Randox response to comments within Sunday Times article 18th October 2020

Randox response to comments within Sunday Times article 18th October:
Randox rejects comments made in the Sunday Times on 18th October, related to Randox’s contribution to the UK’s Covid-19 national testing programme, as misleading and inaccurate.
Randox have committed, through private investment, to the rapid growth of Covid-19 testing capacity within the UK. Indeed Randox are successfully operating at considerable scale and are currently providing well in excess of the testing capacity we have committed to the UK’s testing programme.
The vast majority of samples are reported within 24 hours of entering our laboratories.
Those samples that are found to be unsuitable for processing on receipt at our facilities, and are therefore voided, are not the responsibility of Randox. Such samples are voided when issues have arisen during sample collection and logistic processes, controlled by other parties.
It should also be noted that the proportion of samples found to be unsuitable on receipt at our facilities are both very low and comparable with all other laboratories across the programme.
Randox remain committed to supporting the UK’s Covid-19 testing programme and fully understand the importance of our work to the social and economic well being of the nation.
Press enquiries should be emailed to randox@newcenturymedia.co.uk