Staff Newsletter September / October 2017 Edition

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Staff Newsletter September / October 2017 Edition

Staff Newsletter September / October 2017 Edition

We are delighted to be able to share with you the September / October 2017 edition of our We Are Randox staff newsletter!

Click on the image for a range of company and staff news from the past two months – including the unveiling of our brand new Randox Health Mobile Clinic, attending NCLM China and Apimondia in Turkey, exciting collaborations with Ulster University and Transgene, and of course plenty of photos from our Polo events in Scotland and Bushmills!

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Get your teeth into a Randox commutable control this Halloween

Get your teeth into a Randox commutable control this Halloween

It is that time of year again – when people dress up, children trick-or-treat and many a scary story is told in households around the world. An age-old tradition celebrated globally by millions of people – it can only be Halloween.

Last year Randox QC brought you the truly scary story about a laboratory who chose not to use a third party control, but eventually “treated their laboratory to a true third party control”. This year, we have another scary story for you about a lab manager in Transylvania, Dr. Acula.

It was a normal, busy day in the lab for Dr. Acula. That was until it was time to change reagent batch, after changing batch of reagent Dr. Acula was shocked to find his QC results had shifted by over 20%.  This left Dr. Acula very frustrated, having to spend precious time troubleshooting and reassigning QC targets. After troubleshooting showed no apparent root cause, Dr. Acula searched the internet for an answer finally stumbling upon an educational guide from Randox Quality Control on commutability and its many benefits to the lab.

Grinning from ear-to-ear with excitement, Dr. Acula began to read the guide in the hope of finding a solution to his problem – and solutions he found. While reading the guide, Dr. Acula came across a quote from ISO 15189:2012.  It read that laboratories “must use quality control materials that react to the examining system in a manner as close as possible to the patient sample”.

Dr. Acula made a decision to look for a commutable control material that met all of his requirements and he didn’t have to search very far. Randox Quality Control were able to supply Dr. Acula and his laboratory with a QC material to meet all his needs – true third party, excellent stability, consistency and consolidation but most importantly of all commutable controls.  The fact all Randox immunoassay and immunology controls are manufactured from 100% human material appealed to Dr. Acula a lot.  After trialing the Randox control material alongside patient samples and comparing results between reagent batches, Dr. Acula was thrilled with the results.

Labs rely heavily on quality control to detect errors in their test system and to ultimately make critical decisions regarding the accuracy and reliability of patient test results, the use of a control that reacts to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample is therefore essential.

At Randox Quality Control we take quality seriously. All our QC products are manufactured to the highest possible standard ensuring controls of unrivalled quality time and time again. Designed to be commutable, the Acusera range will ensure accurate and reliable instrument performance while simultaneously helping laboratories meet ISO 15189:2012 requirements.

Just ask Dr. Acula, who likes our 100% human controls so much he has started to drink them himself!

Randox showcases most advanced dairy screening test on market at World Dairy Summit

Improving global dairy standards is the focus for Randox Food Diagnostics, which is demonstrating its latest advancement – the ‘InfiniPlex for Milk’ – at the 2017 World Dairy Summit. Over 1000 international delegates are expected to attend the event being held in Belfast’s Waterfront Hall between 30th October to 3rd November.

With maintaining consumer confidence in the safety and integrity of dairy products featuring as one of the key topics at this year’s summit, the Northern Ireland-based company is keen to showcase how it can help producers get an edge in the market through ensuring food safety.

At the International Dairy Foundation’s annual conference event Randox Food will be showcasing the InfiniPlex, an innovative system which tests for 130 restricted drugs from one sample, such as antibiotics, non-steroidial anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic drug residues.  This is the most comprehensive array on the market and achieves 98% compliance with EU regulations.

The Infiniplex also identifies a number of drug compounds which are not on the EU’s regulated list but which are unsuitable for human consumption. Using this multiplex system ensures that any Randox-tested dairy product will be the safest on the shelf.

Dr FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;

“It is our aim to ensure that dairy producers have access to the latest and most comprehensive milk safety screening technologies. The Infiniplex for Milk is the world’s first screening technology that ensures dairy processors are compliant with regulations. By meeting its complex needs, InfiniPlex is changing the face of the global dairy industry.”

David Ferguson, Global Business Manager for Randox Food Diagnostics, added;

“Standard industry practice means the primary residues for which screening is carried out is usually limited to two certain varieties of antibiotics. The InfiniPlex for Milk provides a unique insight into the specific combination of drug compounds detected in a single sample offering drug discrimination that allows the user to see what commercially available drug was administered at animal level. Using our multiplex testing offers the global milk industry the most comprehensive product for the analysis of veterinary drug residues in food, protecting the food industry and the consumer.”

The International Dairy Federation World Dairy Summit takes place in the Waterfront Hall. Randox Food Diagnostics can be found at Booth 5.

For further information about Randox Food Diagnostics milk testing, please visit:

For any further questions please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing

Ulster GAA team embark on Randox-sponsored tour of China

Ulster University’s GAA team departs on a historic two week tour of China this weekend as part of the university’s wider programme of engagement in key international markets, sponsored by Randox.

Following a reception with the Lord Mayor of Belfast earlier in the week, the 25-strong team will leave Belfast on Saturday morning for the two week cultural exchange that aims to develop and enhance links with a number of Chinese academic institutions.

The trip is being sponsored by Randox and facilitated by the university’s Confucius Institute.

The team is spending a week in Beijing before heading to Wuhan and Huangshi City to play several games as part of an extensive tour promoting sporting excellence at Ulster University, in particular Gaelic Games.

Professor Ian Montgomery, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Ulster University, said:

“Gaelic games are of increasing interest to the Chinese people and there is a strong appetite to learn about the various sports, and replicate key tactics and the strong cultural identity which Ulster University’s GAA team has developed over many decades.”

“We’ll be playing several GAA teams, including a talented Beijing team, and sharing knowledge with the coaches on how to improve the players’ game and training regimes. When we get to Wuhan and Huangshi City, we’ll be taking Chinese language classes, learning martial arts and trying our hand at authentic Chinese cooking.” 

For many of the students, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel across the world to an important global market. As well as promoting sporting excellence and acting as ambassadors for the University and Northern Ireland, they will be instrumental in helping the University and Randox build stronger relationships with new and existing partners.

Dr Peter FitzGerald, founder of Randox, said:

“We are pleased to support Ulster University’s Gaelic team as they embark on a very exciting tour of China. It is one of our most important markets, as we have been exporting to China since 1992 and we have had an established presence in the region for several years. This is a brilliant opportunity for our partnership with Ulster University to profile some of the young sporting talents of Northern Ireland and to strengthen key business relationships in an important market.”

For further information about the Randox-sponsored GAA tour, please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing

Product Spotlight: Liquid CSF Control

Liqiuid CSF Control - Product Spotlight

Liquid CSF Control

Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) is produced by the body to protect, provide nutrients, and remove waste from the Central Nervous System (CNS). The CNS consists of the brain, spinal cord, and a complex neuron network. It is responsible for sending information to and receiving information from all parts of the body, co-ordinating organ function and responding to changes in the immediate external environment.

When testing CSF, it is removed from the subarachnoid space via lumbar puncture or spinal tap. The analysis of CSF includes tests such as; clinical chemistry, haematology, immunology and microbiology. These are used to diagnose serious bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, such as meningitis, a cerebral bleed, cancer involving the CNS and inflammatory conditions of the CNS.

Product Overview

Providing a true third party solution for the measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), the Acusera Liquid CSF Control is designed to deliver an unbiased, independent assessment of analytical performance helping to ensure accurate and reliable patient testing of 14 analytes.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use samples requiring no preparation
  • Human based material
  • Assayed target values available
  • True third party control providing unbiased performance assessment
  • Shelf life of 2 years from date of manufacture
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2ºC to 8ºC
Unrivalled Stability

Our Liquid CSF Control boasts a remarkable 30-day open vial stability reducing waste, while remaining easy and convenient to use.

A True Third Party Control

The Acusera CSF Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.


  • Albumin (electrophoresis)
  • Alpha – 1- globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Alpha – 2- globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Beta- globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Chloride
  • Gamma – globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Glucose
  • hsIgA
  • hsIgG
  • hsIgM
  • Lactate
  • Microalbumin
  • Protein (Total)
  • Sodium

Download some of our related brochures below and broaden your understanding.

Product Spotlight Archive

Don’t forget to visit our Product Spotlight Archive and see spotlights from different months

Welcome to the Evidence Series


For over 30 years, we have been researching and manufacturing market-leading diagnostics products globally. With a mission statement of ‘dedicated to improving health worldwide’ the patient needs are a central focus of everything we do. It is this experience and commitment to improving healthcare that has allowed us to continually improve our product offering and make advancements globally to reach as many people as possible and provide greater diagnostic facilities.

From this experience and commitment to research, we believe we have developed a technology that has changed diagnostic testing forever.

Biochip Array Technology

In 2002, we invented a world first, which changed the landscape of diagnostic testing forever. Biochip Array Technology is a precision multiplex testing platform allowing for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample.

Biochip Array Technology uniquely offers immunoassay diagnostic testing for simultaneous multi-analyte biomarker detection. After addition of a single patient sample to the biochip, analytes present in the sample bind to the specific biochip bound ligands. The degree of binding is determined using a chemiluminescent light source and quantified using a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera and imaging system.

An individual biochip has up to 49 Discrete Test Regions with each detecting a different biomarker. That means up to 44 tests can be carried out simultaneously, with the additional DTRs being reserved for visual quality control and visual reference; a feature unique to Biochip Array Technology.

The Evidence Series

Having developed this patented technology following £250 million investment in research and development, we needed a platform that allowed Biochip Array Technology capabilities to be showcased. Step forward the Evidence Series. The series includes the Evidence, the Evidence Evolution, the Evidence Investigator and the Evidence MultiSTAT. Each analyser has been designed and built with boundary pushing engineering, to ensure financial, labour and time savings for the end user.

Have a read below of the brief overview of each analyser in the Evidence Series

Evidence Evolution

The world’s first fully automated random-access biochip testing platform, the Evidence Evolution is the world’s most advanced immunoanalyser. With the capability to process up to 2,640 tests per hour, the Evidence Evolution offers complete system integration, as well as the most comprehensive test menu on the market.


As the world’s first Biochip Array Technology system, the Evidence immunoanalyser has revolutionised laboratory screening worldwide. With the capability to process 3,960 tests per hour and a sample capacity of 360, the Evidence is ideal for use in a high throughput laboratory.

Evidence Investigator

The Evidence Investigator is a compact, semi-automated benchtop immunoanalyser that offers efficient and comprehensive testing across a range of applications including clinical diagnostics, molecular, toxicology and food diagnostics. The Evidence Investigator boasts a throughput of up to 2,376 tests per hour, offering efficiency without compromising on accuracy.

Evidence MultiSTAT

The Evidence MultiSTAT is a fully automated immunoanalyser that enables on-site simultaneous detection of up to 44 analytes from a single sample of oral fluid, urine or blood. With a three-step process and results generated in less than 20 minutes, the Evidence MultiSTAT is an ideal solution for those with no knowledge of laboratory procedures and offers a throughput of up to 132 tests per hour.


About the Randox Evidence Series

The Evidence Series is set to revolutionise diagnostic testing forever. Offering unrivalled capabilities across all analysers, we truly believe that the Evidence Series range of immunoassay analysers can meet your diagnostic testing capabilities. For more information on any of the Evidence Series analysers, please visit or contact us

We Are Randox | Bicycles, BBQs and Beijing: Joel’s summer in China

Working in a global company like Randox opens many doors for our 1400-strong workforce, one of which being the opportunity to travel.  For people who want to see the world, experience other cultures and meet new people, we have LOTS of opportunities to do so.

It’s no surprise therefore that we value ambitious and enthusiastic employees who enjoy the excitement of a new challenge, and a new adventure!

And that’s just what our Marketing Executive, Joel Woods, did this summer.  After spending his placement year with us here at Randox, and then completing his final year of studies at Ulster University in Jordanstown, Joel was offered the opportunity to complete an internship in Beijing, the capital of China.

The experiences, new perspectives, and understanding of a different culture that he acquired during his time in China are just a few of the reasons why we love to hear from well-travelled individuals like Joel.

Here’s his story.


Given that I work in the Testing and Toxicology division here at Randox, it’s quite ironic that while I was at school I actually wanted a career in Forensic Science, rather than in Business. I even completed my lower sixth work experience with the PSNI.

I went to Ballyclare High School and studied Business Studies, ICT, Geography and Biology for A-Level. An encouraging and interesting school teacher during my GCSEs had made Business Studies more appealing, and so I decided to take it at A-Level. When studying it in my final year my mind had completely turned from forensics toward business, so I then went on to study Marketing at Ulster University.

During my time at university I completed a placement year with Randox within their marketing team. I worked primarily on Customer Relationship Management; providing support for sales reps and other marketing teams, running reports for top level managers, developing marketing campaigns and writing blogs. It was a fantastic experience getting to work on such a wide variety of marketing activities and was a great insight into the operations of a global company.  It set me in really good stead for my final year of university because I had a point of reference in the real working world for everything that I was learning.

Come the end of my final year at Jordanstown I was presented with an opportunity to go to China on a two month internship based in Beijing. To have a funded internship by the British Council was an excellent opportunity to enhance my CV with international experience, and I had never been to Asia before so this was a chance I wasn’t going to let pass me by.

For the two months I was in China I worked in a small firm based in the western district of Beijing (Sanlitun). The firm was called PAPP’S TEA, a small tea manufacturer. My job title was Marketing Intern which involved updating their website, creating blogs, engaging audiences on social media, working closely with graphic designers about brand guidelines and supporting events for the launch of new products.  Everything I had learnt during my placement year in Randox was put to good use!

The weather in China was permanently overcast and very rarely dropped below 30 degrees. Most of the food that I tried was incredible, but portions were always small. One of the interesting things about Chinese culture is that you never order a single meal for yourself, but rather a few dishes are ordered and everyone shares. I therefore had the unfortunate experience of sampling chicken feet…not tasty at all and they were more cartilage than meat! The language was also very difficult to understand but gradually as my time went on I began picking up words – a few greetings here and there, phrases used to order food from a menu, and how to pay for the bill at restaurants.

During my weekends I was usually free which gave a great opportunity to do all the touristy things. One of my favourite memories of China was camping on the Great Wall during my second weekend there. A group of us, mostly interns from the UK, got ourselves a tour guide and camping gear, hiked to the great wall and camped overnight. We had a barbeque, a campfire and watched the sun setting and rising. It was absolutely stunning.

My other main highlight from China was seeing Shanghai. We booked a hostel in the centre of Shanghai, from which almost everything we wanted to see was within walking distance. Walking around Shanghai felt like walking around London. The whole city was completely western, and so it didn’t feel like I was in China. Nevertheless, it was still an incredible experience visiting one of the most populated cities on the planet (26 million people).

The best moment during my time in Shanghai was using the public bicycles to see the city. Three of us chose to see the city by night and so we started our journey at midnight when the city was totally empty. It was so surreal. We got to see more of the city in one night than we ever did during the rest of the weekend!

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in China and would recommend an internship with the British Council to anyone who is thinking about gaining international experience. It can only ever be a good thing to see more of the ever-advancing technological world we live in, especially if you are working in a global company like Randox.

Upon returning to Randox as a permanent member of staff I now deal with clients all around the globe, and so the experience gained from my internship has been of such great benefit.  My time there has helped me understand how business is dealt from another culture and I can’t wait for my next big adventure.


We’re so delighted Joel had a positive experience during his time in Beijing and has returned to Randox full of enthusiasm and exciting ideas! Welcome back to the team Joel.

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For current vacancies in our team, visit


Randox proud to announce sponsorship of Engineering Technology Teachers’ Association conference in Donegal

Diagnostic engineering company, Randox Teoranta, has been officially announced as the main sponsor of the Engineering Technology Teachers’ Association (ETTA) conference. Randox Teoranta, based in Donegal’s coastal town Dungloe, is the global diagnostic company’s hub for world-leading engineering and life sciences in the west of Ireland.

Randox Teoranta’s sponsorship of the renowned ETTA awards comes as it aims to attract Ireland’s top engineers and scientists to join the team which is based in its next-generation life science, engineering, research and manufacturing centre in Donegal.

The company is recognised globally for its commitment to improving healthcare and technology, and in the past year alone scientists and engineers at Randox Teoranta have developed a revolutionary test for Alzheimer’s disease, designed drug testing software to be used by police officers in criminal investigations, and engineered new technologies with the ability to detect disease and save lives. The team is currently working on cutting-edge research for key health issues including kidney disease, thyroid disease and gastrointestinal disorders.

ETTA is a voluntarily administered association which represents teachers of Engineering Technology and Metalwork. Its focus is to promote technology as an exciting career choice for young people, providing a National Engineering Awards programme for second level students. It works in conjunction with Engineers Ireland, third level colleges and the Department of Education to ensure the highest standards of Engineering Technology education.

In attendance on the launch evening in the Letterkenny Institute of Technology were Christina Mc Fadden, Breid Gallagher and Daniel Melly representing Randox Teoranta; Denis Mc Fadden and Jim Morrison from LYIT; and  Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools in Donegal ETB. There was also an excellent turnout from branch members on the night.

Chairperson of the Donegal Branch of the ETTA, Sean Mc Fadden said,

“We would like to acknowledge Randox Teoranta and express our sincere thanks on becoming the main sponsors for the ETTA National Conference 2017, bringing their wealth of knowledge, resources and expertise in the field of engineering to the table. Randox has been bringing high-end engineering employment to Donegal since it opened and are always enthusiastic to develop links with the Education sector here. The expansion of Randox Teoranta is an exciting prospect for many of our students with world-class engineering and technology now right on their doorstep.”

Christina Mc Fadden, Engineering Manager at Randox Teoranta said:

“We’re delighted to support these awards which honour the very best engineering students in Ireland. Randox’s success owes a great deal to our team of engineers who hold a prestigious MacRobert Award and are constantly driving new innovations that transform patients’ lives around the world. Since opening our R&D and manufacturing centre in Dungloe in 2010, we’ve provided unrivalled opportunities to mechanical, software and electrical engineers. We are committed to encouraging more people to see engineering as a viable career option, and then to ensure our very talented students are able to pursue outstanding careers here on this island.”

The ETTA Conference and Awards Ceremony will be hosted by Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th November 2017.

For further information about the Randox Teoranta sponsorship of the ETTA Awards, please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing

Showcasing the best in business!

Randox Laboratories was delighted to sponsor this year’s 2017 Causeway Coast and Glens Business Awards, which was held at the Diamond in Ulster University, Coleraine.

The prestigious ceremony, organised by the Causeway Chamber, recognised and honoured the best of the Borough’s businesses on a local and national level.

350 guests attended the event including Mayor Cllr Joan Baird OBE, Provost Dr Karise Hutchinson, Chief Executive David Jackson, local businesses, award sponsors and 59 finalists who eagerly waited to see if their name would be called out.

Dr Peter FitzGerald CBE FREng DL, Managing Director, Randox commented:

“When you have an opportunity to bring together the best local businesses, not only does it demonstrate the strength of the region but it also enables businesses to help each other and get even better. As this year’s sponsor, we were very impressed with the nominees of each category and choosing the winners was no mean feat. As a company which has benefitted enormously from competitions and awards, we look forward to following their journeys and wish them all the best in the future.”

Anthony Newman, President of Causeway Chamber said:

“The chamber is recognised for helping businesses grow by providing networking opportunities; gaining access to government and key decision makers; creating a range of support initiatives and contributing to local economic activity. We work in partnership with local, national and international organisations and stakeholders.  We have formed ties with Ulster University and Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council, this is evidenced by our collaboration to create a shared vision for this beautiful area.”

The event was hosted by local businesswoman and former TV presenter Sarah Travers who commented on the wide range of companies in the competition:

“The Causeway Coast and Glens Borough is unique in its ability to offer a variety of locations for business development. The Chamber has truly embraced the diversity of the local business talents and rewarded each sector individually.”

Annette Deighan, Chamber Operations Manager added that the awards enable the area to showcase its many talents on a national stage:

 “Causeway Coast and Glens Business Awards would not have been possible without our businesses and continued support of all our sponsors. It is an honour to host these awards, to recognise the achievements and success in our Borough. It shows as a Borough we are continuing to excel and compete at a regional and national level.”

This year there was 18 awards comprising of many categories sponsored by individual companies. The judges were overwhelmed with the level of entries received which is a testament to the success of these bi-annual awards and the achievements of all sectors in the Borough. It highlighted that the Causeway Borough is continuing to grow, compete and provide services at a local and global level. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists on the evening.


Green Business Award sponsored by firmus energy                                

ATG Group


Best Young person in Business Award  sponsored by Northern Regional College

Gareth Boyd, 2020 Architects


Training & Development Award sponsored by Ulster University

Dixons Contractors


Health & Wellbeing Award sponsored by Public Health Agency

Focus on Family


Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility sponsored by Riada Resourcing

Roadside Garages Ltd


Innovation Award sponsored by Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council

ATG Group


Best Start up Business Award sponsored by Causeway Enterprise Agency

Adams McGillan


Small Business of the Year sponsored by Bank of Ireland          

I Care Opticians


Social Enterprise of the Year sponsored by McDonald’s

Ashes to Gold


The Creative Industries Award sponsored by Ulster Bank         

2020 Architects


Good Food Award sponsored by Electric Ireland 

Anglers Rest


Best Tourism Attraction/Service Provider of the Year sponsored by Tourism Ireland

The Crannagh Activity Centre


Business Growth Award sponsored by Danske Bank

Christies Direct


Best New Product/Service of the Year sponsored by Armstrong Medical Ltd

Euro Autospares Ltd


Accommodation Provider of the Year sponsored by First Trust Bank

The Lodge Hotel


AgriBusiness of the Year sponsored by ATG Group

Ballyeamon Eggs Ltd


Retailer of the Year sponsored by Autoline Insurance Group

JKC Specialist Cars


Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council

Winifred Mellet, The Winsome Lady, Ballymoney


For further information about the Randox sponsorship of Causeway Coast & Glens Business Awards, please contact Randox PR by phoning 028 9445 1016 or emailing

Product Spotlight: PTH Control

Liquid CSF Control Image

PTH Control

PTH is a notoriously unstable analyte and many competitors make reduced stability claims in their Immunoassay controls. Randox’s Liquid PTH Control provides laboratories with a dedicated product with an extended, 30-day, open vial stability to reduce waste and costs.

Parathyroid Hormone, better known as PTH, is produced by the Parathyroid glands to help the body maintain steady
volumes of calcium in the blood stream. PTH is part of a ‘feedback loop’ which also includes; calcium, vitamin
D, phosphate and magnesium. Interruptions to this loop can result in higher or lower levels of calcium or
PTH, leading to Hypercalcaemia or Hypocalcaemia. The Parathyroid Glands are responsible for the secretion of PTH in response to low calcium concentrations in the blood.

Product Overview

Released in 2016, Randox’s Liquid PTH Control provides a true third party solution for the measurement of Intact PTH, delivering an unbiased, independent assessment of analytical performance.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Liquid for ease-of-use
  • Human based serum
  • Assayed target values available for many immunoassay platforms
  • Stable to expiry date at -20°C to 70°C
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2°C to 8°C
Unrivalled Stability

Our Liquid PTH Control boasts a remarkable 30-day open vial stability! Many competitors fail to make stability claims in their immunoassay controls. Our PTH control includes target values and ranges, eliminating the need for extra validation work.

A True Third Party Control

The Acusera PTH Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.

Liquid Frozen

Available in three levels Acusera PTH Control is supplied in liquid frozen format, ensuring ease-of-use with no need to reconstitute. Coupled with it’shuman based matrix, it’s perfect for any laboratories conducting PTH testing.


Intact PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)

Download some of our related brochures below and broaden your understanding.

Product Spotlight Archive

Don’t forget to visit our Product Spotlight Archive and see spotlights from different months

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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
Wyślij zapytanie
    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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