Addressing Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

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Addressing Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

Within any business, companies seek to outline clear methods in which employees should act and behave whilst carrying out their roles. These rules are outlined in company workplace policies. Every business – no matter which industry it operates in – should have well-documented and comprehensive workplace policies and procedures in place.

According to the Employment Law Handbook, a workplace policy is a set of rules and principles that aims to provide guidance to managers and workers in how to behave in the workplace. They can be in place for numerous different issues – bullying, harassment, internet use, health and safety are just a few that can be implemented.

Health and Safety

As mentioned above, health and safety is an important aspect of any workplace policy. The health and well-being of the working community is of utmost importance for sustainable development. Specifically, a drug and alcohol policy is a key part of the overall health and safety policy within a company. Alcohol and drugs through their effects on health, safety, work performance and absenteeism can jeopardise productivity, deny businesses the leading edge and curtail competitiveness. Effectively implemented drug and alcohol policies will help employers in the legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees.

The need for a Drug and Alcohol Policy

Drugs and alcohol misuse can have dangerous consequences within the workplace. All organisations can benefit from an agreed policy that applies to all staff. There are wide range of statistics available to highlight the worrying impact that drugs and alcohol can have on individuals. In 2016, it was estimated that £7 billion was lost in productivity through unemployment and sickness. Furthermore, 10.8 million adults in England are drinking at levels that pose some risk to their health. A survey carried out by UK based Health and Safety Consultants showed that; from 2,600 workers in office, factory, retail and the public sector, 85% admit to being drunk at work in the last year; not including the Christmas party. 28% of those surveyed admitted using drugs at work, including NPS (formerly legal highs) cannabis and other illegal substances.

From a legal point of view, employers have a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of employees. Also, under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, to assess the risks to the health and safety of employees. If an employer knowingly allows an employee under the influence of drug misuse to continue working and his/her behaviour places the employee or others at risk, they may face prosecution.

 Advantages of having Policies in place

Having well-developed policies and procedures can provide a range of benefits to an organisation. An effectively implemented drug and alcohol policy will ensure a clear understanding within the workplace of the rules relating to drugs and alcohol. It will also provide a greater awareness in workplaces of the effects of drugs and alcohol an consequently early recognition. Furthermore, it ensures that the necessary structures and procedures are in place should a problem arise. An up to date policy will also provide assurance that key staff have been trained to understand the issues involved and have the necessary skills to deal with any problems should they arise.

How can Randox Testing Services help?

At Randox Testing Services we offer a comprehensive consultancy service to help employers create, an effective substance misuse policy. By providing this service we offer practical advice, guidance and support in composing a substance misuse policy.

Our confidential policy review service provides assistance to employers with an existing substance misuse policy. With this service, we help to modify existing documents to ensure it is legally viable and can withstand challenge in court.

For more information on our comprehensive consultancy service, visit our website: or contact us by emailing

To read more on workplace policies and their importance within an organisation, click here.


Staff Newsletter November / December 2017 Edition

Staff Newsletter September / October 2017 Edition

We are delighted to be able to share with you the November / December 2017 edition of our We Are Randox staff newsletter!

Click through for a range of company and staff news from the past two months – including Randox Health’s successful prostate awareness campaign during Movember, our attendance at Medica 2017, Randox Teoranta’s Open Day in Donegal and of course our annual Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Raffle – at which we raised a hugely impressive £4030!

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Randox Health: A New Year’s Resolution that will stick

In 2018, let’s make a New Year’s resolution that will stick. Choose to enjoy your life – and let us help you live healthier for longer.

With Randox Health, you can make a real difference to your life, not just for this New Year but for many New Years.

Whether you are planning a family and want a profile of your fertility, want to know the likelihood of developing an illness that runs in the family, or simply want to get fit, the world’s most comprehensive and personalised health check is now available to you.  You can start the New Year with an understanding of your body like never before.

Instead of looking at isolated sections of your health, Randox Health takes a whole-body approach to your health, to not only be able to diagnose any existing conditions at an early stage, but also forecast any health problems in your future, enabling you to take a long-term view of your health.

This holistic style of testing ensures that the patient understands their full body health in the greatest detail possible.  Randox Health can analyse over 350 markers of health and disease within your body simultaneously, across 25 different aspects of your health, including heart health, diabetes health, thyroid, lung, digestive and nutritional health. The ability to carry out hundreds of tests combined in one check provides much more information and ultimately a more accurate diagnosis.

By determining your physiological and chemical wellbeing, the diseases at which you are personally at risk of developing in the future, and areas for improvement, you can embark on your Get Healthy Journey equipped with the knowledge and know-how used by the world’s best scientists.

And with results, a consultation with a Randox Health expert, and follow-up testing all included within your 12-month health programme, you can enter 2018 knowing that Randox Health will look after you every step of the way. Your health programme gives you the power to take control of your health, not leaving it to chance in 2018 or in the future.

All that’s left for you to do, is to enjoy the year with your family and friends.

Book your Randox Health Programme by clicking here, or contact our team by phone 0800 2545 130 or by email


This Christmas, treat your laboratory to the “gift” of Randox Quality Control

At Christmas time all around the globe, people search for the best gift for their loved ones, something they will really like. At Randox Quality Control, we understand you care for your patients, and your laboratory. This year, show how much you care by treating your lab to a Randox Quality Control.

With over 35 years’ experience in the market, Quality Control is our passion and streamlining QC practice is our forte! Our extensive product offering comprises true third party controls, interlaboratory data management, external quality assessment and calibration verification.

Last year we looked in depth at Acusera – our range of true third party controls. This year, lets add another product to the Christmas wish list in the form of RIQAS, the world’s largest EQA scheme. Don’t wait until Christmas to wake up to a RIQAS programme under your tree – enrol in one of our comprehensive programmes today.

With over 45,000 laboratory participants across 133 countries, our RIQAS portfolio spans 32 comprehensive programmes ranging from Chemistry to Immunoassay, Lipids to Cardiac, Drugs to Serology and much more!

User-friendly, one page per parameter reports are available within 72 hours of the submission deadline.  These reports enable at-a-glance performance assessment, ultimately allowing your laboratory to save valuable time. You will also gain access to complimentary multi-instrument and inter-laboratory reports as well as an end-of-cycle report  summarising laboratory performance for each cycle and helping to identify progress over time.

Consolidation is key – and with an extensive parameter index available (up to 360 parameters) RIQAS will help you to significantly reduce costs, time and the number of individual programmes required to cover your test menu.

All RIQAS samples are free from interfering preservatives ensuring a commutable matrix that reacts to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample.

Additionally, enrolling in RIQAS isn’t just enrolling in an EQA scheme. Our programmes are accepted by National and International accreditation bodies worldwide and at the end of each cycle, participation in the scheme results in a certificate that can be used to decorate your laboratory all year around – not just at Christmas!

So this Christmas don’t give your laboratory second best, choose RIQAS, and reap the rewards.

To find out more on any of our RIQAS programmes visit our website – or email us at

Randox Quality Control wish you all Season’s Greetings & a Prosperous New Year!

Product Spotlight: Liquid Urinalysis Control

Product Spotlight - Jan - Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control

Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control

The Randox Acusera Urinalysis Quality Control is designed primarily to ensure accurate test system performance however offer the laboratory additional benefits that will help them to meet regulatory requirements whilst also reducing costs and time.


It is estimated that 1 in 2 people will be affected by a urological condition at some point in their lifetime. Conditions and diseases related to kidneys, bladder and prostate, among others, are commonplace and can be devastating for millions of men, women and children across the globe.

Urological conditions can be common, such as urinary tract infections, or they can be much more serious, for example, prostate or testicular cancer.

Urinalysis is used as a screening or diagnostic tool because it can detect kidney and metabolic disorders. Often, substances such as glucose or protein will appear in the urine before a patient is aware that they have a problem. In some conditions, urinalysis also provides an easy and economical test to track patient progress, for example, if you want to know if a condition is improving.

Key Benefits & Features

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters
  • Suitable for use in POC testing
  • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2°C – 25°C (20 immersions for UC5033/5034)


As a leading provider of multi-analyte, third party controls, Randox helps busy laboratories significantly reduce the number of controls needed to cover their test menu. The Randox Liquid Urinalysis Control combines multiple analytes into a single control reduces cost, preparation time, and required storage space without sacrificing quality. Analytes at key decision levels will ensure test system performance across the clinical range. It can also be used in monitoring the performance of both automated and manual methods of urine test strip analysis.

Liquid Stable

Samples are conveniently supplied ready-to-use requiring no preparation as such they can save valuable laboratory time. The Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Control can be used for POCT as well as laboratory based testing.

True third party quality control

The Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.


  • Albumin
  • Bilirubin
  • Blood
  • Creatinine
  • Glucose
  • hCG
  • Ketones
  • Leukocytes
  • Nitrate
  • pH
  • Protein
  • Specific Gravity
  • Urobilinogen

Complete QC solution

The combining of the Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control, RIQAS Urinalysis EQA programme, and our Acusera 24•7 software will provide a complete QC solution for laboratories of all sizes.

Download some of our related brochures below and broaden your understanding.

Product Spotlight Archive

Don’t forget to visit our Product Spotlight Archive and see spotlights from past months

Randox Strengthening Ties Between Northern Ireland and China

Off the back of its key involvement in this month’s prestigious China Summit held in Belfast, global diagnostics company Randox Laboratories has this week taken a delegation of representatives to China to reach out to existing and potential business partners.

Having exported its diagnostic products to China for over 25 years, the healthcare firm cites the country as one of its most important markets, and regularly hosts conferences and training events in the capital city for its vast distributor network.

Earlier this year, following 18 months of extensive market research and infrastructural developments, Randox launched a new market expansion initiative in China to help strengthen business relationships and increase exports – a programme which Global Sales Manager Susan Hammond credits with having accelerated demand for Randox products.

Susan Hammond, who manages Randox’s expansion in the Chinese market commented;

“At Randox we actively seek to strengthen the ties between Northern Ireland and China, and the recent China Summit in Belfast goes to show that relationships between our two countries are at an all-time high.

“We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to contribute to the discussions around collaborative opportunities in economic development, education, health and life sciences at the China Summit and to share our personal success story in the Chinese market.

“The summit marks a significant milestone in Northern Ireland’s relationship with China, and its very existence is testament to the success of the innovative market strategies of key businesses and institutions across NI.”

As well as meeting with business partners across China this week, Randox also hosted over 250 guests at performances by world-famous concert pianist and International Tchaikovsky competition winner Barry Douglas, in the Forbidden City Concert Hall of Beijing and in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Susan continued;

“Our sponsorship of Barry Douglas and his Camerata Ireland orchestra is important for the work we undertake in promoting Northern Ireland to Chinese audiences.  We can showcase not only the science and innovation that come from our shores, but also the breadth of cultural talent.

“Hosting Chinese delegates, corporates, and academic professionals at Barry Douglas performances in China provides us with the perfect platform to help build connections and identify areas for business collaboration. It is a rare opportunity to be able to visit key business partners while simultaneously supporting our young musicians in their careers.”

Barry Douglas, Founder and Artistic Director of Camerata Ireland said;

“I am thrilled to be here in China to play for our Chinese guests – there is nothing quite like music in its ability to connect with people from all walks of life across the globe.  It is a pleasure to be able to use music as a vehicle for strengthening relationships in both business and the arts, and even more so to be able to share it with the wonderfully generous team from Randox.”


For further information about Randox’s expansion in the Chinese market, please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing



The Global Burden of Obesity

Obesity is a condition where a person has abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a serious risk to health.  This December, Randox are highlighting the health implications of this potentially deadly condition, especially throughout the midst of this festive season when it is all too easy to overindulge in fatty foods and sugary treats!

Worldwide obesity has almost tripled between 1975 and 2016, with over 650 million adults and 340 million children being recorded as obese in 2016 alone, highlighting that the prevalence of the condition is rapidly rising. Randox are dedicated to improving health and increasing the awareness and prevention of obesity and its consequences.

What are the causes and consequences of obesity?

With more people around the world adopting sedentary lifestyles and the increasing consumption of foods high in sugar and fat, there is a higher risk of an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended, which is the fundamental cause of obesity. This increases the risk of a number of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal disease and some forms of cancer, with each condition having detrimental effects to your health.

One of the more serious consequences of obesity is type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), where a resistance to insulin is developed causing blood sugar to rise higher than normal. This can lead to serious, long-term problems such as kidney damage, cardiovascular disease and blindness.

How are Randox supporting the battle against the world’s obesity crisis?

Through extensive investment in R&D, we are able to offer cutting-edge diagnostic tests to assess the risk of obesity-related diseases before they occur!

Randox offers the unique adiponectin test to assess the risk of developing T2DM.  Low adiponectin levels have also been linked with the risk of developing other pathologies including metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. The adiponectin test is applicable to both patients with diagnosed clinical obesity, and those deemed to have a ‘healthy’ BMI through a condition known as ‘abdominal obesity’.

This is because while it is widely recognised that people who are overweight or obese are at higher risk of developing T2DM, you don’t have to be overweight to be at risk of developing diabetes. When abdominal visceral fat is stored further underneath the skin and accumulates around major organs, a condition known as abdominal obesity, it greatly increases the risk of developing T2DM.   When abdominal visceral fat levels become increased, adipocytes which secrete the protein hormone adiponectin become reduced; this reduces the anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitising properties of this powerful hormone.

The adiponectin test is available for use on hundreds of clinical biochemistry analysers, and can also be run on our world leading RX series range of clinical chemistry analysers. Find out more here:

Our world-renowned quality control products help ensure the accuracy of obesity-related testing!

When diagnosing and monitoring obesity-related complications such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and T2DM, it is vital that laboratories have a robust quality control system in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results produced. This is especially true considering, 70% of medical decisions are based on a laboratory test result.

It is estimated that over 90% of T2DM is related to obesity.  When monitoring diabetes, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels in the blood provide an indication of average blood glucose levels for the previous 3 months. It is therefore important that the chosen quality control will effectively challenge the test system across the patient reportable range, as an inaccurate result at the cut-off could mean a patient does not receive appropriate diabetes treatment. Our Acusera Liquid HbA1c control provides clinically relevant levels, not only helping to ensure accurate instrument performance but maximising laboratory efficiency.  Find out more here:

Obesity prevention

Thankfully, for those deemed to be at risk, obesity and related illnesses are largely preventable through engaging in regular physical activity (60 minutes daily recommended for adults), limiting energy intake from total fats and sugars and increasing the consumption of fruit and veg, whole grains and nuts. Knowing your risk allows you to stay in control of your health throughout this festive season!

Further to our clinical lab tests, our Randox Health clinics offer heart health, metabolic health and diabetes health testing as part of our Everyman, Everywoman and Signature packages to identify and assess risk of developing obesity-related diseases. Our clinics utilise the same cutting-edge tests and quality control that we have available to clinical laboratories globally, as well as our patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT).

For more information about our clinical diagnostic range of obesity-related products, visit


Mythbusting: ‘Using IQC and EQA From the Same Provider Leads to QC Bias’

Some laboratory professionals believe that using Internal Quality Control (IQC) and External Quality Assurance (EQA, also known as Proficiency Testing) material from the same provider can lead to increased levels of qc bias, or that their test system will not be appropriately challenged. It is important to address these concerns, because some labs may in fact be hindering their own performance by using IQC and EQA material from different sources.

It is important to first understand how IQC and EQA work together to help form a complete Laboratory Quality Management System.

IQC and EQA in Laboratory Quality Management

IQC is a means of monitoring test system precision on a daily basis. IQC effectively evaluates test system performance over time, so that any sudden or gradual shifts in performance can be detected. However, while IQC is an effective performance monitor, it cannot detect more intricate problems like calibration errors or wide acceptable limits provided by some QC manufacturers.

EQA is essential for challenging test system accuracy, and is carried out less frequently than IQC testing. EQA samples are tested ‘blind’ and the results are returned to the scheme organiser. As EQA testing compares an individual lab’s performance to other labs using the same method and instrument, it is a very effective tool for identification of potential issues.

Is there any disadvantage to using IQC and EQA material from the same provider?

The answer to this question depends primarily on the source material of the IQC and EQA. If an IQC provider manufactures their material using artificial additives or components of animal origin, then it will not be suitable to use EQA material from the same provider. Westgard (2011) maintains that using non-commutable IQC or EQA material can lead to results becoming compromised due to matrix effects – something which would not happen using commutable controls.

For example, with Immunoassay testing, non-human components of IQC material interact with antibodies in the reagent in a different way to fully human patient samples – ultimately giving unpredictable shifts, and not adhering to the ISO 15189 requirement to: “use quality control materials that react to the examining system in a manner as close as possible to patient samples”.

However, if the IQC and EQA material is manufactured using a source material which is similar in composition to patient samples (100% human), this commutable control will adequately mimic patient sample performance; meaning labs can use EQA and IQC material from the same provider with confidence that the integrity of their results is maintained.


ISO 15189 also states: “Use of independent third party control materials should be considered…”. In this instance, ‘Independent’ does not mean from a separate provider. It means that the QC material should not be optimized for use on one specific instrument (i.e. not dependent on a single instrument/method type).

No regulatory body states a requirement to use different providers for IQC and EQA material. Indeed, using IQC from one provider and EQA from another provider could increase the risk of labs using non-commutable material.

Labs should use commutable IQC and EQA material for a true assessment of their test system. Randox QC and RIQAS EQA are specifically designed with commutability in mind, giving labs a control which reflects patient sample performance and ensures excellent performance.

How can we help?

To learn how Randox can offer a complete solution for your laboratory, follow the links below or submit a question using the form above.


Westgard, S. (2011). Is QC Quality Compromised?. Available: Last accessed 31st October 2017.

Mythbusting QC Bias
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Give the Gift of Health this Christmas with Randox Health

Showing you care comes in many different packages.

This year, you can give the ‘gift of health’ to someone you love, through a Randox Health Gift Card.

Randox Health has the most comprehensive health screening programmes in the world, as well as a wide range of specialised tests. The Everyman, Everywoman and Signature programmes carry out up to 350 tests. That means your results deliver a complete understanding of your health: your heart, kidneys, thyroid, fertility, bones and more. And it doesn’t just tell you how you are now, but helps you to manage your health for the future.

Each one of our programmes lasts for twelve months and include personalised health plans, a private consultation with an expert and repeat testing. This unique aspect enables you to see exactly what impact you’re making on your health as you follow our recommendations.

Specialised testing is also available on areas including cardiac health, coeliac autoimmune disease, hormonal health and genetic testing.

The programmes are available at our clinics in London, Holywood and Crumlin, and also through our innovative mobile health clinic. Gift cards can be purchased from as little as £20.

To find out more and purchase the most thoughtful of Christmas presents – a gift card for the ‘gift of health’ – click here.

To book a health screening at a Randox Health clinic in Crumlin, Holywood or London, please call 0800 2545 130.

For further information please contact the Randox PR Team by emailing or phoning 028 9442 2413 

Your dream career awaits at Randox Teoranta

This festive season, Dungloe-based Randox Teoranta has a message for ambitious students and graduates – that achieving your career dream is possible, and it might not be as far away as you think.

The global healthcare diagnostics firm today launched its annual recruitment drive by asking life scientists, engineers and software developers to reflect on the career dreams they had as children, and to consider the world-class careers on offer in rural Donegal.  In previous years, these areas of industry have suffered most from mass emigration of the university graduates who have had to look elsewhere for jobs in their respective fields.

Randox Teoranta wants to let students, graduates and experienced professionals across the island of Ireland, and those further afield who have moved abroad to find work, know that they can find the career they’ve always dreamed of close to home.

Ciaran Richardson, Head of R&D at Randox Teoranta, commented;

At Randox Teoranta we have scientists working on a range of research projects, including the development of innovative health technologies capable of diagnosing stroke, gastrointestinal disorders and chronic kidney disease. This is following ground breaking developments in 2016 where scientists in Randox Teoranta were involved in the launch of a pioneering new test used to determine a patient’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

“In addition to those interested in human health we also have scientists who when they were younger wished to pursue a career in the animal research and veterinary science world. These scientists within our veterinary department are involved in the development of novel multiplex tests used to monitor disease spread and improve animal welfare.

 “We have software developers who are working with revolutionary technologies – augmented and mixed reality headsets for example – that in their youth they could only have dreamed of”.

“And we have engineers who, as children, loved to take apart their electronic toys and piece them back together. They’re now using their talent to engineer machines which detect disease and save lives.  I can think of no better use for their skillset and I’m incredibly proud that our biotechnology hub right here in rural Donegal means that young people from far and wide can achieve their career dreams.”

If you’re at school and currently thinking about university choices, a school leaver, student, graduate, or experienced professional, come along to Randox Teoranta’s Open Day on Friday 22nd December 2017. Parents of students are also welcome to visit the state-of-the-art site in Dungloe, Donegal, where visitors will be treated to an opportunity to view the facility and meet members of the Randox team.

Come and view our hub of pioneering research and development, where cutting-edge science, technology and IT takes place. If you, or someone you know, is interested in a career in life sciences, engineering, software development or software testing, come along to Randox Teoranta on Friday 22nd December.

Don’t just dream it. Make it happen at Randox Teoranta.


The Randox Teoranta Open Morning is on Friday 22nd December 2017 from 10am – 2pm at Randox Teoranta, Meenmore, Dungloe, Co. Donegal.

To find out more tel: +353 7495 22600 or email:

No booking is required.

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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje Polityki Prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
Wyślij zapytanie
    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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    Randox Clinical Chemistry Products Join the Randox Laboratories Mailing List * I would like to receive emails with new product releases and updates from Randox Laboratories, market trends, and more. I do not want to receive email marketing from Randox. Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not want to send you any spam or junk emails, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promises never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.

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  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.