Randox Extended Coronavirus Array: Bringing the Best Science to the Forefront
Randox Extended Coronavirus Array: Bringing the Best Science to the Forefront
COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) was declared a global emergency of international concern. The WHO’s director-general’s greatest concern is the potential for COVID-19 to spread to countries with weaker health systems. The biggest catch with containing the epidemic of COVD-19 is the detection. It has been recognised that faulty kits have been shipped around America by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and there simply aren’t enough kits in China 1. Randox can aid in overcoming these challenges.
What is COVID-19?
The COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. Consequently, research on this new strain is lacking. Symptoms are similar to that of the common cold or flu, including: fever, cough, difficultly breathing, muscle pain and fatigue. Like other respiratory infections, transmission occurs through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing, with an estimated incubation period of 2 to 14 days 2.
Current Situation
Globally, there are 46, 997 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 46, 550 of these confirmed cases attributed to China. Only 447 of the total number of cases are outside of China, across 24 countries. The total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 sits at 1, 369 of which all have been observed in China, except one. These statistics are laboratory-confirmed cases only 3. These statistics were reported by WHO on 13 February and is the situation of number, total and new cases, within the past 24hrs from being recorded. Whilst China is at a very high risk, the global risk level is high. These statistics indicate the necessity for COVID-19 diagnosis, especially as the above are only laboratory-confirmed cases combined with the faulty tests distributed in America and the lack of diagnostic tests in China.
The Randox Extended Coronavirus Array
Randox have developed a fast and accurate test for the detection of COVID-19, the new strain of coronavirus. The Randox Extended Coronavirus Array is the only test in the world that can identify the potentially lethal strain and differentiate between other respiratory pathogens with similar symptoms.
The new test utilises the Randox Biochip Technology, with results within 5 hours on the Randox Evidence Investigator, a semi-automated analyser capable of processing 54 patient samples simultaneously.
The Randox Coronavirus Array comprises five coronaviruses strains, including the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) strain. The table below provides a breakdown of the viruses included in the Randox Extended Coronavirus Array:
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;
“Current technologies for the diagnosis of coronavirus are designed simply to detect the presence or lack of COVID-19, and therefore neglect to differentiate between this strain and other respiratory infections. We have therefore developed an extended Viral Respiratory Infection Array that tests simultaneously for COVID-19 and nine other viruses. This will eliminate the need for multiple back-and-forth tests before the root cause of symptoms is found, and empower clinicians to make fast and informed decisions.”
Want to know more?
Contact us or download our coronavirus flyer
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Illicit drugs costs the USA more than $740 billion annually
18 February 2020
Illicit drugs affecting the US economy
Illicit drugs costs the USA more than $740 billion annually
The abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs is extremely costly to the USA, exacting more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and health care, according to a report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
A substantial number of 70,237 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2017. Opioids are currently the main driver of drug overdose deaths. Opioids were involved in some 47,600 overdose deaths in 2017 (67.8% of all drug overdose deaths).
In 2017, the states with the highest rates of death due to drug overdose were West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and Kentucky. States with statistically significant increases in drug overdose death rates from 2016 to 2017 included Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Randox Toxicology are first to market when it comes to testing for the latest drugs of abuse and new psychoactive substances on the market. Our revolutionary Biochip Array Technology provides state-of-the-art drug detection, utilizing simultaneous drug detection from a single sample across multiple matrices.
To find out more join us at AAFS February 17-22, Anaheim Convention Center, booth #508. Our reps Pankaj, Khushbu and Matt will be there demonstrating our Biochip technology and our Evidence MultiSTAT.
You can also email us at: info@randoxtoxicology.com or visit our website: www.randoxtoxicology.com
Randox Toxicology Products and Services
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Randox actively testing samples for Coronavirus COVID-19
12 February 2020
Introducing the COVID-19 Coronavirus Test from Randox
A ground-breaking test for the potentially fatal COVID-19 strain of coronavirus, is available at global health diagnostics company Randox Laboratories.
The test, developed on Randox’s patented Biochip Technology, is as an enhanced multiplex array which includes tests for COVID-19 and nine other respiratory viruses which can display the same symptoms.
The new enhanced Biochip therefore allows clinicians to quickly and efficiently differentiate between potentially lethal and non-lethal infections.
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;
“Current technologies for the diagnosis of coronavirus are designed simply to detect the presence or lack of COVID-19, and therefore neglect to differentiate between this strain and other respiratory infections.
“We have therefore developed an extended Viral Respiratory Infection Array that tests simultaneously for COVID-19 and nine other viruses. This will eliminate the need for multiple back-and-forth tests before the root cause of symptoms is found, and empower clinicians to make fast and informed decisions.”
The test is available on the Randox Evidence Investigator with a turnaround time of 5 hours.
Benefits of the new Randox COVID-19 test
- Quick Turnaround Times (5 hours on Evidence Investigator)
- Multiplex array differentiates between mild and serious infection
- Automated and Semi-Automated options available
- Medium to high throughput (54 samples in 5 hours)
For further information please visit www.randox.com/coronavirus-randox
We Are Randox | Sean Mills named Randox Employee of the Year at 2020 Manufacturing Awards Dinner
Randox Freeze Drying Production Supervisor Sean Mills has been named Randox Employee of the Year.
Sean’s award was announced on Friday 7th February 2020, when all Randox manufacturing departments gathered together at The Hilton Hotel in Templepatrick, to connect with colleagues and celebrate the success of their teams at the annual Randox Manufacturing Awards Dinner.
Pauline Bradley, Operations Manager began the evening with an opening address, and thanked all attendees for their hard work;
“Each year our manufacturing department grows in strength and this is thanks to the people working in it. I am proud to be standing here to recognise our collective capabilities as a team and to celebrate our hard work – with good food and great company.”
An overview of the year’s manufacturing successes were shared, and everyone looked forward to the activities for the year ahead.
A selection of awards that were announced on the night are included below;
- Newcomer of the Year was awarded to Katarzyna Bronisz by Manager Debbie Moses
- Adherence to company procedure was awarded to Kyle Westwater by Manager Eamon Morris
- Excellence under pressure was awarded to AJ Gorman by Manager Pauline Bradley
Following the presentation of these awards, all attention turned to Operations Manager Pauline Bradley to announce the prestigious Employee of the Year Award.
We are delighted to be able to share that this award went to Sean Mills of our Freeze Drying Production Department.
Sean commented;
“I’m really proud to be able to say that I am Randox Employee of the Year. I work in such a talented and hard-working team at Randox, so I know there must have been fierce competition. It was a real pleasure to be able to receive this award surrounded by my colleagues and friends as we enjoyed a lovely evening together and I would like to thank everybody who has congratulated me over the past number of days. All the work we do at Randox is truly a team effort and so my award is as much for my team members within the Freeze Drying Department as it is for me. I wouldn’t be able to do my job without them.”
Sean’s Manager Eamon Morris closed the night by congratulating Sean, and saying;
“I am delighted that Sean’s efforts and excellence were recognised on the night of the Manufacturing Awards. I know of nobody who has a dissenting word about him and I think that speaks volumes about the way he conducts himself at work – very professional and always with a smile. He absolutely epitomises someone who ‘goes the extra mile’ and over the years has proved to be a real asset to the Production team. He has a fantastic work ethic and strives daily to learn and improve.”
For more information about the Manufacturing Awards please contact Randox PR by email: randoxpr@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413
Coronavirus: A Global Health Emergency of International Concern
There is still a lot unknown about the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), however, current knowledge is mostly based on the intel of existing coronaviruses including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) 1. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2019-nCoV a global health emergency of international concern. The WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated: “The main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in China but because of what is happening in other countries. Our greatest concern is the potential for this virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems, which are ill-prepared to deal with it” 2.
WHO recommend educating all and increasing knowledge of the 2019-nCoV. The aim of this article is to provide further information on the 2019-nCoV to aid in combatting the mass hysteria through education.
About the 2019-nCoV
The 2019-nCoV belongs to a large family of respiratory viruses with illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. 2019-nCoV is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans 3. Coronaviruses are common in a variety of animal species including: bats, cats, cattle and camels 1. Coronaviruses are zoonotic which means the virus can be transmitted between animals and humans. SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats and MERS-CoV was transmitted from dromedary camels 3. Zoonotic viruses are commonplace with approximately 60% of current infectious diseases and 75% of all emerging infectious diseases in humans being zoonotic according to the UNEP Frontiers 2019 Report: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern, with approximately one new infectious disease emerging in humans every four months 4.
2019-nCoV Transmission & Prevention
The exact origin of the 2019-nCoV is unknown and the analysis of the genetic trees of this virus is ongoing, however ‘it is important to note that person-to-person spread can happen on continuum’. Currently, it is unclear on how contagious the 2019-nCoV is 5. It is believed that the spread of the 2019-nCoV virus is similar to that of other respiratory pathogens (influenza). It is believed that the spread occurs via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs and lands in the mouth or noses or possibly inhaled into the lunch of people nearby (about 6 feet). It is unclear at this time if the 2019-nCoV can be caught via touching surfaces or objects that have the virus and then touching their nose, mouth and possibly eyes.
It is important to understand that the transmissibility and severity of viruses vary and there is still much to learn about the 2019-nCoV 6. Whilst there is no vaccine to prevent the transmissibility of the 2019-nCoV, daily steps can be taken to aid in the prevention of the spread, similar to that of respiratory infections in general 7:
1. Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet, before eating, after blowing your nose, sneezing and coughing.
2. If soap and/or water is not readily available, alcohol-based (minimum 60% alcohol) hand sanitisers can be used.
3. Avoid toughing mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands.
4. Avoid close contact with those who are sick.
5. Stay at home when you are sick.
6. Always cover coughs and sneezing with a tissue and discard in a bin.
7. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning wipe or spray.
It is vitally important to get tested if you believe you have the 2019-nCoV which can aid in preventing the further transmissibility of the virus.
Randox Coronavirus Arrays
Randox are developing a rapid test for the 2019-nCoV which will utilise the Randox Biochip Technology, with results available within 3 hours on the Vivalytic and with 5 hours on the Randox Evidence Investigator.
The Randox Novel Coronavirus Array detects the 2019-nCoV strain quickly and accurately, enabling effective and accurate medical protocols to be actioned.
The Randox Extended Coronavirus Array encompasses multiple strains of the coronaviruses including: 2019-nCoV, 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKUI. The wider panel provides a comprehensive coronavirus screening panel, enabling effective and accurate medical protocols to be actioned.
Want to know more?
Contact us or download our coronavirus flyer
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We Are Randox | Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week with Monique Uprichard
Did you know that it’s Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2020?
The new initiative from the Department for the Economy offers an opportunity through a dedicated week of events and promotional activity to demonstrate how apprenticeships work for individuals, businesses, communities and the wider economy.
To mark the week we spoke to one of our Randox apprentices, Monique Uprichard, to find out more about her role, what she enjoys about the apprenticeship, and her advice for young people considering a career in science.
Name: Monique Uprichard
Job Title: Science Apprentice
Department: Quality Control Serum Production
Monique, can you describe a typical working day?
“The apprentice roles at Randox are really hands-on, so each day I have the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects and manage important laboratory processes. I get to use the Randox analysers that conduct our health tests – for example for diabetes and cholesterol – and run maintenance on them every day. This involves checking they have the right amount of testing chemicals, filling in logbooks which detail what tests have been run, and then processing and analysing the results.”
What has been your educational career path to this post?
“I have always had an interest in science, studying both Chemistry and Biology at GCSE and A-level at Bloomfield Collegiate School. I enjoyed the practical aspect of these subjects, which was the main reason I applied for the Higher-Level Apprenticeship with Southern Regional College and Randox. I also get paid and have no student debts to worry about, which was a massive selling point!”
What are the most valuable skills for your job?
“Time management is vital for apprentices because you must make time to study and complete coursework when you’re not at work. Attention to detail is also key, as is being able to work independently. Being part of a real working laboratory is great because I’m not only developing my core scientific knowledge, but also learning some crucial professional skills like effective communication with my colleagues, and the ability to work to a deadline. Then at college I get to focus on academic skills like essay writing and how to create a good presentation.”
What is the most rewarding part of the job?
“Working at Randox is really rewarding because I know what we do makes a real difference to global healthcare. By ensuring that hospital tests are accurate and reliable, I’m making sure that patients get the correct diagnosis, so they can get appropriate and effective treatment as soon as possible.”
What are the future job prospects in your industry?
“The STEM industry is booming and new roles are emerging every day. In the field of science, nothing ever stays still and there is always a new discovery or challenge. My colleagues for example are working on a test for the latest strain of coronavirus, which is having a huge impact globally. The variety of jobs is matched also by the variety of career pathways you can take. At the end of my apprenticeship, when I gain my foundation degree in Applied and Industrial Sciences, I have the option of either progressing into my second year of Biomedical Science at university, or taking up a permanent job within Randox.”
What is your advice to a young person starting off in your industry?
“Never be afraid to ask questions! This will help you stay up-to-date with current research and trends, and demonstrate your enthusiasm. If you’re interested in science I would definitely recommend the Higher-Level Apprenticeship as it is a great learning experience and equips you with all the necessary skills to pursue a career in this fast-paced industry.”
We are delighted to have Monique with us at Randox as part of the Higher-Level Apprenticeship Scheme.
For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.
For further information about Apprenticeships at Randox please email RandoxPR@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413.
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Why is testing for Tartaric Acid important in winemaking?
31 January 2020
Tartaric Acid testing in winemaking
Why is testing for Tartaric Acid important in winemaking?
Tartaric Acid is a unique acid that is not commonly found in fruit, however it is a primary acid component in grapes. It is one key acid that is monitored during the fermentation process as it plays a vital role in the stability of the wine and its pH levels.
Tartaric acid combines with Potassium to create Potassium Titrate which then precipitate and causes the acidity to drop and the pH levels to rise. It is found in significant concentrations in grapes, but this can vary based on factors including the variety of grape and the vineyard soil content.
Tartaric acid plays a key role in the stability of wines and influences the taste, colour and odour of the final product. A high tartaric content in a final bottled wine is indicative of the wine being unstable, due to this, it is important for winemakers to monitor the levels of this acid present in wine.
Generally, it has been recognised that between 0.5-10 g/l is the average acceptable level and the Randox Food Diagnostics kit for measuring tartaric acid allows winemakers to measure between to this range.
Randox Food Diagnostics offer multiple tests for wine analysis including Tartaric Acid on both the RX misano and the RX monaco.
Method | No. of Tests | Catalogue No. | Sensitivity | Linearity |
Manual | 50 | TK4060 | N/A | N/A |
RX misano | 100 | TK4060 | 0.51 g/l | 10.00 g/l |
RX Monaco | N/A | TK4060 | On request | On request |
For more information on wine and other food testing please contact us at: info@randoxfooddiagnostics.com
Want to know more?
Contact us or visit our Randox Food Diagnostics website.
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Meat & Seafood
Downpatrick announce Randox as new sponsor of Ulster National
29 January 2020
Randox Ulster National, Sunday March 22, Downpatrick Racecourse
Randox has today been announced as the sponsor of the Ulster National at Downpatrick Racecourse for the next five years.
Downpatrick Racecourse, winner of the ‘Sports Venue of the Year’ in both 2018 and 2019 at the Northern Ireland Hospitality Awards, hosts the €50,000 Randox Ulster National, on Sunday March 22, their flagship race day.
Randox, a global innovative healthcare diagnostics company, based in Crumlin, County Antrim, was founded in 1982 by medical scientist and keen horseman Dr Peter FitzGerald. The five-year sponsorship of the Ulster National sees Randox expand a racing sponsorship portfolio which includes the Randox Health Grand National at Aintree, and title sponsorship of the entire three-day Randox Health Grand National Festival at the Liverpool racecourse.
The Randox Ulster National is one of the most historic races on the racing calendar. Run over three miles and four furlongs, the race was first run in 1939 and has a long and illustrious history.
Caughoo won the 1945 and 1946 Ulster National before winning the 1947 Aintree Grand National for jockey Eddie Dempsey and Dublin-based trainer, Herbert McDowell. Laffy, owned by HRH Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, won the Ulster National in 1962 and Pineau De Re also won Downpatrick’s centre piece jumps race in 2013 and subsequently went on to win the Aintree Grand National the next season (2014).
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Randox Managing Director, commented;
“This is an incredibly exciting time to be partnering with Downpatrick Racecourse to add the Randox Ulster National to our racing portfolio. Racing is a sport everyone can enjoy, from all different walks of life, and a partnership with Downpatrick offers us a fantastic opportunity to share our message of preventative health with a wide and engaged audience. We look forward to the first year of the Randox Ulster National, to show our commitment to this wonderful sport and to encourage people to take control of their health and wellbeing with a Randox Health Check.”
Peter Stewart, Downpatrick Racecourse Chairman, said:
“We are really excited to partner with such a respected global brand as Randox for our most prestigious race meeting and look forward to working closely together to create a wonderful race day for our customers and achieve our shared objectives.
“The Randox partnership will ensure we continue to attract high calibre horses for the Randox Ulster National and further endorse its important position on the racing calendar.”
For further information please contact Amy Millar in the Randox PR team by emailing: amy.millar@randox.com or phoning 028 9442 2413
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Coronavirus test available at Randox
26 January 2020
Introducing the COVID-19 Coronavirus Test from Randox
A ground-breaking test for the potentially fatal COVID-19 strain of coronavirus, is in the final stages of development at global health diagnostics company Randox Laboratories.
The soon-to-be-launched test, developed on Randox’s patented Biochip Technology, will be available for immediate COVID-19 testing, but an additional enhanced multiplex array will also include tests for other respiratory viruses which can display the same symptoms.
The new enhanced Biochip will therefore allow clinicians to quickly and efficiently differentiate between potentially lethal and non-lethal infections.
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;
“Current technologies for the diagnosis of coronavirus are designed simply to detect the presence or lack of COVID-19, and therefore neglect to differentiate between this strain and other respiratory infections.
“Whilst we’re very quickly developing an efficient novel test for this new strain of coronavirus, we are therefore also working on an extended Viral Respiratory Infection Array that will test simultaneously for COVID-19 and a range of other viruses. This will eliminate the need for multiple back-and-forth tests before the root cause of symptoms is found, and empower clinicians to make fast and informed decisions.”
The test will be available for the Point of Care analyser, the Vivalytic, within 3 hours, and within 5 hours on the Randox Evidence Investigator.
Benefits of the new Randox COVID-19 test
- Quick Turnaround Times (3 hours on Vivalytic and 5 hours on Evidence Investigator)
- Multiplex array differentiates between mild and serious infection
- Automated and Semi-Automated options available
Randox also currently has available a Respiratory Tract Infection Array, which can test for 22 viral and bacterial respiratory infections simultaneously. The test therefore determines the exact cause of your symptoms and differentiates between mild and serious infections, such as coronavirus. This is also available from Randox Health as a Cold, Cough and Flu test.
For further information please visit www.randox.com/coronavirus-randox
For enquiries email marketing@randox.com or to book your Randox Health Cough, Cold and Flu test please ring 0800 2545 130.
Randox is committed to saving and improving lives on a global scale, and will bring you updates on developments on our test for COVID-19 as and when they happen.
WAAR 2020 heading for a sell out as Randox Teoranta confirm sixth year of sponsorship
25 January 2020
Randox Teoranta sponsor WAAR 2020
WAAR 2020 heading for a sell out with Randox Teoranta as sponsor
Entries for the 2020 Wild Atlantic Adventure Race (WAAR) have already exceeded the total number of 2019 participants, the organisers confirmed on Friday 24th January at an event to launch the competition.
The race on 9th May, which will once again be sponsored by Randox Teoranta, already has close to 700 entrants, including Nikki Bradley who took part in the WAAR challenge in 2016 and completed the hike section as part of a team of four.
This year Nikki is challenging herself to tackle the WAAR course on her own, where she will run/walk 5km on crutches, cycle 33km of the Wild Atlantic Way and kayak 1km on the Mullaghdearg Lake, before crossing the finish line to receive the highly sought after WAARior medal.
Many athletes and both past and future WAAR participants attended the launch where a number of speakers addressed the crowd, including Irish multi-sport adventure racer Shaun Stewart who launched the 2020 event. Mr Stewart has won the event in the past two years and is looking forward to the challenge once again in May.
Speaking at the event, WAAR organiser and spokesperson Gavin Ó Dónaill commented;
“Already at this early stage in the year we have close to 700 entries for the race, representing an increase of approximately 350 on the same date last year. In May 2019, for the race itself, we had over 600 participants, along with 200 volunteers, so in January 2020 we have already surpassed the total number of 2019 participants.
“As well as Nikki Bradley, Trailblazer Mary Nolan Hickey, who ran the entire coast of Ireland in 2018, cycled around it the following year as a fundraiser for the RNLI, and is the only woman to have run every single Dublin City Marathon since its inception in 1980, is also embarking on the WAAR 2020 adventure.
“The incredible caliber of athletes the event attracts, coupled with the much-appreciated support of global healthcare company Randox, is testament to WAAR’s status as one of the biggest annual sporting events in the North West, and we are looking forward to another sell-out year.”
Dr. Ciaran Richardson, Head of Research & Development at Randox Teoranta, said:
“It is, as always, our honour to partner with the Wild Atlantic Adventure Race here in Donegal. The ethos of the race – of physical and mental health, of camaraderie and of community – is one we share at Randox Teoranta.
“From our biohub in Dungloe in the heart of Donegal, our revolutionary diagnostic technologies for conditions including Alzheimer’s, stroke, kidney disease and gastrointestinal disorders, make a real difference to global healthcare and we will continue this vital work long in to the future.
“Like WAAR, Randox Teoranta has become an integral part of the landscape in Donegal and we are delighted to bring the thrilling Wild Atlantic Adventure Race once again to Donegal in 2020.”
WAAR 2020, as in 2019, will be included as a round of the National Adventure Series, a collection of adventure races across the country from which competitors can earn points to become the all-Ireland Adventure Race Champion 2019. The full WAAR route, which features a 10km run, 42.5km cycle, 2km hike and 1km kayak, starting and finishing at C.L.G. Naomh Muire in Mullaghderg, was described by organisers of the National Adventure Series as “one of the best organised events” in which they had ever taken part, and “a fantastic addition to the National Series Calendar…in one of the most picturesque courses in the country.”
Anyone interested in taking part in the WAAR can visit the website at www.waar.ie. The event is open to anyone who is 16 or over on the 9th May 2020. If you would like to help out on the day of the event please send your name and contact number to info@waar.ie.
For further information please contact Amy Millar in the Randox PR team by emailing amy.millar@randox.com or phoning 028 9442 2413.
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