Featured Reagent – Microalbumin
Featured Reagent – Microalbumin
Featured Reagent | Microalbumin
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What is Microalbumin?
Albumin is the most common protein found in the blood and is produced in the liver, it helps your body maintain fluid balance. To prevent fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels a proper balance of albumin is needed. Albumin also carries vital nutrients and hormones, and provides your body with the proteins it needs to maintain growth and repair tissues.
A urine microalbumin test is a test to detect very small levels of albumin in the urine. This test can detect early signs of kidney damage. Microalbumin tests are recommended for people with an increased risk of kidney disease, such as those with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
Healthy kidneys filter waste from your blood and hang on to the healthy components, including proteins such as albumin. Kidney damage can cause proteins to leak through your kidneys and exit your body in your urine. Albumin is one of the first proteins to leak when kidneys become damaged.
Features of Microalbumin
Immunoturbidimetric method
Liquid ready-to-use reagents
Stable to expiry at 2-8°C
Measuring range 5.11-234 mg/l
Applications available for a wide number of clinical chemistry analysers. Please contact us at reagents@randox.com for more information.
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Metabolic Syndrome Array from Randox Biosciences
20 December 2019
Metabolic Syndrome Array from Randox Biosciences
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
According to the NHS, it occurs when a person has three or more of the following measurements1:
- Abdominal obesity (Waist circumference of greater than 40 inches in men, and greater than 35 inches in women)
- Triglyceride level of 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) or greater
- HDL cholesterol of less than 40 mg/dL in men or less than 50 mg/dL in women
- Systolic blood pressure (top number) of 130 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or greater, or diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) of 85 mm Hg or greater
- Fasting glucose of 100 mg/dL or greater
Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that affects about 23 percent of adults and places them at higher risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and diseases related to atherosclerosis in arterial walls.2 The underlying causes include obesity, physical inactivity, genetic factors and aging. 3
Randox offers 10 metabolic syndrome biomarkers over 2 panels enabling multiplex testing to be performed on Randox Biochip Technology. One patient sample is required per test enabling multiple results. Biochip Technology powers the Randox Investigator, a semi-automated benchtop immunoassay analyser.
Metabolic Syndrome Array I
- Ferritin
- Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
- Insulin
- Leptin
- Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
- Resistin
- Tumour Necrosis Factor α (TNFα)
Metabolic Syndrome Array II
- Adiponectin
- C-reactive Protein (CRP)
- Cystatin C
Key Benefits of the Metabolic Syndrome Array
Biochip Array Technology allows multiplex testing from one patient sample
- Applicable to fully automated and semi-automated Evidence analysers
- Biochips are ready to use, thus saving time, labour and resources
- Rapid turnaround time
- Validated for both serum and plasma samples – suitable for clinical research studies
- Small sample volume – 100μl to measure all analytes on each array
- Excellent analytical performance
- Multi-analyte controls and calibrators
- Highly efficient use of valuable patient sample banks
- No non-specific aggregation, which is associated with multi-analyte bead assays
- Can be used in the investigation of insulin resistance, pro‑thrombotic state, abnormal body fat distribution, pro‑inflammatory state and atherogenic dyslipidaemia
Randox Biochip Technology is an intelligent chemically activated 9x9mm ceramic biochip which acts as a solid phase reaction vessel. The biochip is spotted with multiple antibodies offering multiplex testing.
The good news is that if you discover that your metabolic health is sub-optimal you can improve it through a combination of diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments from 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise 5-7 times a week to quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake.
Randox can assist your metabolic research by providing innovative diagnostic technology and tests that will continue to revolutionise the healthcare landscape and assist in academic research. This technology includes our Evidence Investigator and our Metabolic Syndrome Array I and Array II which can be used to assist you in the discovery and research of Metabolic diseases.
For more information visit Randox Biosciences or email info@randoxbiosciences.com
1 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/metabolic-syndrome/
3 https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/conditions/cardiovascular/metabolic-syndrome
Diabetes diagnosis with Randox Reagents
The prevalence of diabetes is steadily increasing across the world, with approximately 422million people worldwide with diabetes and is currently one of the leading causes of death in the world. A diabetes diagnosis comes in three forms; Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes. Each type of diabetes can have long-term, detrimental effects to your health if it is not controlled, with some of the key complications being heart disease, kidney damage, retinopathy and even limb amputations.
Diabetes can be controlled through maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise, however in situations where complications occur, innovative testing can aid in the prevention and management of detrimental consequences to patients. Randox Reagents offer a range of high performance and unique tests which can be used to manage complications of diabetes such as:
Diabetic Nephropathy
Kidney disease is a life threatening complication of diabetes, commonly called diabetic nephropathy in patients with diabetes. Around 40% of people with diabetes develop diabetic nephropathy, characterised through prolonged periods of high glucose levels in the blood. To effectively monitor diabetic nephropathy, it is essential to test cystatin C levels in patients, which is a useful indicator of renal function in patients where creatinine measurements are unreliable. Unlike creatinine, cystatin C does not have a ‘blind area’ – up to 50% of renal function can be lost before significant creatinine elevation occurs. This makes cystatin C capable of detecting early stage kidney dysfunction in patients with diabetic nephropathy.
Microalbumin testing is also important to identify patients with diabetic nephropathy approximately 5-10 years earlier than proteinuria tests, helping to reduce the incidence of end stage renal disease. This is because low albumin concentrations in the urine are the earliest market of renal damage and therefore enable preventative measures to be taken.
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a severe complications of uncontrolled diabetes which contains a number of conditions which occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Metabolic syndrome can be monitored through measuring Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA), which are molecules released from triglycerides by the action of the enzyme lipase and are transported in the blood bound to albumin. NEFA contributes a small proportion of the body’s fat, however they provide a large part of its energy, with elevated concentrations having adverse effects on both carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
With the global burden of diabetes rising year on year, diabetes complications monitoring has never been more important. Randox Reagents offer a wide range of innovative testing to laboratories, to help clinicians accurately diagnose and monitor diabetes complications.
Download our diabetes brochures to find out about our full range of diabetes reagents
Randox reagents are available for a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers. For more information, please contact reagents@randox.com
Metabolic Syndrome Arrays from Randox Biosciences
17 September 2019
Metabolic Syndrome Arrays from Randox Biosciences
Metabolic syndrome is described as a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. As result of three health conditions going on, it puts the individual at greater risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke and many other risks. 1 As well as developing additional health conditions it can cause damage to the blood vessels, the blood pressure damages the blood vessels, the obesity causes a lot of strain on the blood vessels and the heart.2 Therefore, can result in serious long-term risks.
This serious health condition is very common, and studies state that it affects about 23% of adults. 3One in four adults in the UK are currently living with metabolic syndrome and often becomes more common with age2.
Usually it affects those who are overweight or considered obese, have an unbalanced diet containing high levels of sugar and fat and have high cholesterol and extremely high blood pressure2 therefore, the condition can be prevented by reducing the risks.
1 According to the NHS, metabolic syndrome occurs when a person has three or more of the following measurements:
-Abdominal obesity (Waist circumference of greater than 40 inches in men, and greater than 35 inches in women)
-Triglyceride level of 150 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL) or greater
– HDL cholesterol of less than 40 mg/dL in men or less than 50 mg/dL in women
– Systolic blood pressure (top number) of 130 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or greater, or diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) of 85 mm Hg or greater
There are many ways to prevent metabolic syndrome from developing, making lifestyle changes for example, ensuring their weight is healthy by increasing physical exercise, eating a well-balanced healthy diet containing whole grains, fruit, vegetables and fish and finally, visiting the GP to monitor and manage blood glucose, blood cholesterol and blood pressure, quit smoking and managing your stress.
Randox offers the Evidence Evolution including two Metabolic Syndrome Arrays which allows multiplex testing from a single sample allowing rapid turnaround time and are suitable for both serum and plasma samples.

Metabolic Syndrome Array I
- Ferritin
- Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
- Insulin
- Leptin
- Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
- Resistin
Metabolic Syndrome Array II
- Adiponectin
- C-reactive Protein (CRP)
- Cystatin C
For more information on our Evidence Series or Metabolic Syndrome Range of Assays, contact us at EvidenceSeries@randox.com
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/metabolic-syndrome/
- https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/conditions/cardiovascular/metabolic-syndrome
- http://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/metabolic-syndrome/about-metabolic-syndrome
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Detecting the earliest possible signs of type 2 diabetes
Randox Laboratories is this month driving awareness of diabetes and the need for early and accurate diagnosis to enable patients to take preventive action before the condition worsens.
Diabetes UK have stated that diabetes is the fastest growing health threat of our times and an urgent public health issue. Statistics show that since 1996, the number of people living with diabetes has more than doubled. It has been estimated that there are 1.1 million people living with diabetes in the UK that have yet to be diagnosed, including 84,836 people in Northern Ireland.
According to Diabetes UK around 700 people a day are diagnosed with diabetes, which equates to one person every two minutes. If nothing changes, it is estimated that diabetes will affect one in ten people by 2040. This will raise diabetes prevalence from 415 million to 642 million by 2040. With current treatment taking up almost 9% of the annual NHS budget – roughly £8.8bn a year – the implications for future healthcare budgets are clear if this dangerous trend persists.
The good news however, is that recent research has found that type 2 diabetes is preventable through lifestyle changes. The NHS recently released the UK’s National Diabetes Prevention Programme which is aimed at tackling the increasing growing threat of diabetes.
However, following a warning raised by an Oxford University study, which looked into efforts of this Prevention Programme, it was found that it is unlikely to have much impact because the blood tests used were inaccurate at detecting pre-diabetes – the stage at which diabetes is reversible.
The blood tests used in the National Diabetes Prevention Programme were only effective at detecting diabetes at a stage when damage had already been done.
At Randox, we have developed a number of tests that can help detect the earliest possible signs of diabetes, often before symptoms have even manifested – including a pioneering test for the hormone Adiponectin.
Assessing Adiponectin levels allows doctors to calculate a patient’s levels of visceral fat – a dangerous, internal fat stored around organs. This deep fat, which is not visible to the naked eye, is linked to health problems including Type-2 diabetes.
Low levels of adiponectin equate to high levels of visceral fat which can be combated by improving your diet, exercise habits and even stress levels. Given that 70% of Type-2 diabetes can be prevented by lifestyle changes, there is strong correlation that by detecting low levels of Adiponectin and taking corrective and preventive action, it could result in a decrease in the numbers of people who develop the life-altering condition.
In addition to a test for the Adiponectin biomarker, Randox Biosciences have created a Metabolic Syndrome Array that measures 12 markers associated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Metabolic Syndrome is a is a group of cardiovascular risk factors that affects over 20% of adults and results in a person being three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack, and five times more likely to develop diabetes.
Ultimately, we would like to see all medical professionals who are at the forefront of patient care armed with the most accurate diagnostic tools available. Updating traditional practice may not be easy but we believe it is imperative to do so, if we are to effectively challenge this global epidemic.
Randox remains focused on providing early diagnoses and preventing illnesses by providing innovative diagnostics tests that will continue to revolutionise the healthcare landscape.
For further information, please contact Randox PR by emailing randoxpr@randox.com or phoning 028 9442 2413.
Securing the future with in vitro diagnostic tests
The aim of Biomedical Science Day is to raise the public’s awareness of the importance of biomedical science and the vital role it plays in the world. Randox are dedicated to improving healthcare worldwide through placing a major focus on research and development. The Randox scientists work in pioneering research into a range of common illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
A recent blog from Doris-Ann Williams, the Chief Executive at BIVDA, explains how “increased funding is not enough to sustain the NHS” and how “we need to make better use of in vitro diagnostics to ensure a successful future”.
The National Health Service (NHS) is a publicly funded, primarily taxation, national healthcare system in the United Kingdom. It was first set-up on July 5th, 1948 by Aneurin Bevan as he believed that everyone, regardless of wealth, should have access to good healthcare. Whilst the NHS is an extremely important aspect of healthcare in the UK, in vitro diagnostics are the heart and soul of the healthcare system as healthcare professionals not only rely on blood tests to diagnose and treat patients, but also to rule out the different contributing causes to a disease state. In vitro diagnostics also plays a key role in monitoring chronic disease states. In vitro diagnostics can also aid in reducing hospital stays, reduce misdiagnosis and support patients in looking after their own health and to deliver personalised treatment plans.
The Randox scientists have developed several niche assays to improve patient diagnosis, monitor treatment and eliminate misdiagnosis.
Adiponectin is a protein hormone secreted by adipocytes with anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitising properties. It plays an important role in a number of metabolic processes including glucose regulation and fatty acid oxidation. Adiponectin levels are inversely correlated with abdominal visceral fat which have proven to be a strong predictor of several pathologies, including: metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), cancers and cardiovascular disease (CVD). For more information on the importance of testing Adiponectin levels, check out our Adiponectin Whitepaper.
Cystatin C
Cystatin C is an early risk marker for renal impairment. The most commonly run test for renal impairment is Creatinine. Creatinine measurements have proven to be inadequate as certain factors must be taken into consideration, including age, gender, ethnicity etc. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have updated their guidelines, which now recommends Cystatin C as a more superior test for renal impairment due to its higher specificity for significant disease outcomes than those based on Creatinine. For more information on the importance of testing Cystatin C levels, check out our Cystatin C Whitepaper.
Small-dense LDL Cholesterol (sdLDL-C)
LDL Cholesterol (LDL-C) consists of two parts: the large and buoyant LDL Cholesterol and the small and dense LDL Cholesterol. Whilst all LDL-C transports triglycerides and cholesterol to bodily tissues, their atherogensis varies according to their size. As sdLDL-C is small and dense, they can more readily permeate the arterial wall and are more susceptible to oxidation. Research indicates that individuals with a predominance of sdLDL-C have a 3-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction. It has been noted that sdLDL-C carries less Cholesterol than large LDL, therefore a patient with predominately sdLDL-C particle may require nearly 70% more sdLDL-C particles to carry the same amount of cholesterol as the patient with predominately LDL-C particles. For more information on the importance of testing sdLDL-C levels, check out our sdLDL-C Whitepaper.
These three niche in vitro diagnostics tests developed by Randox scientists can aid in reducing NHS costs due to their higher performance compared to the traditional tests. Randox are constantly striving to improve healthcare worldwide.
For more information on the extensive range of Randox third-party in vitro diagnostic reagents, visit: https://www.randox.com/diagnostic-reagents/ or contact reagents@randox.com.

Randox Biosciences: dedicated to advancing scientific discovery
Randox Laboratories is an international clinical diagnostic solutions company with over 35 years’ experience in the industry. Randox is a global market leader, providing revolutionary products for laboratories worldwide and is dedicated to improving health.
Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. Spanning four key divisions; Life Sciences, Pharma Sciences, Research and Molecular; Randox Biosciences offers complete tailored solutions for clinical and research use.
From initial cultivation of raw materials for assay development, through to providing companion diagnostics, custom and molecular based assays across a range of therapy areas; Randox Biosciences is a trusted partner supplying quality diagnostic solutions to the clinical, life science, pharmaceutical, research and biopharma industries. We specialise in supplying academic centres, genetics laboratories and the global biopharmaceutical industry with products tailored to their specific needs.
Randox Biosciences Research team encompasses a knowledgeable group of who are dedicated to assisting your research project to completion. Recently, the research team has expanded to include Business Development Executives in America to support academic centres of excellence achieve their potential while utilising our quality products. We are proud to welcome Rebecca Newburg who will be focusing her efforts on the US-Midwest market and Celestine Eshiet who will be working on the US -West Coast.
We cover five areas of research such as Sport and Exercise, Cardiovascular, Metabolic, Immunology and Oncology. These five areas include our Metabolic Syndrome Array 1 & 2, Cytokine Arrays and Cardiac Array including CK-MB, H-FABP, Myoglobin and Troponin.
If you work in an academic centre and are interested in our variety of arrays, analysers whether that be chemistry or immunoassay analysers, or our reagents or quality control please do not hesitate to contact us at info@randoxbiosciences.com.
Randox Biosciences: dedicated to advancing scientific discovery
Randox Laboratories is an international clinical diagnostic solutions company with over 35 years’ experience in the industry. Randox is a global market leader, providing revolutionary products for laboratories worldwide and is dedicated to improving health.
Randox Biosciences is part of Randox Laboratories and is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, drug development and diagnostics. Spanning four key divisions; Life Sciences, Pharma Sciences, Research and Molecular; Randox Biosciences offers complete tailored solutions for clinical and research use.
From initial cultivation of raw materials for assay development, through to providing companion diagnostics, custom and molecular based assays across a range of therapy areas; Randox Biosciences is a trusted partner supplying quality diagnostic solutions to the clinical, life science, pharmaceutical, research and biopharma industries. We specialise in supplying academic centres, genetics laboratories and the global biopharmaceutical industry with products tailored to their specific needs.
Randox Biosciences Research team encompasses a knowledgeable group of who are dedicated to assisting your research project to completion. Recently, the research team has expanded to include Business Development Executives in America to support academic centres of excellence achieve their potential while utilising our quality products. We are proud to welcome Rebecca Newburg who will be focusing her efforts on the US-Midwest market and Celestine Eshiet who will be working on the US -West Coast.
We cover five areas of research such as Sport and Exercise, Cardiovascular, Metabolic, Immunology and Oncology. These five areas include our Metabolic Syndrome Array 1 & 2, Cytokine Arrays and Cardiac Array including CK-MB, H-FABP, Myoglobin and Troponin.
If you work in an academic centre and are interested in our variety of arrays, analysers whether that be chemistry or immunoassay analysers, or our reagents or quality control please do not hesitate to contact us at info@randoxbiosciences.com.