Anti-MĆ¼llerian Hormone (AMH) Programme

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Anti-MĆ¼llerian Hormone (AMH) Programme

The RIQAS Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Programme will be run at a frequency of 1 sample per month. The samples will be in a lyophilised format.

  • Accredited to ISO17043 standard via RIQAS flexible scope
  • Lyophilised material for enhanced stability
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • High quality reliable controls – Randox has 30 plus years’ experience as a global manufacturer of QC controls
  • Worlds largest EQA scheme ensuring peer groups are maximised
  • Monthly reporting to reduce the risk of errors
  • Cycle Starts – January 2025

        What is AMH used for?

        AMH is made in the reproductive tissues of both males and females. The role of AMH and whether levels are normal depend on age and gender.

        An AMH test is often used to check a woman’s ability to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy. A woman’s ovaries can make thousands of eggs during her childbearing years. the number declines as a woman gets older. AMH levels help show how many potential egg cells a woman has left. This is known as the ovarian reserve. 

        If a woman’s ovarian reserve is high, she may have a better chance of getting pregnant. She may also be able to wait months or years before trying to get pregnant. If the ovarian reserve is low, it may mean a woman will have trouble getting pregnant and show not delay very long before trying to have a baby.

        AMH tests may also be used to:

        • Predict the start of menopause, a time in a woman’s life when her menstrual periods have stopped, and she can’t
        become pregnant anymore. It usually starts when a woman is around 50 years old.
        • Find out the reason for early menopause
        • Help find out the reason for amenorrhea, the lack of menstruation. It is most often diagnosed in girls who haven’t started
        menstruating by the age of 15 and in women who have missed several periods.
        • Help diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder that is a common cause of female infertility, the
        inability to get pregnant
        • Check infants with genitals that are not clearly identified as male or female
        • Monitor women who have certain types of ovarian cancer

        Join the Worlds Largest External Quality Assessment scheme today:

        DescriptionFrequencySizeCat. No
        AMHMonthly12 x 1mlRQ9198


        Microbiology (Bacterial Identification) Programme

        The RIQAS Microbiology Programme includes the identification of micro-organisms to Gram positive/negative, Genus and Species levels, together with Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing according to chosen Guidelines.

        Available in a bi-monthly format with 3 samples distributed twice per year.  Each strain is presented in a lyophilised pellet form within a self-contained tube containing a pre-filled ampoule for reconstitution, therefore helping to avoid cross contamination.

        • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
        • Multiple registrations allow for comparison between lab staff
        • Possible to be used as a training tool for new and current staff
        • Samples are manufactured to the highest quality
        • Bi-monthly reporting
        • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
        • Cycle Starts – July 2025

        Not accredited to ISO 17043

          Join the Worlds Largest External Quality Assessment scheme today:

          Cat. NoDescriptionFrequencyParameters
          RQ9197Microbiology ProgrammeBi-monthly,
          (1 x 12 month cycle)



          • Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
          • Strain Identification

          Microbiology reports available on include:

          • Bacterial Identification Report
          • Bacterial Identification – Historical Performance
          • Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
          • Cefepime

          Serum Indices External Quality Assessment

          The RIQAS Serum Indices EQA programme is designed for the pre-analytical assessment of Haemolytic, Icteric and Lipemic (HIL) interferences.

          Available in a bi-monthly format with the option to report either quantitative or semi-quantitative results for the HIL parameters, this programme also provides an assessment on how these interferences impact on up to 25 routine chemistry parameters. This provides invaluable information on whether a correct judgement is being made to report results.

          • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
          • Human based serum ensuring commutable sample matrix
          • Bi-monthly reporting
          • HIL parameters include the option of quantitative or semi-quantitative reporting
          • Interpretation of chemistry parameter results
          • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
          • Cycle Starts – October 2025

            Not accredited to ISO 17043

            Cat NoKit SizeFrequencyReturns
            RQ91942 x (9 x1ml)Bi-monthly
            (9 samples per distribution)
            2 distributions per cycle
            3 samples bi-monthly

            NOTE: If you require additional Serum Indices EQA material, you can purchase RQ9194/A. This is an additional pack containing 9 x 1ml vials to be used as a supplement to your main RQ9194 Serum Indices programme.

            Indices Assessment (Quantitative and Semi-Quantitative)

            • Haemolysis
            • Icteric
            • Lipaemic

            Parameter Assessment (Quantitative)

            • ALP
            • ALT
            • AST
            • Bilirubin (Direct)
            • Bilirubin (Total)
            • Calcium
            • Chloride
            • Cholesterol
            • CK NAC
            • Creatinine
            • GGT
            • Glucose
            • HDL
            • Iron
            • Lactate
            • LDH
            • Lipase
            • Magnesium
            • Phosphate
            • Potassium
            • Protein (Total)
            • Sodium
            • Triglycerides
            • Urea
            • Uric Acid

            Does Your QC Cover Clinically Relevant Ranges?

            Following recommendations from recognized institutions such as ISO and CLIA, more laboratories are using third party controls than ever before. However, great care should be taken when choosing which third party control to use. A number of factors should be considered, and primarily among these is whether the control challenges the complete Clinical Range and the Medical Decision Levels. ISO 15189:2012 states that ‘The laboratory should choose concentrations of control materials wherever possible, especially at or near clinical decision values, which ensure the validity of decisions made’.

            Measuring the Complete Clinical Range

            It is important to assess the full clinical range of an assay i.e. the range between the lowest and highest results which can be reliably reported. In order to make sure a laboratory instrument is working across the full clinical range, a QC which covers low, normal and elevated concentrations must be used.

            Question: “If the full clinical range isn’t covered by QC, how will we know whether patient results which fall outside the range of quality controls are accurately reported?”

            What are Medical Decision Levels?

            Medical Decision Levels (MDL) are the analyte values at which medical professionals can determine whether a patient may be suffering from a certain condition. The MDL is determined by a consensus of medical professionals and clinical research. Patients’ test results are compared to the MDL and appropriate diagnoses or medical interventions can be made.

            For example, the MDL of Glucose can indicate a certain diabetic status:

            Analyte Medical Decision Level Diagnostic Status
            Glucose (fasting) <100 mg/dL Non-Diabetic
            100–125 mg/dL Pre-Diabetic
            >125 mg/dL Diabetic

            Competitor QC

            Many QC manufacturers ‘cut corners’ in an attempt to keep costs down, which often results in the sale of controls which do not cover the complete clinical range or vital medical decision levels. Below is an example of the Glucose concentrations present in a competitor control:

            Competitor Chemistry Control Level 1 – 68 mg/dL

            Competitor Chemistry Control Level 2 – 134 mg/dL

            Competitor Chemistry Control Level 3 – 386 mg/dL

            In the examples above, the competitor’s level 1 control covers the non-diabetic MDL, but the level 2 control is not within the ‘Pre-Diabetic’ decision range. The level 3 control is also much higher than can be expected for an elevated diabetic patient result (200 mg/dL or more).

            Randox QC

            Due to the superior manufacturing process used by Randox, QC target values are consistently within the MDL of tests. For example, the Glucose concentrations present in our Liquid Assayed Chemistry Premium Plus control are:

            Level 1 – 57 mg/dL

            Level 2 – 114 mg/dL

            Level 3 – 236 mg/dL

            The MDL for Glucose is covered by the Randox control, meaning laboratory professionals can be confident that patient results will be accurately interpreted.

            Immunoassay Medical Decision Levels

            Controls which cover the MDL can reduce the number of Quality Controls required by laboratories. For example, Randox Acusera Lyophilised Immunoassay Controls contain particularly low levels of TSH, Ferritin and Vitamin B12 in the Level 1 control, eliminating the need for an additional control at extra expense:

            Analyte Medical Decision Level Randox Level 1 IA Control Competitor Level 1 IA Control
            TSH 0.1 or 0.27 uU/mL 0.15uU/mL 0.37 uU/mL
            Vitamin B12 190 pmol/L 174 pmol/L 327 pmol/L
            Ferritin 12 ng/mL 11.1 ng/mL 49.6 ng/mL

            In this example the competitor offers an anaemia control with lower levels of TSH, Vitamin B12 and Ferritin at an additional cost. With Randox Acusera QC, only one control is required for anemia monitoring and detection.

            Lipids External Quality Assessment

            The RIQAS Lipid EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of up to 7 lipid parameters. Two flexible and cost effective programme options are available.

            • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
            • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
            • 100% human serum
            • Bi-weekly reporting
            • Choose from 3 or all 7 parameter options
            • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
            • Register up to five instruments per programme (volume permitting) at no extra cost for comparative performance assessment
            • Cycles Start – January/July 2025
            Cat NoKit SizeFrequencyParameters
            RQ9126/a12 x 3mlBi-weekly
            (2 x 6 monthly cycles)
            3 parameters
            (choose from 7)
            RQ9126/b12 x 3mlBi-weekly
            (2 x 6 monthly cycles)
            All 7 parameters


            • Apolipoprotein A1
            • Apolipoprotein B
            • Cholesterol (Total)
            • HDL-cholesterol
            • LDL-cholesterol
            • Lipoprotein (a)
            • Triglycerides

            Please note, product availability may vary country to country.

            ESR External Quality Assessment

            The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Programme was introduced for clinical laboratories and ensures accuracy across the complete clinical range. Two distinct liquid ready-to-use samples are supplied requiring no preparation with quarterly analysis.

            • Liquid ready-to-use samples requiring no preparation
            • 2 samples tested quarterly
            • Comprehensive reports enabling performance assessment at a glance
            • Reports available within 24-72 hours ensuring corrective actions can be taken sooner
            • Compatible for use with most instruments excluding those using Capillary Photometry Technology
            • Option to register up to five instruments per programme (volume permitting) at no extra cost for comparative performance assessment
            • Online submission of results via
            • Cycle Starts – March 2025
            Cat NoKit SizeFrequencyParameters
            RQ91632 x 4.5mlQuarterly
            (1 x 12 month cycle)


            • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

            Please note, product availability may vary country to country.

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              Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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