biochip array hybridisation. Innovative PCR priming technology permits high discrimination between multiple targets. A unique primer set is designed for each target which will hybridise to a complimentary oligo-nucleotide probe spotted on a biochip discrete test region (DTR).
The combination of priming and spatially organised biochip array technology enables enhanced specificity of the assay. Analysis can be completed from template DNA through PCR to data readout in less than 6 hours. The array is validated for urine and swab sample matrices with up to 53 patient samples being processed simultaneously. The array is CE marked for routine clinical use.
Our STI Multiplex Array II includes tests for the following STIs;
Neisseria Gonnorrhoea (NG) Mycoplasma Genitalium (MG)
Ureaplasma Urealyticum (UU) Chlamydia Trachhomatis (CT)
Tricomonas Vaginalis (TV) Haemophilus Ducreyi (HD)
Mycoplasma Hominis (MH) Treponema Pallidum (TP)
Herpes Simplex virus I (HSV-1) Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)
Randox Biosciences also offer four additional Molecular arrays.
For more information on our Molecular arrays please contact us by sending an email to