Invest in employee health with Randox Health EveryBusiness

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Invest in employee health with Randox Health EveryBusiness

Invest in Prevention with Randox Health EveryBusiness

Employee Health and welling strategies are being increasingly introduced by companies. Research in Right Management’s The flux report: Building a resilient workforce in the face of flux, published in February 2014, found that 60% of HR directors recognise that employee health and wellness are key attributes to enabling businesses to achieve their strategic objectives. However, a key problem in the area of health and wellness is that it is often misunderstood. Companies view health and wellness strategies as a firefighting measure; something that is introduced when things go wrong in the company and performance slides.

This view is narrow and to a certain extent wrong. The old saying “Prevention rather than cure” is extremely fitting within these situations. Health and wellbeing should not be about reactive illness management and employers shouldn’t wait until their employees become stressed or ill then seek to cure. Instead they should look at a prevention strategy.

Proactive Health and Wellbeing

Early intervention really does matter. Businesses that spend more time promoting wellbeing and resilience see an upturn in performance, engagement and productivity. If they also use specific data gathering and measurement throughout the year, they can demonstrate the effect of the wellbeing programmes that they’ve implemented and learn what works for them. Health and wellbeing programmes can see an 80% improvement in organisational performance, which is a huge benefit to any business.

In addition, businesses that make a commitment to employee wellbeing can also expect a return in areas such as psychological contract, improved sense of wellbeing, resilience and enhanced positive regard for the employer. Everyone has potential to be healthy, efficient, productive and happy at work. People just need the right support. With an ageing population, it is important that organisations start to recognise this. Read our blog on why to invest in employee health and the benefits.

Randox Health EveryBusiness

Our EveryBusiness corporate service aims to provide a unique health and wellbeing service for your business. EveryBusiness will benefit you and your employees and improve the productivity of your business. Our EveryBusiness service is for employers trying to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees and by doing so benefit from the results of creating a unique health and wellbeing environment.

Contact a member of our team today for more information.

Visit or phone 0800 2545 130











Tiger Roll wins back-to-back Randox Health Grand Nationals

The sponsor of the Randox Health Grand National has congratulated Tiger Roll, Davy Russell, Gordon Elliott and Michael O’Leary as they secured their spot in the history books at Saturday’s Randox Health Grand National.

Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Health, had high praise for both Aintree Racecourse and his Randox Health team, saying;

“We were delighted to once again partner with the Jockey Club and Aintree Racecourse, together bringing the Randox Health Grand National to the millions who avidly awaited the unfolding of this iconic event.

 “Over the last two years of our sponsorship, the theatrics that this Festival has produced have been second-to-none and this, our third year, was no exception. The atmosphere was electric and the cheers of the crowd deafening as Tiger Roll, steered by Davy Russell, stretched himself ahead of the competition to become the first consecutive winner of this most famous race since the days of Red Rum.

“It is a tale which will be forever etched in the history books of Aintree Racecourse and steeplechase racing.

“Congratulations to Tiger Roll’s jockey Davy Russell, trainer Gordon Elliott and owner Michael O’Leary who once again delivered a fairytale of determination and dedication as the small but mighty Tiger Roll stormed to victory for a second time.

 “Whilst our partnership with the Randox Health Grand National and the wider Jockey Club is an opportunity for us to spread our message of preventative health, it is also a chance to show our commitment, at a national level, to this wonderful sport. I have been a keen equestrian all my life and Randox, historically, has given its name to many local Point-to-Point and Polo meetings near our headquarters in Northern Ireland.

“It’s the perfect fit, therefore, to unite our company ethos, of helping people to extend and enjoy their lives, with the people’s race, the Randox Health Grand National. Together, we can encourage people to live healthier for longer, in order to enjoy events such as this glorious Festival for as long as possible.

 “Our message of preventative health is an important one, particularly in a health-conscious world, and that’s why we have been offering the public a 20% discount across all our health packages and services over the course of the Randox Health Grand National and until the end of April 2019.

“This year, we also highlighted our STI at-home test kit Confidante. Sexual health is a serious issue but all too often such infections are stigmatised and access to services may be problematic – causing considerable difficulties for individuals who believe they may benefit from testing. This can lead to increased health challenges at a personal level, and potentially much higher rates of infection.

Confidante allows for 10 STIs to be tested in a private and fully confidential manner, with the results provided directly to the individual.  Improving ease-of-access to such testing is an important issue to support the health needs of those who require testing of and to help reduce the overall rates of sexual infections within society.

“The Randox Health Hub at Aintree Racecourse provided race-goers with an opportunity to engage with Confidante directly through our Secret Cinema where viewers entered a private booth, unaware of the humorous short film which awaited them. Many were in good spirits as a camera caught their reactions and all were entered in to a draw to win a FitBit on each day of the Festival

 “I would like to thank the millions who joined us at the Randox Health Grand National 2019 to witness history being made – whether in person at Aintree Racecourse or tuned in to the screen or airwaves. We look forward to continuing our partnership in the coming years as we deliver the world’s most famous steeplechase and share our preventative health message.”

For more information about the Randox Health Grand National 2019 please contact the Randox PR team by emailing or phone 028 9442 2413.








Liverpool school pupils are first to lay eyes on the Randox Health Grand National 2019 trophy

School pupils across Liverpool are today enjoying an exclusive sneak-peek of the 2019 Randox Health Grand National trophy, as part of a tour hosted by Olympic Gold Medallist and Aintree ambassador Sam Quek, and acclaimed former jockey Carrie Ford.

The trophy, which has travelled to King’s Leadership Academy, Maricourt Catholic High School and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, will be officially unveiled to the public during the Opening Ceremony of the Randox Health Grand National Festival on Thursday 4th April.

Etched in solid silver and gilded with gold, the 2019 trophy, which has been designed for the third year by Shannon O’Neill, is aptly shaped like a human antibody, to carry again the sponsor’s message of health and science which so successfully resonated with the racing fraternity in 2017 and 2018.

“We’re incredibly excited to unveil the 2019 Randox Health Grand National trophy during this year’s Opening Ceremony,” said Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Health.

“Our sponsorship of the world’s greatest race is incredibly special to us, as it is a powerful way to share our preventative health message across the globe. With its unique design, the trophy reflects the outstanding science on which Randox Health is based and the use of world class antibodies to identify disease.

“At the base of the trophy, a collection of Randox Biochips – our most innovative health testing technology – have also been brought to the fore. We’re thrilled that with each new trophy we can reflect on the scientific advances of the year gone by and share a new chapter of the Randox story.”

Those who have the opportunity to view the stunning Randox Health Grand National trophy up close, will notice small spherical structures within the stem of the festival’s most coveted prize. Alluding to proteins, one of the building blocks of the human body, this design element draws attention to an area of research in which Randox is investing significantly.

Dr FitzGerald continued; “We strongly believe that the future of healthcare lies in proteomics, the study of proteins. By utilising this innovative method of disease detection, we can identify illness within an individual before it becomes symptomatic. Proteins are released into the blood at the very earliest stage of disease development and, when they are detected, serve as the earliest warning to initiate preventive care.

“Whilst Randox leads the world in proteomic Biochips – the screening for multiple proteins at the same time – there is still much to be done. We can currently test for hundreds of different proteins at once, however, we know that there are up to 30,000 different proteins that we may wish to monitor.

“As we continue to develop diagnostic tests for these proteins, we can begin to imagine a world in which sickness is actively prevented at the earliest stage, rather than managed. In proteins lies the key to living healthier for longer.”

Another popular element returning to the presentation of the winning Randox Health Grand National prizes are team trophies. In 2017, their first year as sponsor, Randox Health introduced the concept of presenting the entire winning team with a trophy, to celebrate the combined effort that goes in to achieving such a special victory. In 2018, they went to trainer Gordon Elliott, jockey Davy Russell, and head groom Louise Dunne.

The Randox Health Grand National trophy will be available to view in the Randox Health Hub at Aintree racecourse at 11:30am and 15:30pm on each day of the Randox Health Grand National Festival.








Employee Health & Wellbeing

Employee Health & Wellbeing

What’s important to your business?

How highly do you rank employee health and wellbeing within your business? Improving your employee health and wellbeing strategy can help you increase productivity, lower sickness rates and help improve employee morale. The presence of people in poor health at work can be more costly to the business than their absence. Not only if illness is transmitted to other colleagues, but also because ill employees are likely to work less effectively than usual, may be more susceptible to costly mistakes, create lower workplace morale and they take longer to recover from their illness.

In 2017, 131.2 million working days were lost to sickness absence (Office for National Statistics), that’s just over 4 days of sickness per employee within the UK. Giving your employee, a better understanding of their health & wellbeing gives them the opportunity to improve their health and prevent illness. Randox Health understands the importance of improving the health of your workforce. Our mission is to enhance your business by tailoring a health programme to suit your organisational needs.

EveryBusiness: Employee Health & Wellbeing

Our EveryBusiness corporate service aims to provide a unique health and wellbeing service for your business. EveryBusiness will benefit you and your employees and improve the productivity and efficiency of your business. Our service is for employers trying to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees and by doing so they will benefit from the results of creating a unique health and wellbeing environment.

It has been established that investing in employee health can reduce absenteeism, improve job satisfaction, productivity and enhance corporate image. EveryBusiness can be tailored to your business and its structure because of this it can benefit any size of business.We are committed to improving health worldwide through early identification and prevention of disease.  Using our innovative biochip technology, we measure hundreds of biomarkers in the blood, giving unprecedented access to health data.


  • Lower Rates of Sickness & Absence
  • Positive Corporate Image
  • Increased Productivity
  • Lower Staff Turnover
  • Increased Employee Engagement
  • Improved Physical and Mental Health
  • Increased Staff Morale
  • Added Employee Benefit

Client Testimonial

Watch below a testimonial from our EveryBusiness client CMI. Listen to their sales manager Paul Ramm answer some questions about their experience with Randox Health. Visit Randox Health or our new EveryBusiness page here to see more information. Contact a member of our team who can give you a break down of our services and the benefits they will have on your business.





what we do


Randox Health: Looking After Your Heart

This February, Randox Health are focusing on Heart HealthHeart health is becoming a much greater talked about subject because of health trends and figures. There are around 7 million people living with heart and circulatory disease in the UK. Heart and circulatory disease causes more than a quarter (26%) of all deaths in the UK; that’s nearly 160,000 deaths each year – an average of 435 people each day or one death every three minutes. Facts like these from BHF show us how how important our hearts are! Maintaining and having a healthy heart is essential to cut down your risk of heart disease.


Ways to Improve your Health

There are a number of things you can do to lower your risk of getting heart disease, and at the same time improve overall health. Lets look at three ways to lower your risk and help you become healthier:

  • Managing a healthy weight
  • Eating healthier
  • Getting active


What You Can Do

All three of the above will lower your risk of heart disease and all are linked so by improving one it will help the others. To manage a healthy weight, first you need to work out what a healthy weight is for you. There are two main ways to tell whether you need to lose weight: your Body Mass Index (BMI), and your waist measurement. the risk of heart disease begins to increase at a BMI of 23, and people with a BMI of 27.5 will be at high risk.

Men with a waist of over 94 cm are at an increased risk of heart diseases and over 102 cm are at a severe risk. Women with a waist over 80 cm are at an increased risk and at 88 cm are at a severe risk. If you fall in these risk areas, eating well and being more physically active can help you reduce your weight.


Healthy Eating

A healthy diet can help reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease and stop you gaining weight. This also reduces your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. A well-balanced diet should include at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. Try to vary the types of fruit and veg you eat.

You should try to replace saturated fats with small amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fats. Try and cut down on foods that contain trans fats as it can raise your cholesterol levels. Lowering your salt intake can improve your blood pressure and lower your chance of coronary heart disease. Eating a healthy well-balanced diet can make it a lot easier to control and maintain your weight.

Get Active! The BHF say that physical activity can help reduce your risk of heart and circulatory disease. It also links in and helps you control your weight! Being active reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and can even improve your mental health. If you do all three of these points not only will it lower your risks of heart disease but will improve your overall health!


Randox Health: What We Do and How We Can Help

This month we are focusing on heart heart, so make sure to check out our blogs with information about how to keep a healthy heart. If you’re worried about your heart health or have a family history of heart disease, contact a member of our team today for more information on how we could help you! We are determined to help you get to the heart of the matter and see what’s really going on with your heart. This Valentines day give a gift to the one you love that really matters, the gift of health.

Find out more here:




The Gift of Health: FREE Specialised Test with every Everyman or Everywoman purchased in December

This December, treat your friends and family to the greatest gift of all. The gift of health.

Throughout the month, Randox Health are offering a free Specialised Test, Cough, Cold & Flu, with every Everyman or Everywoman Programme purchased.

Examining up to 150 different indicators of health in your body! The programmes are among the most advanced in the world with our Signature Programme being the most advanced, examining up to 350 different indicators of disease and ill-health. This is due to our advanced technology.

The perfect gift, or perhaps Christmas treat for yourself? These 12-month programmes are guaranteed to give you the most advanced picture available of your current health status.

This month, each programme also comes with a free Cough, Cold & Flu check worth £100.

What is the Cough, Cold and Flu check?

In a world where warnings about antibiotic resistance make daily headlines, Randox Health is helping people take back control.

Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat antibiotic infections. But they don’t work for everything. Taking them when we don’t need them can enable dangerous bacteria that lives inside us to become resistant. That means if you need antibiotics in the future, they may not work. As the NHS says, this puts you and your family at serious risk.

Only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, so finding out what’s behind your infection is essential.

With the Randox Health Cough, Cold and Flu test one swab can detect and identify the cause of 21 respiratory infections in just five hours. With this knowledge, you will find out what’s treatment is going to be appropriate for you.

Take the guesswork out of getting better and book your Cough, Cold and Flu test either as a standalone check or for free with or Everyman or Everywoman Programme.

Specialised tests are available at our clinics in London, Liverpool, Holywood and Crumlin, and also through our innovative mobile health clinic. Gift cards can be purchased from as little as £20.

To find out more  about the offer or to purchase the most thoughtful of Christmas presents – a gift card for the ‘gift of health’ – please phone our team on 0800 2545 130. You can also drop them an email.




The Randox Health Everyman: so much more than a health MOT

It’s a concept we’re all familiar with.

Every year we take our car to get serviced to make sure everything is in working order and to fix the things that aren’t quite right.

Even if it’s been driving smoothly, using fuel economically and experiencing no apparent issues, we get it checked out anyway, because it’s better to find the small problems before they become bigger ones. Prevention is better than cure, right?

So why should we treat our bodies any differently?

Nearly half of all faults found during car MOTs could be avoided by carrying out simple maintenance, and it’s the same when it comes to our bodies.

With 50% of cancers, 70% of cardiovascular disease and 80% of strokes being preventable, a comprehensive health MOT can provide an accurate picture of your health while you are still well and provide you with the information you need to take action to prevent future problems.

This Movember, we’re encouraging men to take a proactive approach to their health – to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their body and their health in the same way they do with their car each year.

Your body is the most important vehicle you will ever own and that’s why we provide a comprehensive menu of blood tests for 25 different aspects of your health simultaneously, whereas a standard car MOT will only test 8 different areas of your car’s health.

But that’s not surprising when you know how complex the human body is compared to a car! Or when you learn that Randox Health’s testing programme is the most comprehensive and personalised health MOT on the market.

Between three and five tests are traditionally offered in the GP setting, and even in standard healthcare companies’ ‘premium packages’, only 30-35 routine blood tests may be carried out.

Within the Randox Health Everyman Programme we offer a varied range of 150 health tests.

Much more than a standard health MOT, this full body testing makes Randox Health the world’s most advanced preventive and personalised health MOT.

By harnessing the cutting-edge Randox Health science and technology, developed over 35 years, you have the knowledge to prevent future illness, and the power to secure your health.

Contact the Randox Health team today to find out more:

Tel: 0800 2545 130







Randox Health partners with Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation to offer free health checks in Wirral

Randox Health is today delighted to announce that it is partnering with the Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation to offer free health checks for young adults across Wirral.

On 9th April 2017 Tim Cogley, an apparently fit and healthy 34-year-old, suffered a fatal heart attack whilst walking home after a night out with friends.  Despite showing no symptoms, Tim had a 75% cholesterol blockage of the left descending coronary artery. Since then his family have set up the Tim Cogley Foundation to help raise awareness of coronary heart screening in 18 to 39-year-olds.

Throughout November, the charity, in association with Randox Health, will offer free health checks, including heart screening, to men and women between the ages of 18 and 39 in Wirral.

Appointments will last around 15 minutes and will involve blood pressure testing, body composition analysis and blood sampling to test for glucose concentration (relating to diabetes risk), lipid profile results (including important Total Cholesterol: HDL Cholesterol ratios), and additional key biomarkers relevant to CVD risk, including kidney function tests.

Participants aged 25 or over will also be provided with a unique Cardiovascular Risk Score, which details your risk of experiencing a cardiac event over the next 10 years.

Frank Cogley, Tim’s father, said of the cardiac screening:

“There are many types of heart disease. The national media sadly, but regularly, report instances of young people suddenly dying, as in the case of our youngest son Tim, from undiagnosed heart disease. The current lack of routine screening of 18-39 year olds leaves a gaping chasm in our healthcare provision but with our highly motivated partner, Randox Health, we hope to redress this through lifestyle changes and preventative health programmes.

 “The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation is committed to delivering positive, action-focused and life-changing programmes.  The essence of the charity, and its whole approach of reaching out to help others, reflects Tim’s character and, in that sense, keeps alive his driving force. I can’t imagine a legacy more in tune with the generous, kind and supportive person that was Tim.”

 Dates for the screening are as follows:

  • Thursday, November 1 – 4pm to 8pm – Tesco, Telegraph Road, Heswall
  • Saturday, November 3 – 10am to 4pm – Tesco, Telegraph Road, Heswall
  • Tuesday, November 6 – 10am to 2pm – Warrens Medical Centre, Arrowe Park Road
  • Thursday, November 8 – 4pm to 8pm – UTS Foundation, Newhall Lane, Hoylake
  • Monday, November 12 – 10am to 2pm – Wirral Met 12 Quays Campus, Shore Road, Birkenhead
  • Wednesday, November 14 – 4pm to 8pm – Caldy Sports Club, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston
  • Saturday, November 17 – 10am to 2pm – Eastham Drop In Centre, 31 Eastham Rake
  • Tuesday, November 20 – 10am to 2pm – Warrens Medical Centre, Arrowe Park Road
  • Thursday, November 22 – 4pm to 8pm – UTS Foundation, Newhall Lane, Hoylake
  • Monday, November 26 – 10am to 2pm – Greasby Medical Centre, Greasby Road
  • Wednesday, November 28 – 4pm to 8pm – Drop In Centre, Victoria General Hospital, Marymount Close, Wallasey
  • Saturday, December 1 – 10am to 2pm – Wirral Met Oval Campus, Old Chester Road, Bebington

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Managing Director of Randox Health, commented:

“It is an honour to be partnering with Frank and the team at The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation to offer young people across Wirral and Merseyside the chance to avail of the advanced health screening we provide at Randox Health. We know all too well the benefit of prevention over cure, and you need look no further than Frank Cogley who is working tirelessly to turn his son’s tragic death into a force for good to see how important this is.  It is so encouraging therefore to see how popular this initiative has proven thus far, and we are now adding further screening slots to our clinic in Exchange Station to accommodate the high demand.”

Further screening will take place at the Randox Health Liverpool Clinic, Tithebarn Street, Liverpool L2 2QP, so if you would like to participate please visit to read the pre-screening information, and then call Randox Health on 0151 665 0700 to book your appointment.

During the month of November Randox Health Liverpool will also be offering free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood tests in celebration of Movember, Men’s Health Month. Offering a pre-cursor to a physical examination, the Randox Health prostate health check can stratify patients who may need referred on for further testing.

For further information about Randox Health’s partnership with The Tim Cogley Cardiac Screening Foundation or about our complimentary Prostate Health Checks please contact Randox PR by emailing or phoning 028 9442 2413.



Think you may have Coeliac Disease? We have a test for that.

It’s just one of those things. Some of us simply can’t process gluten.

But what you may not know is that it may be coeliac disease that’s causing your bloating, headaches, discomfort or tiredness.

Coeliac disease is a genetic, autoimmune digestive disorder thought to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. When someone with coeliac disease accidentally eats food containing gluten, it triggers an immune response. This causes the lining of the small intestine to become inflamed and damaged.

This is painful and makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients and vitamins from the food. For that reason, those with coeliac disease are advised to avoid all gluten completely. If not treated, coeliac disease can lead to other serious health problems such as osteoporosis, bowel cancer, and can cause infertility.

The good news is, that with Randox Health’s specialised Coeliac Autoimmune Disease test, you can find out whether you’re likely to be gluten-intolerant or have Coeliac disease.

The Coeliac Disease test is included in our Everyman, Everywoman and Signature programmes, and within our Digestive Health Programme, which is on offer during the month of September for only £200 (RRP £300).

Finding out you are gluten-intolerant can then be easily managed, with a wide variety of non-gluten alternatives for pasta, bread, cereal, biscuits and many other foods that usually contain gluten.

Why not book your Digestive Health Programme with Randox Health today and take back control of your health?

Visit or get in contact with our team by phoning 0800 2545 130.







Introducing the EveryBusiness Offering from Randox Health

Absenteeism has long been a problem in business.  There are a variety of reasons why employees may be absent but one of the most common is illness. Employees lose an average of 30.4 working days a year due to sickness or underperforming at work due to ill health, according to research by VitalityHealth.

Its 2017 Britain’s Healthiest Workplace report, which surveyed 31,950 employees, found that productive working days lost due to physical and mental health issues cost the UK economy approximately £77.5 billion a year.

At Randox Health, we’re aiming to change the statistics and help employees to live healthier for longer. Our innovative health checks can detect disease and irregularity at the earliest stage, allowing lifestyle changes to be made now when potential illness can still be reversed.

Having a healthier workforce, conscious of how their lifestyle choices are affecting them, has been proven to encourage productivity and decrease absenteeism. Poor employee productivity is just as damaging to the workplace economy as absenteeism. One of the main causes of low productivity is poor health.

Take care of your staff with an Everybusiness programme at Randox Health. The gift of health is invaluable and will not only allow employees to enjoy the benefits of the world’s most comprehensive health programme available, but will also save your business time and money.

Our health checks are the most advanced blood screening packages available in the world as we use our patented Biochip Array Technology. Using this technology, hundreds of individual blood tests can be carried out on a single sample, allowing you to have truly unrivalled knowledge about your health both now and in the future.

We specialise in wellbeing, assessing up to 350 elements of your body and allowing early identification of illness before problems develop.

For more information on the EveryBusiness offering from Randox Health, please contact or phone 0800 2545 130.









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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje Polityki Prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, ktĆ³re są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktĆ³w,akutalizacji obecnych, trendĆ³w rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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