Vacancies available in support of the COVID-19 National Testing Programme
Vacancies available in support of the COVID-19 National Testing Programme

17 September 2020
Vacancies available in support of the COVID-19 National Testing Programme
Vacancies available in support of the COVID-19 National Testing Programme
There’s no doubt that coronavirus is having a devastating effect across the globe.
But here in Northern Ireland there’s a company making a real impact in the fight against COVID-19. And you can be part of it.
Randox Laboratories, in County Antrim, has partnered with the government on its programme for coronavirus testing across Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.
The programme, which in its first few weeks was focused primarily on staff working within the NHS, and then on key workers, is now available to anyone living across the UK who has symptoms of coronavirus.
Randox are providing high volume laboratory testing of potential COVID-19 samples in its laboratories at the Randox Science Park in Antrim.
It’s an enormous task, but one that Randox is well-equipped to handle. In 2019, Randox manufactured over 3 billion tests and exported to 145 countries. Its new headquarters, the result of a £161 million investment, houses state-of-the-art laboratories and the latest innovations in health diagnostic technology.
The company stepped up to support the government’s testing programme without hesitation.
Across the COVID-19 testing process, a multi-disciplinary team work collaboratively and assiduously to provide optimal support to the national response to COVID-19.
It begins with the production of Randox’s Biochip, a patented testing technology which can run multiple diagnostic tests simultaneously.
Upon identifying the latest strain of coronavirus as a significant global threat, and by drawing on almost 40 years of experience as a world-leading diagnostics company, Randox developed a new Biochip for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in a greatly accelerated time frame of just two weeks. The new Randox Biochip processes two coronavirus tests simultaneously – one specific and one confirmatory – as recommended by the World Health Organisation.
The firm’s team of talented scientists continue to develop these COVID-19 Biochips on an unparalleled scale, in preparation for testing of samples from across the UK.
Meanwhile, specialist engineers design and build the coronavirus testing platforms used to conduct the tests when they arrive at the laboratory.
Randox recently announced it was hiring 160 mechanical, electrical and manufacturing engineers to work on the fast-tracked development of newly designed molecular analysers used to detect the presence of COVID-19.
And the company is also recruiting for positions in Manufacturing and Science, and in particular scientists who have experience in a diagnostic laboratory, in support of Randox’s role within the government testing programme for COVID-19.
These scientists will be exposed to molecular testing techniques including DNA extraction, PCR techniques and Biochip technology, in order to process samples that arrive at the laboratory for testing.
Everyone at Randox has a vital role to play in the practical application of COVID-19 testing. For Scientists, Engineers and those with experience in Manufacturing, Randox’s recruitment drive is a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in the fight against COVID-19. Successful applicants will contribute directly both to saving lives and assisting the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
To find out more about the positions available for Randox’s COVID-19 testing project, visit
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We Are Randox | How Sean Mills became Production Supervisor at Randox
We Are Randox | How Sean Mills became Freeze Dry Production Supervisor at Randox
In support of our new £30m COVID-19 laboratories, we are hiring 200 new staff across Engineering, Manufacturing and Science.
For an idea of what it’s like to work in Manufacturing at Randox, we spoke to Freeze Dry Production Supervisor Sean Mills.
Sean spoke to us about what his job entails, the skills required for the role, and what advice he would give someone on their first day of a new job.
Name: Sean Mills
Job Title: Supervisor
Department: Freeze Dry Production
Sean, what route did you take to get your job?
At school my favorite subjects were Biology and Physical Education, and though I completed my A-levels, I turned down the opportunity to go to the university I had selected. I just knew that going to university was not for me. I had previous work experience working in a laboratory, having volunteered in the Belfast City Hospital labs, as well as some other manufacturing experience from various summer jobs, so I applied for a Manufacturing Operative job with Randox. I started with the company on 3rd November 2008 and have progressed throughout the department. I worked my way up to Laboratory Technician, then Lead Laboratory Technician, and now Departmental Supervisor.
Can you give us a quick summary of what your job entails?
My main responsibility is the day-to-day running of the Randox Freeze Dry Production team, which starts every day with a morning meeting to go over our schedule. I review our workload, determine what sites we will be working at, and delegate tasks to different members of the team. I also check if there were any issues from the previous day that we need to look at. As Supervisor I liaise with the Planning Team to manage our work to meet production deadlines, and with the Purchasing and Stock departments to order materials that we need to complete our work. I like to be practical and hands-on so in addition to my administrative duties I also do manual work like loading and unloading freeze driers.
Is this what you always wanted to do?
When I was younger I was unsure what I wanted to do for full time employment but this is my 12th year as part of the Randox family and I am so glad I chose to work here. It has been a fantastic environment in a dynamic role that continues to challenge me every year. In February this year I was really proud to be named Randox Employee of the Year 2020.
Were there any particular essential qualifications or experience needed?
For the job I originally applied for there were no specific requirements other than a GCSE in Maths and English. Given the work we do, I would definitely say that an understanding of Maths and English are important.
Are there alternative routes into the job?
One of the great things about Randox is that you can change roles internally if you want to try a new discipline or have a new experience. As such there is a real mix of backgrounds across all teams in the company. Some people join us after university or after working for other companies, and others like myself begin their careers here and then progress within their department.
What are the main personal skills your job requires?
Organisational and numerical skills, as well as excellent communication and good time management, are definitely essential in my role. The ability to follow health and safety procedures and work off your own initiative are also key.
What are the best and most challenging aspects of the job?
Having worked within manufacturing for over 10 years now I am no stranger to a lot of hard work in order to meet a deadline. These pressure situations are something I enjoy as they allow you to think of ways to improve manufacturing processes. I am lucky I work with a fantastic team and have a great manager who has also worked his way up in the department. He is a great mentor.
Why is what you do important?
My team are responsible for manufacturing the highest quality product to facilitate patient diagnosis. My own role specifically is important to keep the team motivated and ensure everything is in place to allow them to complete their job. I am here to train new staff, help problem solve, and use my experience to support my team when they need it.
If you weren’t doing this what would you like to do?
If I wasn’t working in Manufacturing I would like to work in the Police or Fire Service.
What is the one piece of advice you would give to yourself on your first day?
To anyone about to begin their first day in a new job I would give reassurance that they don’t need to be nervous. I would also encourage asking as many questions as possible until you are 100 percent sure what you’re doing and what’s expected from you. With any job there is always something new to learn and people you can learn from. No one knows everything, and everyone needs a little help now and again.
Describe your ideal day off.
On my ideal day off I would get up early to play a round of golf or go to the gym. Then I would spend the day with my partner, enjoy a nice meal and end the day by watching a movie.
And finally, what’s the key to any successful job search?
I have been happily working at Randox for almost 12 years, so I think that means my last job search was a successful one! My advice would be to apply for a job that excites or interests you.
We are delighted to have Sean with us at Randox as part of our hard-working manufacturing team.
For current vacancies at Randox please visit
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We Are Randox | Sean Mills named Randox Employee of the Year at 2020 Manufacturing Awards Dinner
Randox Freeze Drying Production Supervisor Sean Mills has been named Randox Employee of the Year.
Sean’s award was announced on Friday 7th February 2020, when all Randox manufacturing departments gathered together at The Hilton Hotel in Templepatrick, to connect with colleagues and celebrate the success of their teams at the annual Randox Manufacturing Awards Dinner.
Pauline Bradley, Operations Manager began the evening with an opening address, and thanked all attendees for their hard work;
“Each year our manufacturing department grows in strength and this is thanks to the people working in it. I am proud to be standing here to recognise our collective capabilities as a team and to celebrate our hard work – with good food and great company.”
An overview of the year’s manufacturing successes were shared, and everyone looked forward to the activities for the year ahead.
A selection of awards that were announced on the night are included below;
- Newcomer of the Year was awarded to Katarzyna Bronisz by Manager Debbie Moses
- Adherence to company procedure was awarded to Kyle Westwater by Manager Eamon Morris
- Excellence under pressure was awarded to AJ Gorman by Manager Pauline Bradley
Following the presentation of these awards, all attention turned to Operations Manager Pauline Bradley to announce the prestigious Employee of the Year Award.
We are delighted to be able to share that this award went to Sean Mills of our Freeze Drying Production Department.
Sean commented;
“I’m really proud to be able to say that I am Randox Employee of the Year. I work in such a talented and hard-working team at Randox, so I know there must have been fierce competition. It was a real pleasure to be able to receive this award surrounded by my colleagues and friends as we enjoyed a lovely evening together and I would like to thank everybody who has congratulated me over the past number of days. All the work we do at Randox is truly a team effort and so my award is as much for my team members within the Freeze Drying Department as it is for me. I wouldn’t be able to do my job without them.”
Sean’s Manager Eamon Morris closed the night by congratulating Sean, and saying;
“I am delighted that Sean’s efforts and excellence were recognised on the night of the Manufacturing Awards. I know of nobody who has a dissenting word about him and I think that speaks volumes about the way he conducts himself at work – very professional and always with a smile. He absolutely epitomises someone who ‘goes the extra mile’ and over the years has proved to be a real asset to the Production team. He has a fantastic work ethic and strives daily to learn and improve.”
For more information about the Manufacturing Awards please contact Randox PR by email: or phone 028 9442 2413
Ā£700,000 UK government investment in Randox R&D
A £700,000 UK Research and Innovation investment into manufacturing processes at Randox means patients could benefit from quicker, cheaper and more consistent diagnosis of diseases.
The announcement comes exactly one year after the government launched its modern Industrial Strategy – the long-term plan to boost productivity by backing businesses to create high-quality, well-paid jobs in every corner of the United Kingdom.
The Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) award, administered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), will allow Randox Laboratories to further develop its state-of-the-art ‘freeze-drying’ technology which enables the components of vital diagnostic kits to be manufactured, stored and transported more effectively, producing better and speedier diagnoses.
For the first time it also allows this complicated manufacturing process to be carried out in the UK rather than having to be outsourced to countries such as the United States, bringing more jobs and economic growth. These new genomic analysis tools also have the potential to make a major impact in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance by identifying and quickly sharing information about resistant microbial strains.
More in-depth analysis of biomarkers in blood and other bodily fluid levels will allow better, quicker diagnosis of cancers and a range of other diseases, ranging from respiratory infections to sepsis, such as blood poisoning.
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland said:
“I am delighted to announce a £700,000k UK Government investment in Randox, a multinational life sciences company in County Antrim. This funding will bring significant benefits to Randox’s vital medical diagnostics and help create well-paid manufacturing jobs in Northern Ireland.
“A year-on from the launch of our Modern Industrial Strategy, this investment highlights the great progress we are making to boost productivity by backing leading businesses and creating high-quality jobs in every corner of the United Kingdom.”
John Penrose, Minister of State for Northern Ireland, who visited Randox today to mark the new investment, said:
“Everyone always says the UK needs more high-tec, high-value added manufacturing and the high-skilled, high-waged jobs it brings. But Randox are actually doing it right here in Northern Ireland. This is properly world leading, cutting-edge industry and I’m delighted that today’s money is helping bring the vision to life.”
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented:
“Innovative diagnostic technologies are not only capable of diagnosing disease and ill-health at the earliest possible stage, but they also have a real potential to advance personalised medicine. Our commitment to developing new and exciting breakthroughs in science, technology, engineering and manufacturing is therefore matched only, by our passion to transform the life of the patient. Randox is leading the way in moving from a one-size-fits-all approach towards decisions, practices, and products tailored to the needs of the individual and the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund award brings us one step closer to realising that aim.”
Funded through UK Research and Innovation, the award forms part of the ISCF Early Diagnosis and Precision Medicine programme, focusing on the use of diagnostic information and genetic analysis to drive more personalised healthcare. Innovate UK, now part of UK Research and Innovation, has supported Randox extensively since 2010, helping grow and scale an innovative diagnostics company who are now distributing their products all over the world.
The announcement comes after the government’s announcement of the Life Sciences Sector Deal that will support healthcare innovation and back businesses to create high-paid, high-quality jobs as part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy. The deal signals a vote in confidence in UK industry, with global biopharmaceutical company UCB investing around £1 billion in research and development.
For further information please contact Randox PR by emailing
Randox Teoranta set to host Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Career Open Day on Christmas Eve
Do you have a flair for science? Are you an electronic, mechanical or software engineering expert? Or, perhaps, you are a mastermind of manufacturing know-how. There are world-leading careers on offer for world-leading candidates at Randox Teoranta in Dungloe this December.
That’s the message that global diagnostics firm Randox Teoranta wants to send to students, graduates and experienced professionals alike as it opens its doors to the public once again on Monday 24th December 2018.
Held from 9am to 12noon, the morning is an opportunity for those interested in science, engineering, software development and manufacturing roles in Donegal to have a tour of the state-of-the-art facility and chat with Randox Teoranta staff members about the careers on offer.
Randox Teoranta is particularly passionate about attracting back those who have left Ireland to find careers further afield due to lack of opportunities in their particular vocations. Dream careers in science, engineering and manufacturing are available on the doorstep in Dungloe.
Dr. Ciaran Richardson, Head of Research & Development at Randox Teoranta, commented;
“At Randox Teoranta, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of healthcare and diagnostic capabilities, allowing us to offer world-class career opportunities in the heart of Donegal.
“Our scientists are working on a range of research projects which will lead to quicker diagnoses of conditions such as stroke, gastrointestinal disorders and chronic kidney disease. In 2016, our scientists even developed a pioneering new test to determine a patient’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
“There are also opportunities for software developers, electronic & embedded systems engineers, validation and mechanical engineers as our technology continues to advance to accommode our scientific breakthroughs.
“Our manufacturing department also boasts a number of competitive roles which are essential to Randox Teoranta’s continuation as a world leader in healthcare diagnostics and associated technology.
“There are fantastic career opportunities here in one of the most beautiful parts of the world – and the quality of life is second-to-none.”
There are a wide variety of career opportunities available at Randox Teoranta. From placement opportunities for college and university students to graduate roles in a variety of fields, young scientists and engineers have the opportunity to get their ‘big break’ on the career ladder with a globally-recognised company.
There are also opportunities for experienced and driven individuals looking for a smart career move. Randox Teoranta offer competitive salaries, career progression, personal development and the opportunity to work in a cutting-edge company paving the way in ground-breaking global health diagnostics.
Healthcare shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all. Neither should your career.
Randox Teoranta’s Open Morning will take place on Monday 24th December 2018 from 9:00 until 12:00 at Randox Teoranta, Meenmore, Dungloe, Co. Donegal.
Students, graduates and experienced professionals are welcome to visit along with their family and friends. Potential candidates are welcome to bring their CV on the day or email it to
Booking is not required, however, more information, including directions, can be found by searching Randox at
More information about the open day can also be found by contacting +353 7495 22600 or emailing
We Are Randox | Meet the team in Bangalore, India
Here at Randox, we’re a diverse bunch, spread over 145 countries in the world. We have more than 1400 employees of 44 nationalities, including 300 research scientists and engineers. Needless to say, the Randox family is a multicultural one!
We have four key manufacturing and R&D sites – in County Antrim, Northern Ireland; Dungloe, County Donegal, Ireland; Bangalore, India; and the Greater Washington DC area, in the U.S. This month, our We Are Randox article focuses on the team in Bangalore.
Randox India, located alongside other high-tech industries based in Bangalore, consists of 37 office staff and 77 field staff, including customer support engineers and sales managers. A base for administration, sales and manufacturing in India, the Bangalore site, set in the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka, services the 3.3 million square kilometre country.
Photographed are members of the Randox team in Bangalore from the following departments;
- Accounts and Finance
- Customer Support Engineers
- Logistics and Trading
- Manufacturing
- Quality Control
- Research & Development
- Administration
- Travel
- Human Resources
Brian Walsh, Manufacturing Manager at Randox India, said:
“The photograph below was taken during this year’s Diwali, which is the Hindu festival of lights celebrated every year in autumn in the northern hemisphere. Danny Maguire, who is based in Ardmore at Randox HQ, was over on business at the time and joined us in celebrating this cultural tradition.
“It is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, and spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.
“We all really enjoyed having Danny with us and sharing some of our customs and values with him, many of which our team members based in other sites across Randox would not know about.
“We hope to welcome many more of our colleagues from across the globe to Randox India in the near future!”

Want to know what it’s like to work in Bangalore? Read all about when we met up with Pankaj Chitkara, who is our National Sales Manager for the RX Series in India.
For further information on the Randox Bangalore team, please contact the Randox PR team via email: or phone 028 9442 2413
We Are Randox | Kathleen Keery named Randox Employee of the Year 2016 at the 3rd Annual Manufacturing Awards Dinner
Randox Packing Department Team Member Kathleen Keery has been named Randox Employee of the Year 2016.
Her award was announced on Friday 24th February 2017, when 139 staff from 34 manufacturing departments of Randox gathered together at The Templeton Hotel in Templepatrick, to connect with colleagues and celebrate the success of their teams at the annual Randox Manufacturing Awards Dinner.
John Campbell, Senior Manager began the evening with his opening address, and thanked all attendees for their hard work;
“Each year our manufacturing department grows in strength and this is thanks to the people working in it. I am proud to be standing here to recognise our collective capabilities as a team and to celebrate our hard work – with good food and great company.”
Lean Co-Ordinator, Mark Campbell then shared an overview of the year’s manufacturing successes, and looked forward to the activities for the year ahead.
On the night, the following awards were presented:
- Employee of the Month October 2016 was awarded to Jeanette Robb within our Packing Department.
- Employee of the Month November 2016 was won by Lisa McHendry of our Conjugate / Antibody Production Team.
- December 2016’s Employee of the Month was Gareth Bushe of Randox Speciality Controls.
- The Randox Logistics Department was then named as Department of the Year 2016.
Following the presentation of these awards, all attention turned to Senior Manager John Campbell to announce the prestigious Employee of the Year Award 2016.
We are delighted to be able to share that this award went to Kathleen Keery of our Packing Department.
Kathleen commented;
“I am beyond proud to be able to say that I am Randox Employee of the Year 2016. I work in such a talented and hard-working team at Randox, so I know there must have been fierce competition! It was an incredible honour to be able to receive this award surrounded by my colleagues and friends and I would like to thank everybody who has congratulated me over the past number of days. All the work we do at Randox is truly a team effort and so my award is as much for my team members within the Packing Department as it is for me. I wouldn’t be able to do my job without them!”
John Campbell closed the night by congratulating Kathleen, and the Logistics team;
“I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate our award winners this evening – particularly the Logistics Team and Kathleen Keery – and to thank you all for the important part you play in making Randox a global leader in the diagnostics industry – manufacturing our products that we distribute all over the globe. Let’s look forward to an exciting and prosperous 2017 together, and I hope you enjoy the evening!”
For more information about the Manufacturing Awards please contact Randox PR by email: or phone 028 9442 2413