Look after your gut and it will look after you – Goodwood Health Summit 2023

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Look after your gut and it will look after you – Goodwood Health Summit 2023

At long last the public is cottoning on to the simple but important notion of preventative health – the idea that you don’t go to the doctor after falling ill – you go before so that potential future illnesses can be identified in advance and action taken immediately.

Randox, a leader in the field of diagnostic medicine, is in the forefront of this profound change in health care – one that opens up the possibility of delivering enormous benefits to individuals and society at large.

For these reasons, we were delighted to lend our support to the recent launch of the Goodwood Gut Summit hosted by the Goodwood Estate. The summit theme was on gut microbiomes, which play a key role in promoting the smooth daily operations of our body. Broadcast online, the summit aimed to respond to the urgent need for widespread education and communication about rapid progress in dietary health.

The summit came after a stark warning contained in two landmark studies into the effects of ultra-processed foods on our diet and its effect on our microbiomes.

This newly published research concluded that eating ultra-processed foods – such as ready meals, fizzy juice, cereals, and fast food – drastically increases our risk of serious health issues, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. It can also raise the risk of heart attacks and strokes. BBC journalist Justin Webb led the conversation with a world-class line-up of speakers, including, Dr Chris van Tulleken, Jessie Inchauspé, Dr James Kinross, Professor Pekka Puska and Professor Edward Bullmore.

Topics covered included inflammation, mental health and the microbiome , insulin, obesity, ultra-processed foods , the growing cost of poor nutrition, and the need to drive fundamental shifts in our food systems in order to move to a healthier future for all.

There was a discussion on using the many curbs on the promotion and sale of tobacco as a model for the food industry. Tighter regulation of food manufacturers and their marketing strategies could be the way forward here. As authorities in their respective fields, the speakers shared their knowledge and vision on these important topics, as well as considered new solutions to personal and societal health challenges, helping the formulation of some key achievable goals.

The partnership with the summit is underpinned by two Randox Laboratory divisions.

Randox Food Diagnostics is dedicated to improving the global food security chain. It provides the global food market with screening solutions for antimicrobials, toxins, growth-promoting hormones and veterinary drugs in animals and animal produce, as well as testing meat, milk, honey, grapes, seafood and feed products.

Food product testing is essential to ensure that what we consume is safe from physical, chemical, and biological hazards. It tells people precisely what they are eating and so helps them make informed choices and makes sure that goods on the supermarket shelves comply with safety standards.

Randox Health, the consumer-facing side of Randox Laboratories, is primarily focused on accessible, preventative health testing and offers full body health checks that identify early signs of disease before symptoms occur.


What is gut microbiome?

Picture a bustling city on a weekday morning, the pavements flooded with people rushing to get to work or to appointments. Now imagine this at a microscopic level and you have an idea of what the microbiome looks like inside our bodies, consisting of trillions of microorganisms (also called microbiota or microbes) of thousands of different species.

These include not only bacteria but fungi, parasites, and viruses. In a healthy person, these “bugs” coexist peacefully, with the largest numbers found in the small and large intestines but also throughout the body. The microbiome is even labeled a supporting organ because it plays so many key roles in promoting the smooth daily operations of the human body.

A person is first exposed to microorganisms as an infant, during delivery in the birth canal and through the mother’s breast milk. Later on, environmental exposures and diet can change our microbiomes to be either beneficial to health or to place one at greater risk for disease. Read more about it here(https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/microbiome/)

More info on Randox Food Diagnostics: Randox food diagnostics-randoxfood.com

To book a health test please follow the link below; Randox Health-randoxhealth.com

Book your stay at the Goodwood Gut Health programme, that includes a Randox panel of testing; www.goodwood.com/visit-eat-stay/health-wellbeing/wellness-retreats/gut-health-programme/

Randox delves into the inner workings of a racing driver’s body and mind for first-ever Goodwood SpeedWeek

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13 October 2020

Randox delves into the inner workings of a racing driver’s body and mind for first-ever Goodwood SpeedWeek

Goodwood SpeedWeek will bring fans closer to the action than ever before with a one-off digital technology playground that viewers can experience from the comfort of their own homes – and Randox will feature as part of the event with a documentary showing the inner workings and hidden brilliance of a racing driver’s mind and body under stress.

Being shown on Saturday 17 October, ‘The Racing Mind’ documentary looks at the psychological, physiological and chemical make up of racing drivers.

Millions of spectators will be able to enjoy 360-degree audio-visual displays, take a virtual paddock tour, use chatroom functionality to question their favourite drivers, and interact with the action through quizzes, polls, competitions and a ‘podium predictor’.

Goodwood Speedweek, which runs from 16-18 October 2020, is the most ambitious event to ever take place at the Goodwood Motor Circuit with more than 12 miles of high-speed fibre cabling being laid and 49 high-definition cameras installed, including 19 trackside cameras and 15 live on-boards. A television crew of 180 operators will help bring the action to life with 10 presenters and two TV studios required to cover all the action.

Each day will be dedicated to celebrating the automotive industry’s past, present and future – bringing together the best elements of the Festival of Speed and Revival using the latest technology.

This will be reflected in the iconic Goodwood Shootout presented by Mastercard on Sunday 18 October, with a winner-takes-all one-lap competition between some of the fastest machines in motorsport across the years, including hypercars, single-seaters and prototype sports cars.

The Duke of Richmond said;

“Technology is a core feature of Goodwood motorsport events and we strive to showcase the most innovative and forward-thinking mobility innovations. At Goodwood SpeedWeek we were presented with a unique opportunity to go one step further, quite literally placing digital right at the heart of the experience. It’s allowed us to raise the bar even higher, offering a once in a lifetime, interactive experience that is accessible to viewers anywhere in the world.”

The Racing Mind (Saturday 17th October)

In partnership with Randox, Goodwood Speedweek will show viewers the inner workings and hidden brilliance of a racing driver’s mind and body under stress.

The Technology Showcase (Sunday 18th October)

  • The first autonomous lap: Einride will undertake an autonomous lap on the Goodwood Motor Circuit including a behind-the-scenes look at how it was achieved.
  • F1 Technology: Before taking to the track to celebrate 70 years of F1, there will be a live grid walk of cars charting the evolution of technology in F1 through the ages.
  • Car vs Bike vs Drone: An all-electric race between the Virgin Formula E, Electric Harley and Drone racer on the Driftkhana course.
  • Jet Suit: A look behind-the-scenes of Gravity and how you train to become a jet suit pilot, followed by a unique race between three jet racers.
  • Ford Electric Mustang: The all-electric Mach-E Mustang 1400 prototype will take to the track for a drift demonstration.
  • Sennheiser: An interactive demonstration of 360-degree binaural audio, live from the heart of the event.

Fans can sign up for alerts at: https://www.goodwood.com/motorsport/goodwood-speedweek/

As well as streaming options through goodwood.com and social media, SpeedWeek will be broadcast live on ITV1 and ITV4 during the event;

  • Friday 16th Oct – 16:30-18:30 (ITV4)
  • Saturday 17th Oct – 14:00-16:00 (ITV4)
  • Sunday 18th Oct – 14:00-16:00 (ITV1)

A selection of highlight programmes the week after the event on ITV4;

  • First Glance – Wednesday 21st Oct – 21:30
  • Highlights 1 – Thursday 22nd Oct – 20:00
  • Highlights 2 – Thursday 22nd Oct – 21:00

Stay up to date with all future announcements and on-event action with the official hashtag #gwspeedweek across Goodwood social channels:


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Specialised testing

New test for accurate differentiation of stroke types launched at Goodwood FOS Future Lab

A ground-breaking new test which improves the accuracy of stroke diagnosis has been developed by Randox scientists.

The rapid and highly sensitive blood test, which is due to be unveiled at this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed, can uniquely differentiate between ischaemic strokes (a blood clot) and haemorrhagic strokes (a bleed) and subsequently enable clinicians to rapidly administer the most effective treatment, which is a vital factor in limiting permanent damage.

What’s even more remarkable is that the pioneering diagnostic, appearing as part of the festival’s Future Lab exhibition, takes less than 30 minutes to complete – making sure patients get the right diagnosis as fast as possible.

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, whose team developed the test, commented;

“There is great tragedy in the fact that the majority of stroke damage can be minimised if intervention is delivered on time, yet too often the window closes before a diagnosis is made. For doctors, nothing is more frustrating.

“Excellent work has been undertaken to assist the public in recognising the signs of a stroke so people can get to hospital as quickly as possible. Our stroke test is the vital next step – assisting clinicians in making a rapid diagnosis and differentiation between haemorrhagic and ischaemic stroke, so their patients get the right treatment at the right time.”

Traditionally the first step in a stroke diagnosis is a CT scan, which, despite its ability to successfully diagnose haemorrhagic stroke, is significantly less capable of identifying ischaemic stroke.

Yet ischaemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and affects almost nine in ten patients.  Its diagnosis and differentiation from haemorrhagic stroke is vital in enabling thrombolytic treatment to break down blood clots, which, given its nature, could be fatal if administered to a patient suffering from a haemorrhagic stroke. Worryingly though, in some areas of the UK, as little as 15% of eligible stroke patients receive this therapy in time.1

This is caused by a number of factors, including difficulty in determining stroke onset time, exceeding the appropriate time window for thrombolysis administration (4.5 hours from stroke onset), and importantly, not being able to differentiate ischaemic stroke from a number of other ‘stroke mimics’ including severe migraine, brain tumours, drug overdose and seizures.

The Randox Stroke Biochip successfully identifies ischaemic stroke in a rapid test which measures eight markers from a single blood sample simultaneously, in just 30 minutes.

John Lamont, R&D Director for Randox Laboratories, explained;

 “While patients undergo a CT scan to confirm either the presence or lack of a haemorrhagic stroke, a blood test on the Randox Biochip can be run on our innovative point-of-care analyser, the MultiSTAT, to identify the same for an ischaemic stroke.

“For the almost 90% of stroke patients who are ruled out for haemorrhagic stroke2, the Randox Biochip will then accelerate decision making for clinicians with regards to thrombolytic therapy.

 “Any treatment is most effective if started as soon as possible after the stroke occurs, and so every minute that passes without a diagnosis is likely to leave a permanent mark on a stroke patient’s future health and lifestyle.  The vitally important diagnostic information from the Randox Stroke Biochip facilitates accurate stroke classification, directs the appropriate patient care pathway, and enables rapid thrombolytic therapy, ensuring a better patient outcome for ischaemic stroke sufferers, for whom time is of the essence.”

Whilst the Randox Stroke Biochip is currently being used as complementary testing in parallel with CT scanning, Mr Lamont is confident of a more prominent role for the test in the future patient pathway;

He commented;

“The Biochip has the potential to really revolutionise the stroke diagnosis pathway as we currently know it. The accessibility of this type of blood testing could potentially extend its use beyond the A&E department, to ambulances and even the home, in the form of a hand-held testing device.”

For further information about our pioneering new stroke test, or about the Goodwood Festival of Speed Future Lab, please contact Amy McIlwaine in the Randox PR team by emailing amy.mcilwaine@randox.com 


1 Royal College of Physicians Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP). Clinical audit Jan – Mar 2016 report prepared by Royal College of Physicians, Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit on behalf of the Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party.

2 Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party. National clinical guideline for stroke, 5th edition. London: Royal College of Physicians 2016.











The future of healthcare has arrived at The Goodwood Festival of Speed

You visit the doctor because you think there is a problem. The doctor suspects it may be an infection but she’s not sure. A blood sample is taken and sent to the laboratory where three to five tests are run on it. Your blood does not show a positive reading for any of the tests conducted. You still don’t know what’s wrong.  Does this sound familiar?

Enter a pioneering piece of technology called the Biochip. This health testing platform, from global diagnostics company Randox, and on show at this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed, can currently run 49 different tests simultaneously – making sure you get the right diagnosis as fast as possible.

Current and futuristic developments in this critical strand of medicine, involving detailed analysis of blood to identify both current and future health risks, are appearing as part of the festival’s Future Lab project.  Those visiting Future Lab will learn how technology can be utilised to improve the speed and accuracy of health diagnoses across the world.

With further plans to expand and enhance the Biochip even further – with capabilities to run over 1024 tests on a single blood sample – this technology is set to revolutionise the future of healthcare.

Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr Peter FitzGerald, commented;

“For years we’ve been working behind-the-scenes with hospitals and laboratory professionals and, until now, our contribution to improving healthcare would not have been evident to the general public. But we know now that it’s time for us to come out – our technologies have the potential to transform healthcare around the world, and that matters to everyone.  

“More sensitive, comprehensive and accurate technologies hold the promise of much earlier and effective diagnosis, often before symptoms appear – greatly improving healthcare outcomes and reducing the burden on healthcare services.  And these technologies are directly available to the individual through our consumer division Randox Health, not just through GPs or hospitals.

“It is also a fact that diagnostics have historically been undervalued – in healthcare systems around the world laboratory technologies account for around 2% of overall budgets, yet 70%-80% of all healthcare decisions affecting diagnosis or treatment involve a laboratory investigation.”

Sensing the potential to improve healthcare through diagnostic innovation, Randox has invested significantly in the development of Biochip Array Technology, allowing many tests to be run simultaneously.

Dr FitzGerald continued;

“It’s taken over £285 million to see the fruition of this, the gold standard in testing. Our 300-strong team of research scientists and engineers are committed to exploring the thousands of markers of health and illness within the body and to each year unveil pioneering and innovative new tests to add to the Randox portfolio. Thanks to an annual investment of around 16% of turnover in this research and development, we have more innovations in development than any other healthcare company in the world.”

One such innovation, the concept of which is due to be revealed at the Goodwood Future Lab for the first time, is the unrivalled 32×32 Biochip. This highly anticipated testing platform will remarkably be able to provide patients with 1024 key pieces of information about their current and future health.  Combined with advanced algorithms, the effect will be truly revolutionary.

Dr FitzGerald added;

“The 32×32 Biochip is key to unlocking true personalised medicine. Ultimately it acts as a roadmap of your health by predicting the health conditions of which you are personally at risk in the future. By taking preventive action you will be empowered to live healthier for longer. It’s the world’s first technology of its kind, capable of extending your life.”

The Randox Health Mobile Clinic, in which the public can directly access Randox technologies in the form of the world’s most comprehensive health check, will be at the Goodwood Hotel on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th July.  Those wishing to book can call 0800 2545 130 or can find out more by visiting the Randox Health website or downloading the app.

For further information please contact Randox PR by email: randoxpr@randox.com or by phoning 07980 738 120







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