Response to Channel 4 Dispatches Monday 16th November
Response to Channel 4 Dispatches Monday 16th November

The claims made about Randox in the Channel 4/Dispatches documentary ‘Lockdown Chaos: How the Government lost Control’ are underhand, deceptive, dishonest and defamatory and the producers have been notified of the true position.
Underhand, deceptive and dishonest behaviour hampers the fight against the pandemic
“This Channel 4 Dispatches “investigation” and use of an undercover reporter grossly misrepresents the facts on the ground and – more importantly – the hard work of all the staff at Randox to expand operations quickly so we can play an important supportive role in the national effort to defeat the pandemic. The journalist was employed for just 10 days in manufacturing and only spent a very limited time in accessioning. He was not qualified to carry out an “investigation” on quality control measures used in the diagnostics sector. Furthermore, the consultant microbiologist who reviewed the findings of the journalist is a historic opponent of the Pillar 2 testing programme and as such clearly could not provide unbiassed expertise in his review.
“If Dispatches had approached us in an upfront and honest manner with legitimate questions, then we would have worked with them to deliver an accurate and factual programme. This is hatchet job journalism of the worst kind.”
Randox wish to state the following:
Randox strongly refute those allegations made regarding Randox’s laboratory operations within the Channel 4 documentary, ‘Lockdown Chaos: How the Government lost Control’, transmitted on 16th November. Responses to the key allegations are below these more general comments.
Randox wish to state that it is particularly disappointing that Channel 4 and Dispatches appear focussed in portraying a national story of chaos and negativity – without reflecting what has been achieved during the Covid-19 pandemic.
From a standing start, Randox used its extensive experience to develop an innovative assay for Covid-19, built and equipped over 45,000 square feet of specialist molecular laboratories, developed and equipped a further 50,000 square feet of logistic and technical support space, and mobilised its global supply chains to source equipment and consumables. Extensive R&D capabilities were also refocussed to support innovation within Covid-19 operations.
Over 750 new staff have been employed. Randox have invested over £68m of private money in building and resourcing new facilities and have taken testing capacity from 150 molecular assays per day at the end of March 2020 to 80,000 assays per day by early November. In just over 7 months Randox have reported over 5 million molecular test results to the UK’s Covid-19 National Testing Programme.
There have been significant challenges to face and Randox have committed to the provision of safe, accurate, reliable and timely results at scale, within a culture of continuous process improvement. As a result Randox often operates efficiently above its committed capacity to the National Testing Programme and meets, or improves upon, the required turnaround times for test results.
Randox, and our staff, do find the use of a covert reporter within our workforce to be disingenuous. By default that reporter had very limited access, very limited understanding and, it appears, a particularly negative mindset. Channel 4 could easily have asked for more open access and ensured much more balanced and reputable journalism.
Randox staff are exceptionally dedicated, working to both support and assist those in need of testing, and to optimise processes. Randox would like to reinforce their thanks and appreciation to all staff who have achieved so much throughout this pandemic.
Key Rebuttals:
Allegation: Boxes of samples are unpacked at speed and he (the reporter) was warned there is a recurrent problem of swab samples mistakenly being thrown into the waste with cardboard packaging.
Response: This is a complete misrepresentation; all samples are unpacked for processing and safety checks are carried out on bulk boxes after they have been unpacked. On the very rare occasion a sample gets accidently caught in the cardboard packaging (estimated 1 in 100,000) it is found and returned to accessioning. There are no recorded cases of samples going to waste. It is also physically impossible, should there ever be missed samples, for any staff member to ‘get samples all over them’ due to the stringent safety measures of the compactor/baler. Supervisors do continually stress and can occasionally embellish the importance of due diligence in accessioning, as was evidenced.
Allegation: Randox accessioning processes run a risk of cross-contamination.
Response: Valid samples are separated from leaked samples, whilst still in leakproof packaging, at the point of accessioning. Valid samples are wiped down with disinfectant once unpacked; disinfectant is clearly visible on the cloth being used to wipe the tubes, illustrating that tubes are disinfected. Tubes are then racked in an upright position. There is no possibility of cross contamination.
‘The Expert’
Randox also wish to record their disappointment in the approach undertaken by the ‘expert’ Dr Tom Lewis, and note the previous stance he has taken on non-NHS laboratories. Dr Lewis has never operated at the scale or efficiency Randox have achieved, reporting up to 80,000 Covid-19 samples in a single day. He did not peer review his comments or, noting the inexperience of the undercover reporter (who spent only 4.5 hours in the accessioning area), seek any clarification on processes or procedures from Randox before making his comments.
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Randox launches ā¬99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service at Dublin Airport

Randox launches €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service at Dublin Airport
16 November 2020: Randox launches €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service at Dublin Airport
A €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service which launches this week in a new Travel Testing Centre at Dublin Airport, will see the creation of 50 new jobs.
The testing service from Randox, a laboratory partner in the UK’s National COVID-19 Testing Programme, utilises a robust and reliable method of testing known as PCR, which Junior Minister for Transport Hildegarde Naughton described as “the gold standard” for travel testing.
The launch of the Randox Health Travel Centre, which offers rapid next day delivery of results for pre-departure screening as well as on-arrival testing to reduce quarantine timeframes, comes just after Ireland aligned itself with the new EU ‘traffic light’ system to co-ordinate international travel, on Sunday 8th November.
Sophie Boyd, Project Manager for the Randox Express COVID-19 Testing Service, explained;
“With the introduction of the new EU traffic lights system, some people will need a COVID-19 test before travelling or equally, will want a negative test result simply for their peace of mind.
“We are delighted to have secured a location at Dublin Airport, that allows us to extend our rapid and reliable COVID-19 Testing Service, already used by a range of well-known companies, airlines and elite sporting organisations, to individual passengers and consumers.”
The Irish Government has agreed that, whilst those arriving from red zones currently have to quarantine for 14 days, this could soon be waived following a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken five days after arrival in Ireland.
Sophie continued;
“Travel requirements during the pandemic continue to evolve, but with the introduction of the EU traffic light system, a common prerequisite to travel or to shorten existing quarantine periods will be a negative PCR COVID-19 test, which is currently the only method of COVID-19 testing recognised and approved by every country worldwide.
“With significant capacity in place to implement high volume PCR testing, we welcome the opportunity to bolster the travel industry’s enormous efforts to restore public confidence in international travel.
“We are committed to providing the most cost-effective and accurate test in the market to assist with the normalisation of travel, and so Randox will be opening a number of regional travel centres across Ireland over the coming weeks.”
Dublin Airport Managing Director Vincent Harrison said the health and safety of passengers and staff had been the airport’s key priority during the pandemic and that continued to be the case;
“We continue to operate a range of globally-recognised COVID-19 safety measures for the health and wellbeing of all airport visitors, and with the official opening of the Randox Health Travel Centre at Dublin Airport we can further support our passengers by offering them access to testing facilities onsite at the airport.”
The Randox €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service is open to all asymptomatic individuals and operates from the Randox Health Travel Centre beside Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport, as well as at a testing facility in Leopardstown Dublin.
In the coming weeks Randox Health Travel Centres will also open in Galway, Limerick and Cork.
Visit to book your appointment.
For further information please email or phone 0800 2545 130.
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The Five Million Tests Milestone: 8th November 2020

We are pleased to let you know that on Sunday 8th November, Randox surpassed 5 million tests within the UK COVID-19 National Testing Programme.
That’s an incredible 5 million samples accessioned, processed and tested by our dedicated and talented staff.
Our staff are our best asset and have risen to the challenge this pandemic has created.
They have worked hard and flexibly, been creative and innovative, and pulled together as a team to make an impact in the fight against COVID-19.
We are very proud of their efforts and teamwork.
Let us once again say thank you to each and every member of Team Randox, for the efforts they have made in 2020.
What we do at Randox remains vital to the national and global management of COVID-19 and our work is making a real and positive difference.
We continue to work hard and improve, for the sake of our family, friends and communities.
For further information please email
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New Express COVID-19 Testing Service with next day results launched in Dublin

New Express COVID-19 Testing Service with next day results launched in Dublin
06 November 2020: New Express COVID-19 Testing Service with next day results launched in Dublin
A new express COVID-19 testing service has now launched in Ireland, with a rapid next day delivery of results.
From global diagnostics provider Randox, a laboratory partner in the UK’s National COVID-19 Testing Programme, the service utilises a robust and reliable method of testing known as PCR, the only method recognized and approved for travel testing.
The PCR testing, which Junior Minister for Transport Transport Hildegarde Naughton described as “the gold standard,” is available in Dublin for pre-travel clearance, or simply for those wanting a COVID-19 test for peace of mind.
Sophie Boyd, Project Manager for the Randox Express COVID-19 Testing Service, explained;
“We appreciate that many people will want a COVID-19 test before travelling home this Christmas, or equally, will want a negative test result to reduce quarantine times and enable them to spend more time with loved ones.
“PCR testing is currently the only method of COVID-19 testing which is recognised by every country worldwide. Our rapid, accurate and reliable testing service, used already by a range of well-known companies, airlines and elite sporting organisations, will help get plans off to a hassle-free start for travellers and non-travellers alike.”
The launch of the Randox testing service comes just as Ireland aligns itself with the new EU ‘traffic light’ system to co-ordinate international travel, on Sunday 8th November.
The Government has agreed that, whilst those arriving from red zones currently have to quarantine for 14 days, this could soon be waived following a negative test result from a COVID-19 test taken five days after arrival in Ireland.
Sophie continued;
“Travel requirements during the pandemic continue to evolve, but with the introduction of the EU traffic light system, a common prerequisite will be a negative PCR COVID-19 test prior to travel or to shorten quarantine periods.
“We have significant capacity in place to implement high volume testing and with our PCR testing service, we look forward to supporting the travel industry’s enormous efforts to restore public confidence in international travel.”
The Randox Express COVID-19 Testing Service is priced at €99, is open to all asymptomatic individuals and operates from the Clayton Hotel in Dublin.
Visit to book your appointment.
For further information please email or phone 0800 2545 130.
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Official comment on extension of COVID-19 testing contract

Acknowledging the extension of Randox’s contract to provide COVID-19 testing within Pillar 2 of the UK’s National Testing Programme, Randox Founder and Managing Director Dr Peter FitzGerald said;
“We take very seriously our responsibility to ensure that vital laboratory testing for Covid-19 continues and expands during the winter months.
“We have extensively ramped up our capacity and made significant private investment in order to fulfil and exceed our commitment to the National Testing Programme. All at Randox are fully committed to supporting the programme, and we look forward to continuing to play our role, which is crucial to the economic and social wellbeing of the nation.”
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Whole pathogen multiplex controls to support testing for cold, cough and COVID
27 October 2020
Whole pathogen multiplex controls to support testing for cold, cough and COVID
Just in time for flu season, global diagnostics company Randox Laboratories has unveiled a range of whole pathogen multiplex controls that cover multiple viral and bacterial pathogens which cause respiratory disease.
Inclusive of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A & B, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), the Qnostics Multiplex Respiratory Pathogen Controls (RTX) facilitate diagnosis of the likes of cold and flu, and importantly, the differentiation of these respiratory diseases from COVID-19.
Using a control line that covers a range of respiratory pathogens in this way will allow laboratories to streamline their testing, consolidate QC, and ultimately save time, money and resource.
Lynsey Adams, Randox Quality Control Manager, explained;
“When the use of time and resources are critical such as in COVID-19 testing, the use of highly characterised controls enables laboratories to meet their daily QC needs and accreditation requirements.
“Accurate and reliable laboratory testing is an essential aspect of the management of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases, so we are pleased to be able to offer these new controls which will crucially support the validation, verification and performance monitoring of molecular respiratory assays.”
The new RTX controls, which are whole pathogen for compatibility with the majority of commercial and in-house assays, are used to monitor the full testing process, from extraction to amplification and detection.
The Multiplex Respiratory Controls will support public health testing strategies during the incoming flu season and are suited for the test menus of most syndromic assays.
Lynsey continued;
“The Randox Qnostics Multiplex Respiratory Pathogen Controls are clinically relevant for full-process validation. Liquid frozen for user convenience and ease of use, the development of the controls using whole pathogen material ensures clinical relevance from extraction to amplification and detection.”
Randox Qnostics Multiplex Respiratory Pathogen Controls are manufactured to ISO 13485 standards and are in line with ISO 15189:2012 regulatory requirements.
Key Features and Benefits of the new RTX Controls:
- Whole pathogen controls – the controls contain the entire genome meaning they are compatible with the majority of commercial and in-house assays.
- Full process control – whole pathogen controls are the ideal material for full-process validation, monitoring the testing process from extraction to amplification and detection, to ensure ultimate quality assurance in laboratories.
- Highly characterised – Qnostics controls are quantified by digital PCR to ensure batch to batch reproducibility and are traceable to an internal reference preparation, to ensure metrological traceability of test results obtained by different diagnostic workflows.
- True Third Party – An independent, unbiased assessment of assay performance is ensured in line with ISO 15189:2012 regulatory requirements.
- Superior Manufacturing – Qnostics controls are manufactured under ISO 13485 guidelines to ensure quality and traceability.
- Liquid for Ease-of-Use – the controls are conveniently supplied in a liquid frozen format meaning there is no additional preparation or handling required.
For more information visit
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Randox & Bosch Healthcare – Collaboratively Combating COVID-19
29th October 2020
Randox & Bosch Healthcare – Collaboratively Combating COVID-19
A game-changing partnership between Randox Laboratories and Bosch Healthcare Solutions continues to change the testing landscape and capabilities of both laboratory and non-laboratory settings in rapidly detecting COVID-19.
Providing clear and concise results, direct at the point of care, the Randox and Bosch Healthcare Solutions collaborative approach not only allows patients to take the recommended safety precautions without delay, but also provides a solution to both analyse and differentiate COVID-19 from other viral respiratory diseases. Multiple testing approaches with the same aim – to overcome COVID-19!
Combining science & technology, timing is of the essence in the fight against coronavirus. Together, we have combined efforts in successfully launching the Vivalytic – the all in one solution for molecular diagnostics consolidating nucleic acid extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and detection onto one small platform.
These efforts reflect a global partnership of both cooperation’s working together to deliver world-class diagnostic solutions, harnessing the power of innovation to improve health worldwide, providing an all in one approach minimising the spread of COVID-19 globally.
Launched after just six weeks at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic back in March 2020, the Viral Respiratory Infection array (VRI) set the benchmark for rapidly detecting SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) whilst simultaneously differentiating between nine other respiratory diseases, in under two and a half hours.
Proactively working together to combat the spread of COVID-19, Randox, Bosch Healthcare Solutions and R-Biopharm are proud to offer variable analysis strategies to detect SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Capable of providing reliable results in just 39 minutes, with a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 100%, the Vivalytic SARS-CoV-2 rapid test is currently among one of the fastest PCR tests worldwide.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have significantly combined our efforts to provide a diverse range of testing solutions and approaches to meet the need of the rise in global cases. Our approaches have been utilised at all possible levels and together we open up a range of different testing strategies, with developments still underway with the upcoming release of the SARS-CoV-2 Pooling test.
The SARS-CoV-2 Pooling test is a rapid solution for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) offering an accelerated decentral testing approach to effectively and efficiently monitor and detect viral infection from the offset. Capable of detecting SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) from up to five pooled samples simultaneously with a capacity to process more than 160 patient samples a day. The pooling could be done at the level of a ward, medical specialty, social bubble, or group of colleagues. It has potential for use in other settings, such as pre-operative screening, schools & universities, prisons, nursing homes, primary care, and large workplaces. Sample pooling allows more people to be tested quickly using fewer testing resources.
Partnering together, we continue to increase our testing capacity, enabling fully automated processing of patient samples to rapidly combat COVID-19.
Please contact for further information.
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Randox response to comments within Sunday Times article 18th October 2020

Randox response to comments within Sunday Times article 18th October:
Randox rejects comments made in the Sunday Times on 18th October, related to Randox’s contribution to the UK’s Covid-19 national testing programme, as misleading and inaccurate.
Randox have committed, through private investment, to the rapid growth of Covid-19 testing capacity within the UK. Indeed Randox are successfully operating at considerable scale and are currently providing well in excess of the testing capacity we have committed to the UK’s testing programme.
The vast majority of samples are reported within 24 hours of entering our laboratories.
Those samples that are found to be unsuitable for processing on receipt at our facilities, and are therefore voided, are not the responsibility of Randox. Such samples are voided when issues have arisen during sample collection and logistic processes, controlled by other parties.
It should also be noted that the proportion of samples found to be unsuitable on receipt at our facilities are both very low and comparable with all other laboratories across the programme.
Randox remain committed to supporting the UK’s Covid-19 testing programme and fully understand the importance of our work to the social and economic well being of the nation.
Press enquiries should be emailed to
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EU Traffic Light System: How to get a COVID-19 PCR test before travelling

12 October 2020
EU Traffic Light System: How to get a COVID-19 PCR test before travelling
EU Traffic Light System: How to get a COVID-19 PCR test before travelling
As Covid-19 infection rates continue to rise in many parts of the world, an increasing number of countries are asking for a negative PCR test as a means of proof that travellers do not have the Covid-19 virus.
Whilst not yet a common requirement globally, it is understood that the EU could soon be turning to a Traffic Light System that will require pre-departure testing for individuals departing any of the 15 ‘red list’ countries – which includes the UK and could be extended to include Ireland.
Whilst there are currently a number of countries across the EU that do not require a negative COVID test for visitors from the UK, the implementation of this co-ordinated approach across the EU will place common requirements on all travellers from the UK, no matter which country they are visiting.
It could also be used in support of reduced quarantine in those countries which require it.
So – what is a PCR test?
PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction and is a method of testing used to detect infectious disease, including COVID-19.
A PCR test is performed in a laboratory and is indicative of an individual’s COVID status at the time their sample is taken. It does not show previous infection.
Where can I get a COVID PCR test done?
PCR tests are available at Randox Health via an in-clinic appointment, or a home sample collection.
Are home tests accepted as proof of my COVID status?
It is important to note that many countries do not accept ‘home tests’ as proof of a negative COVID-19 result. Results must show that the test was performed in a certified laboratory.
Whilst Randox Health offers a home sample collection kit, all our testing is performed using PCR methods in our certified laboratories.
If the country you are travelling to requires a PCR test result, we’ve got you covered.
How do I know if I need a COVID PCR test?
You can check the entry requirements for your destination at
Requirements are subject to change, so keep checking in the weeks and days leading up to your trip.
When do I take my sample for testing?
Your destination country will determine the time frame required for testing. For example, it may state that your sample needs to be taken and tested within 72 hours before departure / arrival. You cannot be swabbed before this time.
It is best to book / order your test in advance and take it as early as possible within your window, so that you allow for the maximum amount of time to get your test results back.
How long do I wait for my results?
Upon receipt of sample at Randox’s laboratories, you will receive your results within 24 hours.
Our rapid, accurate and reliable COVID-19 testing service will help get your trip off to a hassle-free start, with minimum disruption to your travel plans.
Visit to order your home sample collection kit or book your clinic appointment.
For further information please email or phone 0800 2545 130.
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We Are Randox | How Courtney became a COVID-19 Scientist and Trainer
08 October 2020
We Are Randox | How Courtney became a COVID-19 Scientist and Trainer
In support of our new £30m COVID-19 laboratories, we are recruiting across Engineering, Manufacturing and Science.
For an idea of what it’s like to be part of the COVID-19 testing programme at Randox, we spoke to Senior Scientist and Trainer Dr Courtney Ward.
Courtney spoke to us about what a typical day in our laboratories looks like, the career path she took to her current role, and how it feels to be making a difference in the global fight against COVID-19.
Name: Dr Courtney Ward
Job Title: Senior COVID-19 Scientist and Trainer
Department: COVID-19 Laboratories
Give a brief outline of your career to date.
During my undergrad studies, I spent a year working on developing drug delivery technologies for a pharmaceutical company in England. Then during my PhD I worked in the Research Funding team at Cancer Research UK, and subsequently, following the completion of my PhD, at the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology at Queen’s University Belfast.
My next move led me to Randox, to work on new ways to diagnose a range of diseases.
What was your favourite subject at school?
At school I always enjoyed science, and in particular biology. Since a child I have been fascinated with how the human body works and how different diseases can affect this.
Did you go on to further/higher education, if so what did you study and where?
I studied for eight years at Imperial College London. This included an undergraduate in Biochemistry, a Masters degree in Structural and Molecular Biology, and finally, a PhD in Structural Biology/Biophysics, for which I studied how bacteria affect human cells during infection.
How did you get into your area of work?
As I had previous experience in infectious disease testing, I moved this year into the Randox COVID-19 team to help respond to the urgency of the situation. As our testing capacity, and subsequently our staffing levels, have increased so extensively, I also use my experience to train our new scientists, which is something I really enjoy.
Is this what you always wanted to do?
I have always loved science and knew my career would be within this sector. I also enjoy teaching and training, so being a COVID-19 trainer has combined my two favourite roles into one which has been great.
Were there any particular essential qualifications or experience needed?
Scientists involved in COVID testing will be exposed to molecular testing techniques including DNA extraction, PCR techniques and Biochip technology, so experience in these areas is advantageous. There are also a number of positions – like accessioning or administration – that do not require a science background and we include all the training needed for these roles.
What are the main personal skills your job requires?
For roles in testing, the most important skills are concentration and attention to detail. We deal with 1000s of samples in a shift so it is crucial to manage each one carefully as the results are so important to each individual patient. You also need to be a team player, focused and able to take initiative.
What does a typical day entail?
A typical day in our COVID-19 laboratory begins with a handover from the previous shift and then we are assigned our roles for the day. You may spend your day preparing reagents using liquid handling robots, or you may be involved in organising samples along with their corresponding paperwork. It is a varied and exciting role, as things move very quickly in the world of COVID-19 testing.
What are the best and most challenging aspects of the job?
The best thing about working in the Randox COVID labs is knowing you are contributing to the national testing effort and therefore making a real difference. Working with a team is great and gives you the chance to meet a lot of new people for a lot of different backgrounds. I also really enjoy seeing new scientists improve in confidence during their training. Seeing them working well on shift gives me great sense job satisfaction.
The most challenging aspect of COVID testing can be the time pressure, as getting results out to the patient as fast and accurately as possible means teams must work seamlessly together. Similarly with training, we need to ensure we have enough staff to support our testing labs and so this can lead to a lot of new staff needing training which we need to work through quickly and efficiently.
Why is what you do important?
COVID-19 has had a huge impact on every aspect of our lives. To be involved in testing, which is absolutely crucial in identifying clusters of infection and reducing further spread, is so important to me and spurs me on to work to the absolute best of my ability.
What advice would you give anyone looking to follow a similar career path?
For me, making sure you take any opportunity to further your development is critical, be it the prospect of learning a new technique or method, or the chance to join the fight against COVID-19! I have always jumped at the chance to learn something new and this has set me in good stead for my current role as a trainer.
If you weren’t doing this what would you like to do?
If I weren’t involved in laboratory work, I would still carry on my love of science and training, by teaching science. I have always loved teaching, and I tutor in my spare time – to inspire the next generation to study and work in STEM subjects.
What is the one piece of advice you would give to yourself on your first day?
Take in as much information as possible – there will be a lot of it! Ask as many questions as you can, particularly if you are unsure of anything.
Describe your ideal day off.
Catching up on Real Housewives and taking my dog to the beach for a swim.
And finally, what’s the key to any successful job search?
Make sure you read the job description and tailor your CV to each role to which you apply. Make it easy for the employer to see how your skills and experience meet the criteria for the job.
We are delighted to have Courtney with us at Randox as part of our COVID-19 testing programme.
For current vacancies at Randox please visit
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