Not All Heroes Wear Capes – Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2016

A lot happens between giving a patient sample and getting your results. Although you may never meet face-to-face, laboratory professionals play a very important role in health care. These professionals are ultimately responsible for conducting tests that provide results and information for detecting, diagnosing, treating and monitoring disease.
With the aim of celebrating and honouring medical laboratory professionals around the world who perform and interpret billions of laboratory tests every year, Lab Week has been taking place at the end of April each year for over 40 years.
Randox Quality Control would like to thank both the laboratory professionals who utilise our products and our own research & development laboratory staff who make our QC and EQA range the highest quality and most reliable available worldwide.
Follow us this week on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date with Randox Quality Control and view our Lab Week video below for an insight into Randox’s QC production process.
We are committed to revolutionising healthcare on a global scale.
For more information on the Randox Quality Control, click here or contact