RTS: Back-to-Lab Testing

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RTS: Back-to-Lab Testing

Randox Testing Services offers high quality drug testing with use of our revolutionary Biochip Array Technology specifically optimised for drugs of abuse testing. This technology allows multiplex back-to-lab testing of different drugs from one sample and offers test consolidation for comprehensive testing at an affordable price.

With a comprehensive drugs of abuse test menu we are able to test for a range of different drugs. Drug testing packages can be customised to include multiple different drugs to test per sample.

Our drug testing methods ensure fast and simple sample collection. We have a variety of non-invasive methods for patient comfort including use of a urine sample, hair strand or oral fluid sample to test for specified drugs. Utilisation of different testing methods also ensures flexibility of drug abuse profiling with the ability to offer short-term drug abuse profiling via oral fluid and urine testing, long-term drug abuse profiling via hair testing or a combination of both.


Oral Fluid Testing

An oral fluid test can detect drugs for up to 48 hours after consumption. Providing analysis of short-term drug abuse, an oral fluid drug test is used by employers conducting for-cause and post-incident testing, as well as medico-legal solicitors who may require testing for abstinence of drugs.

An oral fluid test consists of obtaining a saliva sample from between the cheek and gums to analyse traces of drugs. This sample method is reliable due to the high concentrations of drug components which remain in the oral cavity for a period of time after drug consumption. Sample collection is taken quickly, easily and is non-invasive. The sample collection is also observed which ensures samples are not tampered with.


Urine Testing

A urine test offers short-term detection of substance abuse. Alcohol is detectable in urine for less than 12 hours, and a urine drug test can detect traces of drugs from between 4 hours and up to 8 days (this may be extended for regular cannabis users to around 30 days). It is often used in a combination with hair testing to provide an enhanced time-line for drug and alcohol detection; therefore allowing analysis of chronic substance abuse.

As a simple and practical method it is used as the most common sample type for workplace drug and alcohol testing. It is also utilised when conducting family law testing to ensure no alcohol intake by someone who has been forbidden to consume alcohol by a court of law or someone who is on a drugs or alcohol rehabilitation program.

A urine test consists of gaining a urine sample from the individual securely. Due to the nature of the urine sample being deposited privately by the sample donor, measures need to be taken to ensure the sample is not tampered with. At Randox Testing Services samples are collected under strict chain of custody protocols to guarantee sample integrity for legally defensible testing. We also increase accuracy of results by testing for creatinine which is a simple method of testing the authenticity of the sample given and reduces false-negative results giving you confidence in these testing methods.

Hair Testing

Hair testing is a long-term substance abuse profiling with a detection window of 90+ days. It is commonly used by recruiters and employers conducting pre-employment screening and is the most common sample type used for substance abuse assessment in child protection and medico-legal cases.

Hair testing involves taking a hair stand sample from an individual to detect if and approximately when someone has consumed drugs or alcohol. A 3cm sample is generally used to obtain a longer analysis of substance abuse.

When a drug is taken it is absorbed into the blood stream and circulated around the body. As a result it is incorporated into the hair follicle meaning that as the hair grows, drugs are transferred into the hair strand. It can take up to 2 weeks for drug components to enter the hair and therefore analysis of a 3cm sample is recommended.

Analysis of the hair strand allows traces of drugs to be detected to provide an overall picture of drug abuse or a month by month analysis. Segmentation of the hair sample to provide a detailed month-on-month view is advantageous as it can highlight trends of drug use and identify periods of abstinence or high level use. Body hair can be used in special circumstances however segmentation into a month by month analysis is not possible.


Randox Testing Services

Through utilising innovative multiplex drug and alcohol screening methods as well as LC/GC mass spectrometry confirmatory analysis our complete service guarantees reliable and accurate results.

For more information on our back-to-lab testing services contact us at testingservices@randox.com to speak with one of our experts.





Reconstituting Lyophilised Controls

What is Lyophilisation?

Lyophilisation or ‘freeze drying’ is the process by which water is removed from a product after it is frozen and placed under a vacuum, allowing the ice to change directly from solid to vapor without passing through a liquid phase. The process consists of three separate processes:

  1. Freezing
  2. Primary Drying (Sublimation)
  3. Secondary Drying (Desorption)

There are many benefits to using a lyophilised control including; improved product shelf-life and enhanced stability of volatile analytes. For example, many lyophilised controls have a shelf life of up to four years from the date of manufacture resulting in a reduction of costly new lot validation studies. Furthermore, lyophilised controls can be aliquoted and refrozen to extend the working stability of the product.

Reconstituting Lyophilised QC Material

The process of reconstitution involves adding a specified volume of distilled water to lyophilised QC material. The water should completely dissolve the lyophilised contents, giving a liquid solution, which is ready for analysis.

Reconstitution is a straightforward process, but requires a high level of precision. Small errors can have serious implications to the reconstituted material:

  • If too much water is pipetted during reconstitution, the material will be heavily diluted and results will be lower than expected
  • If too little water is pipetted during reconstitution, the material will not be sufficiently diluted, and results will be higher than expected
  • If the correct volume of water is pipetted, but a small amount of water gets stuck in the pipette tip due to poor pipetting technique, results will be higher than expected

If a lyophilised control has been reconstituted incorrectly the contents of the vial will be wasted. It is therefore vitally important that controls are reconstituted with care.

Materials and Methods Required

The list of requirements for an accurate and consistent reconstitution technique is not extensive, but each requirement is vital. Labs should have:

  • Calibrated volumetric pipettes
  • Sterile, appropriately sized pipette tips
  • Distilled water, or other reconstitution fluid as specified
  • Technician with good pipetting technique
  • Lyophilised QC stored according to manufacturer’s specifications

How to Reconstitute Lyophilised QC Material

Each different lyophilised control may require slightly different preparation, always refer to the instructions for use before reconstituting control material. The below guide provides a general overview of the reconstitution process, using the Randox Human Assayed Chemistry Premium Plus control (HN1530) as an example

  1. Place the vial of lyophilised QC on a flat surface, carefully remove the lid and the rubber stopper making sure not to spill any material
  2. Using a calibrated pipette and sterilised pipette tip, add exactly 5ml of distilled water directly into the QC vial, ensuring no water is left in the pipette tip, or on the rim/side of the vial
  3. Place the rubber stopper and lid firmly back onto the QC vial, and leave to stand for 30 minutes
  4. After 30 minutes, gently invert the QC vial 10-15 times to ensure the contents is completely dissolved, making sure to avoid the formation of foam. It is important that you DO NOT SHAKE the vial. Alternatively place the vial on a roller for 30 minutes to ensure the contents is thoroughly mixed
  5. Once satisfied all material has been completely dissolved, proceed to use the QC product in accordance with the ‘Control’ section of the individual analyser application
  6. Once finished, refrigerate any unused material. It is good practice to label the vial with the date of reconstitution to prevent the use of material outside of the recommended stability period
  7. Prior to reusing lyophilised material, mix the contents thoroughly by gentle inversion, as highlighted in Step 4

Additional Considerations

It is important to remember that there may be slightly different reconstitution requirements for different QC material. For this reason, it is vital that the instructions provided on the QC Kit Inserts are closely followed.

Reconstituting lyophilised QC can be time-consuming. Therefore, Randox Acusera offer convenient 5ml distilled water serum diluent to assist laboratories with reconstitution of lyophilised controls. These user-friendly pour over vials streamline the reconstitution process and eliminate the risk of pipetting errors.

If you have any further questions regarding lyophilised controls or would like to contact us, please do so by emailing us at acusera@randox.com or use the contact us button provided.

This Christmas, treat your laboratory to the “gift” of Randox Quality Control

At Christmas time all around the globe, people search for the best gift for their loved ones, something they will really like. At Randox Quality Control, we understand you care for your patients, and your laboratory. This year, show how much you care by treating your lab to a Randox Quality Control.

With over 35 years’ experience in the market, Quality Control is our passion and streamlining QC practice is our forte! Our extensive product offering comprises true third party controls, interlaboratory data management, external quality assessment and calibration verification.

Last year we looked in depth at Acusera – our range of true third party controls. This year, lets add another product to the Christmas wish list in the form of RIQAS, the world’s largest EQA scheme. Don’t wait until Christmas to wake up to a RIQAS programme under your tree – enrol in one of our comprehensive programmes today.

With over 45,000 laboratory participants across 133 countries, our RIQAS portfolio spans 32 comprehensive programmes ranging from Chemistry to Immunoassay, Lipids to Cardiac, Drugs to Serology and much more!

User-friendly, one page per parameter reports are available within 72 hours of the submission deadline.  These reports enable at-a-glance performance assessment, ultimately allowing your laboratory to save valuable time. You will also gain access to complimentary multi-instrument and inter-laboratory reports as well as an end-of-cycle report  summarising laboratory performance for each cycle and helping to identify progress over time.

Consolidation is key – and with an extensive parameter index available (up to 360 parameters) RIQAS will help you to significantly reduce costs, time and the number of individual programmes required to cover your test menu.

All RIQAS samples are free from interfering preservatives ensuring a commutable matrix that reacts to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample.

Additionally, enrolling in RIQAS isn’t just enrolling in an EQA scheme. Our programmes are accepted by National and International accreditation bodies worldwide and at the end of each cycle, participation in the scheme results in a certificate that can be used to decorate your laboratory all year around – not just at Christmas!

So this Christmas don’t give your laboratory second best, choose RIQAS, and reap the rewards.

To find out more on any of our RIQAS programmes visit our website – http://www.randox.com/riqas-external-quality-assessment/ or email us at acusera@randox.com

Randox Quality Control wish you all Season’s Greetings & a Prosperous New Year!

Mythbusting: ‘Using IQC and EQA From the Same Provider Leads to QC Bias’

Some laboratory professionals believe that using Internal Quality Control (IQC) and External Quality Assurance (EQA, also known as Proficiency Testing) material from the same provider can lead to increased levels of qc bias, or that their test system will not be appropriately challenged. It is important to address these concerns, because some labs may in fact be hindering their own performance by using IQC and EQA material from different sources.

It is important to first understand how IQC and EQA work together to help form a complete Laboratory Quality Management System.

IQC and EQA in Laboratory Quality Management

IQC is a means of monitoring test system precision on a daily basis. IQC effectively evaluates test system performance over time, so that any sudden or gradual shifts in performance can be detected. However, while IQC is an effective performance monitor, it cannot detect more intricate problems like calibration errors or wide acceptable limits provided by some QC manufacturers.

EQA is essential for challenging test system accuracy, and is carried out less frequently than IQC testing. EQA samples are tested ‘blind’ and the results are returned to the scheme organiser. As EQA testing compares an individual lab’s performance to other labs using the same method and instrument, it is a very effective tool for identification of potential issues.

Is there any disadvantage to using IQC and EQA material from the same provider?

The answer to this question depends primarily on the source material of the IQC and EQA. If an IQC provider manufactures their material using artificial additives or components of animal origin, then it will not be suitable to use EQA material from the same provider. Westgard (2011) maintains that using non-commutable IQC or EQA material can lead to results becoming compromised due to matrix effects – something which would not happen using commutable controls.

For example, with Immunoassay testing, non-human components of IQC material interact with antibodies in the reagent in a different way to fully human patient samples – ultimately giving unpredictable shifts, and not adhering to the ISO 15189 requirement to: “use quality control materials that react to the examining system in a manner as close as possible to patient samples”.

However, if the IQC and EQA material is manufactured using a source material which is similar in composition to patient samples (100% human), this commutable control will adequately mimic patient sample performance; meaning labs can use EQA and IQC material from the same provider with confidence that the integrity of their results is maintained.


ISO 15189 also states: “Use of independent third party control materials should be considered…”. In this instance, ‘Independent’ does not mean from a separate provider. It means that the QC material should not be optimized for use on one specific instrument (i.e. not dependent on a single instrument/method type).

No regulatory body states a requirement to use different providers for IQC and EQA material. Indeed, using IQC from one provider and EQA from another provider could increase the risk of labs using non-commutable material.

Labs should use commutable IQC and EQA material for a true assessment of their test system. Randox QC and RIQAS EQA are specifically designed with commutability in mind, giving labs a control which reflects patient sample performance and ensures excellent performance.

How can we help?

To learn how Randox can offer a complete solution for your laboratory, follow the links below or submit a question using the form above.


Westgard, S. (2011). Is QC Quality Compromised?. Available: https://www.westgard.com/qc-quality-compromised.htm. Last accessed 31st October 2017.

Mythbusting QC Bias
Got a question?

Liquid ready-to-use controls & their benefits

Randox Quality Control is a world leading manufacturer of third party quality controls. With an extensive product portfolio – including the largest range of liquid ready-to-use controls, Randox QC will meet your laboratory requirements and deliver trustworthy results repeatedly.

What control formats are available for your laboratory?

There are three distinct formats available for use in the laboratory with each format having benefits and drawbacks. When choosing a Quality Control material it is important you choose the most convenient solution for your laboratory requirements. The three formats are;

  1. Lyophilised (freeze dried)
  2. Liquid frozen
  3. Liquid stable (ready-to-use)

What format is best?

There are several possible answers to this question, simply because, every laboratory is different. What works for one laboratory may not work for another and for this reason there is no one format that works best for all laboratories.

What we can say however, is that there are varying levels of convenience across the different formats. The most convenient, and arguably, the most favoured of the three formats is liquid ready-to-use. It is not difficult to understand why this format is widely regarded as the preferred choice of control in laboratories – they are simple to use, require no preparation and can be conveniently stored and shipped at 2-8oC.

Why should you consider a liquid ready-to-use control?

There are many benefits to using a liquid ready-to-use control over both liquid frozen and lyophilised controls. One of the main benefits of a liquid stable control material is that it eliminates any potential reconstitution/pipetting errors often associated with lyophilised controls.  They also eliminate the additional time taken to thaw liquid frozen controls and can significantly reduce shipping/delivery costs as they do not need to be shipped on dry ice.

Another major benefit of running a liquid ready-to-use control is the fact they are also suitable for use in Point-of-Care-Testing (POCT). With growing popularity amongst laboratory professionals and more people expecting rapid results, POCT is on the rise. Due to their easy to use nature, liquid ready-to-use controls are extremely beneficial to POCT providers.

One further benefit to using a liquid ready-to-use control is the longer open vial stability when compared to both lyophilised and liquid frozen controls. With many lyophilised and liquid frozen controls, the open vial stability can vary and generally is around 7 days when fully thawed or reconstituted in comparison to 28 days with a liquid ready-to-use control.

Randox Quality Control – Liquid Ready-to-Use Control Portfolio

The Randox QC portfolio – better known as Acusera – is convenient, hassle-free and cost effective. Our liquid ready-to-use control range includes; Liquid Cardiac, Blood Gas, Liquid Urine, Urinalysis, Specific Protein, Ammonia Ethanol, Haematology, Liquid HbA1c, Liquid CSF & Liquid Tumour Markers.

For further information on Randox Quality Control or our range of liquid ready-to-use controls please email us at acusera@randox.com.

Register your interest

Randox QC Liquid ready-to-use controls

RIQAS Standard Report

There are a variety of RIQAS reports designed to enable quick and easy identification of any trends or test system issues. The standard quantitative report is provided in a user-friendly, one page per parameter format allowing a visual, at-a-glance assessment of performance. The standard quantitative report is split into several easy to interpret subsections each designed to save valuable laboratory time.

You can explore each of the report sections using the table below. Don’t forget, to enlarge the image, simply click on it.


RIQAS Reports Features

Performance data is presented in a simple one page format for each analyte. Each one page report comprises seven sub-reports providing a statistical and graphical representation of laboratory performance.

(Click to enlarge)

The text section provides a statistical breakdown of results by all methods, your method and instrument group. The Mean, CV% and Uncertainty or Measurement is presented for each comparison group.

Your laboratory’s result is compared to the Mean for Comparison (usually the instrument group Mean). Also included are the RIQAS performance indicators; SDI, Target Score and %Deviation.

Acceptable performance criteria:

  • SDI <2
  • Target Score >50
  • %Deviation

The defined acceptable limits default to the RIQAS TDPA values but may be based on CLIA, biological variation or country specific limits.

Performance goals based on Biological Variation are also stated within the text section for information purposes.


(Click to enlarge)

The histogram chart provides an overview of how your laboratory’s result compares to the all method group, your method group and your instrument group. Your result is represented by a black triangle; the closer to the centre the better.

The chart is intended to provide a quick visualisation of performance compared to other method groups and can be used to identify any potential bias.

(Click to enlarge)

The Levey-Jennings chart plots the last 20 SDI’s and is extremely useful for monitoring EQA performance over time, allowing quick and easy identification of any trends or bias. The chart is colour coded making interpretation simple and easy; results that fall in the white area are excellent and those in the red area unacceptable.

(Click to enlarge)

The Target Score (TS) chart is a unique chart which displays your laboratory’s last 20 target scores delivering an instant, visual indication of performance. The TS chart is conveniently colour coded for even easier performance assessment, a TS >50 is acceptable. The TS is a numerical index relating your %Deviation from the mean to a Target Deviation for Performance Assessment (TDPA).

(Click to enlarge)

The %Deviation by sample chart displays the %Deviation for the last 20 EQA samples enabling identification of trends and shifts in performance. Similar to the other charts on the RIQAS report, the %Deviation by sample chart is shaded to indicate the limit of acceptable performance. A black dot within the white section of the chart will represent results with a %Deviation within your acceptable limits of performance; a black dot within the red section of the chart will represent results with a %Deviation outside your acceptable limits of performance. %Deviations are not influenced by the performance of your peers, as seen with the standard deviation index (SDI) and therefore is a better indicator of individual performance.

(Click to enlarge)

The %Deviation by concentration chart enables easy detection of possible concentration related biases. Unlike the other charts provided on the report, the %Deviation by concentration chart displays the concentration range of the previous 20 samples along the bottom of the chart.

Using this scale along with the percentage deviation, you are provided with a rapid assessment of your %Deviation in relation to the concentration of the:

• Current sample (represented by a square)
• Your 19 previous results (represented by circles)

This chart provides an easy interpretation of potential positive or negative biases at high or low concentrations, or whether a particular sample is a random outlier.

(Click to enlarge)

The Multi Method Stat Section provides you with an easy way of assessing the performance of the other methods used to analyse the parameter. This is useful when your laboratory plans to change the analytical method used for the parameter.

(Click to enlarge)

Located at the back of the standard quantitative report, our quick reference summary page details the performance for each registered parameter in the programme.

Within the performance column, RIQAS provides an effortless method of assessing the performance of each parameter within the sample distribution. When a red triangle appears next to the parameter, this indicates that all performance indicators (SDI, TS and %DEV) have exceeded the performance criteria.

The performance indicator limits for each parameter are exceeded when your result produces:
• An SDI greater than +/- 2 standard deviations.
• A Target Score less than 50 (only when Target Scoring is available)
• A %Deviation greater than your set acceptable limits of performance.

(Click to enlarge)

A summary CSV file is available on request to all participating laboratories. The report provides a summary of all statistics, acceptable limits and performance indicators as a .csv file for each sample in the cycle.

A retrospective statistics summary is also available, four weeks after the final submission date for parameters where a result was not submitted on time.

Acusera Internal Quality Control Analyte List

Quality Control is our passion; we believe in producing high quality material that can help streamline procedures, whilst saving time and money for laboratories of all sizes and budgets. With an extensive product offering comprising third party controls and calibrators, interlaboratory data management, external quality assessment, and calibration verification, you can count on Randox to deliver trustworthy results time and time again. Just ask one of our 60,000 users worldwide.

Our Acusera Internal Quality Control A – Z analyte list highlights how comprehensive our Acusera product portfolio is. Search through the list to see if we have the analyte you require.

Acusera Parameter List


17β Clostebol
1-25-(OH₂)-Vitamin D
25-OH-Vitamin D


α-1-Acid Glycoprotein
α-1-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
α-2-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
α-Fetoprotein (AFP)
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme)
Acid Phosphatase (Non-Prostatic)
Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic)
Acid Phosphatase (Total)
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
Albumin (Electrophoresis)
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Amylase (Pancreatic)

Anti-HIV 1 / 2
Anti-HTLV 1 / 2
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Spike
Anti-Streptolysin (ASO)
Anti-Thyroglobulin (Anti-TG)
Anti-Thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO)
Anti-Thrombin III (AT III)
Apolipoprotein A-I
Apolipoprotein A-II
Apolipoprotein B
Apolipoprotein C-II
Apolipoprotein C-III
Apolipoprotein E


β-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
Basophils (BASO)
Basophils % (% BASO)
Bile Acids
Bilirubin (Direct)
Bilirubin (Total)
Bone Alkaline Phosphatase (B-ALP)
Borrelia burgdorferi IgG
Borrelia burgdorferi IgM
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)


CA 15-3
CA 19-9
CA 72-4
CA 125
Cholesterol (HDL)
Cholesterol (LDL)
Cholesterol (Total)
CK (Total)
Complement C3
Complement C4
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM
Cystatin C






E-Selectin (E-SEL)
Eosinophils (EOS)
% Eosinophils (% EOS)
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EBNA IgG
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) IgM
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) VCA IgG


Factor II
Factor V
Factor VII
Factor VIII
Factor IX
Factor X
Factor XI
Factor XII



γ-Globulin (Electrophoresis)
Gestagens (Generic)
Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel)
Glutathione Reductase
Growth Hormone (GH)


Haematocrit (HCT)
Haemoglobin (HGB)
Haemoglobin (Total)
Haemolysis (H)
Haemopioetic Progenitor Cell (HPC)
Free β-hCG
Total β-hCG
Helicobacter pylori IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) IgM
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) IgM
HIV-1 P24Ag


Icterus (I)
Immature Granulocytes (IG)
% Immature Granulocytes (% IG)
Immature Myeloid Information (IMI)
Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF)
Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
High Sensitivity Immunoglobulin A (hsIgA)
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
High Sensitivity Immunoglobulin G (hsIgG)
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
High Sensitivity Immunoglobulin M (hsIgM)
Inhibin A
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-I (ICAM-I)
Interferon-γ (IFN-γ)
Interleukin-Ia (IL-la)
Interleukin-1β (IL-1β)
Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
Interleukin-4 (IL-4)
Interleukin-5 (IL-5)
Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Interleukin-8 (IL-8)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10)
Interleukin-15 (IL-15)
Iron (TIBC)
Iron (UIBC)


Kappa Light Chain



L-Selectin (L-SEL)
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
Lambda Light Chain
Lambda Light Chain (Free)
Lipemia (L)
Lipoprotein (a)
Luteinising Hormone (LH)
Lymphocytes (LYMPH)
% Lymphocytes (% LYMPH)


Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9)
Measles IgG
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH)
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1a (MIP-1a)
Monocytes (MONO)
Monocytes % (% MONO)
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1)
Mumps IgG

Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α (MIP-1α)
Monocytes (MONO)
Monocytes % (% MONO)
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1)
Morphine (Opiates)


N-MID Osteocalcin (OC)
Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE)
Neutrophils (NEUT)
Neutrophils % (% NEUT)
Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin (NGAL)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBC)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells % (% NRBC)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells X (NRBC-X)
Nucleated Red Blood Cells Y (NRBC-Y)




P-Selectin (P-SEL)
Phosphate (Inorganic)
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor
Platelet Distribution Width (PDW)
Platelet Large Cell Ratio (P-LCR)
Plateletcrit (PCT)
Platelet (PLT)
Platelet Optical Count (PLT-O)
Procollagen Type 1 N-Terminal Propeptide (P1NP)
Protein C
Protein S
Protein (Total)
Prothrombin Time (PT)
Pyridinium Crosslinks
PSA (Total)
PSA (Free)
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)
PTH (Intact)




Red Blood Cell Y (RBC-Y)
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width CV (RDW-CV)
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width SD (RDW-SD)
Retinol Binding Protein (RBP)
Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
Rubella IgG
Rubella IgM


Semicarbazine (SEM)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Soluble IL-2 Receptor α (sIL-2Rα)
Soluble IL-6 Receptor (sIL-6R)
Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR)
Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (sTNFR I)
Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor 11 (sTNFR I1)
Specific Gravity
Superoxide Dismutase (Ransod)


T Uptake
T3 (Free)
T4 (Free)
T3 (Total)
T4 (Total)
Testosterone (Free)
Tetracyclines (Generic)
Thrombin Time (TT)
Total Antioxidant Status (TAS)
Toxoplasma gondii IgG
Toxoplasma gondii IgM
Treponema pallidum (Syphilis) IgG
Troponin I
Troponin T
Tumour Necrosis Factor α (TNFα)


Unconjugated Estriol
Uric Acid (Urate)


Valproic acid
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA)
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
Vitamin B₁₂


White Blood Cells (WBC)
White Blood Cells Differential (WBC-D)



Get your teeth into a Randox commutable control this Halloween

Get your teeth into a Randox commutable control this Halloween

It is that time of year again – when people dress up, children trick-or-treat and many a scary story is told in households around the world. An age-old tradition celebrated globally by millions of people – it can only be Halloween.

Last year Randox QC brought you the truly scary story about a laboratory who chose not to use a third party control, but eventually “treated their laboratory to a true third party control”. This year, we have another scary story for you about a lab manager in Transylvania, Dr. Acula.

It was a normal, busy day in the lab for Dr. Acula. That was until it was time to change reagent batch, after changing batch of reagent Dr. Acula was shocked to find his QC results had shifted by over 20%.  This left Dr. Acula very frustrated, having to spend precious time troubleshooting and reassigning QC targets. After troubleshooting showed no apparent root cause, Dr. Acula searched the internet for an answer finally stumbling upon an educational guide from Randox Quality Control on commutability and its many benefits to the lab.

Grinning from ear-to-ear with excitement, Dr. Acula began to read the guide in the hope of finding a solution to his problem – and solutions he found. While reading the guide, Dr. Acula came across a quote from ISO 15189:2012.  It read that laboratories “must use quality control materials that react to the examining system in a manner as close as possible to the patient sample”.

Dr. Acula made a decision to look for a commutable control material that met all of his requirements and he didn’t have to search very far. Randox Quality Control were able to supply Dr. Acula and his laboratory with a QC material to meet all his needs – true third party, excellent stability, consistency and consolidation but most importantly of all commutable controls.  The fact all Randox immunoassay and immunology controls are manufactured from 100% human material appealed to Dr. Acula a lot.  After trialing the Randox control material alongside patient samples and comparing results between reagent batches, Dr. Acula was thrilled with the results.

Labs rely heavily on quality control to detect errors in their test system and to ultimately make critical decisions regarding the accuracy and reliability of patient test results, the use of a control that reacts to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample is therefore essential.

At Randox Quality Control we take quality seriously. All our QC products are manufactured to the highest possible standard ensuring controls of unrivalled quality time and time again. Designed to be commutable, the Acusera range will ensure accurate and reliable instrument performance while simultaneously helping laboratories meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements.

Just ask Dr. Acula, who likes our 100% human controls so much he has started to drink them himself!

Randox and partners announce opening of £7m Advanced Biomedical Devices laboratory

Randox Laboratories is pleased to announce the opening of a state-of-the-art Advanced Biomedical Engineering Laboratory today, the result of an innovative partnership with some of Northern Ireland’s leading business and education stakeholders.

The strategic collaboration with Invest Northern Ireland, Ulster University and Heartsine Technologies to develop the £7 million laboratory aims to transform the future of healthcare. The lab, which is based at Ulster University, will offer expertise and state of the art equipment to assist companies to develop prototypes for the biomedical, engineering, electronic device and aerospace sectors.

Welcoming the new lab, Dr Peter FitzGerald from Randox Laboratories said: “As one of the UK’s leading life sciences companies, we are delighted to be a partner in this innovative collaboration and to promote Northern Ireland as a global life sciences hub. We believe the greatest improvements to patients’ lives are possible through the continuous development of new technologies.

“This unique laboratory will facilitate that, as it will allow the rapid development of test prototype devices and also assist us to expand our unique range of high-calibre analyser systems.”

Tracey Meharg, Invest NI’s Executive Director of Business Solutions said: “The new Bio Devices Lab is a welcome and exciting development for Northern Ireland’s Health & Life Sciences sector. The facility will open up opportunities for stronger innovation by hosting a suite of equipment which will allow companies to quickly develop prototypes and medical devices for testing.

“It is a great example of how partnerships between government, industry and academia can enhance Northern Ireland as a knowledge economy and boost the credibility and visibility of Northern Ireland as a global leader in connected health.”  

Prof Jim McLaughlin from Ulster University said: Developing technology platforms to help translate our world class science and discovery to a device format as promptly as possible is essential for the very best design and performance.

“In healthcare technology, Ulster University leads the way in the development of new patient monitoring systems, stimulation devices, wearable solutions and diagnostic sensing.

“The lab will enable our researchers to develop the strong leadership and innovation skills so critical to future industry growth, working in collaboration with our industry partners.”

The total investment is £7.4m. Invest NI has offered assistance of £3.7m through a Grant for R&D, with Ulster University contributing £2.9m and £716,000 invested through industry collaborations with Randox Laboratories and Heartsine Technologies. Invest NI’s R&D support is part funded by ERDF under the EU Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020.

Celebrating the opening of the Advanced Biomedical Engineering Laboratory are (from left) Professor Brian Meenan, Ulster University; Tracy Meharg, Invest NI; Professor Jim McLaughlin, Ulster University; and Stuart McGregor, Randox Laboratories

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