Featured Reagent – Cystatin C
Featured Reagent – Cystatin C
Featured Reagent | Cystatin C
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Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is a huge global health crisis, increasing healthcare costs, mortality and morbidity rates. The global prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has continued to rise during a short lifespan. In 2016, 1 in 10, equivalent to 10 percent of the global population were identified with having CKD with the highest prevalence’s reported in Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and Latin America, estimated at 12 per cent and the lowest in South Asia, estimated at 7 percent1.
The early risk assessment of renal function is vital. In 1990, CKD was ranked the 27th leading cause of death in the Global Burden of Disease study2, rising to 18th 3 in 2010, 13th in 20132 and 12th by 2015. From 2005-2015, the overall CKD mortality rate has risen by 31.7 percent, accounting for 1.1 million deaths globally in 20154.
Inadequacies of Traditional CKD Biomarkers
The most commonly used screening test for renal impairment is creatinine. When testing for CKD using creatinine, certain factors must be taken into consideration, including: age, gender, ethnicity, and muscle mass. As such, black men and black women will present with higher creatinine levels compared to white men and white women respectively5.
Serum creatinine is not an adequate screening test for renal impairment in the elderly (65 years of age and over) due to their decreased muscle mass. As such, patients are misdiagnosed, thus, patients with severe renal failure are receiving suboptimal care6.
The main disadvantage of using creatinine to screen for renal impairment is that up to 50 percent of renal function can be lost before significant creatinine levels become detectable as creatinine is insensitive to small changes in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Consequently, treatment is not provided at the appropriate time which can be fatal, thus, an earlier and more sensitive biomarker for renal function is vital7.
Biological Significance
Cystatin C is a small (13 kDa) cysteine proteinase inhibitor, produced by all nucleated cells at a constant rate. Cystatin C travels through the bloodstream to the kidneys where it is freely filtered by the glomerular membrane, resorbed and fully catabolised by the proximal renal tubes. Consequently, cystatin C is the ideal biomarker of GFR function8.
Clinical Significance of Cystatin C
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2014) guidelines recommend cystatin C testing due to its higher specificity for significant disease outcomes than those based on creatinine. As such, eGFR cystatin C measurements will significantly reduce the number of misdiagnosed patients, thus reducing the overall CKD burden9.
In 2017, a systematic literature search found 3,500 investigations into cystatin C as a marker of GFR. The study concluded that eGFRcystatinc was a significantly more superior than eGFRcreatinine10.
Benefits of Cystatin C
The Randox cystatin C assay utilises the latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method offering numerous key features:
A niche product from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to provide the cystatin C test in an automated biochemistry format
An automated assay which removes the inconvenience and time consumption associated with traditional ELISA testing
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox cystatin C assay on a wide range of biochemistry analysers
Liquid ready-to-use reagents for convenience and ease-of-use
Latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method delivering high performance
Extensive measuring range for the detection of clinically important results
Complementary controls and calibrators available offering a complete testing package
Limited interference from Bilirubin, Haemoglobin, Intralipid® and Triglycerides
Cystatin C does not suffer from a ‘blind area’ like creatinine due to cystatin C’s sensitivity to small changes in GFR enabling the early detection renal impairment
An exceptional correlation coefficient of r=1.00 when compared against standard methods
[1] Bello, AK, et al. Global Kidney Health Atlas: A report by the Internal Society of Nephrology on the current state of organization and structures for kidney care across the globe. Brussels : Internal Society of Nephrology, 2017.
[2] Bikbov, Boris. Chronic kidney disease: impact on the global burden of mortality and morbidity. The Lancet. [Online] 2015. http://www.thelancet.com/campaigns/kidney/updates/chronic-kidney-disease-impact-on-global-burden-of-mortality-and-morbidity.
[3] National Kidney Foundation. Global Facts: About Kidney Disease. National Kidney Foundation. [Online] National Kidney Foundation, 2015. https://www.kidney.org/kidneydisease/global-facts-about-kidney-disease#_ENREF_1.
[4] Neuen, Brendon Lange, et al. Chronic kidney disease and the global NCDs agenda. s.l. : BMJ Global Health, 2017.
[5] Lascano, Martin E and Poggio, Emilio D. Kidney Function Assessment by Creatinine-Based Estimation Equations. Cleveland Clinic. [Online] August 2010. [Cited: May 16, 2018.] http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/nephrology/kidney-function/.
[6] Swedko, Peter J, et al. Serum Creatinine Is an Inadequate Screening Test for Renal Failure in Elderly Patients. Research Gate. [Online] February 2003. [Cited: May 6, 2018.] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8243393_Serum_Creatinine_Is_an_Inadequate_Screening_Test_for_Renal_Failure_in_Elderly_Patients.
[7] Mishra, Umashankar. New technique developed to detect chronic kidney disease. Business Line. [Online] May 07, 2018. [Cited: May 17, 2018.] https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/science/new-technique-to-detect-chronic-kidney-disease/article23803316.ece.
[8] Chew, Janice SC, et al. Cystatin C-A Paradigm of Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine. NCBI. [Online] May 29, 2008. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2533150/.
[9] National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Chronic kidney disease in adults: assessment and management: 2 Implementation: getting started. NICE. [Online] January 2015. [Cited: April 19, 2018.] https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg182/chapter/implementation-getting-started.
[10] Grubb, Anders. Cystatin C is Indispensable for Evaluation of Kidney Disease. NCBI. [Online] December 28, 2017. [Cited: April 19, 2018.] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5746836/.
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Medica 2019

Join us for MEDICA 2019!
Randox Laboratories will be attending MEDICA 2019 from the 18th – 22nd November 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.
Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the Messe Düsseldorf, Germany.
New Products

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls
Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.
All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.
There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.
The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.
Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.

Adiponectin (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30kDa (Acrp30)) is an adipokine (protein hormone) produced and secreted by the adipose tissue, an endocrine organ. Adiponectin acts as a messenger in the communication of adipose tissue and metabolic organs. In doing so, Adiponectin suppresses the production of glucose in the liver through inhibiting the genes involved in glucose production and enhances fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle 2. Consequently, Adiponectin is a strong protector against several pathological events in various cells through inhibiting inflammation, suppressing cell death and enhancing cell survival. Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Randox Stroke Biochip
The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.
Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.
Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip
> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample
> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis
> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke
> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results
> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+
The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.
The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing
Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.
What can we offer?

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.
Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.
Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls
With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.
Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics
Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.
Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.
Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme
With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls
Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.
Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.
Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide. As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.
RX misano
The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.
RX monaco
The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.
RX daytona +
The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.
RX imola
The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most
RX modena
Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.
This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.
Want to know more?
Contact us or book a meeting with us

Join us for the 15th APFCB Congress 2019!
Randox Laboratories will be attending the 15th APFCB from the 17th – 20th November 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.
Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the new Jaipur Exhibition & Convention Centre stand P1.
New Products

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls
Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.
All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.
There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.
The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.
Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.

Adiponectin (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30kDa (Acrp30)) is an adipokine (protein hormone) produced and secreted by the adipose tissue, an endocrine organ. Adiponectin acts as a messenger in the communication of adipose tissue and metabolic organs. In doing so, Adiponectin suppresses the production of glucose in the liver through inhibiting the genes involved in glucose production and enhances fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle 2. Consequently, Adiponectin is a strong protector against several pathological events in various cells through inhibiting inflammation, suppressing cell death and enhancing cell survival. Adiponectin has been identified as having pleiotropic functions widely associated with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Randox Stroke Biochip
The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.
Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.
Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip
> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample
> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis
> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke
> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results
> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+
The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.
The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

H-FABP in CSA-AKI Testing
Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) is a well-recognised postoperative complication of cardiac surgery and is the second most common cause of AKI in the ICU, occurring in up to 30% of patients. Higher pre-operative values of H-FABP were associated with a higher risk of developing AKI. Following adjustments of certain patient characteristics, the association of pre-operative H-FABP with the development of AKI remained significant. In fact, the researchers observed that a 1 unit increase in log H-FABP was associated with a 3-fold increase in the odds of developing AKI.
What can we offer?

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.
Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.
Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls
With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.
Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics
Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.
Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.
Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme
With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls
Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.
Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.
Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide. As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.
RX misano
The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.
RX monaco
The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.
RX daytona +
The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.
RX imola
The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most
RX modena
Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.
This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.
Want to know more?
Contact us or book a meeting with us

Join us for AACC 2019!
Randox Laboratories will be attending AACC from the 6th – 8th August 2019. Our innovative diagnostic solutions have been developed with consolidation and economy in mind, providing cost savings whilst using pioneering technology.
Diagnostics is our passion. We are dedicated to developing solutions that not only meet your needs, but that are of the highest quality, the most reliable and the most cost-effective. We look forward to meeting you in the Anaheim Convention Centre at stand 1101.
New Products

Acusera Infectious Disease Serology Controls
Randox Quality Control are pleased to announce the launch of our new Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls. Our portfolio includes Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more.
All samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format. This significantly reduces preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.
There is approximately 1 million people in the USA living with HIV and around 15% of them are unaware they are infected (CDC, March 2019). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that around 39,000 new HIV infections are reported per year.
The impact of not only HIV but all infectious diseases is getting much greater. Therefore, laboratories now play a much more important role in providing accurate test results. This is a key component in controlling the spread of infections.
Reporting a false positive result has its own obvious implications, however, what about the consequences of reporting a false negative. This can be just as devastating to a person in terms of the treatment they will receive and even personal lifestyle changes for the patient in question.

At this year’s AACC, Randox are pleased to announce 510 (K) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the RX daytona+ clinical chemistry analyzer. Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants, diabetes and veterinary testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialized tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analyzers offers excellence in patient care, delivering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.
The RX daytona+ fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyzer is capable of performing high quality testing including emergency STAT sampling and boasts a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour including ISE. The most versatile chemistry analyzer in its class, the RX daytona+ presents laboratories with a range of benefits offering optimum performance, unrivalled uptime, flexibility, efficiency and functionality.

Randox Stroke Biochip
The Randox Stroke Biochip is a rapid and highly sensitive blood test that will complement and enhance existing CT scanning technology to facilitate accurate classification of stroke patients and improve patient care pathways.
Using Randox revolutionary patented Biochips, the Randox Stroke Biochip provides a unique solution for simultaneous detection of multiple stroke biomarkers from a single sample, facilitating fast and accurate classification of stroke patients in an emergency setting.
Benefits of the Randox Stroke Biochip
> Multiplex biochip for rapid stroke classification in under 30 minutes from a single plasma sample
> Complements and enhances existing CT scanning ensuring fast and accurate diagnosis
> Fast and accurate diagnostic classification between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke
> Simple 2 step process from sample entry to results
> Ensures better outcomes guaranteeing timely therapeutic intervention

The new Evidence+
The fully automated Evidence+ analyzer is set to truly revolutionize laboratories worldwide. Continuing to provide high standards of quality, efficiency and reliability, the fully automated batch immunoanalyzer simultaneously detects multiple drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.
The Evidence+ analyzer enables both efficient and cost-effective testing whilst providing accurate and reliable results to larger high throughput laboratories.

Enhance your Cardiac Testing Panel with sPLA2-IIA!
Randox are pleased to announce the new automated assay for sPLA2-IIA mass. sPLA2-IIA is thought to be the most highly expressed enzyme from the secretory phospholipase A2 family. sPLA2-IIA is expressed in the normal arterial wall and its expression is readily up-regulated by inflammatory stimuli. It’s production of fatty acids and biologically active phospholipids plays an important role in platelet, monocyte, and endothelial activation, processes known to be critical steps in atherogenesis.

Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.
What can we offer?

Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. We provide a variety of services and products to numerous industries including clinical laboratories, biopharma and academic research institutes.
Our revolutionary multiplex Biochip Array Technology includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays, and is delivered via the award winning Evidence range of analysers. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format.
Vivalytic the newest offering from Randox Biosciences brings innovation to the Molecular Diagnostic industry providing tests for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.

Leading provider of true third-party controls
With over 390 parameters available in our Acusera range, choice and flexibility is guaranteed. Moreover, the availability of truly independent third-party controls coupled with the added advantages of highly accurate target values, excellent stability and unparalleled quality will enhance performance, save valuable time and minimize waste in any laboratory. Our comprehensive range of multi-analyte controls have been uniquely developed with user convenience in mind. By combining more than 100 parameters in a single vial, laboratories can significantly reduce the need for multiple, costly single analyte controls.
Online QC software with real-time peer group statistics
Designed to help you efficiently review QC data from multiple laboratory instruments on one centralized platform, Acusera 24.7 allows quick and easy identification of QC failures and emerging trends.
Unique access to live peer group updates will reduce time and money spent troubleshooting, helping you to instantly discover if an issue is isolated to your lab or a widespread problem. The added benefit of automatically generated statistics including Sigma Scores, Measurement Uncertainty & Total Error as well as fully interactive charts & reports will enable quick and easy performance monitoring.
Meet CLIA requirements with accuracy and ease
Acusera Linearity Sets are designed to challenge a larger section of an instruments reportable range and test if a system’s calibration is still valid. Our linearity materials cover a wide range of testing including, CRP, RF, Lipids, Therapeutic Drugs, Esoterics and more. Designed with user convenience in mind, all our linearity sets are supplied in a liquid format, while also presented in varying levels. Our unique combination of analytes enables laboratories to reduce the number of individual products required while ultimately reducing costs and time.
Complimentary, cloud-based data reduction software is supplied with all linearity sets, providing a graphical representation of results for at-a-glance performance assessment. Access to instantly updated peer group data and automatically generated statistics also helps to speed up data review.

RIQAS – The World’s Largest International PT scheme
With over 45,000 laboratory participants in more than 133 countries, the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) is truly the largest international PT provider in the world. Our comprehensive product offering currently covers over 360 parameters across 33 flexible programmes. Each RIQAS programme contains a unique combination of parameters meaning laboratories can significantly reduce the number of individual programmes required whilst increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Further benefits to a laboratory include accreditation to ISO 17043:2010, frequent reporting, reduced parameter options and access to comprehensive yet user-friendly reports.

Molecular Infectious Disease Controls
Qnostics is a leading manufacturer of Third Party Quality Control solutions for Molecular Infectious Disease testing. Supplying microbiology/virology laboratories, molecular diagnostic assay manufacturers, EQA providers, pharmaceutical and CRO organisations for over a decade.
Designed to meet the demand of today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory and laboratories carrying out Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), the Qnostics Molecular Infectious Disease range comprises hundreds of characterised viral, bacterial and fungal targets covering a wide range of Transplant Associated Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Blood Borne Viruses, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Gastrointestinal Diseases and Central Nervous System Diseases.

Randox Reagents are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality, offering reliable and rapid results. Our product portfolio consists of 111 clinical chemistry assays, covering a range of testing panels, including: antioxidants, diabetes, drugs of abuse testing, cardiology and lipids, specific proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and veterinary testing.
Randox are continuously striving to improve diagnostic solutions worldwide. As a result, Randox have produced 29 niche and superior performance assays, including: 5th Generation Bile Acids, Adiponectin, Aldolase, Copper, Cystatin C, D-3-Hydroxybutyrate, G6PDH, H-FABP, Lipoprotein (a), NEFA, HDL Cholesterol, sdLDL Cholesterol, Total Antioxidant Status and Zinc.

Renowned for quality and reliability, the RX series leads the way with the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. Guaranteeing real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialised tests onto a single platform, the RX series of analysers delivers excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision, accuracy and reliability.
RX misano
The RX misano semi-automated analyser has been developed with the user in mind by incorporating a responsive touch-screen display. The sleek ergonomic design boasts intuitive user-friendly software allowing for test menu personalisation and ease of use. The RX misano is capable of high standard, precise results at a competitive price per test.
RX monaco
The RX monaco is a fully automated solution for low to mid volume clinical chemistry testing offering the ultimate in convenience, performance and confidence. At optimal configuration, the RX monaco performs 170 tests per hour providing cost effective, high quality testing.
RX daytona +
The RX daytona+ is a fully automated, benchtop, clinical chemistry analyser capable of performing high quality testing, with a combined throughput of 450 tests per hour, for accurate results you can trust. The most versatile analyser in its class, the RX daytona+ combines robust hardware and intuitive software with the world leading RX series test menu for unrivalled performance with direct HbA1c testing capabilities.
RX imola
The RX imola is a cost-effective system that delivers consistent high-quality results. Capable of handling the workload of a medium to high throughout laboratory and a combined throughput of 560 tests per hour, the RX imola provides rapid, comprehensive testing on a small footprint analyser with direct HbA1c testing capabilities. The RX imola is a fully automated system with random access and STAT sampling functionality, boosting productivity and saving time when it matters most
RX modena
Capable of performing up to 1,200 tests per hour, with direct HbA1c testing capabilities, the RX modena consolidates all your assay requirements onto one intuitive platform. The RX modena boasts icon based, interactive touch-screen technology adding a modern flair to your laboratory.

Randox Toxicology offer the most comprehensive Drugs of Abuse (DoA) test menu across multiple forensic matrices. Our level of expertise in toxicology research and development allows us to adapt quickly to ever changing market influences and develop assays for current and novel drug trends. Excellent assay precision and performance eliminates false reporting, therefore reducing unnecessary confirmatory tests and time lost in the laboratory as a result. Our Biochip Arrays offer CVs typically less than 10%, producing an accurate drug profile to ensure confidence in results.

Evidence series immunoassay analysers guarantee cost-effective, highly accurate and flexible testing solutions. Having been developed to work with patented Biochip Array Technology, this precision multiplex testing platform allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.
This multiplex system delivers an unrivalled increase in patient information, offering a more in-depth diagnostic profile with each patient sample. This further analysis places the focus on the diagnosis, and on improving patient outcomes.
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View our list of scientific posters that will be on display at AACC
Development of a Duplex Biochip Assay for the Simultaneous Detection of Anti-thyroglobulin and Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies on the Fully Automated Evidence Evolution Analyser | Display time: 12.30pm-1.30pm | Presenter: A. Jennings (RCLS)
Development of a New Biochip Based Immunoassay for the Detection of Parathyroid Hormone Applied to the Evidence Evolution Analyser | Display time: 12.30pm-1.30pm | Presenter: H. Winter (Randox R&D)
Human Based Liquid Frozen Multi-Analyte Linearity Verification Material Covering Five Levels of Lipid Profile Components for Accurate Assessment of the Test System Reportable Range | Display time: 12.30pm-1.30pm | Presenter: L. Adams (Randox Laboratories Ltd.)
Development and Evaluation of a Fully-Automated Multiplex Molecular Test for the Detection of Common Causative Agents of Urinary Tract Infections | Display time: 12.30pm-1.30pm | Presenter: M.K. Higgings (Randox R&D Molecular Biology)
Evaluation of a Latex Enhanced Immunoturbidimetric Assay Kit for the Rapid Direct On-Board Measurement of Glycated Haemoglobin (%HbA1c) on the RX daytona + Analyser | Display time: 12.30pm-1.30pm | Presenter: E. Lenehan (Randox Laboratories Ltd)
Development of Monoclonal Antibodies to Chromogranin A, a Biomarker for Neuroendocrine Dysfunction | Display time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm | Presenter: H. Winter (Randox R&D)
Development of Monoclonal Antibodies to Pancreastatin, a Biomarker for Neuroendocrine Dysfunction | Display time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm | Presenter: E. Mathers (Randox R&D)
Development of New Biochip Arrays for the Determination of Five Biomarkers Related to Acute Kidney Injury Applied to the Evidence Investigator Analyser | Display time: 12.30pm-1.30pm | S. O’Donnell (Randox Teoranta R&D)
Featured Reagent – G6PDH
Featured Reagent | G6PDH
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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydorgenase (G6PDH/G6PD) deficiency is an x-linked and sex-linked metabolic disorder, commonly affecting men more so than women1. The G6PDH enzyme is critical for the proper functioning of red blood cells (RBC’s). Depleated levels of G6PDH can cause the premature destruction of RBC’s (haemolysis). If the bone marrow cannot compensate for the reduction in RBC’s, heamolyic anaemia can develop. It is important to note that a deficiency in the G6PDH enzyme is not enough to promote the onset of haemolysis, but rather additional factors are required to promote the onset of symptoms2.
Some of the common side effects of G6PDH deficiency include: paleness, dark urine, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, a rapid heart rate and shortness of breath. Common triggers for the development of haemolytic anaemia in those who are G6PDH deficient include: bacterial and viral infections, certain drugs (medications and antibiotics to treat malaria), and favism (inhaling the pollen from fava plants and ingesting fava beans)3
G6PDH deficiency has been recognised as a significant cause of mild to severe jaundice in newborns. It has been noted that those with this disorder commonly will not experience any signs or symptoms making them unaware that they have the condition3.
Haemolytic Anaemia
Haemolytic anaemia is an umbrella term used to describe the premature destruction of red blood cells (RBC’s). This disorder encompasses numerous conditions including: autoantibodies, medications, underlying malignancy, bone marrow failure, infection and heredity conditions including sickle cell disease or haemoglobinopathies4 5.
The severity of haemolytic anaemia depends on whether the onset of haemolysis is gradual or rapid and on the extent of RBC destruction. Patients with mild haemolysis can be asymptomatic whereas the anaemia in severe haemolysis can be life-threatening and can cause angina and cardiopulmonary decompensation. Haemolytic anaemia is an intravascular phenomenon meaning that this type of haemolysis occurs within the blood vessels and is caused by the following conditions: prosthetic cardiac valves, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) deficiency, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, disseminated intravascular coagulation, transfusion of ABO incompatible blood and paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH)6.
Heredity disorders can also cause haemolysis due to the erythrocyte membrane and haemoglobin abnormalities, and enzymatic defects. Some hereditary disorders include: G6PDH deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis and sickle cell anaemia6.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) is a cytosolic enzyme located on the X-chromosome found in bodily cells. G6PDH is involved in the normal processing of carbohydrates and plays a critical role in RBC, protecting them from damage and premature destruction. The two main products of G6PDH are ribose-5-phosphate which is important for DNA, the chemical cousin of RNA. The chemical reaction produces NADPH which protects bodily cells from reactive oxygen species1.
Benefits of the G6PDH Assay
A niche assay from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer a G6PDH assay in an automated biochemistry format.
Superior stability of 4 weeks upon reconstitution and stored at +2°C to +8°C. Many other commercially available assays offer only 5 days stability, leading to product wastage.
Minimal interference as the sample pre-wash step included in the Randox G6PDH testing method serves to purify the sample, leading to no known interferences being observed.
Excellent correlation coefficient of r=0.99 when compared against other commercially available methods.
Lyophilised reagent for enhanced stability.
UV method
G6PDH controls offering a complete testing package.
Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox G6PDH assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analsyers.
[1] Croom, Edward. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. 2012. ISBN 9780124158139 / ISSN 1877-1173.
[2] National Organization for Rare Disorders. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency. [Online] no date. [Cited: January 31, 2019.] https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase-deficiency.
[3] U.S. National Library of Medicine. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. [Online] May 2017. [Cited: January 30, 2019.] https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase-deficiency.
[4] National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Hemolytic Anemia. [Online] no date. [Cited: January 28, 2019.] https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/hemolytic-anemia.
[5] BMJ Publishing Group. Hemolytic anemia. BMJ Best Practice. [Online] March 2018. [Cited: January 28, 2019.] https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-us/98.
[6] Schick, Paul. Hemolytic Anemia. Medscape. [Online] December 29, 2018. [Cited: Janaury 28, 2018.] https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/201066-overview.
Read more about the Randox range of assays
Niche Reagents – Zinc, Copper & Aldolase
Reagents | Zinc, Copper & Aldolase
Advancing Routine Testing with Randox Reagents
Randox offer an extensive range of 115 third party diagnostic reagents which are internationally recognised as being of the highest quality; producing accurate and precise results. Continually reinvesting in R&D, Randox continue to offer the opportunity to expand your test menu without expanding your lab. Not only does Randox offer superior performance assays, but also niche assays, meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer the test in an automated biochemistry format.
A niche assay from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer a clinical chemistry zinc assay
Strong correlation with standard methods as the Randox zinc assay showed a correlation coefficient of r=0.9946 when compared against standard methods
A measuring range of 11.3 – 159 µmol/l for the comfortable and accurate detection of abnormal levels
Liquid ready-to-use reagents for convenience and ease-of-use
Stable to expiry date when stored at +15 to +25°C
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox zinc assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers
An essential trace metal and the only metal present in all enzyme classes, zinc is the second most abundant micronutrient in humans after iron. Zinc is required for a healthy immune system, a healthy growth rate during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence, wound health and synthesizing DNA. Zinc can modulate brain excitability and is vital in the synaptic plasticity of the brain which is thought to contribute towards memory and learning. Zinc has also been identified as a neurotoxin which suggests that zinc homeostasis is involved in the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the brain 1.
Zinc deficiency is identified as a malnutrition problem worldwide, especially in areas of high cereal intake and low animal food intake. However, other factors may contribute to low zinc levels including: the bioavailability of zinc, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, malignancy, hepatic disease and sickle cell disease. Higher zinc requirements have been identified in infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant and lactating women compared to adults. During periods of growth, zinc deficiency can result in growth failure. The most common organs affected by zinc deficiency clinically include: central nervous system, gastrointestinal, epidermal, skeletal, immune, and reproductive systems 2 3.
A niche assay from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer a clinical chemistry copper assay
Exceptional correlation with standard methods as the Randox copper assay showed a correlation coefficient of r=0.99 when compared against standard methods
A wide measuring range of 6.6 – 86 µmol/l for the comfortable and accurate detection of abnormal levels
Lyophilised reagents for enhanced stability
Excellent stability of 2 weeks when stored at +2 to +8°C
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox copper assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers
An essential trace metal, copper is the third most abundant micronutrient in humans after iron and zinc. Copper is mainly found in the brain, liver, kidneys, heart and skeletal muscle with the highest quantities found in the liver and muscles. It aids in some of the key bodily functions including: the production of red blood cells, the maintenance of nerve cells and the immune system, the formation of collagen to absorb iron for energy production, and the formation of melanin, bone and connective tissue. Ceruloplasmin is the protein responsible for the transportation of copper around the body 4.
There are various health problems that can cause abnormal copper levels, however deficiency is less likely than toxicity because a normal diet contains plenty of copper including: organic meats, beans and wholegrains. Deficiency is more likely to occur in those who are malnourished, more likely children.
Deficiency more commonly occurs in premature babies, resulting in bone abnormalities and fractures. Menkes Disease is a rare inherited genetic disorder of copper metabolism and is characterised by sparse and kinky hair as children with this disorder are unable to absorb enough copper 5.
Toxicity can be caused by consuming too many dietary supplements high in copper, from drinking contaminated water, or from fungicides containing copper sulphates. Wilson disease is a rare inherited disorder that prohibits the liver from safely storing and excreting copper resulting in it seeping out of the liver and building up in the eyes, liver, kidneys and brain causing nerve damage, and if untreated, it can be fatal 6.
A niche assay from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers to offer a clinical chemistry aldolase assay
Excellent correlation coefficient of r=0.9917 when compared against other commercially available methods
A wide measuring range of 1.73 – 106 µmol/l for the comfortable and accurate detection of abnormal levels
Lyophilised reagents for enhanced stability
UV Method
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox aldolase assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers
There are three types of Aldolase enzymes that can be can be found throughout the body: A, B and C. It is responsible for converting glucose into energy.
A is primarily contained within the muscle and erythrocytes, whereas B is contained within the liver, enterocytes and kidney, and A and C can be found within the brain. Despite the Aldolase enzyme existing throughout the body, the highest concentration levels of it can be found in the liver and the skeletal muscle, although testing this enzyme is routinely used for skeletal muscle damage 7.
Elevated levels of type A aldolase in the blood can be found in patients with damage to the skeletal muscle as the result of a trauma which includes dermatpmyositis, infectious mononucleosis, muscular dystrophy, myocardial infarction, hepatic cancer due to the damaged cells triggering the release of A into the blood. On the other hand, the concentration levels of A in the blood remain normal in situations where weakness is caused as the result of a neurological disease such as multiple sclerosis. Measuring A concentration levels in the blood can therefore be used to determine the root cause of muscle weakness, whether muscle trauma or neurological myopathy, in patients 7.
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Related Products
Aldolase Control
Chemistry Control
EQA Scheme
Resource Hub
[1] Osredkar, Josko and Sustar, Natasa. Copper and Zinc, Biological Role and Significance of Copper/Zinc Imbalance. 1, s.l. : Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 2011, Vol. 3.
[2] Jockers, Dr. David. How To Test Zinc Levels At Home. DrJockers.com. [Online] 2019. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://drjockers.com/test-zinc-levels-home/..
[3] Roohani, Nazanin, et al. Zinc and its importance for human health: An integrative review. National Center for Biotechnology Information. [Online] J Res Med Sci, February 18, 2013. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3724376/..
[4] Nordqvist, Joseph. What are the health benefits of zinc? Medical News Today. [Online] December 5, 2017. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263176.php.
[5] Macfarlane, Susan. Understanding Nutrient Ratios: Zinc/Copper. Susan Macfarlane. [Online] October 29, 2017. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://susanmacfarlanenutrition.com/understanding-nutrient-ratios-zinccopper/.
[6] National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. Menkes disease. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. [Online] Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center, April 7, 2017. [Cited: November 30, 2018.] https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/1521/menkes-disease.
[7] Berridge, Brian R, Van Vleet, John F and Herman, Eugene. Chapter 46 – Cardiac, Vascular, and Skeletal Muscle Systems. 2013.
Featured Reagent – Copper & Zinc
Featured Reagents | Copper & Zinc
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Nutrient Testing
Copper and zinc are essential trace minerals, found in all bodily cells and they are necessary for survival. Although, their roles within the body differ. Copper is essential to produce red blood cells and zinc is essential for the proper function of the immune system (1) (2). Whilst both of these nutrients exist naturally in the environment including water and food, both nutrients can exist in the body in higher or lower than normal concentrations which can cause major health complications (3).
A niche assay from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers of the clinical chemistry Copper assay
Exceptional correlation with standard methods as the Randox Copper assay showed a correlation coefficient of r=0.99 when compared against standard methods
A wide measuring range of 6.6 – 86 µmol/l for the comfortable and accurate detection of abnormal levels
Lyophilised reagents for enhanced stability
Excellent stability of 2 weeks when stored at +2 to +8°C
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox Copper assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers
Copper is mainly found in the brain, liver, kidneys, heart and skeletal muscle with the highest quantities found in the liver and muscles. It aids in some of the key bodily functions including: the production of red blood cells, the maintenance of nerve cells and the immune system, the formation of collagen to absorb iron for energy production, and the formation of melanin, bone and connective tissue. Ceruloplasmin is the protein responsible for the transportation of Copper around the body (4).
There are various health problems that can cause abnormal copper levels, however deficiency is less likely than toxicity because a normal diet contains plenty of copper including: organ meats, beans and wholegrains. Deficiency is more likely to occur in those who are malnourished, more likely children.
Deficiency more commonly occurs in premature babies, resulting in bone abnormalities and fractures. Menkes Disease is a rare inherited genetic disorder of copper metabolism and is characterised by sparse and kinky hair as children with this disorder are unable to absorb enough copper (5).
Toxicity can be caused by consuming too many dietary supplements high in copper, from drinking contaminated water, or from fungicides containing copper sulphates. Wilson disease is a rare inherited disorder that prohibits the liver from safely storing and excreting copper resulting in it seeping out of the liver and building up in the eyes, liver, kidneys and brain causing nerve damage, and if untreated, it can be fatal (6).
A niche assay from Randox meaning that Randox are one of the only manufacturers of the clinical chemistry zinc assay
Strong correlation with standard methods as the Randox Zinc assay showed a correlation coefficient of r=0.9946 when compared against standard methods
A measuring range of 11.3 – 159 µmol/l for the comfortable and accurate detection of abnormal levels
Liquid ready-to-use reagents for convenience and ease-of-use
Stable to expiry date when stored at +15 to +25°C
Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox Zinc assay on a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers
Zinc is required for various biological processes including: cell and enzyme production; the functionality of enzymes, metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein from dietary intake; wound healing; and the stabilisation of DNA (7) (8).
Zinc deficiency is identified as a malnutrition problem worldwide, especially in areas of high cereal intake and low animal food intake. However, other factors may contribute to low zinc levels including: the bioavailability of zinc, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, malignancy, hepatic disease and sickle cell disease. Higher zinc requirements have been identified in infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant and lactating women compared to adults. During periods of growth, zinc deficiency can result in growth failure. The most common organs affected by zinc deficiency clinically include: central nervous, gastrointestinal, epidermal, skeletal, immune, and reproductive systems (9) (10).
[1] Ware, Megan. Health benefits and risks of copper. Medical News Today. [Online] October 23, 2017. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288165.php.
[2] Medline Plus. Zinc in diet. Medline Plus. [Online] November 13, 2018. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002416.htm.
[3] Jockers, Dr. David. Do You Have A Copper and Zinc Imbalance? DrJockers.com. [Online] 2017. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://drjockers.com/copper-zinc-imbalance/.
[4] Macfarlane, Susan. Understanding Nutrient Ratios: Zinc/Copper. Susan Macfarlane. [Online] October 29, 2017. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://susanmacfarlanenutrition.com/understanding-nutrient-ratios-zinccopper/.
[5] National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. Menkes disease. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. [Online] Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center, April 7, 2017. [Cited: November 30, 2018.] https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/1521/menkes-disease.
[6] Mayo Clinic. Wilson’s disease. Mayo Clinic. [Online] March 7, 2018. [Cited: November 30, 2018.] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/wilsons-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20353251.
[7] Frassinetti, S, et al. The roel of zinc in life: a review. National Center for Biotechnology Information. [Online] J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol, 2006. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17073562..
[8] Jockers, Dr. David. How To Test Zinc Levels At Home. DrJockers.com. [Online] 2019. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://drjockers.com/test-zinc-levels-home/..
[9] Roohani, Nazanin, et al. Zinc and its importance for human health: An integrative review. National Center for Biotechnology Information. [Online] J Res Med Sci, February 18, 2013. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3724376/..
[10] Nordqvist, Joseph. What are the health benefits of zinc? Medical News Today. [Online] December 5, 2017. [Cited: November 28, 2018.] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263176.php.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Women’s Health
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterised by pain, swelling and stiffness in joints which commonly affects the hands, wrists and feet. Whilst both men and women can suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, it is more commonly seen in women than men.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common autoimmune disease with a higher prevalence rate compared to lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease and psoriasis.

(Simmons, 2013)
The incidence rates of rheumatoid arthritis differ between men and women. The onset of RA occurs much earlier for women, for most, during their 30’s and 40’s. In an American study, it was noted that the incidence rates peak for women around the ages of 55 to 64, compared to 75 to 84 years of age for men.

(Simmons, 2013)
As most women are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in their 30’s and 40’s, a study found that the diagnosis negatively impacts both the body and mind of women, as indicated in their pain, disease activity, and quality of life scores. This is due to women being diagnosed at a time when their burdens are the heaviest as this is the time when women are most likely to have children or are raising children combined with work and socialising.
Changes in hormone levels also impacts women. It has been noted that before a menstrual period, women find the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis to be more severe, but settles during their cycle. Also, due to the changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, 50 – 60% of women with rheumatoid arthritis noticed that their symptoms improved.
The key to managing rheumatoid arthritis is to start the treatment as early as possible as it can halt or slow the disease, preventing joint damage and complications, including: osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of heart attack by 60%. To start treatment as early as possible, it is important that it is diagnosed as early as possible.
Randox offer a number of key assays for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid factor is the most routinely run test to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis as 80% of rheumatoid arthritis patients test positive for rheumatoid factor. The Randox Rheumatoid Factor reagent offers the following benefits:
- Wide measuring range of 6.72 – 104lU/ml for the accurate measurement of clinically important results
- Accurate assessment of rheumatoid factor titre (calibrant standardised against primary WHO material; 1st British Standard 64/2)
- No interference from complement C1q
- Automated immunoturbidimetric assay
- Applications available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers, detailing instrument-specific settings
It has been found that complement C4 and CRP upregulation indicates the middle to late stages of rheumatoid arthritis.
The Randox Complement C4 reagent offers the following benefits:
- Wide measuring of 3.41 – 152mg/dl for the accurate measurement of clinically significant results
- Limited interferences from Bilirubin, Haemoglobin, Intralipids, and Triglycerides, producing more accurate results
- Automated immunoturbidimetric assay
- Applications available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers, detailing instrument-specific settings
The Randox High-Sensitivity CRP reagent offers the following benefits:
- Wide measuring of 0.477 – 10mg/l fir the accurate measurement of clinically significant results
- Liquid ready-to-use reagents for convenience and ease of use
- Applications available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers, detailing instrument-specific settings

Acusera Internal Quality Control Analyte List
Quality Control is our passion; we believe in producing high quality material that can help streamline procedures, whilst saving time and money for laboratories of all sizes and budgets. With an extensive product offering comprising third party controls and calibrators, interlaboratory data management, external quality assessment, and calibration verification, you can count on Randox to deliver trustworthy results time and time again. Just ask one of our 60,000 users worldwide.
Our Acusera Internal Quality Control A – Z analyte list highlights how comprehensive our Acusera product portfolio is. Search through the list to see if we have the analyte you require.
Acusera Parameter List
17β Clostebol
1-25-(OH₂)-Vitamin D
25-OH-Vitamin D
α-1-Acid Glycoprotein
α-1-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
α-2-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
α-Fetoprotein (AFP)
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme)
Acetaminophen Acid Phosphatase (Non-Prostatic)
Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic)
Acid Phosphatase (Total)
Active Vitamin B12 (Holotranscobalamin/HoloTC)
Activated Partical Thromboplastin Time(APTT)
AHD Albumin
Albumin (Electrophoresis)
Aldolase x Aldosterone
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
AMOZ Amylase
Amylase (Pancreatic)
Anti-HIV 1 / 2
Anti-HTLV 1 / 2
Anti-Streptolysin (ASO)
Anti-Thyroglobulin (Anti-TG)
Anti-Thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO)
Anti-Thrombin III (AT III)
AOZ Apolipoprotein A-I
Apolipoprotein A-II
Apolipoprotein B
Apolipoprotein C-II
Apolipoprotein C-III
Apolipoprotein E
β-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
Basophils (BASO)
Basophils % (% BASO)
Bile Acids
Bilirubin (Direct)
Bilirubin (Total)
Blood Bone Alkaline Phosphatase (B-ALP)
Borrelia burgdorferi IgG
Borrelia burgdorferi IgM
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
CA 15-3
CA 19-9
CA 72-4
CA 125
Cholesterol (HDL)
Cholesterol (LDL)
Cholesterol (Total)
CK (Total)
Complement C3
Complement C4
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM
Cystatin C
E-Selectin (E-SEL)
Eosinophils (EOS)
% Eosinophils (% EOS)
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EBNA IgG
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) IgM
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) VCA IgG
Factor II
Factor V
Factor VII
Factor VIII
Factor IX
Factor X
Factor XI
Factor XII
γ-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
Gestagens (Generic)
Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel)
Glutathione Reductase
Growth Hormone (GH)
Haematocrit (HCT)
Haemoglobin (HGB)
Haemoglobin (Total)
Haemolysis (H)
Haemopioetic Progenitor Cell (HPC)
Free β-hCG
Total β-hCG
Helicobacter pylori IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) IgM
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) IgM
HIV-1 P24Ag
Icterus (I)
Immature Granulocytes (IG)
% Immature Granulocytes (% IG)
Immature Myeloid Information (IMI)
Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF)
Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
High Sensitivity Immunoglobulin A (hsIgA)
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
High Sensitivity Immunoglobulin G (hsIgG)
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
High Sensitivity Immunoglobulin M (hsIgM)
Inhibin A
Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF 1) x
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-I (ICAM-I)
Interferon-γ (IFN-γ)
Interleukin-Ia (IL-la)
Interleukin-1β (IL-1β)
Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
Interleukin-4 (IL-4)
Interleukin-5 (IL-5)
Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Interleukin-8 (IL-8)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10)
Interleukin-15 (IL-15)
Iron (TIBC)
Iron (UIBC)
Kappa Light Chain
L-Selectin (L-SEL)
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
Lambda Light Chain
Lambda Light Chain (Free)
Lipemia (L)
Lipoprotein (a)
Luteinising Hormone (LH)
Lymphocytes (LYMPH)
% Lymphocytes (% LYMPH)
Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9)
Measles IgG
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH)
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1a(MIP-1a)
Monocytes (MONO)
Monocytes % (% MONO)
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1)
Mumps IgG
N-MID Osteocalcin (OC)
Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE)
Neutrophils (NEUT)
Neutrophils % (% NEUT)
Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin (NGAL)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBC)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells % (% NRBC)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells X (NRBC-X)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells Y (NRBC-Y)
P-Selectin (P-SEL)
Phosphate (Inorganic)
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor
Platelet Distribution Width (PDW)
Platelet Large Cell Ratio (P-LCR)
Plateletcrit (PCT)
Platelet (PLT)
Platelet Optical Count (PLT-O)
Procollagen Type 1 N-Terminal Propeptide (P1NP)
Protein C
Protein S
Protein (Total)
Prothrombin Time (PT)
Pyridinium Crosslinks
PSA (Free)
PSA (Total)
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)
PTH (Intact)
Quinolones (Generic)
Red Blood Cell Y (RBC-Y) x
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width CV (RDW-CV) x
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width SD (RDW-SD) x
Retinol Binding Protein (RBP)
Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
Rubella IgG
Rubella IgM
Semicarbazine (SEM)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Soluble IL-2 Receptor a (sIL-2Ra)
Soluble IL-6 Receptor (sIL-6R)
Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR)
Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (sTNFR I)
Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor 11 (sTNFR I1)
Specific Gravity
Superoxide Dismutase (Ransod)
T Uptake
T3 (Free)
T4 (Free)
T3 (Total)
T4 (Total)
Testosterone (Free)
Tetracyclines (Generic)
Thrombin Time (TT)
Total Antioxidant Status (TAS)
Toxoplasma gondii IgG
Toxoplasma gondii IgM
Treponema pallidum (Syphilis) IgG
Troponin I
Troponin T
Tumour Necrosis Factor a (TNFa)
Unconjugated Oestriol
Uric Acid (Urate)
Urine Osmolality
Valproic Acid
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA)
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
Vitamin B12
White Blood Cells (WBC)
White Blood Cells Differential (WBC-D)
How Randox R&D Scientists are helping to change healthcare: An introduction to diagnostics for BSW 2017
In celebration of British Science Week 2017, we will be giving you an introduction to diagnostics, and exploring how Randox Scientists are helping to change healthcare.
You may or may not already know that Randox are one of the leading diagnostics companies globally. But what exactly does clinical diagnostics involve? It is one of the fundamental steps of finding out what is wrong with a person when they are ill. Read on to find out a bit more about diagnostics, and how the Randox Reagents R&D Scientists are helping to change healthcare globally!
What is a diagnostic test?
A diagnostic test is any kind of analysis performed on a patient sample (a sample is typically blood, urine or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)), to aid in the diagnosis or detection of disease. The information found from a test can be used to:
- Diagnose disease
- Assess the extent of damage
- Monitor the effectiveness of treatment
- Confirm a person to be free from disease
Examples of substances that may be tested for the blood include proteins, nutrients, waste products, antibodies, hormones, salts, trace elements or vitamins.Ā These are sometimes referred to as āanalytesā, āmarkersā or ābiomarkersā.
This is where reagents come inā¦
A reagent is a substance which is mixed with the patient sample to create a chemical reaction to detect the biomarker.Ā These reactions are analysed by machines known as analysers.
Using data gathered from both clinical symptoms and laboratory tests, the doctor will follow a sometimes painstaking process of analysis and elimination to perform a successful diagnosis!