World Heart Day 2020: Take control of your heart health
World Heart Day 2020: Take control of your heart health
29 September 2020
World Heart Day 2020
Take control of your heart health this World Heart Day
The term ‘cardiovascular disease’ (CVD) refers to any disease of the heart, vascular disease of the brain, or disease of the blood vessel. More people die from CVDs worldwide than from any other cause: over 17.9 million every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Of these deaths, 80% are due to coronary heart diseases (eg heart attack) and cerebrovascular diseases (e.g. strokes) and mostly affect low- and middle-income countries.
To try and raise awareness of the dangers of CVD and associated conditions, the World Heart Foundation celebrate World Heart Day on September 29th every year to inform and educate on the prevalence of heart disease.
Our latest blog looks at CVD and provides more information on types of disease and symptoms, so you can know what to look out for and how to reduce the impact of potential future heart problems.
The UK Situation
There are around 7.4 million people living with heart and circulatory diseases in the UK. Heart and circulatory diseases cause more than a quarter (27 per cent) of all deaths in the UK; that’s nearly 170,000 deaths each year – an average of 460 people each day or one death every three minutes.
Healthcare costs relating to heart and circulatory diseases are estimated at £9 billion each year.
Nation | No. of people dying from CVD | No. of people under 75 dying from CVD | Estimated number of people living with CVD |
England | 136,317 | 35,581 | 6.15 million |
Scotland | 17,002 | 4,675 | 720,000 |
Wales | 9,376 | 2,607 | 340,000 |
Northern Ireland | 3,938 | 1,085 | 225,000 |
United Kingdom | 167,116 | 44,261 | 7.4 million |
What are cardiovascular diseases?
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and they include:
- coronary heart disease – disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle;
- cerebrovascular disease – disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain;
- peripheral arterial disease – disease of blood vessels supplying the arms and legs;
- rheumatic heart disease – damage to the heart muscle and heart valves from rheumatic fever, caused by streptococcal bacteria;
- congenital heart disease – malformations of heart structure existing at birth;
- deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – blood clots in the leg veins, which can dislodge and move to the heart and lungs.

What are the symptoms of cardiovascular disease?
Symptoms of heart disease vary based on what condition you have but can include:
- chest pain
- pain, weakness or numb legs and/or arms
- breathlessness
- very fast or slow heartbeat, or palpitations
- feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint
- fatigue
- swollen limbs
How is cardiovascular disease diagnosed?
Diagnosis of coronary heart disease depends on your symptoms and what condition your doctor thinks you may have. Tests may be based on your family history and can include:
- blood tests
- chest x-ray
- electrocardiogram (ECG)
- echocardiogram
- CT scan
- MRI scan.
How Randox Health can help
Did you know that your heart is the size of your fist and the strongest muscle in your body? If you live to be 70, it will have beaten two and a half billion times.
Although impressive and strong, your heart can also become vulnerable from habitual risk factors like smoking, eating an unhealthy diet or putting it under stress.
Controlling these key risk factors and monitoring your blood pressure regularly may reduce an individual’s risk of CVD.
At Randox Health, we provide a range of specialised tests that enable you to take full control of your health.
Heart Health is one of our specialised tests and includes the Signature Heart Health panel of tests plus a resting ECG to give an in-depth assessment of risk of future heart disease.
For World Heart Day 2020, you can gain a detailed understanding of your Heart Health with our range of testing. Contact us today using the below details.
Click here to find out more about our testing.
Click here to book a test with Randox Health.
Phone: 0800 2545 130
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Take control of your liver health with a Randox Health Check
09 January 2020
Understanding your liver health
Take control of your liver health with a Randox Health Check
Are you taking part in Dry January? Giving up alcohol can do your insides a lot of good, and it’s great news for your liver in particular. It may be that after the festive period our liver needs a little bit of rest!
Did you know that alcohol consumption across the UK increases by a staggering 41 percent more than the annual monthly average in December? That’s more than anywhere else in the world.
The effects of alcohol on your health really depend on how much you drink and how often, but as the statistics show, more of us increase our uptake of alcohol over the festive period.
So how does this impact our body and our liver?
The results of over indulging vary from a hangover, a poor night’s sleep, to causing an irregular heartbeat, and in some cases, excessive alcohol intake can lead to liver damage. This can be a very serious condition, given the liver’s vital role in the body.
The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes. In fat metabolism, it breaks down fats and produces energy. When we intake alcohol or drugs, it metabolizes the drug and detoxifies chemicals. And it also makes proteins important for blood clotting and other functions.
Following these processes, the liver also secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines and helps the digestion of fats and oils, otherwise known as lipids.
The liver can develop new cells, but abuse over a prolonged period reduces its ability to regenerate, causing serious damage.
It is not just heavy drinking over years that can cause liver disease – binge drinking is also a culprit and can lead to a build up of fat and subsequent inflammation. The best advice is to drink in moderation. Simple tips like taking a glass of water in-between alcoholic drinks are key to staying hydrated.
Know your units;
- According to, unit guidelines are now the same for men and women.
- Both are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week
- This equates to 6 pints of 4% beer / 6 glasses of 13% wine / 14 glasses (25ml) of 40% spirits
- But don’t save up your 14 units, it’s best to spread evenly across the week.
- If you want to cut down the amount you’re drinking, a good way is to have several drink-free days each week.
- If you’ve had a heavy drinking session, avoid alcohol for 48 hours.
What does one unit of alcohol look like?
One unit of alcohol is the amount of alcohol an average adult can process within one hour so that so that there’s no alcohol left in their bloodstream.
One unit of alcohol equates to:
- 218ml of standard 4.5% cider
- 76ml of standard 13% wine
- 25ml of standard 40% whiskey
- 250ml of standard 4% beer
- 250ml of a standard 4% alcopop
How many units are in my drink?
- Small glass white / rosé / red wine (125ml 12%) = 1.5 units
- Standard glass white / rosé / red wine (175 ml 12%) = 2.1 units
- Large glass white / red / rosé wine (250ml 12%) = 3 units
- Pint of lager / beer / cider (5.2%) = 3 units
- Bottle of lager / beer / cider (330ml 5%) = 1.7 units
- Single small shot of spirits (25ml 40%) = 1 unit*
*taken from NHS Live Well Guidelines
Having your liver health checked after Christmas is a great way of tracking any changes that you may need to make to your lifestyle, for better or for worse – essential for helping you prevent disease and allowing you to take early action if it is diagnosed.
At Randox we offer a comprehensive menu of liver function tests to determine its health. Provided by Randox to a wealth of hospitals, laboratories and research facilities across the globe, these tests are also directly available to you, the consumer, via our Randox Health clinics.
They include:
- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) – an enzyme mainly found in the liver. Liver injury or disease will release ALT into the bloodstream, thus elevating serum ALT levels. Moderately high or mildly elevated ALT levels can be associated with chronic diseases, such as cirrhosis, which is scarring of the liver.
- Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) – an enzyme found predominantly in the heart, liver and skeletal muscles. Cell injury or disease will release AST into the bloodstream, thus elevating blood AST levels. Increased AST levels may be associated with hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), cirrhosis, or drug-induced liver injury.
- Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) – an enzyme found mainly in the liver. Increased levels of GGT in the blood may indicate bile duct injury, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver necrosis (death of tissue), tumours or the use of drugs that are toxic to the liver. A high GGT level is frequently associated with increased alcohol consumption, as this enzyme is involved in the breakdown and removal of alcohol from the body.
- Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GLDH) – an enzyme located within the mitochondria (energy-producing machinery) of cells, particularly within liver tissue. Significant liver cell damage may cause release of GLDH into the bloodstream. Toxic liver damage, liver cell necrosis or hypoxic liver disease (where liver cells are deprived of oxygen) may cause an increase in GLDH. Measurement of GLDH in combination with other liver markers may help distinguish between different causes of liver dysfunction.
- Bilirubin – a yellowish-brown pigment found in bile. Increased levels may be associated with liver or bile duct blockage (eg due to gallstones), hepatitis, cirrhosis, trauma to the liver, a drug reaction, long-term alcohol abuse or rare inherited disorders (eg Dubin-Johnson syndrome which is characterised by mild jaundice).
- Albumin – produced by the liver, albumin is the most abundant protein in the blood. Albumin plays in important role in maintaining blood pressure and transporting a wide variety of small molecules, such as hormones, vitamins and drugs, throughout the body. Various conditions are associated with decreased albumin levels, including kidney and liver diseases.
- Copper – an essential mineral that plays a part in many enzyme systems within the body. Excess or deficiency of copper is very rare, however raised copper levels may be caused by chronic liver disease or acute hepatitis.
And when used in conjunction with the wide variety of other tests available within the world’s most comprehensive and personalised health testing menu, you can obtain an understanding of your full body health like never before.
That’s why we don’t test in isolation, which can give a patchy representation of your health and can fail to pick up on related symptoms elsewhere in the body. We test up to 350 tests across 25 areas of your health – giving you the power to take your health into your own hands.
Contact the Randox Health team today to determine the health of your liver, and of your body.
Call 0800 2545 130 or click here.
To find out more and purchase the most thoughtful of Christmas presents – a gift card for the ‘gift of health’ – click here.
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Contact us or visit our Randox Health page to view more.
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Give your loved ones the Gift of Health this Christmas
02 December 2019
Randox Health Christmas Gift Cards
Give your loved ones the Gift of Health this Christmas
This year, you can give the ‘gift of health’ to someone you love, with a Randox Health Gift Card.
Randox Health has the most comprehensive health check packages in the world, as well as a wide range of specialised tests. The EveryMan, EveryWoman packages carry out 150 different health tests while the Signature package does 350. That means your results deliver a complete understanding of your health; your heart, kidneys, thyroid, fertility, bones and more.
And it doesn’t just tell you how you are now, but helps you to manage your health for the future.
Each one of our packages lasts for twelve months and include personalised health plans, a private consultation with an expert and repeat testing. This unique aspect enables you to see exactly what impact you’re making on your health as you follow our recommendations.
Specialised testing is also available on areas including cardiac health, coeliac autoimmune disease, hormonal health and genetic testing.
The health check packages are available at our clinics in London, Liverpool, Holywood and Crumlin, and also through our innovative mobile health clinic. Gift cards can be purchased from as little as £20.
To find out more and purchase the most thoughtful of Christmas presents – a gift card for the ‘gift of health’ – click here.
Want to know more?
Contact us or visit our Randox Health page to view more.
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Randox Health takes diagnostic service on the road
03 September 2019
Randox Health Mobile Clinic
Do you know about our Mobile Health Service?
Clients of Randox Health are benefiting from “full-body MoTs” by providing blood samples in state-of-the-art Mobile Service clinics based on Mercedes-Benz Sprinters. The company’s phlebotomists use their strikingly styled vehicles to visit workplaces, gyms, private homes, and other locations, and provide an ultra-convenient service.
Randox Health is committed to identifying and preventing illness by detecting small changes in blood. Its patented diagnostic testing technology is capable of identifying up to 350 individual ‘biomarkers’ in a single sample. Randox Health operates clinics in Belfast, Liverpool and London, and introduced its first mobile unit in 2017. Such has been the demand from health-conscious clients throughout Ireland, that it has now added a second.
Based in Liverpool, the newer vehicle is from the latest-generation Sprinter range launched last year, which combines unprecedented levels of cab quality and comfort, with 4G wi-fi connectivity, and an industry-leading armoury of active and passive safety features. Like its predecessor, the 3.5-tonne 314 CDI L2 chassis cab was supplied by Intercounty Truck & Van, one of two members of the Mercedes-Benz Vans retail network whose parent company is Ballyvesey Holdings, of Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland.
Both vehicles’ purpose-designed bodies are the work of specialist coachbuilder Annard, of Loughall, County Armagh. Features include ‘pop out’ sections that address Randox Health’s requirement for additional floor space. With their aerodynamic enhancements, colour-coded door mirrors and bumpers, and alloy wheels, the Sprinters are real head-turners, and have attracted enthusiastic feedback from clients.
Explaining the rationale behind Randox Health’s decision to launch its mobile clinic service, Operations Manager Lauren Donaghy said:
“Increasing demand from corporate clients and private individuals for our pioneering health checks meant we needed to come up with a solution which ensured they were accessible to all.
“Our mobile service was the answer, and by providing men and women, young and old, with what effectively amount to full-body MoTs, we’re now transforming the delivery of healthcare in the UK and Ireland.”
Lauren continued: “We provide a world-leading service, so naturally we were keen to partner with a world-leading automotive brand able to provide vehicles that offer the highest standards of reliability, comfort and safety.
“The name Mercedes-Benz is synonymous with quality, ingenuity and performance, so we knew it would be the perfect fit for our equally innovative and ambitious company. Ballyvesey Holdings, meanwhile, has worked with Mercedes-Benz for years, and came highly recommended. “With their bespoke design, the vehicles provide a perfect combination of phlebotomy functionality and patient comfort, while maintaining the look and feel of a high-end clinic room,” added Lauren Donaghy.
“People are able to book an appointment at a place of their choosing, and being able to undergo their health check in a luxurious Mercedes-Benz means the experience is first-class from start to finish.”

A world-leading health service
Mercedes-Benz Vans UK has been doing its bit to highlight issues of health and wellbeing affecting the UK’s community of van drivers, operators and owners, through its Business Barometer programme. In its latest bulletin, the manufacturer focused on poor quality diets and the apparent reluctance of many to visit a doctor, while previous instalments have covered everything from hydration in hot weather, to the affects of air pollution, and the high stress levels induced by a shortage of parking provision.
The Sprinter 314 CDI is powered by a fuel-efficient 2.1-litre common rail turbodiesel engine – although this model is now also available with front-wheel drive, as with its stablemate Randox Health’s new van transmits its 143 hp output via the rear wheels. Like all Mercedes-Benz vans, Randox Health’s Mobile Service vehicles are backed by three-year, unlimited mileage warranties and came with free MobiloVan cover, which includes round-the-clock emergency roadside assistance.
Randox Health: What We Do
Randox Health packages go beyond a health check. We have the world’s most comprehensive full-body health programmes available on the market today, thanks to Randox Biochips which enable hundreds of individual tests to be carried out from one sample and giving you truly unrivalled knowledge about your health and wellbeing both now and in the future. Your health matters to us and, above all, we are committed to improving healthcare worldwide by identifying and preventing illness at the earliest possible stage.
How we can help you
Identifying the very first signs and risks of disease can help prevent health problems that may be on the horizon. Randox Health aim to do this before the appearance of unpleasant symptoms or illness. Prevention is always better than cure. Long-term mild dehydration may have caused damage to your health and our packages tests for up to 350 different biomarkers. Read about our packages here, or contact a member of our team for more information!
Want to know more?
Contact us or visit our Randox Health page to view more.
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Randox Careers: We Don’t Make Jobs. We Create Careers.
Ever wondered what a career at Randox is like? From Marketing to Engineering and Science to Manufacturing, there are world-class roles available in the UK, Ireland and further afield.
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Randox Charity Partners 2019/20 Announced
Global healthcare company Randox Laboratories has today announced Liverpool-based charity the Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation, located near its Liverpool Randox Health clinic, and Townland Boxing Club, near its Crumlin headquarters in Northern Ireland, as its official charity partners for 2019/2020.
Randox staff in the UK and Ireland will be fundraising for these causes through a range of events and initiatives throughout the year, including individual staff fundraising activities and the company’s popular Christmas Raffle for staff in December.
Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, commented;
“We are delighted to partner with the Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation in Liverpool and Townland Boxing Club in Glenavy. Both are very worthy causes close to the hearts of those living near two of our health check clinics – Randox Health Liverpool in Exchange Station and Randox Health Crumlin in Northern Ireland.
“Our partnerships with each of these charities focus on the health and wellbeing, in particular, of young people. You are never too young to start caring about your health and thinking of your future wellbeing.
“Indeed, our research and development teams have found that signs of ill-health often appear in the body at an early age but symptoms may not appear until later in life. It is paramount that the health of young people is prioritised at the earliest stage and when preventable illnesses and conditions can be stopped in their tracks or more effectively managed.”
Frank Cogley, father of Tim and founder of the Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation, commented;
“The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation is dedicated to providing free cardiac screenings and education for young adults in Merseyside and the Wirral. The essence of the charity, and its whole approach of reaching out to help others, reflects Tim’s character and, in that sense, keeps alive his driving force. I can’t imagine a legacy more in tune with the generous, kind and supportive person that was Tim.”
Tim Cogley, an apparently fit and healthy 34-year-old from Heswall, England, suffered a fatal heart attack in April 2017. Despite showing no symptoms, Tim had a 75% cholesterol blockage of the left descending coronary artery. The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation was set up by family and friends in Tim’s memory to offer free heart screening to those aged 18 to 40 within the Merseyside area, an age range where little heart screening currently is offered.
Frank continued;
“We have enjoyed a close working relationship with Randox Health Liverpool since our inception in 2017 and are thrilled to have been chosen as one of the company’s staff charity partners.
“The money raised by Randox staff will help provide cardiac screenings and facilitate a range of educational programmes which, by sharing Tim’s story, will illustrate the need to be aware of key health indicators from a young age.
“Making young people aware of their vital signs, such as blood pressure, will go a long way in preventing future young deaths from preventable heart conditions, and we look forward to delivering this message with the help of staff from Randox Health.”
In addition to cardiac screening programmes, the Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation is committed to delivering positive, action-focused and life-changing educational sessions which focus on delivering information lifestyle changes which can have positive benefits for young people.
Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, said;
“The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation has already made a difference to young people in the Liverpool area both with the detection of early cardiac issues through its free screening programme and in its education endeavours. The story of Tim Cogley is a tragic one of a life ended too soon. The courage and commitment of his family to create a positive legacy in his name is to be admired and we look forward to joining with them through this Randox staff charity partnership.”
Randox’s second charity partner, Townland Boxing Club in Glenavy, was founded in 2008 by a group of dedicated people interested in the sport of boxing and improving youth facilities in the area.
The amateur boxing club, which is a completely voluntary organisation, was opened with a purpose to give young people in the area a place to meet, form friendships and learn the discipline, respect and skill required to become an amateur boxer.
Thomas Quinn, head coach at Townland Boxing Club, said;
“Randox is a key employer in the area with tremendous influence and we look forward to partnering with them as we continue to bring boxing facilities and training to young people in the wider Glenavy area. From the admin staff to coaches, everyone here works on a voluntary basis and we rely on the generosity of others, such as Randox, to keep our services continuing for generations to come.”
Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, said;
“Randox’s global headquarters has been based in Crumlin since the company was founded in 1982. We are proud to hold longstanding relationships with the local community here and our new staff charity partnership with Townland Boxing Club in Glenavy signals our continued commitment to the wellbeing of Crumlin and the surrounding area.”
Please contact Randox PR using the contact details below to arrange an interview, or for more information.
Phone: 028 9442 2413.
Or email:
Northern Ireland children are first in the UK to see Randox Health Grand National Trophy 2017
Last week schoolchildren in Northern Ireland were the first in the UK to get to see the 2017 Randox Health Grand National trophy, when Randox Health took it on a schools tour across Northern Ireland.
A visit to Crumlin Integrated College in the town where Randox is based kicked off the tour, which marked the first time in the history of the race that the Grand National trophy has visited Northern Ireland.
The trophy made an appearance at schools in Belfast, Derry, Armagh, Omagh and Antrim, including St. Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School, the primary school attended by Sir Anthony McCoy. The children at each school had the chance to learn more about Randox’s message of preventive health and were also offered the opportunity to take a trophy selfie!
Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director of Randox Health, commented;
“We are very proud of our roots and the support of people in Northern Ireland has played a significant part in our global success. This is an opportunity to share the excitement of the build-up of the Randox Health Grand National with children here, and also importantly to help spread the message of preventive health.
“No other race is as popular as this so it is rightfully called The People’s Race. It is our commitment to improving the health of people right across the world that led to this sponsorship. We hope that as a result people will learn about a more proactive and positive way to stay healthy and enjoy the magical moments that life gives us.”
Lynda McGarry, Principal of Crumlin Integrated College, welcomed the tour and the visit to the Crumlin school, which is also hosting St Joseph’s, Crumlin Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach;
“We are absolutely thrilled that the children of each of our schools in Crumlin will be able to see the Randox Health Grand National Trophy up close and personal. Horse racing is such a popular sport in Northern Ireland and so many of our pupils watch the Grand National at home with their families. To be able to share in the excitement leading up to the race is a fantastic opportunity for them and they are all looking forward to watching the race in April and finding out who will win the trophy that visited our school.
“We’re grateful to Randox for providing our pupils with such a special experience that they will remember for a very long time, and are very proud that the company, which is just down the road from us, is partnering with the world’s greatest race, and that Dr. FitzGerald chose Crumlin Integrated College to be the first school to see this special trophy.
“We are delighted that our Head Boy Brian Savage was able to unveil the trophy at our special assembly in front of a packed hall of pupils, staff and invited guests including politicians from all of the main parties.”
The Randox Health Grand National Trophy Tour of Northern Ireland cames after an announcement that for the first time ever, the title partner of the Randox Health Grand National will create a different winner’s trophy for each of the 5 years of its sponsorship, and each member of the winning team – owner, trainer, jockey groom – will receive their own version.
The Randox Health Grand National 2017 Trophy Tour of Northern Ireland was as follows:
Tuesday 21st February
Crumlin Integrated College – hosting St Joseph’s, Crumlin Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach
Oakwood Special Needs School
Victoria College Primary School
Ashfield Boys High School
Wednesday 22nd February
Antrim Grammar
St Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School **(AP McCoy’s Primary School)
Dalriada Grammar School
Bushmills Primary School
North Coast Integrated College
Thursday 23rd February
Templepatrick Primary School
Loanends Primary School
Wallace High School
Thursday afternoon – Randox Health Holywood Clinic
Friday 24th February
Royal School Armagh
Omagh Academy
Strabane Academy
St Cecilia’s College
For more information about the 2017 Randox Health Grand National Trophy Tour of Northern Ireland please contact Randox PR on 028 9445 1016 or email
Randox Health brings Grand National trophy on a tour of schools across Northern Ireland
Schoolchildren in Northern Ireland will be the first in the UK to get to see the 2017 Randox Health Grand National trophy, when the new sponsor takes it on a schools tour.
A visit to Crumlin Integrated College in the town where the global diagnostics company is based will kick off the tour, which marks the first time in the history of the race that the Grand National trophy has visited Northern Ireland.
Today marks the first day of the four-day schools tour across the country with the trophy, which was unveiled last week by Sir Anthony McCoy and Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, at the Randox Health Grand National Weights Evening Reception.
With the trophy due to make an appearance at schools in Belfast, Derry, Armagh, Omagh and Antrim, including St. Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School, the primary school attended by Sir Anthony McCoy, children across Northern Ireland will learn more about the company’s message of preventive health and also be offered the opportunity to take a trophy selfie!
Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director of Randox Health, commented;
“We are very proud of our roots and the support of people in Northern Ireland has played a significant part in our global success. This is an opportunity to share the excitement of the build-up of the Randox Health Grand National with children here, and also importantly to help spread the message of preventive health.
“No other race is as popular as this so it is rightfully called The People’s Race. It is our commitment to improving the health of people right across the world that led to this sponsorship. We hope that as a result people will learn about a more proactive and positive way to stay healthy and enjoy the magical moments that life gives us.”
Lynda McGarry, Principal of Crumlin Integrated College, welcomed the tour and the visit to the Crumlin school, which is also hosting St Joseph’s, Crumlin Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach;
“We are absolutely thrilled that the children of each of our schools in Crumlin will be able to see the Randox Health Grand National Trophy up close and personal. Horse racing is such a popular sport in Northern Ireland and so many of our pupils watch the Grand National at home with their families. To be able to share in the excitement leading up to the race is a fantastic opportunity for them and they are all looking forward to watching the race in April and finding out who will win the trophy that visited our school.
“We’re grateful to Randox for providing our pupils with such a special experience that they will remember for a very long time, and are very proud that the company, which is just down the road from us, is partnering with the world’s greatest race, and that Dr. FitzGerald chose Crumlin Integrated College to be the first school to see this special trophy.
“We are delighted that our Head Boy Brian Savage was able to unveil the trophy at our special assembly in front of a packed hall of pupils, staff and invited guests including politicians from all of the main parties.”
The Randox Health Grand National Trophy Tour of Northern Ireland comes after an announcement that for the first time ever, the title partner of the Randox Health Grand National will create a different winner’s trophy for each of the 5 years of its sponsorship, and each member of the winning team – owner, trainer, jockey groom – will receive their own version.
The schedule for the Randox Health Grand National 2017 Trophy Tour of Northern Ireland is as follows:
Tuesday 21st February
0915 – 0945 Crumlin Integrated College – hosting St Joseph’s, Crumlin Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach
1130 -1200 – Oakwood Special Needs School
1215 – 1245 – Victoria College Primary School
1335 – 1405 – Ashfield Boys High School
Wednesday 22nd February
0915 – 0945 – Antrim Grammar
1010 – 1040 – St Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School **(AP McCoy’s Primary School)
1220 – 1250 – Dalriada Grammar School
1315 – 1345 – Bushmills Primary School
1405 – 1435 – North Coast Integrated College
Thursday 23rd February
0915 – 0945- Templepatrick Primary School
1000 – 1030- Loanends Primary School
1105 – 1135 – Wallace High School
Thursday afternoon – Randox Health Holywood Clinic
Friday 24th February
0930 – 1000 – Royal School Armagh
1200 – 1230 – Omagh Academy
1315 – 1345 – Strabane Academy
1430 – 1500 – St Cecilia’s College
For more information about the 2017 Randox Health Grand National Trophy Tour of Northern Ireland please contact Randox PR on 028 9445 1016 or email
Randox Horse Tales | Sir Anthony McCoy on Don’t Push It
There are few partnerships in sport that compare to that between the jockey and their horse.
To celebrate these incredible animals, Randox is launching a new series in which well-known equestrians share their memories of their favourite horses.
This week, we hear from the legendary Sir Anthony McCoy, 20-time Champion Jump jockey.
In 2010 he won the Grand National on Don’t Push it – a victory he credits with transforming the rest of his career.
For more information about Randox Horse Tales please contact Randox PR on 028 9445 1016 or email
Recruitment drive for Randox operations in China launches with student event in partnership with Ulster Universityās Confucius Institute
Following the launch of a new market expansion initiative in China, global healthcare diagnostics company Randox Laboratories has this week marked the beginning of its recruitment drive in China with a student event in partnership with Ulster University and its Confucius Institute.
100 Chinese students currently studying business or science at Ulster University have come together this afternoon at Asian cuisine restaurant Zen Belfast to hear from a number of key speakers from the University’s Confucius Institute and the careers team at Randox.
Linda Magee, Head of Human Resources at Randox Laboratories, welcomed the students to the event and said;
“We are delighted to partner with Ulster University and The Confucius Institute to create a platform to raise awareness of the current and future job opportunities within our team based in China. Our increasing range of high quality products are in high demand in growing and dynamic markets such as China and we are therefore actively growing our market presence there and subsequently our team.”
Randox’s expansion in China means the recruitment team is actively seeking Mandarin speaking graduates in Northern Ireland who can join their dedicated Sales, Marketing and Scientific team in China.
Linda continued;
“Our workforce of 1400 continues to expand across the globe as we increase the output of our R&D programmes, enhance our manufacturing capabilities at the Randox Science Park, and excitingly, showcase our offering of Randox products and services to the 600 million viewers of the Randox Health Grand National.”
Ulster University’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement Professor Ian Montgomery said:
“As a global Confucius Institute of the Year award winner, Ulster University has an international reputation for its exceptional commitment to the growth of Chinese language learners in Northern Ireland as well as the development of academic, cultural, economic and social ties with China.
“In the spirit of our Confucius Institute, Ulster University’s support today enables Randox to access some of the best university-level Chinese speaking graduates currently available and more importantly offers students studying Chinese in Northern Ireland access to a unique career pathway with an exciting international employer that’s breaching new horizons.”
For more information about this event or about Randox recruitment in China please contact Randox PR on 028 9445 1016 or email