RIQAS Standard Report

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RIQAS Standard Report

There are a variety of RIQAS reports designed to enable quick and easy identification of any trends or test system issues. The standard quantitative report is provided in a user-friendly, one page per parameter format allowing a visual, at-a-glance assessment of performance. The standard quantitative report is split into several easy to interpret subsections each designed to save valuable laboratory time.

You can explore each of the report sections using the table below. Don’t forget, to enlarge the image, simply click on it.


RIQAS Reports Features

Performance data is presented in a simple one page format for each analyte. Each one page report comprises seven sub-reports providing a statistical and graphical representation of laboratory performance.

(Click to enlarge)

The text section provides a statistical breakdown of results by all methods, your method and instrument group. The Mean, CV% and Uncertainty or Measurement is presented for each comparison group.

Your laboratory’s result is compared to the Mean for Comparison (usually the instrument group Mean). Also included are the RIQAS performance indicators; SDI, Target Score and %Deviation.

Acceptable performance criteria:

  • SDI <2
  • Target Score >50
  • %Deviation

The defined acceptable limits default to the RIQAS TDPA values but may be based on CLIA, biological variation or country specific limits.

Performance goals based on Biological Variation are also stated within the text section for information purposes.


(Click to enlarge)

The histogram chart provides an overview of how your laboratory’s result compares to the all method group, your method group and your instrument group. Your result is represented by a black triangle; the closer to the centre the better.

The chart is intended to provide a quick visualisation of performance compared to other method groups and can be used to identify any potential bias.

(Click to enlarge)

The Levey-Jennings chart plots the last 20 SDI’s and is extremely useful for monitoring EQA performance over time, allowing quick and easy identification of any trends or bias. The chart is colour coded making interpretation simple and easy; results that fall in the white area are excellent and those in the red area unacceptable.

(Click to enlarge)

The Target Score (TS) chart is a unique chart which displays your laboratory’s last 20 target scores delivering an instant, visual indication of performance. The TS chart is conveniently colour coded for even easier performance assessment, a TS >50 is acceptable. The TS is a numerical index relating your %Deviation from the mean to a Target Deviation for Performance Assessment (TDPA).

(Click to enlarge)

The %Deviation by sample chart displays the %Deviation for the last 20 EQA samples enabling identification of trends and shifts in performance. Similar to the other charts on the RIQAS report, the %Deviation by sample chart is shaded to indicate the limit of acceptable performance. A black dot within the white section of the chart will represent results with a %Deviation within your acceptable limits of performance; a black dot within the red section of the chart will represent results with a %Deviation outside your acceptable limits of performance. %Deviations are not influenced by the performance of your peers, as seen with the standard deviation index (SDI) and therefore is a better indicator of individual performance.

(Click to enlarge)

The %Deviation by concentration chart enables easy detection of possible concentration related biases. Unlike the other charts provided on the report, the %Deviation by concentration chart displays the concentration range of the previous 20 samples along the bottom of the chart.

Using this scale along with the percentage deviation, you are provided with a rapid assessment of your %Deviation in relation to the concentration of the:

• Current sample (represented by a square)
• Your 19 previous results (represented by circles)

This chart provides an easy interpretation of potential positive or negative biases at high or low concentrations, or whether a particular sample is a random outlier.

(Click to enlarge)

The Multi Method Stat Section provides you with an easy way of assessing the performance of the other methods used to analyse the parameter. This is useful when your laboratory plans to change the analytical method used for the parameter.

(Click to enlarge)

Located at the back of the standard quantitative report, our quick reference summary page details the performance for each registered parameter in the programme.

Within the performance column, RIQAS provides an effortless method of assessing the performance of each parameter within the sample distribution. When a red triangle appears next to the parameter, this indicates that all performance indicators (SDI, TS and %DEV) have exceeded the performance criteria.

The performance indicator limits for each parameter are exceeded when your result produces:
• An SDI greater than +/- 2 standard deviations.
• A Target Score less than 50 (only when Target Scoring is available)
• A %Deviation greater than your set acceptable limits of performance.

(Click to enlarge)

A summary CSV file is available on request to all participating laboratories. The report provides a summary of all statistics, acceptable limits and performance indicators as a .csv file for each sample in the cycle.

A retrospective statistics summary is also available, four weeks after the final submission date for parameters where a result was not submitted on time.

RIQAS Parameters List

RIQAS is the largest international External Quality Assessment (EQA)/ Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme, there are currently more than 55,000 participants in 134 countries. World renowned for reducing the number of individual programmes required by even the most demanding laboratories, RIQAS covers 360 parameters across 36 flexible multi-parameter programmes.  Effective consolidation in this way will not only deliver real cost savings but free up storage space and ultimately reduce the time spent preparing multiple samples at each survey.

RIQAS Parameter List


1-25-(OH)₂-Vitamin D
25-OH-Vitamin D


α-1-Acid Glycoprotein
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme)
Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic)
Acid Phosphatase (Total)
Alkaline Phosphatase
Amylase (Pancreatic)
Amylase (Total)
Anti Streptolysin O (ASO)
Anti-CMV IgG
Anti-CMV IgM
Anti-HAV (Total)*
Anti-HBc IgM*


Anti-HBe (Total)*
Anti-HBs (Total)*
Anti-HIV-1 & 2 Combined
Anti-HSV- 1 & 2 IgG Combined
Anti-HSV- 1 & 2 IgM Combined
Anti-HSV1 IgG
Anti-HSV1 IgM
Anti-HSV2 IgG
Anti-HSV2 IgM
Anti-HTLV-1 & 2 Combined
Anti-Measles IgG*
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)
Anti-Mumps IgG*
Anti-Rubella IgG
Anti-Rubella IgM
Anti-SARS-COV2 Total
Antithrombin III
Anti-Toxoplasma IgG
Anti-Toxoplasma IgM
Anti-TSH Receptor (TRAb)
Anti-VZV IgG*
Apolipoprotein AI
Apolipoprotein B




Bile Acids
Bilirubin (Direct)
Bilirubin (Total)


Calcium, Adjusted
Calcium (Ionised)
Cannabinoids (THC)
Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb / HbCO)
Cholesterol (Total)
CK, Total
CK-MB (Activity)
CK-MB (Mass)
CO2, Total




Complement C₃
Complement C₄
C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
CYFRA 21-1 (Cytokeratin 19)


Deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb)
DHEA Unconjugated


Estriol Total




Factor II
Factor IX
Factor V
Factor VII
Factor VIII
Factor X
Factor XI
Factor XII
Free Morphine
free β-hCG


Growth Hormone (GH)


Haematocrit (HCT)
Haemoglobin (Hb)
Total Haemoglobin (tHb)


Inhibin A
Interferon gamma (INF-Y)*
Interleukin – 1 alpha (IL-1α)*
Interleukin – 1 beta (IL-1β)*
Interleukin – 10 (IL-10)*
Interleukin – 2 (IL-2)*
Interleukin – 4 (IL-4)*
Interleukin – 6 (IL-6)
Interleukin – 8 (IL-8)*


Kappa Light Chain (Free)
Kappa Light Chain (Total)


Lambda Light Chain (Free)
Lambda Light Chain (Total)
Lipoprotein (a)
Luteinising Hormone (LH)


Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH)
Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)
Methaemoglobin (MetHb)
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein -1 (MCP-1)*


Non-HDL Cholesterol


Oxygen Content (O2CT)
Oxygen Saturation (sO2 / Vol O2)
Oxyhaemoglobin (O2Hb / HbO2)







Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
Phosphate (Inorganic)
Plasma Renin Activity
Plateletcrit (PCT)
Platelets (PLT)
Prealbumin (Transthyretin)
Protein (Total)
Protein C
Protein S
PSA (Free)
PSA (Total)
PT (Including INR)


Red Blood Bell Count (RBC)
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)
Renin (Direct Concentration)
Retinol Binding Protein
Rheumatoid Factor


Salicylic Acid
Specific Gravity


T₃ (Free)
T₃ (Total)
T₄ (Free)
T₄ (Total)
Testosterone (Free)*
Testosterone (Total)
Total hCG
Troponin I
Troponin T
Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-a)*


Unconjugated Oestriol
Uric Acid


Valproic Acid
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)*
Vitamin B₁₂


Total White Blood Cell Count (WBC)






RIQAS – Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme

RIQSA External Quality Assessment - Connecting Your Laboratory

The World’s Largest External Quality Assessment Scheme

Uniquely connecting you with 45,000 laboratory participants across 32 flexible yet comprehensive programmes, RIQAS is the world’s largest external quality assessment (EQA) scheme. Access to maximised peer groups ensures availability of comparison data for a wide range of instruments and methods, ultimately increasing confidence in test system reliability. The added benefit of frequent analysis, user-friendly reports, multi-instrument reports and consolidated programmes makes a cost-effective, high quality EQA solution for any laboratory.

Benefits of RIQAS


Comprised of over 360 parameters in 32 comprehensive programmes, RIQAS streamlines EQA by significantly reducing the number of individual programmes required.

User-friendly reports

RIQAS presents reports in a simple one page per parameter format for at-a-glance performance assessment, including Levey-Jennings charts, Histograms, % Deviation charts, and more; providing a visual representation of laboratory performance, all within 24-72 hours of the submission deadline.


Frequent analysis coupled with our rapid report turnaround will allow labs to pinpoint when an error occurred and implement any corrective actions necessary.


With 32 flexible EQA programmes available, RIQAS has something to suit every lab. Reduced parameter and report options ensures suitability for laboratories of every size and budget.

The ability to register up to 5 instruments per programme at no extra cost will ultimately save money facilitating comparative performance assessment.


Being part of a reputable External Quality Assessment scheme like RIQAS is highly encouraged by international and national regulatory bodies and will help your laboratory meet ISO 15189:2012 accreditation requirements:

“the laboratory shall participate in inter-laboratory comparisons such as those organised by external quality assessment schemes…”, “EQA should, as far as possible, cover the entire range of tests, and the entire examination process, from sample reception, preparation and analysis to interpretation and reporting.”

RIQAS systems and procedures are accredited to ISO 17043:2010 ‘Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Proficiency Testing’ ensuring a high quality programme that is fit for purpose and will assist laboratories in meeting and maintaining ISO 15189:2012 standards.

In addition to ISO 17043:2010, RIQAS is recognised by the UK National Quality Assurance Advisory Panel (NQAAP) for Clinical Pathology and the Joint Working Group on Quality Assurance (JWG QA).

Learn More

To learn more or to get signed up, fill in the contact form below.

  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.

Randox Presence at China’s Largest Laboratory Equipment Exhibition Signals Continuation of Growth in Chinese Market

Global health diagnostics provider Randox has maintained its status as a significant competitor in the Asian market by participating in the NCML Exhibition in Hangzhou. The NCLM is the largest laboratory equipment exhibition in China dedicated to the advancement of diagnostic equipment and is an annual staple of the country’s top medical equipment firms. Also attracting some of China’s top clinical science talents, the exhibit was held in the capital of China’s Zhejiang province on 20th September.

In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) equipment, which enables diagnosis and monitoring of samples taken from the body, was the sole focus of the exhibition but an essential aspect of the IVD process is Quality Control. The Quality Control Market is a lucrative one and continues to grow – estimated to be worth $1.04 billion by 2022.

Over many years, Randox has developed the largest global EQA (External Quality Assurance) scheme available on the market, RIQAS, which offers laboratories around the world assurance that the results they are releasing are accurate and reliable. With just under 40, 000 participants in 132 countries and 32 flexible programmes, it is little wonder that the global health technology giant is predicting huge growth in Chinese territories.

Randox has been involved in trade in China for over 20 years and has been making significant strides in the Asian market recently through a strategic Chinese market expansion launch in December 2016. This expansion has included the securing of distributors across four of the largest provinces in China and partnerships with hospitals in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Wuhan.

Preceding the NCML Exhibition, in February 2017, Randox launched a major recruitment drive to hire Mandarin-speaking graduates in Northern Ireland who could join the sales, marketing and scientific teams in China. The company, which employs over 1,400 workers worldwide, was supported by Ulster University and its Confucius Institution in this recruitment campaign.

Ying Zhu, Sales Manager for Randox Laboratories in China, commented on the success Randox has seen in China over the last ten months;

“China is one of our key markets and we were delighted to showcase our capabilities at China’s largest IVD equipment exhibition recently. Randox in China has been growing from strength to strength in the last year, building on a solid foundation laid in 20 years of trade with the country. We continue to increase our presence in the Asian market thanks to increased output from our innovative R&D programmes, and enhanced manufacturing capabilities, including new facilities at the Randox Science Park, our new headquarters in Antrim. These infrastructural developments have resulted in an increasing range of products which we can now offer to growing and dynamic markets such as China. This increasing range of products coupled with a growing market presence has significantly increased our business penetration and subsequent support to customers.”

Margaret Fick, RIQAS Scientist added;

“At our most recent training conference in China, we were very pleased to host several of our newly acquired hospital partners who presented to our audience how many laboratories have benefitted from our Randox Quality Control products. The testimonials from high profile individuals who have experienced the quality, efficiency and reliability of our products is accelerating our growth across China. Our inclusion at the NCLM Exhibition marks another cornerstone in Randox’s expansion in China.”

For further information about NCLM, please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing RandoxPR@randox.com

RIQAS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

  1. How do I register for RIQAS?

Complete the RIQAS method questionnaire and enrolment document for the programmes you wish to participate in. RIQAS will then issue you with a unique laboratory reference number. The enrolment document should be returned to RIQAS before the start of the cycle. These documents can be easily downloaded from the RIQAS website. Simply click on the programme of interest and download the relevant documentation.

  1. What if my current method is not listed in the method questionnaire or enrolment document?

Use the method questionnaire to help you complete the registration of methods section on the enrolment document. If a code is not available for your method/assay please state the details of your method clearly in the appropriate section at the end of the enrolment document.

  1. How do I enter my EQA results?

Participants may conveniently enter their results online via RIQAS.Net.  Alternatively results can be entered via the manual return sheet and submitted by fax or post before the final submission deadline.

  1. How do I know when to submit my EQA results?

Each RIQAS pack will contain a multi-lingual product insert containing instructions for use. The product insert also highlights the recommended date of analysis and more importantly the final date by which the results must reach Randox. The final date for submission of results can also be found on the RIQAS calendar. All results should reach RIQAS before 5pm GMT on the final submission date.

  1. How and when are RIQAS reports issued?

For most programmes reports are available within 72 hours of the final submission date (for RIQAS Serology Programmes, reports are sent via email within 7-10 days of the final submission date).  The reports may be accessed online via RIQAS.Net or alternatively may be sent by email or post. Individual reports may be emailed to up to three addresses.

  1. Can I register multiple instruments for a single EQA programme?

Yes, laboratories can register up to five instruments per programme at no extra cost. Individual reports for each instrument plus a unique multi-instrument report are provided. The multi-instrument report allows for comparative performance assessment of each instrument. Additional sample packs may be ordered as required. 

  1. What is the summary CSV file?

Laboratories can register to receive a CSV file containing a summary of their report statistics, acceptable limits and performance indicators for every sample. The file mirrors the information found on the quantitative report summary page but will also include the calculated SD and SDPA. If you wish to receive a summary CSV file, please indicate this by ticking the box on the enrolment document and include the email addresses to which the reports should be sent.

  1. Is RIQAS accredited to ISO/IEC 17043:2010?

Yes, in 2012 RIQAS celebrated gaining accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043:2010. This standard outlines general requirements for proficiency testing and demonstrates our commitment to quality whilst providing both participants and accrediting bodies with confidence in the schemes operation. Our accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 highlights the superior quality and excellence of RIQAS. **Please be aware that not all RIQAS programmes are accredited. Programmes marked with a “+” highlight the programmes not accredited.**

9. What if I don’t need all the parameters in a particular EQA programme?

Reduced parameter options are available for selected EQA programmes offering greater flexibility, whilst ensuring suitability for laboratories of all sizes and budgets.

10. How does the group reporting facility work?

The Group Reporting facility enables group co-ordinators to monitor the performance of satellite sites. Each individual laboratory in the group will receive an individual report, the group supervisor will receive a unique instrument group report comparing each laboratory’s performance within the group.

11. Will I receive a certification of participation?

Yes, RIQAS provides certificates as proof of EQA participation and performance for laboratory accreditation purposes. A complimentary certificate of participation for each RIQAS programme is available to participants at the end of each cycle, provided at least 50% of results have been returned. A certificate of performance is also supplied with the end-of-cycle report. Certificates will specify the cycle number, programme name and the LABORATORY / HOSPITAL NAME specified in the enrolment document.

12. Can you offer technical support and advice?

Unrivalled technical support is available through our team of RIQAS scientists and experts who are on hand to offer advice and to help you troubleshoot technical issues relating to our RIQAS programmes.

13. I have found a transcription error on my report. Can I submit the revised result?

Participants are permitted to submit corrected results up to 4 weeks after the final date of the sample. Although a new report will not be issued, results can be viewed on the charts of subsequent reports, showing “C” in place of the sample number. If a result is corrected and resubmitted to RIQAS before the final date for the current sample, it will be entered as a current result.

14. How do I notify a change of method if the cycle is already underway?

It is possible to change your units, method, instrument or reagent classification during a cycle. For participants using RIQAS.Net changes can be made in the method changes section of the data entry menu. Each RIQAS return sheet also has a section for method changes.

15. How do I add extra parameters to my registration?

Extra parameters can be added to a registration via RIQAS.Net using the method changes section on the data entry menu. A list of your registered laboratory reference numbers will appear on screen. Select the laboratory reference number for which you would like to add the assay details and select ‘Add Parameter’. A list of parameters you are not registered for will appear. Select the parameters you wish to add and complete the assay details. Parameters cannot be deleted on RIQAS.Net. If you wish to delete a parameter please contact RIQAS directly on mail@riqas.com.

Do you have a question that needs answered?

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered above? Drop us an email and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


A week dedicated to unsung heroes! – Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2017

From April 23rd to April 29th we are celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week! This is a week dedicated to raising awareness for those who work in a laboratory & the hard work that goes unnoticed every day in laboratories around the world.

Have you ever wondered what happens between submitting your patient sample and receiving your results? Have you ever wondered who conducts the detailed laboratory testing for your annual check-up such as cholesterol and glucose levels? Or who analyses these results? The answer, a Medical Laboratory Professional (MLP). MLP’s provide up to 70% of the medical laboratory results for physicians and others to make informed decisions about a patient’s diagnosis and aftercare treatment plan. The work that laboratory professionals do each and every day is integral to providing excellent patient care.  They perform and interpret billions of laboratory tests every year.

Providing accurate and reliable test results is of the utmost importance for laboratory professionals and also for us at Randox. With a passion for Quality Control, and with more than 30 years’ experience developing Laboratory QC for the in vitro diagnostics market, we believe in producing high quality material designed to streamline procedures, whilst reducing costs in laboratories of all sizes and budgets. These qualities have been reflected in our Acusera true third party quality controls, Acusera 24.7 interlaboratory data management software, Acusera Verify Calibration Verification material and RIQAS, the largest international EQA scheme.

Randox Quality Control would like to take this opportunity to thank all the laboratory professionals around the world and especially our own laboratory staff – you truly are the “Unsung Heroes of Healthcare”.

Product Focus: Latest RIQAS Programmes

RIQAS is the largest international External Quality Assessment (EQA)/ Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme, with over 45,000 participants across 32 comprehensive programme options. Providing access to large, international peer groups you can be confident in the statistical validity of the results obtained.

In March 2016, we added eight new RIQAS EQA programmes to our already extensive portfolio. The new programmes included; CSF, Sweat Testing, Immunosuppressant drugs, Trace Elements in Serum, Trace Elements in Urine, Trace Elements in Blood, Anti-TSH Receptor (TRAb) and Cyfra 21-1.

Like all programmes the latest additions are designed to cover the full clinical decision range, reassuring clinicians and patients that the results released are accurate and reliable. The added benefit of monthly reporting supports the rapid identification of errors, this combined with a report turnaround of 24-72 hours from the submission deadline allows faster implementation of any necessary corrective actions, reducing the need for expensive and time consuming patient sample retests.

With Cycle 2 of the new programmes just around the corner we thought we would take this opportunity to explore what each programme has to offer.

Week 1- Trace Elements in Serum, Trace Elements in Urine, Trace Elements in Blood

RIQAS provide three trace element programmes designed for use in clinical and toxicology laboratories specialising in the testing of trace metals, heavy metals and minerals. Options are available for blood, serum and urine ensuring a matrix similar to that of the patient sample. Each programme will help ensure the accuracy of test results in patients who have experienced accidental or occupational exposure to such toxic metals

Main Features and Benefits;

  • Lyophilised samples
  • Monthly reporting
  • Testing covers the full range of clinically relevant decision levels
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • 12 month subscription

Week 2- CYFRA 21-1 & Anti-TSH Receptor 

The RIQAS CYFRA 21-1 EQA programme is designed to cover the analysis of the tumour marker CYFRA 21-1 in clinical laboratories when monitoring the response to treatment of cancers such as non-small cell lung carcinoma, cervical, breast and bladder cancer.

Main Features and Benefits;

  • Lyophilised samples
  • Monthly reporting
  • Testing covers the full range of clinically relevant decision levels
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • 12 month subscription

Our dedicated Anti-TSH Receptor EQA programme is designed to supplement our general immunoassay programme by including the thyroid hormone Anti-TSH Receptor also known as TRAb.

Main Features and Benefits;

  • Lyophilised samples
  • Monthly reporting
  • Testing covers the full range of clinically relevant decision levels
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • 12 month subscription

Week 3 – CSF & Sweat Testing

The RIQAS Cerebrospinal Fluid EQA programme has been designed to monitor the performance of several analytes in CSF.

Main Features and Benefits;

  • Liquid ready-to-use samples
  • Monthly reporting
  • Testing covers the full range of clinically relevant decision levels
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • 12 month subscription

The RIQAS Sweat Testing EQA programme has been designed to cover the analysis of Sweat Testing in clinical laboratories measuring the concentration of Chloride, Sodium and Conductivity in sweat, used in the testing of Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

Main Features and Benefits;

  • Liquid ready-to-use samples
  • Monthly reporting
  • Testing covers the full range of clinically relevant decision levels
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • 12 month subscription

Week 4 – RIQAS Immunosuppressant EQA programme

The RIQAS Immunosuppressant Drug EQA programme has been designed to cover the analysis of Cyclosporin, Everolimus, Sirolimus and Tacrolimus in clinical laboratories.

Main Features and Benefits;

  • Lyophilised samples
  • Monthly reporting
  • Testing covers the full range of clinically relevant decision levels
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.net
  • 12 month subscription

Celebrate Christmas with Randox Quality Control

T’was the week before Christmas and all through the lab not a thing could be heard not even a sound. The analyser lay silent asleep in the corner, the lab staff at home dreaming of a few days’ rest, only a few more days to go before the big day!

The big man in red, what will he bring those who already have everything? Peace, happiness and health for their loved ones throughout the festive break, that would be the wish for everyone to make. And what better way to ensure they stay healthy, well it all begins in the laboratory…

An important consideration to remember when choosing your lab Quality Control (QC) is that approximately 70% of clinical decisions are based on laboratory test results. It is therefore essential that the results gained from laboratory testing are accurate and reliable in order to provide the appropriate treatment and avoid or prevent potential misdiagnosis.

Patient results are of the utmost importance for a laboratory and therefore running the best Quality Control material should be at the top of their agenda. QC material should have a number of features that allow a lab to judge the overall quality of their output. These features include the controls ability to be commutable (which means how well it reacts as a replicate of a patient sample), is it a true third party control that has been manufactured to provide an independent and unbiased assessment of performance, does your control come with clinically relevant levels and does it have a long shelf life as well as a good open vial or reconstituted stability? These are the questions lab staff will be asking themselves when deciding on what QC is the right QC.

So stay off Santa’s naughty list by providing accurate and reliable patient test results, do this by employing Randox QC in your laboratory. Our controls have been designed to deliver significant cost savings without sacrificing on quality. With consolidated controls (combining up to 100 analytes in a single vial) your lab can reduce QC costs and preparation time, the inclusion of analytes present at clinical decision levels will eradicate the need for additional controls and because of our long shelf life (2 years for liquid controls, 4 years for lyophilised) and excellent stability claims your laboratory can be sure that expensive lot changes will be a thing of the past! Our controls can be described as true third party and this, combined with the commutable nature of the controls, leads to us being able to claim that we have the best Quality Control material around.

So this Christmas when deciding what QC to choose – make sure you look no further than Randox Quality Control. Our QC family is known as Acusera and our product offering includes QC and calibrator material, Interlaboratory Data Management Program (Acusera 24.7), the world’s largest international EQA/PT scheme better known as RIQAS and the newest addition to the family, Linearity or Calibration Verification material.

We have packages for every lab regardless of size and budget and we guarantee you will become ho-ho-hooked on Randox QC.

Wishing you all season’s greetings and a prosperous New Year from everyone at Randox QC.

ISO 22870- Are you meeting expectations?

Quality control has recently become crucial in the Point-of-Care (POC) field due to the introduction of ISO 22870 regulations and increased focus in patient safety. Quality control is critical in reducing turnaround time and saving money.

There is now an international standard specifically for POC testing, ISO 22870. This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with the standard for medical laboratories, ISO 15189. This means that aspects relating to Point-of-Care such as training, competence and documentation should be carefully planned, implemented and governed by a quality management system and there is a requirement for QC and EQA to be performed, where available.

POCT is typically carried out by non-laboratory staff, therefore when selecting the appropriate IQC material for POCT there are a number of key characteristics you must consider;

  • Format of the material – QC material employed should be liquid stable, requiring no preparation, reducing the likelihood of human error and increasing convenience.
  • Value assignment – all values must be accurately assigned. Look out for suppliers who use a large number of independent labs to determine the target value.
  • Third party controls – manufactured independently from any specific instrument or method third party controls are designed to deliver unbiased performance assessment.
  • Storage – for convenience controls should be liquid stable, as these can be easily stored in a fridge at 2oC – 8oC and won’t need to be shipped on dry ice.
  • Stability – a control with a good open vial stability will mean that it can be used for longer with less waste produced, meaning it is more convenient for the medical professional to use.
  • Transportation– the liquid stable controls can be conveniently stored at 2oC – 8oC reducing the need to ship on dry ice
  • Minimal training– easy to use with little training required, therefore suitable for use by non-laboratory personnel

In addition to IQC, External Quality Assessment (EQA) must also be employed to ensure a comprehensive review of test system performance. It is best to select a programme that offers frequent reporting with a large database of users. This will enable rapid error identification and ultimately accurate and reliable patient testing.

Our Acusera liquid ready-to-use controls include:

  1. Blood Gas ControlA liquid stable control provided in easy to open ampoules for added convenience and ease-of-use. Assayed, method specific target values are provided for the most common blood gas instruments.
  2. Liquid Cardiac ControlThis is a highly convenient liquid stable cardiac control offering excellent consistency. Assayed, instrument specific target values are provided for 8 cardiac markers, enabling flexibility and consolidation.
  3. Liquid Urinalysis ControlLiquid control that is compatible for use with both manual and automated methods of dipstick analysis. Available in convenient 12ml vials or 25ml dropper bottles with assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters covering the chemical examination of urine specimens.
  4. Liquid HbA1c ControlThis is another highly convenient liquid ready-to-use control. With an open vial stability of 30 days, keeping waste and costs to a minimum.

Complementary EQA programmes are also available to meet the needs of ISO 22870.

How frequently should you run EQA?

There is much debate among clinical laboratories when discussing this common question. With some schemes offering testing as little as 2 times per year, it raises the question, is this really enough?

How frequently an EQA scheme is run will often be dependent on several aspects. Factors such as the diagnostic error rate, number of tests undertaken, experience and turnover of technical staff, and the known stability/instability of the analyte in question should be considered and will all contribute to determine the desired frequency of EQA.

Each EQA programme will vary, where one area, for instance Chemistry, may require bi-weekly testing, another, such as Serology, may only need to be tested every 3 months. Although there is variation between schemes, the benefits of testing more frequently unquestionably outweighs the costs of not testing frequently enough.

Issues with infrequent testing?

If your EQA provider offers infrequent testing, there is likely to be a lengthy period of uncertainty where errors could be happening in the laboratory and consequently incorrect results being released. The outcome of this could be damaging to both patients and laboratories, with credibility and trust in results likely to come under scrutiny. For these reasons, having an infrequent EQA scheme could cause harm to your laboratory and reduce confidence in your test results.

Why should you use a frequent EQA scheme?

To ensure the previously mentioned errors do not occur, laboratories should participate in frequent EQA schemes to guarantee that if incorrect test results do arise, then they will be detected and rectified immediately.

As preventative/corrective actions can be taken sooner through frequent EQA schemes, you will have increased confidence in your test systems performance and may reduce the need for expensive retests. Being able to pinpoint when an error occurred will be much simpler if you are only looking back a matter of weeks or a couple months, as opposed to if you are looking back over a longer period such as 4 to 6 months.

The ability to implement corrective actions sooner and with less disruptions to the lab will help lead to both time and cost savings in the future.

What can Randox Quality Control offer?

Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS), offers bi-weekly, monthly and quarterly reporting options* designed to assist with the early identification of laboratory errors. Not only will RIQAS provide you with extra confidence in test system accuracy, but with 32 flexible programmes you could also make significant cost and time savings through consolidation.

With more than 40,000 participants in 124 countries, RIQAS is the largest international EQA scheme on the market and offers laboratories around the world assurances that the results they are releasing are accurate and reliable. Our many features include; the ability to register up to 5 instruments per programme at no extra cost, easy to read reports, internationally accredited programmes and rapid report turnaround. Why don’t you contact us today and find out how we can support you in maintaining quality control in your laboratory?

*Programme Specific

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