The Complete Solution to Cardiac Risk Assessment

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The Complete Solution to Cardiac Risk Assessment

“CVDs are the number 1 cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause”.  In 2015, roughly 17.7 million people died from CVD, representing 31% of all global deaths: 7.4 million were due to coronary heart disease and 6.7 million were due to stroke. (WHO, 2017)


Cardiac health and regular cardiovascular screening is important to enable risk factors to be detected in their earliest stages.  There are a few factors which contribute to CVD.  These include: smoking, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, low physical activity levels.  Whilst there are only a few factors contributing to CVD, these can be maintained by the patient through living a healthy lifestyle including: quitting smoking, consuming no more than the recommended allowance of alcohol, cutting out junk food, and exercising for 30 minutes a day, 3 – 5 days a week.  In a perfect world, this would be easy and CVD would not be a global problem.  However, due to busy lifestyles, cravings, reduced willpower, and convenience, not all individuals in today’s world will be able to avoid CVDs.  Therefore, it is vitally important that individuals are tested for CVDs to detect them in the earliest stages to reduce damage, prevent further damage, or even death.  Furthermore, many individuals suffer from inherited cardiac risk factors, which stresses the need for accurate testing of both traditional and novel cardiac risk biomarkers.


Randox offer the complete solution to cardiac risk assessment including: RX analysers, traditional and novel reagents, internal quality control (Acusera), and external quality control (RIQAS).


RX Series

Randox has developed the RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers for high-quality semi-automated and fully automated testing. Choose between the RX misano, RX monaco, RX daytona+, RX imola, and the RX modena depending on the throughput of your laboratory. The RX series offers a suitable analyser for your laboratory’s needs.  For more information on the Randox RX series, please click here or email



As previously mentioned, early assessment of cardiac risk is vital. Randox offer a range of novel risk biomarkers for both very early and the genetic assessment of cardiac risk.

LDL cholesterol is often referred to as the ‘bad cholesterol’.  High concentrations of LDL-cholesterol is considered to be the most important clinical predictor, of all single parameters, with respect to coronary atherosclerosis.  However, sLDL is a smaller, more dense subfraction of LDL-cholesterol.   sLDL particles more readily permeate the inner arterial wall and are more susceptible to oxidation.  Individuals with a predominance of sLDL have a 3-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction.  Measurement of sLDL allows the clinician to get a more comprehensive picture of lipid risk factors and tailor treatment accordingly.

Elevated levels of Lp(a) are considered to be both a casual risk factor and independent genetic marker of atherosclerotic disorders.  The major challenge associated with Lp(a) measurement is the size variation of apo(a) within Lp(a).  Dependent upon the size of apo(a) in the assay calibrator, many assays under or overestimate apo(a) size in the patient sample.  Numerous commercially available products suffer apo(a) size related bias, resulting in an over estimation of Lp(a) in samples with large apo(a)molecules and an under estimation in samples with small apo(a) molecules.  The antibody used in the Randox method detects the complete Lp(a) molecule providing accurate and consistent results.  This was proven by the IFCC who developed a gold standard ELISA reference assay and compared 22 commercially available tests.  The Randox Lp(a) method displayed the least (minimal) amount of apo(a) size related bias, proving it be a superior offering.

HDL3 Cholesterol is a smaller and more dense subfraction of the HDL particle.  HDL is the scavenger of cholesterol within arterial walls and the levels of HDL3 is too low, the ability to remove this cholesterol is reduced.  Therefore, it is widely accepted that there is an inverse correlation between HDL3 and CVD risk.

Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers.  Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.

For more information on Randox Reagents, please click here or email


Acusera – Internal Quality Control

The Acusera cardiac controls have been designed to cover a wide range of cardiac markers at clinical decision levels, eliminating the extra expense of an additional low level control.  The controls are available in a both liquid ready-to-use and lyophilized formats making them ideal for all situations and manufactured from 100% human serum a matrix similar to that of the patient is guaranteed.  For more information on the Randox Acusera internal quality control, please click here or email


RIQAS – External Quality Control

The RIQAS Liquid Cardiac EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of up to 9clinically significant cardiac markers including: CK-MB mass, D-dimer, Digoxin, homocysteine, hsCRP, myoglobin, NT proBNP, troponin I, and troponin T.  RIQAS is ISO/IEC 17043 accredited and allows the registration of up to five instruments at no extra cost.  All samples are 100% human serum and provided in a liquid ready-to-use format for enhanced convenience.  Submit your results bi-weekly and view reports online via RIQAS.Net.  For more information on RIQAS, the world’s largest international EQA scheme, please click here or email


For further information, please contact the Randox PR team via email: or phone 028 9442 2413



Randox Liver Health

The liver is responsible for many critical functions within the body and should it become diseased or injured, the loss of those functions can cause significant damage to the body.  Randox are focusing on liver health, we will look at liver disease, its main causes and how to reduce your risk of many types of liver disease with some simple lifestyle changes.

Did you know?

One in five of us is at risk of developing liver damage!

Liver disease is now the fifth largest cause of death, with as many as 1 in 10 people experiencing problems with their liver at sometime in their life. Liver diseases are extremely costly in terms of human suffering, general practitioner and hospital visits, and premature loss of productivity. Most people with liver disease die in working age (16-85 years) making liver disease the third biggest cause of premature mortality, mortality rates for liver disease have increased 400% since 1970.

The three main causes of liver disease are;

1. Alcohol-related liver disease (ALD)

Regularly drinking more than the recommended amount of alcohol over a long period of time can damage your liver, leading to alcohol-related liver disease  (ALD) and liver cancer. Overall, alcohol-related liver disease accounts for well over a third (37%) of liver disease deaths. More than 1 in 10 deaths of people in their 40’s are due to liver disease, with the vast majority from alcohol-related liver disease.

2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by a build up of fatty deposits in the liver, causing inflammation and scarring. After years of inflammation NAFLD leads to cirrhosis causing the liver to become scarred and lumpy; this damage is permanent and ultimately can lead to liver failure and/or cancer.

NAFLD is more common in those who are overweight or obese. A healthy liver should contain little or no fat, it is estimated that 1 in every 3 people in the UK have early stages of NAFLD due to small amounts of fats in the liver.

As well as being overweight, you are also at an increased risk of developing NAFLD if you have: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol.

3. Hepatitis

Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It’s commonly caused by a viral infection, viral hepatitis affects over 700,00 people in the UK. Most people can recover from hepatitis A with no lasting liver damage, but hepatitis B and C can cause long term liver damage and liver cancer.

Hepatitis can lead to severe liver damage including cirrhosis, increasing the risk of liver cancer.

Related Products 

Randox has developed the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers for superior semi-automated and fully automated testing. The RX series extensive dedicated test menu goes beyond routine testing and has many unique and high-performance tests available. Our range of tests covers many illnesses which stem from an unhealthy liver. Below is the hepatic testing panel which will test the health of a patient’s liver.

Hepatic Function

Albumin Complement Component 3 IgG Transthyretin (Prealbumin)
Aldolase Complement Component 4 IgM Bile Acids
Alkaline Phosphatase Direct Bilirubin Iron (UIBC)
Alpha-I Antitrypsin Gamma GT LAP
Ammonia Glycerol Total Bilirubin
AST (GOT) Haptoglobin Total Protein
Cholinesterase IgA Transferrin

Our world leading test menu of high quality reagents guarantees excellence in patient care ensuring unrivalled precision and accuracy reducing costly test re-runs or misdiagnosis and offering complete confidence in results.

The RX series clinical chemistry analysers provide laboratories with a robust and smart solution ensuring you maintain a consistent workflow and can provide accurate results first time, every time. Offering excellent customer support services, our trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument.

For more information visit:

Randox supply a range of third party clinical diagnostic reagents to aid in the diagnosis of various liver diseases, and for managing the complications of such diseases. All reagents are available for use on a range of third party biochemistry analysers. Contact us to request an application for your specific analyser.

Unique tests from Randox

5th Generation Bile Acids

  • Bile acids is a highly sensitive marker of liver function, enabling early and accurate diagnosis of liver disease. Bile acids is also the most accurate method for diagnosing obstetric cholestasis in pregnant women, a common liver condition affecting women during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • The fifth Generation Randox Total Bile Acids assay uses liquid stable two shot reagents in an enzymatic colorimetric assay for the quantitative in vitro determination of Bile Acids in serum or EDTA Heparinized plasma. The assay incorporates a more complex enzyme cycling mechanism than previous generations to amplify the signal, improving sensitivity and precision and reducing interference in haemolytic and lipaemic samples.
  • For more information visit

Vanadate Oxidation Bilirubin

  • Bilirubin levels are important during the process of diagnosing and monitoring liver diseases including hepatitis, cirrhosis and gallstones. Other conditions characterised by elevated bilirubin concentrations include haemolytic anaemia and sickle cell disease.
  • Randox Bilirubin adopts the superior vanadate oxidation methodology which unlike diazo-based methods, does not suffer from interference from unconjugated bilirubin, giving more accurate results.
  • For more information visit


Further testing panels from Randox

Hepatic Panel





Bile Acids


When diagnosing and monitoring liver disease, it is vital that laboratories have a robust Quality Control (QC) system in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results produced. As a world leading manufacturer of QC solutions including Third Party Controls and External Quality Assessment (EQA), our extensive product portfolio is designed to help reduce costs and time without compromising on quality.

Clinical Chemistry Controls

Our Acusera Clinical Chemistry Controls deliver effective consolidation and cost savings, covering the complete liver function panel;

  • Total Serum Proteins
  • Albumin
  • Direct Bilirubin
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • AST
  • ALT

Available in a choice of assayed/unassayed, liquid/lyophilised, premium/premium plus and human/bovine formats, options are available to suit all laboratory sizes and budgets. Find out more visit

RIQAS Clinical Chemistry Programme

Our RIQAS Clinical Chemistry Programme also covers the complete liver function panel at robust reference levels, challenging the full test system.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Human based serum
  • Bi-weekly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Register up to five instruments at no extra cost
  • Reference method values are provided for selected parameters / lots

HIV-Hepatitis EQA Programme * 

The RIQAS HIV/Hepatitis EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of tests used to detect HIV/Hepatitis virus antibodies. All samples are conveniently supplied liquid ready-to-use and are suitable for qualitative methods of analysis.

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human plasma
  • Quarterly reporting (5 samples per quarterly distribution)
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis
*Not accredited to ISO/IEC 17043


Our Randox Health clinics offer comprehensive health testing as part of our Signature package to identify and assess risk of developing liver disease. Our clinics utilise the same cutting-edge tests and quality control that we have available to clinical laboratories globally, as well as our patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT).

For more information visit:

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Randox Combating Obesity

Obesity is a condition where a person has abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a serious risk to health.  This December, Randox are highlighting the health implications of this potentially deadly condition.


Did you know?

Approximately 8.5% of adults worldwide currently have diabetes

Worldwide obesity has almost tripled between 1975 and 2016, with over 650 million adults and 340 million children being recorded as obese in 2016 alone, highlighting that the prevalence of the condition is rapidly rising. Randox are dedicated to improving health and increasing the awareness and prevention of obesity and its consequences.

The risks and complications of being obese are severe, Obesity will increase an individual’s chances of suffering from several illnesses including musculoskeletal disease, some forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Osteoarthritis all of which will lower an individual’s standard of living.

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most severe potential consequences of obesity this occurs when a resistance to insulin has been developed due to an elevated level of blood sugar. Some of the effects that diabetes can have on an individual include kidney failure, blindness and amputation.  To find out more about the issue check out our blog:

Related Products 

Randox has developed the RX series of clinical chemistry analysers or superior semi-automated and fully automated testing. The RX series extensive dedicated test menu goes beyond routine testing and has many unique and high-performance tests available. Our range of tests covers many illnesses that are associated with and stem from obesity.

Diabetes Panel 

Cholesterol Direct HDL Cholesterol Glycerol Ranbut (Hydroxybutyrate)
Creatinine Enzymatic Direct LDL Cholesterol HbA1c/Hb Total Protein
Creatinine (Jaffe) Fructosamine Microalbumin Triglycerides
Cystatin C Glucose NEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids) Urinary Protein


Cardiac Panel

Cholesterol CRP Full Range(0.3-160mg/l) Direct LDL Cholesterol sLDL
CK-MB CRP High Sensitivity Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (H-FABP) Triglycerides
CK-NAC Digoxin Lipoprotein(a) TxB Cardio
CRP Direct HDL Cholesterol Myoglobin


Our world leading test menu of high quality reagents guarantees excellence in patient care ensuring unrivalled precision and accuracy reducing costly test re-runs or misdiagnosis and offering complete confidence in results.

The RX series clinical chemistry analysers provide laboratories with a robust and smart solution ensuring you maintain a consistent workflow and can provide accurate results first time, every time. Offering excellent customer support services, our trained engineers are on hand to work with you in preserving the continuity of your operations while maximising the potential of your RX series instrument.

For more information visit:










Randox supply a range of third party clinical diagnostic reagents to aid in the risk assessment and diagnosis of obesity-related illnesses, and for managing the complications of such illnesses.  All reagents are available for use on a range of third party biochemistry analysers.  Contact us to request an application for your specific analyser.

Unique tests from Randox


  • The Randox sLDL is the only automated assay for clinical detection of small-dense LDL (sLDL) on the market.  Furthermore, sLDL is a vital cardiac risk marker.  Research has shown individuals with a predominance of sLDL have a 3-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI), even for those whose HDL, LDL, Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels are considered ‘normal’. Elevated levels of sLDL are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in saturated fat, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and genetic disposition.  Measurement of sLDL allows the clinician to get a more comprehensive picture of lipid risk factors and tailor treatment accordingly. Reducing LDL levels reduce the risk of both CVD and MI.   Furthermore, the Randox sLDL assay uses the “Denka Seiken” method which produces results in ten minutes.
  • For more information visit:


  • Lipoprotein(a) is a major independent genetic risk factor for premature CVD and elevated levels can occur in patients with otherwise normal lipid levels. Randox Lipoprotein(a) can therefore provide much needed additional information in relation to a patient’s risk of developing CVD.  With our Lipoprotein(a) assay, Randox are breaking the boundaries of cardiology testing and providing laboratories with an opportunity to take their testing beyond the routine and get a more complete picture of patient risk.
  • For more information visit:

Cystatin C

  • A superior measure of renal function, Cystatin C is extremely sensitive to very small changes in GFR and is therefore capable of detecting early stage kidney dysfunction. Up to 50% of renal function can be lost before significant creatinine elevation occurs. The Randox Cystatin C test provides an accurate method for the determination of Cystatin C in human serum and plasma.
  • For more information visit:

    Further testing panels from Randox

    Cardiac risk panel

    • Apolipoprotein A-I
    • Apolipoprotein A-II
    • Apolipoprotein B
    • Apolipoprotein C-II
    • Apolipoprotein C-III
    • Apolipoprotein E
    • Cholesterol (sLDL)
    • Cholesterol (HDL)
    • Cholesterol (LDL)
    • Cholesterol (Total)
    • Cholesterol (HDL3)
    • Lipoprotein (a)
    • High sensitivity CRP
    • Homocysteine
    • Triglycerides

      Diabetes diagnosis and monitoring panel

      • Fructosamine
      • Glucose
      • HbA1c

      Diabetes complications monitoring

      • Albumin
      • β₂Microglobulin
      • Cystatin C
      • Creatinine (Enzymatic)
      • Creatinine (JAFFE)
      • D-3-Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut)
      • Microalbumin
      • Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA)

      Learn more about our range of analyser applications, available or alternatively contact us to request an application for your specific analyser at





      When diagnosing and monitoring obesity-related complications such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and T2DM, it is vital that laboratories have a robust Quality Control (QC) system in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results produced. As a world leading manufacturer of QC solutions including Third Party Controls and External Quality Assessment (EQA), our extensive product portfolio is designed to help reduce costs and time without compromising on quality.


      Liquid HbA1c Control

      • Liquid ready-to-use format ideal for use in the lab or at the POCWhole blood sample matrix commutable with that of the patient sample
      • Assayed control with values available for HPLC
      • Convenient bi-level pack accurately covering the patient reportable range
      • Open vial stability of 30 days ultimately helping to reduce waste and costs
      • For more information visit:

      Glycated Hemoglobin EQA Programme

      • Monthly analysis ensuring early identification of test system errors
      • Maximised peer groups for comparative performance assessment
      • Reports available within 72 hours allowing corrective action to be taken immediately
      • User-friendly reports delivering at-a-glance performance assessment
      • For more information visit:

      CVD risk

      • Lipid Control
      • Covers the complete lipid profile
      • True third party control ensuring unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method
      • Manufactured from 100% human serum ensuring a matrix commutable with the patient sample
      • Free from Sodium Azide which can interfere with direct clearance methods of HDL and LDL Cholesterol
      • Three clinically significant levels available covering low, borderline and high risk levels of HDL and LDL Cholesterol
      • For more information visit:

      Lipid EQA Programme

      • Covers the complete lipid profile with a choice of reporting just three parameters at a reduced cost
      • Monthly analysis ensuring early identification of test system errors
      • Maximised peer groups for comparative performance assessment
      • Reports available within 72 hours allowing corrective action to be taken immediately
      • User-friendly reports delivering at-a-glance performance assessment
      • For more information visit:

      Our Randox Health clinics offer heart health, metabolic health and diabetes health testing as part of our Everyman, Everywoman and Signature packages to identify and assess risk of developing obesity-related diseases. Our clinics utilise the same cutting-edge tests and quality control that we have available to clinical laboratories globally, as well as our patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT).

      For more information visit:

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