We Are Randox | How Sean Mills became Production Supervisor at Randox

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We Are Randox | How Sean Mills became Production Supervisor at Randox

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15 June 2020

How Sean Mills became Production Supervisor at Randox


We Are Randox | How Sean Mills became Freeze Dry Production Supervisor at Randox

In support of our new £30m COVID-19 laboratories, we are hiring 200 new staff across Engineering, Manufacturing and Science.

For an idea of what it’s like to work in Manufacturing at Randox, we spoke to Freeze Dry Production Supervisor Sean Mills.

Sean spoke to us about what his job entails, the skills required for the role, and what advice he would give someone on their first day of a new job.

Name: Sean Mills

Job Title: Supervisor

Department: Freeze Dry Production

Sean, what route did you take to get your job?

At school my favorite subjects were Biology and Physical Education, and though I completed my A-levels, I turned down the opportunity to go to the university I had selected. I just knew that going to university was not for me. I had previous work experience working in a laboratory, having volunteered in the Belfast City Hospital labs, as well as some other manufacturing experience from various summer jobs, so I applied for a Manufacturing Operative job with Randox. I started with the company on 3rd November 2008 and have progressed throughout the department.  I worked my way up to Laboratory Technician, then Lead Laboratory Technician, and now Departmental Supervisor.

Can you give us a quick summary of what your job entails?

My main responsibility is the day-to-day running of the Randox Freeze Dry Production team, which starts every day with a morning meeting to go over our schedule. I review our workload, determine what sites we will be working at, and delegate tasks to different members of the team. I also check if there were any issues from the previous day that we need to look at. As Supervisor I liaise with the Planning Team to manage our work to meet production deadlines, and with the Purchasing and Stock departments to order materials that we need to complete our work.  I like to be practical and hands-on so in addition to my administrative duties I also do manual work like loading and unloading freeze driers.

Is this what you always wanted to do?

When I was younger I was unsure what I wanted to do for full time employment but this is my 12th year as part of the Randox family and I am so glad I chose to work here. It has been a fantastic environment in a dynamic role that continues to challenge me every year. In February this year I was really proud to be named Randox Employee of the Year 2020.

 Were there any particular essential qualifications or experience needed?

For the job I originally applied for there were no specific requirements other than a GCSE in Maths and English. Given the work we do, I would definitely say that an understanding of Maths and English are important.

Are there alternative routes into the job?

One of the great things about Randox is that you can change roles internally if you want to try a new discipline or have a new experience. As such there is a real mix of backgrounds across all teams in the company. Some people join us after university or after working for other companies, and others like myself begin their careers here and then progress within their department.

What are the main personal skills your job requires?

Organisational and numerical skills, as well as excellent communication and good time management, are definitely essential in my role. The ability to follow health and safety procedures and work off your own initiative are also key.

What are the best and most challenging aspects of the job?

Having worked within manufacturing for over 10 years now I am no stranger to a lot of hard work in order to meet a deadline. These pressure situations are something I enjoy as they allow you to think of ways to improve manufacturing processes. I am lucky I work with a fantastic team and have a great manager who has also worked his way up in the department. He is a great mentor.

Why is what you do important?

My team are responsible for manufacturing the highest quality product to facilitate patient diagnosis. My own role specifically is important to keep the team motivated and ensure everything is in place to allow them to complete their job. I am here to train new staff, help problem solve, and use my experience to support my team when they need it.

If you weren’t doing this what would you like to do?

If I wasn’t working in Manufacturing I would like to work in the Police or Fire Service.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to yourself on your first day?

To anyone about to begin their first day in a new job I would give reassurance that they don’t need to be nervous. I would also encourage asking as many questions as possible until you are 100 percent sure what you’re doing and what’s expected from you. With any job there is always something new to learn and people you can learn from. No one knows everything, and everyone needs a little help now and again.

 Describe your ideal day off.

On my ideal day off I would get up early to play a round of golf or go to the gym. Then I would spend the day with my partner, enjoy a nice meal and end the day by watching a movie.

And finally, what’s the key to any successful job search?

I have been happily working at Randox for almost 12 years, so I think that means my last job search was a successful one! My advice would be to apply for a job that excites or interests you.


We are delighted to have Sean with us at Randox as part of our hard-working manufacturing team.


For current vacancies at Randox please visit careers.randox.com

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For further information please email recruitment@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413.

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We Are Randox | How Ciara Taylor became R&D Team Leader at Randox

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10 June 2020

How Ciara Taylor became R&D Team Leader at Randox


We Are Randox | How Ciara Taylor became Clinical Immunoassay R&D Team Leader at Randox

In support of our new £30m COVID-19 laboratories, we are hiring 200 new staff across Engineering, Manufacturing and Science.

For an idea of what it’s like to be a scientist at Randox, we spoke to R&D Team Leader Ciara Taylor.

Ciara spoke to us about the route she took to her current role, what advice she would give someone following a similar career path, and what makes her job so important.

Name: Ciara Taylor

Job Title: R&D Team Leader

Department: Clinical Immunoassay R&D


Ciara, can you give us a quick summary of what your job entails?

Our team works on the research and development of new clinical diagnostic tests for a variety of common health conditions, such as heart disease.  We carefully design and execute laboratory experiments to ensure our tests perform at an exceptionally high level for hospitals and laboratories around the world.   

What did you study and where?

I studied a four-year integrated Chemical Engineering Masters degree at Queen’s University Belfast.  It was an ideal choice for me as it encompassed areas of the subjects I had enjoyed at school; Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Maths. I gained a lot of experience in research during my final year industrial project.

Ciara Taylor

Give a brief outline of your career to date

I finished my university degree in 2016.  I worked for an Engineering consultancy firm for 6 months, and then spent some time travelling before joining Randox in October 2017. In my first year I spent time learning about the science behind immunoassay development and how to apply to our research work.  At the end of 2018, I was promoted to Research and Development (R&D) Team Leader, giving me more responsibility over the training of staff, and the progress of new projects, from initial concept and feasibility to product validation. I have also had the opportunity to travel and represent the company in conferences, events and career days. 

Is this what you always wanted to do?

When I was younger I honestly had no idea what my ideal job would be.  I simply knew that I wanted a dynamic role that involved working with people on challenging and interesting projects, which is exactly what I have here at Randox.  I love the variety and opportunity that a global company like Randox offers as we are always trying to evolve and keep up with the latest industry demand. Currently every department is working together to process large-scale testing for COVID-19, as part of the government’s national testing programme.

Were there any particular essential qualifications or experience needed?

We have people of varying degree backgrounds in our team including Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biomedical, Biological or Pharmaceutical Sciences. Experience in a similar R&D capacity is also helpful, though we offer full training to those who may have little experience specifically in diagnostics, but who possess a general science background. 

Are there alternative routes into the job?

Whilst I joined Randox as a graduate R&D scientist following university, there are other routes available. Some of my colleagues began their careers by doing a placement year with Randox or by taking part in our Graduate Programme, in which graduates rotate across different areas of the business to find a job best suited to their skills and interests.  Also available as an option is the Randox APEX scheme, which gives first year university students a summer and a third-year placement, and a job offer upon graduating.  Naturally we also have a lot of PhD graduates join R&D, as they are ideal candidates for conducting research.  Another route, if you don’t have the A-Levels for a university degree, is to go to a Technical College and gain an equivalent qualification in a science discipline.  This could lead to a placement opportunity and later job with Randox.

What are the best and most challenging aspects of the job?

The best part of working in Randox is the people you work with. We work very collaboratively across different departments, and our staff come from a wide variety of backgrounds, so I am constantly learning from everyone around me and bouncing ideas off different people with different skillsets.

The most challenging aspect is the same in every R&D role – sometimes the initial feasibility experiments just don’t give the results you had expected.  The rewarding part lies in solving the problem and making a breakthrough in your research project.

Why is what you do important?

The development of clinical diagnostic tests has a direct impact on the quality of healthcare that people receive around the world.  It is rewarding to be part of a global company that is trying to improve people’s lives by providing a more personalised diagnosis using the tests we develop.  As a company, Randox is continually investing money into the research of novel clinical biomarkers and testing platforms, showing its commitment to the improvement of diagnostics and ultimately, patient outcomes.

What advice would you give anyone looking to follow a similar career path?

If you are interested in R&D, keep your options and searches open.  I didn’t know how much I would enjoy clinical R&D until I started at Randox.  It makes a difference when you are genuinely interested and take pleasure in the work you do.  Previous lab experience is ideal, so I would recommend trying to do a placement or getting some relevant work experience, especially if your degree doesn’t include much practical lab work. 

If you weren’t working in Clinical Immunoassay R&D what would you like to do?

I would still love to be in a research role, perhaps in renewable or clean energy sources.

Describe your ideal day off

My ideal day off involves exercise or eating! I would go for a swim, yoga or a long walk, and then go out for dinner. I love trying new restaurants.

We are delighted to have Ciara with us at Randox as part of our incredibly talented R&D team.


For current vacancies at Randox please visit careers.randox.com

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For further information please email recruitment@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413.

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We Are Randox | How James Davidson became a Mechanical Design Engineer at Randox


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04 June 2020

How James Davidson became a Mechanical Design Engineer at Randox


We Are Randox | How James Davidson became a Mechanical Design Engineer at Randox

At the beginning of April we announced we are recruiting mechanical, electrical and manufacturing engineers to enhance our capacity for COVID-19 testing. The engineers will be involved in the fast-tracked development of specialist molecular analysers used to detect the presence of COVID-19.

For an idea of what it’s like to work in engineering at Randox, we spoke to Mechanical Design Engineer James Davidson.

James spoke to us about the route he took to his current role, the best and most challenging things about his job, and how he likes to spend his well-deserved time off.

Name: James Davidson

Job Title: Mechanical Design Engineer and Project Coordinator

Department: Engineering


James, can you give us a quick summary of what your job entails? 

My main responsibilities are designing new medical testing analysers, updating and developing our existing machines and conducting troubleshooting to make sure that they are performing correctly. I also train new and existing staff on Randox technologies.

What was your favourite subject at school?

I really enjoyed Maths at school, for the challenge of being able to solve a logical problem and get to the correct conclusion by the end of your working out.

What was the route you took into your job?

My A-levels didn’t go to plan at school and I found myself in a difficult situation where I didn’t have the grades to go to university as I had planned.

James Davidson

I subsequently went along to an information evening at the Northern Regional College in Ballymena where I found out about the Higher National Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering, which really appealed to me and suited my interests. I knew straight away that it’s what I wanted to do so I started the course a week after that and really enjoyed it. Completion of the HND opened the door to enroll in a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ulster in Jordanstown, where I graduated with a 2:1 in 2012. I secured a placement at Randox in 2010 as part of this degree course which ultimately led me to the role that I am currently in.

Give a brief outline of your career to date

The year-long placement I did at Randox taught me a lot. I enjoyed it so much that I came back to Randox after my degree and have been here since! Throughout my time in Randox I have worked on different projects that have each been at different design stages – from concept right through to market release. I was promoted to Project Coordinator in 2016 and placed in charge of a small team of mechanical engineers. In this role I plan new work for each member of the team, review designs and provide assistance if required. I love being part of the Engineering team at Randox. It’s a really creative environment and we all work collaboratively together – bouncing ideas off each other and supporting each other when needed.

Is this what you always wanted to do?

I have always had an interest in how things work so a career in engineering was a natural progression for me. The world is constantly changing with new innovations and solutions to better people’s lives and I’m happy to be involved in an area of engineering that is bettering such a key part of people’s lives – their health.

Are there alternative routes into the job?

There are several potential routes to becoming a mechanical design engineer. Whilst I didn’t take the traditional route to become a design engineer – completing A-levels and then going to university – this would be the most common option. Alternatively, you can do what I did and study an HND before then getting a degree. Experienced engineers with a Higher National Certificate/Diploma could also be considered for the role.

What are the main personal skills your job requires?

For a mechanical design engineer the main essential skills would be an ability to work as part of a team, the ability to problem solve, knowledge of manufacturing processes and a flair for design. The ability to work under pressure and a high attention to detail are useful skills to have as well.

What does a typical day look like for you?

It might sound cliché, but every day is different! Up until earlier this year I was part of a product development team who design machines for a range of clinical conditions. More recently I have been involved in the design and development of a specialist COVID-19 testing system that will dramatically increase our capacity to process samples.

What are the best and most challenging aspects of the job?

It is simultaneously gratifying and challenging to experience the full cycle of project development from start through to finish. It requires quite a lot of patience.

Why is what you do important?

By guaranteeing that diagnostic machines are performing correctly, I am essentially making sure that patients across the globe are getting the correct medical diagnosis and follow-up treatment. These machines are life-saving devices.

If you weren’t a Mechanical Design Engineer what would you like to do?

My dad and brother own a garage so I think I would be working as a mechanic with them. It would harness the same skills and interests as my current role! I have also considered the possibility of being a teacher.

Describe your ideal day off.

I enjoy water skiing so on my days off, if the weather is good, I like to go out on the water. It’s a great way to blow off some steam.

And finally, what’s the key to any successful job search?

My advice to anyone currently looking for a job would be to find something with a lot of variety. You don’t want to be doing the same thing over and over again and you need to keep things interesting. I’m proud to say that my job at Randox has held my interest for the best part of a decade!

We are delighted to have James with us at Randox as part of our incredibly talented engineering team.


For current vacancies at Randox please visit careers.randox.com

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For further information please email recruitment@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413.

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Randox calls upon NI engineers to build COVID-19 testing platforms


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05 April 2020

COVID-19 Engineering Recruitment Drive



Randox Laboratories has today announced it is recruiting 160 mechanical, electrical and manufacturing engineers to enhance its capacity for COVID-19 testing.

 The engineers, who are due to begin work at the Randox Science Park from the middle of May, will be involved in the fast-tracked development of specialist molecular analysers used to detect the presence of COVID-19.

These testing platforms will be used to further enhance the government’s national testing scheme for key workers, as well as to facilitate testing more broadly across the general populace.

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;

“It is Randox’s priority to ensure that we support the UK’s effort to fight COVID-19, by testing at scale. We know that this is the most effective way to both save lives and promote a timely return to a more normal society.

“We continue to ramp up our COVID-19 testing capabilities – not only by increasing our production of testing kits, but also by accelerating the build schedule for the testing analysers on which the tests are performed.

“We are aiming, by working at maximum efficiency in a greatly accelerated time frame of 6-7 weeks, to manufacture 200 of our most state-of-the-art testing platforms, which will greatly enhance our testing capacity at Randox.”

Randox has, in recent weeks, established a number of new teams responsible for the development, manufacturing and distribution of COVID-19 testing kits for the national testing programme.

The company is also interested in speaking to anyone with experience in mechanical, electrical or manufacturing engineering. Invest Northern Ireland is helping by contacting companies which may be able to temporarily release resources to help meet this urgent staffing requirement.

Dr FitzGerald added;

“To meet the unprecedented demand for COVID-19 testing, we have been redeploying our own personnel to various COVID-19 critical departments, but are now also recruiting for a number of specialist disciplines.

“Everyone at Randox has a vital role to play in the practical application of COVID-19 testing, and for engineers in particular, this is a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in the fight against COVID-19, by directly contributing in no small part to the national testing programme.”

Anyone interested in the Randox COVID-19 Engineering Drive should apply at careers.randox.com

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We Are Randox | Tech Trailblazer Margaret Le Roux


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18 March 2020

Tech Trailblazers: Margaret Le Roux

Tech Trailblazers: Margaret Le Roux

Sync NI, in celebration of Women in Tech, recently spoke with our IT Operations Team Leader Margaret.

Read on as Margaret share’s her typical day, the favourite thing about her job, and how her specialist role at Randox combines a degree in Biomedical Science with a passion for software development.

Name: Margaret Le Roux

Role: IT Operations Team Leader, Randox Laboratories


I graduated from the University of Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe), as a Biomedical Scientist in 1980. My career in South Africa was then predominantly in the clinical laboratory medicine field, and I qualified as a Technical Assessor for clinical laboratories through the South African National Accreditation System. I moved to Belfast in 2014 and started work with Randox.

What does your typical day look like?

I work in an IT Operations role bridging our science and quality control software, which assesses the accuracy and reliability of blood tests, and the machines they are run on, in the likes of hospitals, laboratories, and veterinary clinics. On a typical day, I deal with customer queries about this software, troubleshoot the issues, and drive new developments to improve our systems and applications. I also spend time training Randox staff, mentoring some of my junior colleagues, and speaking at Biomedical Science Conferences to educate others in the industry about the importance of quality control software.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on the specification for our external quality assessment software, which involves a mock blood sample being run in a laboratory’s analyser, and the result being sent back to Randox so that we can independently check that it is performing correctly.

I have also been working on the software project that saw Randox win ‘Project Team of the Year’ at the 2019 Belfast Telegraph IT Awards. This cloud-based quality control technology was specifically designed for ‘Point of Care’ machines which provide finger prick blood tests for conditions like heart disease and diabetes, in pharmacies, GP surgeries and A&E departments.

Did you always want to work in the tech industry?

I have been very lucky that my specialist role at Randox combines my degree in Biomedical Science, and my experience in QC, with my passion for software development. In South Africa, I worked as a Quality Officer for a large private laboratory, with 3 main laboratories and over 100 peripheral sites across 10 African countries. The management of quality control data was a huge job and as such I became interested in a software program that could assist the lab with this task.

What inspired you to join Randox in particular?

Whilst working in South Africa, I was one of Randox’s customers, and made extensive use of their quality control products. Randox has always had a very good reputation in South Africa so when I moved to Belfast it was a natural choice for me.

What’s your favourite part about your work?

It’s a great feeling when we introduce a new release to our software and you know that the customers are going to benefit from it.

What would you say to other people considering a job in the tech industry?

A job in the tech industry is simultaneously exciting and challenging, as each day brings something new. You will continually be making improvements and striving to make something better, which is a good work ethic. It’s really satisfying when you are part of a team which develops a software program that is so well accepted in the market and useful to the customer.

How do you see this technology impacting on our lives?

The technology industry is so fluid and moving at such a fast pace, and there are developments across all industries which are making our lives easier. At Randox in particular, our software is helping a range of healthcare professionals – whether laboratory technicians, clinicians or veterinarians – to achieve our shared goal of saving and improving the lives of patients. It’s rewarding to know we are making a difference.

Who inspired you to work in this field?

In the field of Quality Control, I was inspired by Dr Pandelani Rambau, a Clinical Pathologist from Johannesburg. In IT, it was a colleague Sean Dicks who showed me that there is always a way to get a program to do what you need it to do.

What do you consider to be the most important tech innovation or development in recent years?

The development of communication devices has been incredibly important. They open up the whole world to us and we can access things, both socially and for education, that previously were only available to a few. They have brought so much information to our fingertips.

What tech gadget could you not live without?

I couldn’t live without my phone, because it is so much more than just a phone. It holds all the important things that make up my life, like messages, memories, and my calendar.

To find out more about Randox IT and the vacancies we have in the team, please email recruitment@randox.com 

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

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We Are Randox | Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week with Monique Uprichard


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05 January 2020

Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2020

Did you know that it’s Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2020?

The new initiative from the Department for the Economy offers an opportunity through a dedicated week of events and promotional activity to demonstrate how apprenticeships work for individuals, businesses, communities and the wider economy.

To mark the week we spoke to one of our Randox apprentices, Monique Uprichard, to find out more about her role, what she enjoys about the apprenticeship, and her advice for young people considering a career in science.

Name: Monique Uprichard

Job Title: Science Apprentice

Department: Quality Control Serum Production


Monique, can you describe a typical working day?

The apprentice roles at Randox are really hands-on, so each day I have the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects and manage important laboratory processes.  I get to use the Randox analysers that conduct our health tests – for example for diabetes and cholesterol – and run maintenance on them every day. This involves checking they have the right amount of testing chemicals, filling in logbooks which detail what tests have been run, and then processing and analysing the results.”

What has been your educational career path to this post?

“I have always had an interest in science, studying both Chemistry and Biology at GCSE and A-level at Bloomfield Collegiate School. I enjoyed the practical aspect of these subjects, which was the main reason I applied for the Higher-Level Apprenticeship with Southern Regional College and Randox. I also get paid and have no student debts to worry about, which was a massive selling point!”

What are the most valuable skills for your job?

“Time management is vital for apprentices because you must make time to study and complete coursework when you’re not at work. Attention to detail is also key, as is being able to work independently. Being part of a real working laboratory is great because I’m not only developing my core scientific knowledge, but also learning some crucial professional skills like effective communication with my colleagues, and the ability to work to a deadline. Then at college I get to focus on academic skills like essay writing and how to create a good presentation.”

What is the most rewarding part of the job?

“Working at Randox is really rewarding because I know what we do makes a real difference to global healthcare. By ensuring that hospital tests are accurate and reliable, I’m making sure that patients get the correct diagnosis, so they can get appropriate and effective treatment as soon as possible.”

What are the future job prospects in your industry?

“The STEM industry is booming and new roles are emerging every day. In the field of science, nothing ever stays still and there is always a new discovery or challenge. My colleagues for example are working on a test for the latest strain of coronavirus, which is having a huge impact globally. The variety of jobs is matched also by the variety of career pathways you can take. At the end of my apprenticeship, when I gain my foundation degree in Applied and Industrial Sciences, I have the option of either progressing into my second year of Biomedical Science at university, or taking up a permanent job within Randox.”

What is your advice to a young person starting off in your industry?

“Never be afraid to ask questions! This will help you stay up-to-date with current research and trends, and demonstrate your enthusiasm. If you’re interested in science I would definitely recommend the Higher-Level Apprenticeship as it is a great learning experience and equips you with all the necessary skills to pursue a career in this fast-paced industry.”

We are delighted to have Monique with us at Randox as part of the Higher-Level Apprenticeship Scheme. 

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For further information about Apprenticeships at Randox please email RandoxPR@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413.

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World-leading biotechnology hub opens its doors to the public on Christmas Eve


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01 December 2019

Randox Teoranta Open Day in Dungloe

A global biotechnology company in the heart of Donegal is this month opening its doors to the general public for an Open Day event aimed at showcasing the pioneering scientific research taking place.

Including tours, interactive activities and Q&A sessions with scientists, engineers and software developers, the Open Day at Randox Teoranta in Dungloe will offer visitors to the state-of-the-art site the opportunity to experience for themselves the world-class R&D careers, projects and facilities that exist in Donegal.

Projects at Randox Teoranta, which focuses on the development of new health tests for the diagnosis of ill health and disease, have recently included revolutionary diagnostic technologies for Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, kidney disease and gastrointestinal disorders.

Dr. Ciaran Richardson, Head of Research & Development at Randox Teoranta, commented;

“We feel that we should share the transformative work taking place here at Randox Teoranta with the local community who have been so receptive and supportive of our endeavours to provide world-leading career opportunities right here in the heart of Donegal.

“For those working or interested in science, engineering, software development or manufacturing, who may have been previously unaware that there is a next-generation life sciences hub located in Dungloe, we invite you to join us on Christmas Eve for an exclusive look behind the scenes of our advanced facilities.

“Similarly, for those who may have joined us before at one of our previous Open Days, please do visit again to learn about the projects we have been working on over the past year.”

Teoranta Open Day

In addition to those working in human health at Randox Teoranta are veterinary scientists involved in the development of novel multiplex tests used to monitor disease spread and improve animal welfare.

The firm’s human and veterinary health scientists work alongside a dedicated team of software developers and engineers who collaboratively use their talents to design and manufacture machines on which these tests are run, to detect disease and save lives.

Dr Richardson continued;

“Our manufacturing department also boasts a number of innovative roles which are essential to Randox’s continuation as a global leader in healthcare diagnostics and associated technology.

“At Randox Teoranta, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of health diagnostic capabilities, and it all takes place right here in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. The unique combination of a world-leading career coupled with an unrivalled quality of life is second-to-none.”

Randox Teoranta’s Open Morning will take place on Tuesday 24th December 2019 from 9:00 until 12:00 at Randox Teoranta, Meenmore, Dungloe, Co. Donegal, F94 TV06.

Students, graduates and experienced professionals are welcome to visit along with their family and friends. You are welcome to bring your CV on the day or email it to recruitment@randoxteoranta.com.

Booking is not required, however, you can register your interest (optional) on Eventbrite.

More information about the open day can also be found by contacting +353 7495 22600 or emailing RandoxPR@randox.com.

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Randox IT wins IT Project Team of the Year at Belfast Telegraph IT Awards


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09 November 2019

Randox IT wins IT Project Team of the Year at Belfast Telegraph IT Awards

Congratulations to the Randox IT department who have been named as the ‘IT Project Team of the Year’ at the Belfast Telegraph IT Awards 2019!

The awards ceremony, which was an inaugural event from the Belfast-based media outlet, was a showcase of the finest that the Northern Ireland IT industry has to offer, with both IT agencies and in-house IT teams vying for the chance to be crowned among the best their respective fields.

Sarah Little, Publishing Director at INM(NI), said on the night that holding the event was a ‘no brainer’ due to the prolific growth of the IT sector in Northern Ireland. In 2018 1 in 9 jobs advertised were in IT.

Prior to the awards event, Randox IT had been shortlisted for both IT Project Team of the Year for their work on RIQAS Point of Care and IT Team of the Year for their work on the Randox Health client portal.

The in-house IT team at Randox comprises of web developers, engineers, customer support staff, web designers, security professionals, software development and software testers spanning ten nationalities, from Indian to Hungarian and Italian to South African.

In the last year Randox IT have worked on a variety of exciting and important projects, including the development of an innovative health portal that assesses the accuracy and reliability of point-of-care machines. These blood testing analysers are increasingly being placed in the likes of pharmacies, GP surgeries, and A&E departments to provide NHS Health Checks and manage long-term conditions.

It was for this work on RIQAS Point of Care that on Friday 8th November, at a glittering awards event in the MAC Belfast, Randox IT were officially named IT Project Team of the Year.

The cloud-based technology developed by Randox IT provides confidence in vital test results for conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Uptake of the scheme has increased considerably since it was launched this year, proving that the system is meeting a need for a quality assurance system for non-laboratory health service staff which was not being met before.

We are delighted that Randox IT have been recognised for this pioneering work in point-of-care software and hope you join us in congratulating them on such a tremendous achievement.

To find out more about Randox IT and the vacancies we have in the team, please email recruitment@randox.com 

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We Are Randox | Randox IT is shortlisted in the Belfast Telegraph IT Awards 2019


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08 October 2019

Randox IT is shortlisted in the Belfast Telegraph IT Awards 2019

Congratulations to the Randox IT department who have been shortlisted in two categories at the Belfast Telegraph IT Awards 2019.

This, the inaugural event from the Belfast-based media outlet, is set to be a showcase of the finest that the Northern Ireland IT industry has to offer with both IT agencies and in-house IT teams vying for the chance to be crowned among the best their respective fields.

Randox IT have been shortlisted for IT Project Team of the Year for their work on RIQAS Point of Care and IT Team of the Year for their work on the Randox Health client and staff portal.

See an overview of their applications below;

IT Project Team of the Year

Randox IT have developed an innovative health portal that assesses the accuracy and reliability of blood testing analysers. These blood testing analysers are increasingly being placed in the likes of pharmacies, GP surgeries, and A&E departments to provide NHS Health Checks and manage long term conditions.

Randox IT cloud-based technology provides confidence in vital test results for conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Uptake of the scheme has increased considerably since it was launched this year, proving that the system is meeting a need for a quality assurance system for non-laboratory health service staff which was not being met before.

IT Team of the Year

The in-house IT team at world-leading health diagnostics firm Randox comprises of web developers, engineers, customer support staff, web designers, security professionals, software development and software testers spanning ten nationalities, from Indian to Hungarian and Italian to South African.

In the last year, the Randox IT team have created a fully-automated, fully-functional platform for both healthcare professionals and clients of Randox Health, which generates results for state-of-the-art health checks.



The finals for the Belfast Telegraph IT Awards 2019 will take place on Friday 8th November 2019 in The Mac, Belfast and all finalists can be viewed here.

Good luck to the Randox IT department!

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We Are Randox | QUB and Ulster University Students Take The Top Spots in the Randox Placement Awards 2019

A Queen’s University Belfast student has won the top spot in global healthcare diagnostics company Randox Laboratories’ annual Student Placement Awards.

Pearce Allingham from Andersonstown, who is studying Medicinal Chemistry, was not only placed first in the Science category but was also crowned Best Overall Placement Student.

Since September 2018, Pearce had been working alongside the scientific team in the New Technology Evaluation department, taking part in the development of Randox’s newest and most classified innovations.

Speaking at the awards ceremony at Randox Laboratories HQ in Crumlin on Friday 14th June 2019, Pearce commented,

“I’m so pleased to have won this award. I couldn’t recommend a placement at Randox highly enough and it has allowed me to see what I’m capable of when I apply myself to a field I’m passionate about. From day one I was made to feel like a scientist within the team – not just a placement student – and it’s amazing that some of my contributions are helping to advance Randox’s diagnostic capabilities further. I look forward to applying my new knowledge and skills in final year and to forging a career in research – maybe even back here at Randox.”

Randox Laboratories welcomes over 60 placement students through its doors each year across Science, Engineering and Business-related disciplines, including Sales and Marketing. The company is keen to continue to maintain its reputation as a key placement provider in Northern Ireland, as explained by Linda Magee, Operations Director at Randox Laboratories.

Linda commented;

“We host many high calibre placement students at Randox each year and the Randox Placement Awards is the pinnacle in highlighting the fantastic contribution that these students make. Pearce, in particular, impressed us with his work ethic and initiative in one of Randox’s most cutting-edge R&D teams. Gaining industry experience is vital for young people and that is why we pride ourselves on the range of placement opportunities we provide here, especially through the Randox APEX programme which offers students a paid summer placement between first and second year, a paid placement year in third year and, finally, a graduate position on completion of their degree with a 2:1 classification. It really is the complete career package for any aspiring student.”

David Boyd, a QUB Engineering student from Belfast, won in the Engineering category of the Randox Placement Awards while Andrew Wilson, an Ulster University student from Bangor, was placed first in the Business category.

David Boyd, Engineering Placement Award winner, commented,

“As part of the Engineering team, the opportunities I’ve been given here have been second-to-none and I look forward to completing my Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. I used to think I would go on to work in the energy sector with renewables and nuclear but my time in Randox has shown me a different industry which I would love to return to.”

Andrew Wilson, Business Placement Award winner, also said,

“Being given the same responsibilities as the rest of your colleagues is a great way to learn quickly as you get immersed in live projects and real business. One of the most interesting aspects for me was the opportunity to travel to Hamburg and Chicago for customer visits and conferences. Dealing with different departments such as manufacturing, finance and logistics, along with my own sales and marketing team, has given me an insight in to the workings of an international company which has been an invaluable experience.”

Randox Placement Awards 2019 results

Business category

1 Andrew Wilson (Marketing, Randox Food Diagnostics), an Ulster University student from Bangor

2 Kathryn Wilson (Sales, Randox Biosciences), an Aberystwyth University student from Larne

3 Adam Donnelly – (Marketing, Randox Corporate), an Ulster University student from Bellaghy

Science category

1 Pearce Allingham (Chemistry), a Queen’s University Belfast student from Andersonstown

2 Rachel McCloy (Biotechnology), a Liverpool John Moore’s University student from Ballymena

3 Thomas Smith-Zaitlik (Molecular), a Nottingham Trent University student from Henley-on-Thames.

Engineering category

1 David Boyd (Engineering Design, Mechanical), a Queen’s University Belfast student from Belfast

2 Reuben Cotton (Engineering Design, Mechanical), an Ulster University student from Lisburn

3 Niall Devlin (Engineering Design, Software)

Overall Randox Placement Awards winner: Pearce Allingham

For further information please contact the Randox PR team by emailing randoxpr@randox.com or phoning 028 9442 2413













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