Product Focus: Urology

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Product Focus: Urology

Did you know?”

The month of September is Urology Awareness Month in 2017.

Focus On - Urology

This month our Randox QC Product Spotlight focuses on urology and our extensive range of urine chemistry controls and EQA programmes.

During the month of September, there is a particular focus placed on helping to raise awareness for Urology and the effects that urological diseases can have on a person’s life.

It is estimated that 1 in 2 people will be affected by a urological condition at some point in their lifetime. Conditions and diseases related to kidneys, bladder and prostate, among others, are commonplace and can be devastating for millions of men, women and children across the globe.

Urological conditions can be common, such as a urinary tract infections, or they can be much more serious, for example, prostate or testicular cancer.

Throughout September the aim is to make people more aware of these urological conditions and reduce the stigma attached by encouraging people to be more open when talking about their conditions.

So where do Randox Quality Control fit into this?

It is accepted that over 70% of medical decisions are based on laboratory test results with Quality Control playing an often behind the scenes but vital role in ensuring both accuracy and reliability.

Our range of Urine Chemistry and Urinalysis quality controls are designed primarily to ensure accurate test system performance however offer the laboratory additional benefits that will help them to meet regulatory requirements whilst also reducing costs and time.  Manufactured from 100% human urine each control will react to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample reducing inconvenient shifts in QC results when reagent batch is changed.  As true third party controls you can be sure of unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method.

Introducing Acusera Urine Controls

With a choice of liquid or lyophilised and assayed or unassayed controls there is a cost effective option to suit any laboratory. Read on to find out more information on the range – each week of Urology month we will add additional products so make sure you come back every week to find out more!

Week One (1) - Acusera Assayed Urine Control

The Randox Acusera Assayed Urine Quality Control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of urine chemistry tests. Assayed, method specific target values and ranges are provided for 24 analytes including kidney function parameters, catecholamines and urinary proteins.


Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Assayed target values provided for 24 parameters
  • Stable to expiry date at 2 – 8℃
  • Reconstituted stability of 5 days at 2 – 8℃ or 14 days at -20℃

Week Two (2) - Acusera Liquid Urine Control

The Randox Acusera Liquid Urine quality control is designed to be both convenient and easy to use. The liquid ready-to-use format eliminates issues with pipetting and allows convenient storage at 2 – 8℃. Assayed instrument and method specific target values and ranges are provided for 18 commonly tested urine chemistry parameters.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% Human Urine
  • Assayed target values provided for 18 parameters
  • Stable to expiry date at 2oC – 8oC
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2oC – 8oC

Week Three (3) - Acusera Unassayed Urine Control

The Randox Acusera Unassayed Urine Quality Control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of 12 common urine chemistry parameters.

Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Approximate target values available
  • Stable to expiry date at 2 – 8℃
  • Reconstituted stability of 5 days at 2 – 8℃or 14 days at -20℃

Week Four (4) - Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Control

The Randox Acusera Urinalysis quality control is specifically designed for use with both manual and automated method of urine test strip analysis. The control is available in convenient 12ml vials with assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters covering the chemical examination of urine strips.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters
  • Suitable for use in POC testing
  • Stable to expiry date at 2 – 8℃
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2oC – 25oC (20 immersions for UC5033/5034)

Introducing RIQAS Urine Programmes

It is important to note that Randox QC don’t just supply top quality Urine Controls, we also have a number of RIQAS EQA programmes that go hand-in-hand perfectly. RIQAS is the largest, international EQA scheme in the world with over 45,000 laboratory participants spanning 133 countries, as such peer groups are maximised ensuring data for a wide range of instruments.

Week One (1) - RIQAS Human Urine Programme

The RIQAS Human Urine EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of 25 routine chemistry assays in urine.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Bi-weekly reporting
  • 24 x 10ml samples provided
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Register up to five instruments at no extra cost

Week Two (2) - RIQAS Urinalysis Programme

The RIQAS Urinalysis EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of urine dipstick test using both manual and automated methods. All samples are supplied in a liquid ready-to-use format ideal for both clinical and point-of-care testing (POCT).

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Bi-monthly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for POCT

The RIQAS Urine Toxicology EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of 20 drugs of abuse tests in urine. Suitable for both qualitative and semi-quantitative methods of analysis.

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Monthly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for use with both quantitative and screening methods
  • Report results for drug group or individual metabolite

Product Spotlight Archive

Don’t forget to visit our Product Spotlight Archive and see spotlights from different months

Grand National sponsor Randox hosts polo event in Scotland

Returning to the home of 2017 Randox Health Grand National winner One For Arthur, the sponsor of the world’s greatest horse race is hosting an international polo tournament in the heart of Scotland this weekend.

Not only is Scotland known for some of the biggest names in horse racing but the country, which was this week voted by tourists as the most beautiful country in the world, also hosts an impressive polo scene – Randox has been hosting international polo tournaments there for over 15 years. This year the global healthcare company is hosting internationally renowned polo players from countries including Argentina and South Africa at Errol Park in Perthshire, where teams will play in front of hundreds of spectators.

In celebration of Scotland’s rich equestrian heritage and talent, guests of honour at this year’s Randox Polo will include the winning trainer from this year’s Randox Health Grand National, Lucinda Russell, and ‘Golf Widow’ Belinda McClung.

Randox Founder and Managing Director, Dr. Peter FitzGerald, who is himself taking part in the Randox Polo Tournament, commented;

“There are few sports that come close to the speed of the action and the thrill of the chase in a competitive polo match, but there is one that springs to mind.  Winning the Randox Health Grand National, the world’s most famous horse race, is achieved by only the very best in this field, and I am delighted that five months after I handed over the trophy, the winning trainer and owner, Lucinda Russell and Belinda McClung, are joining us in Perthshire at our international polo tournament.  It is through events like these that we are able to share our Randox Health message with the public, and by taking care of our health we are able to make the most of life’s special moments and occasions.”

Unveiled at this weekend’s Randox Polo tournament will be the health firm’s first Mobile Health Clinic, designed to meet the increasing demand for the healthcare service which has stemmed from the sponsorship of the Randox Health Grand National, and to make the world’s most advanced and personalised health check accessible to all.

Dr. FitzGerald continued;

“Our new mobile services marks a departure from traditional models of healthcare provision and is in line with our passion for innovation.  We’re delighted to be able to offer guests to our polo event our unique Randox Health technology, so that anyone who wants to take their health into their own hands, can do so.”

Please contact Randox PR for more information: Call 028 9442 2413 or email

Randox looks east to develop new business relationships

Representatives from global medical diagnostics firm Randox Laboratories have been reaching out to business partners in Russia this week, by accompanying world-renowned pianist Barry Douglas to his performance with the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia and its conductor Alexander Lazarev, at the Moscow Conservatory.

The healthcare company, which has headquarters in County Antrim, is the global sponsor of Barry Douglas and his Camerata Ireland orchestra. The partnership allows Randox to deliver on its commitment to showcase the wide variety of talent on the island of Ireland to a global audience – both through the arts and also through its own scientific expertise.

 Mark Campbell, Senior Manager at Randox Laboratories, commented;

“Accompanying the talented Barry Douglas to Russia allows Randox the opportunity to simultaneously support the promotion of our talented Irish musicians, while also strengthening key business relationships and promoting exports. 

“We are proud to promote Northern Ireland to Russia as not only a country of rich musical heritage, but also an innovative and technologically advanced country continually investing in R&D, with a highly skilled manufacturing workforce.  We have been exporting to the health sector in Russia for over 20 years and we look forward to nurturing these business relationships and developing new ones.”

Barry Douglas, Founder and Artistic Director of Camerata Ireland, and winner of the 1986 International Tchaikovksy Competition, a classical music competition held every four years in Moscow, said;

“It is such an honour to be able to take to the stage in Moscow with the exceptionally talented Alexander Lazarev and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra. It is particularly meaningful for me to be back in the city where I made my name, in 1986. It is thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, particularly our global sponsor Randox, that I and my fellow musicians are able to continue doing what we love.”

Barry Douglas performed with The State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia on Wednesday 6th September 2017 in The Great Hall of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

For further information about Randox in Russia please contact Randox PR on 028 9445 1016 or email

Randox and partners announce opening of £7m Advanced Biomedical Devices laboratory

Randox Laboratories is pleased to announce the opening of a state-of-the-art Advanced Biomedical Engineering Laboratory today, the result of an innovative partnership with some of Northern Ireland’s leading business and education stakeholders.

The strategic collaboration with Invest Northern Ireland, Ulster University and Heartsine Technologies to develop the £7 million laboratory aims to transform the future of healthcare. The lab, which is based at Ulster University, will offer expertise and state of the art equipment to assist companies to develop prototypes for the biomedical, engineering, electronic device and aerospace sectors.

Welcoming the new lab, Dr Peter FitzGerald from Randox Laboratories said: “As one of the UK’s leading life sciences companies, we are delighted to be a partner in this innovative collaboration and to promote Northern Ireland as a global life sciences hub. We believe the greatest improvements to patients’ lives are possible through the continuous development of new technologies.

“This unique laboratory will facilitate that, as it will allow the rapid development of test prototype devices and also assist us to expand our unique range of high-calibre analyser systems.”

Tracey Meharg, Invest NI’s Executive Director of Business Solutions said: “The new Bio Devices Lab is a welcome and exciting development for Northern Ireland’s Health & Life Sciences sector. The facility will open up opportunities for stronger innovation by hosting a suite of equipment which will allow companies to quickly develop prototypes and medical devices for testing.

“It is a great example of how partnerships between government, industry and academia can enhance Northern Ireland as a knowledge economy and boost the credibility and visibility of Northern Ireland as a global leader in connected health.”  

Prof Jim McLaughlin from Ulster University said: Developing technology platforms to help translate our world class science and discovery to a device format as promptly as possible is essential for the very best design and performance.

“In healthcare technology, Ulster University leads the way in the development of new patient monitoring systems, stimulation devices, wearable solutions and diagnostic sensing.

“The lab will enable our researchers to develop the strong leadership and innovation skills so critical to future industry growth, working in collaboration with our industry partners.”

The total investment is £7.4m. Invest NI has offered assistance of £3.7m through a Grant for R&D, with Ulster University contributing £2.9m and £716,000 invested through industry collaborations with Randox Laboratories and Heartsine Technologies. Invest NI’s R&D support is part funded by ERDF under the EU Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020.

Celebrating the opening of the Advanced Biomedical Engineering Laboratory are (from left) Professor Brian Meenan, Ulster University; Tracy Meharg, Invest NI; Professor Jim McLaughlin, Ulster University; and Stuart McGregor, Randox Laboratories

Staff Newsletter July / August 2017 Edition

Staff Newsletter July / August 2017 Edition

We are delighted to be able to share with you the July / August 2017 edition of our We Are Randox staff newsletter!

Click on the image for a range of company and staff news from the past two months – including our annual Sales Conference, AACC, Randox Fest 2017, and of course plenty of exciting staff weddings and engagements!

** Please note that image links work most efficiently in your Google Chrome browser**

We Are Randox | A year in the life of placement student Jenna Ireland

This week marks the end of the 2016/17 academic year for our Randox Placement Students. As we say goodbye and wish them luck for the future, we reflect on the year they have spent with us.

Jenna Ireland, a Business Management student from Ulster University, finishes her year-long placement tomorrow, Friday 11th August, before embarking on her final year of studies.

We sat down for a chat with Jenna to find out how she has found the placement experience, and what she wants to let students know about what it’s like to do a placement year with Randox.


This is what Jenna had to say:

I found out about the Randox Placement programme through our University Career Centre, as Randox has very close links with Ulster University.

I liked the sound of a company with such vast experience and a truly global presence.  The company has a fantastic reputation across Northern Ireland as a leading business and employer so I thought, where better to spend my placement year?

The international network at Randox was truly apparent as soon as I began to work here.  My colleagues in the team in which I was placed, which is the Sales Team for a number of specific regions including India, were so welcoming and supportive in spite of the extremely high-level careers they are in.  They made time for me and went out of their way to help me to settle into my role and life at Randox even though they are so busy managing the sales for so many countries!

I began my time at Randox with a full two weeks of training to ease me into what has been my first full-time job.  This gave me an overview of the company, the products and services I would be selling, the Randox ethos, the responsibilities of my job role, and the format of the placement programme.

I have also received training throughout the year on newly launched products to ensure total understanding of the technologies with which we are working.  I wanted to gain a really in-depth knowledge of our Randox products so I also took it upon myself to complete online training modules.

The role itself that I have had during my time here at Randox is Sales Support Executive. This has involved assisting our team with research tasks as well as introducing new mechanisms to be used by our team after I leave.  I have had the opportunity to really make my mark on the sales systems in place, by working on important projects including our organisational charts and our sales report, which is presented to Senior Management. I’ve also been involved in distributor relationship management, to make sure we always have the best partners in place for Randox.

I really feel like I’ve learnt a lot during my time here. I know that for some students in other organisations, during their placements they are unfortunately encumbered with the boring administrative tasks that more senior members of the team try to avoid, but it hasn’t been like that for me at all.  The responsibilities with which my manager Rebekah has entrusted me have given me a real insight into the role of a salesperson in a very dynamic and fast-paced environment.  I’ve loved meeting and interacting with members of our global team, as well as our distributors and customers. 

My favourite moments during my time here have definitely been attending our Global Sales and Distributor Conferences.  Spending time with a wealth of Randox salespeople from around the world meant that I could lean on their advice and experience to learn what it means to be a good sales person.  I was able to talk to them about how to manage staff, about their tactics for increasing sales, and generally just get an overview of their roles and responsibilities.  It’s great to hear from our global sales staff about their country, their culture, their language.  There are such fantastic opportunities to travel at Randox which makes a sales job here so exciting.

Throughout my year at Randox I have had to submit two four-month reports to university, the first in October and the second in March, to assess and evaluate my placement.  My tutor also came out to Randox to have a face-to-face meeting with my manager and me to discuss how I have been getting on, and my Randox mentor met with me regularly throughout the year to make sure I had all the support I required.

At the end of my placement I then submitted a placement portfolio including a 5000-word report on my time at Randox. I had to explain everything that I had learnt here and how I put into practice the skills and knowledge I had gained from university.

University is a fantastic stepping-stone into the working world, but you truly start to learn what it means to have a career when you experience the industry you want to work in for yourself.  My final report for university was really useful because it enabled me to look back on my time here and reflect on what a fantastic experience it has been.

Not only have I grown in confidence, in my abilities and in my vocational development (simple things like writing professional emails and answering the phone in a polite and engaging way!) but I have also made some great friends. 

Randox is such a friendly place and the team I have working beside me has been part of the reason I have enjoyed my time here so immensely.  We get on really well together and quite often we go out together for lunch on a Friday as an end-of-week treat.

As I finish up my time here (I can’t believe it’s been a year already!) I really want to take the opportunity to thank everyone at Randox for all their support over the year, and of course to thank my sales team for teaching me so much.

To my Line Manager Rebekah Tougher and to my Global Manager Paul Turnbull in particular I want to say a massive thank you for being such fantastic role models and for truly taking me under your wing and helping me flourish.

The first step in my Business Management career has been amazing and it’s thanks to the amazing team at Randox.

Now time to get my head back into the books for my final year of uni! Wish me luck!



We wish Jenna and her fellow placement students all the best as they head back to university.  We might even see them return in the future as Randox graduates!

For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For current vacancies in our team, visit

Product Focus: Randox HbA1c

This month’s product spotlight is our new Liquid HbA1c Control. Over the next few weeks, we will be taking a look at some of the QC solutions available from Randox for HbA1c.

Haemoglobin is an oxygen-transporting protein found inside Red Blood Cells (RBC). Glycated Haemoglobin is simply a haemoglobin with a glucose molecule attached. The higher the level of glucose in the blood the more glycated haemoglobin is formed. Red Blood Cells live for around 2-3 months, because of this the HbA1c test is used by clinicians to get an overall picture of average blood sugar levels for the last 2-3 months. For people with diabetes this is important as the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. It is suggested that an individual’s HbA1c target should be under 48mmol/mol or below 6.5%. By lowering your HbA1c, you help reduce the risk of long-term health problems.

HbA1c is used to monitor patients with diabetes providing an indication of how well the condition is controlled. A measurement of less than 6% of HbA1c in the sample indicates good glucose control and a lower risk of diabetic complications for the majority of diabetics.

Week 1: HbA1C Quality Control

The Randox Acusera HbA1c control is designed for use in the quality control of both HbA1c and Total Haemoglobin assays. Assayed instrument and method specific target values and ranges are provided for all major systems and methods including HPLC. A reconstituted stability of 4 weeks keeps waste to a minimum and helps to reduce costs.

Main Features and Benefits:

Lyophilised for enhanced stability
100% human whole blood
Assayed target values provided for 2 parameters
Convenient bi-level pack containing two clinically significant levels of control
Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
Reconstituted stability of 4 weeks at 2°C – 8°C

Week 2: Liquid HbA1C Quality Control

The Randox Acusera Liquid HbA1C control is conveniently supplied in a liquid ready-to-use format and is ideally suited to both clinical laboratories and POCT helping to significantly reduce preparation time. With a stability of 30 days, waste and costs are also kept to a minimum.

Main Features and Benefits:

Liquid ready-to-use
Human based whole blood
Convenient bi-level pack covering clinically relevant decision levels
Stable to expiry date at  2°C – 8°C
Open vial stability of 30 days at  2°C – 8°C

Week 3: RIQAS HbA1C Programme

RIQAS is the largest international External Quality Assessment Scheme, with more than 40,000 participants in over 124 countries. World renowned for reducing the number of individual programmes required by even the most demanding laboratories, RIQAS covers 360 parameters across 32 flexible multi-parameter programmes.  Effective consolidation in this way will not only deliver real cost savings but free up storage space and ultimately reduce the time spent preparing multiple samples at each survey.

The RIQAS Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of HbA1c and Total Haemoglobin assays.

Main Features and Benefits:

Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043 designed to meet ISO 15189 requirements
Lyophilised for enhanced stability
100% whole blood ensuring a matrix similar to the patient sample
Monthly reporting allowing identification of any system errors sooner
Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
Register up to five instruments at no extra cost

Randox launching new product range at leading laboratory medicine event in USA

A group of 30 delegates from global healthcare company Randox Laboratories has this week travelled to the USA, to take part in the world’s largest diagnostics conference – in San Diego, California.

The American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, known as the leading event for laboratory medicine worldwide, is attended by over 20,000 delegates from across the globe, and offers Randox the opportunity to showcase their capabilities and to network with leading healthcare professionals and key decision makers.

Launching at this year’s event are a number of innovative and exciting new products, including a test for Acute Kidney Injury, a revolutionary diagnostic for small, dense low density lipoprotein (sLDL), a subtype of LDL cholesterol which is a vital risk marker for cardiovascular disease, and the latest in laboratory quality assurance software.

Chief Scientist at Randox Laboratories, John Lamont, who is heading up the delegation to the US, commented;

Our very significant investment in research and development means that we have more new tests in development than any other healthcare company in the world.  Each year at AACC we are able to bring a wealth of exciting new technologies to the American market, for a range of the world’s pressing health issues in need of the most urgent address. We look forward to showcasing our latest innovations at this year’s AACC conference, and to identifying further potential projects.”

Dr. Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;

“We appreciate that post-Brexit there will of course be particular business challenges with regards to international business, but at Randox we will remain committed to developing new health diagnostic technologies in the areas where they are needed most, and to expanding the business in our key markets, such as the US.

“The USA is one of our most important markets and we have been exporting our diagnostic products there since the early 1980s. We will continue to nurture our presence there, the expansion of which will be supported by our soon to be opened facility in Kearneysville, West Virginia, which will enable us to strengthen our position in that market.”

AACC runs from the 30th July – 3rd August at the San Diego Convention Centre. Randox can be found at booth #3839.

For further information about Randox at AACC please contact Randox PR on 028 9445 1016 or email

We Are Randox | Secrets of a Graphic Design Team

Ever wondered what it’s like to be part of the Graphic Design team here at Randox? Well who better to ask than one of our Heads of Design, Caoimhin Magee!

From navigating Illustrator to finding inspiration, collaborating on projects to taking part in creative sessions, and following proofing systems to encouraging professional development, Caoimhin shares all the secrets of one of the most creative departments in our global healthcare company.

Here’s Caiomhin’s story.


When I’m telling people the story of how I came to be Head of Design for such a prestigious company as the sponsor of the Randox Health Grand National, I like to start by saying that there is no one way to become a Graphic Designer.

My background is actually in architecture, which I studied at Queen’s University in Belfast for four years.  But I realised that it just wasn’t for me.  Although there was a certain element of creativity in my architecture degree, there was also a very heavy focus on maths and physics, and it just wasn’t what I pictured myself doing.  I started thinking about changing to a fine arts degree to give me a bit more freedom creatively, but instead of rushing in to making a decision, I took some time out to go travelling across Australia and some of South East Asia.

When I returned home I worked for some time in a printing business in Lurgan, designing and printing a range of stationery for local businesses, and menus for local bars and restaurants.

Then I heard about a Graphic Design course at Shillington College, a design school run by a guy called Andy Shillington.  He has schools in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, London, Manchester and New York, and so I made my way over to the Manchester school to begin training to be a Graphic Designer.

Basically, it was the same as an undergraduate degree in Graphic Design…

…but squeezed into an intense three months.  Everyone studying there had come from different backgrounds and career disciplines but we all started at the same point, learning everything you needed to know to work in the Graphic Design industry – perfecting different design techniques and getting to grips with a range of design software.

Then at the end we were each awarded a Certificate of Education, which is recognised by major design organisations, like Adobe.  We all graduated and showcased our work at a Graduate Show in Shillington, which was attended by some really big names in the design community.  London might be the most obvious city choice for a design career in the UK, but Manchester is very quickly catching up.  There’s a real creative hub there and so on the night of my graduation there some really prestigious designers flicking through my portfolio.  I was lucky enough to secure some great freelance work in Manchester and Liverpool after I graduated.

But then I heard about a design job with Randox and it allowed me the opportunity to move back home and to secure a fulltime job.

What’s so great about working here is that you go in, and effectively you’re just given your own brand to make as exciting as you can.  You’re immediately given the responsibility and trust that you would only get after working in an agency for several years.  Whether you work on the design for Randox Reagents, or Randox Biosciences, or Randox Toxicology, you can go in and put your own stamp on that division.

I always make sure therefore, when talking to designers who are considering coming to work for us, to highlight that there are no Junior Designers in Randox. Everyone works on an equal pegging and we all support each other.

When I moved up to Head of Design here in Randox there were a few new policies that I introduced to improve this sense of collaboration. Even though we each work on our own unique and independent Randox product division, I requested a redesign of the marketing and design office space, so that our designers were each paired off with each other. 

Each designer therefore sits beside another designer and we can all keep track of each other’s work and projects, so that we keep a certain level of consistency under the parent brand of Randox. Working in this way also allows us to take inspiration from each other and help complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

For example, our Motion Graphics Designer Anthony obviously has a very particular skillset, so he’s helping me improve my talents in that area. In turn I’m helping him develop his abilities in our Illustrator software because that’s where my own strengths lie.

I’ve also introduced a Design Studio where the work of our designers is showcased for everyone to see.  Not only does it instil a sense of pride in our work by using it to decorate the office, and showing it to our colleagues, but again it helps us keep track of what other designers are currently working on and makes sure we’re each using the correct typefaces and established colour schemes.  It’s the final stage of the proofing system when we finally see the finished piece of artwork up on the wall for everyone to see.

In the Design Studio you can really see the eclectic mix of projects on which we get to work.  It ranges from virtual reality video, to app design, to brochures for global events like AACC, the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. There is such variety in what we do and there’s always a new challenge to put your hand to. Randox is the perfect place to be if you want to grow your skillset.

Working here also provides us with the opportunity to develop key business skills in the design market.  Relationship building with printers for example, is key, and we do that pretty much every day here.  I honestly can’t think of anywhere else that offers the same level of professional development as Randox. 

I’m very proud of the team we now have in place here. We all work really well together and are making such good progress in our own capabilities and confidence.  We even have a Summer Placement Student, Katie, currently working with us, who is really impressing everybody with her ability and enthusiasm.

I’m sure that the Graphic Design team at Randox will continue to grow and develop, and I can’t wait to see where the coming months and years will take us.


For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For current vacancies in our team, visit

Pictured above: The Randox Graphic Design Team

Front row left to right: Anne Smith, Katie McLernon, Melissa Hull

Middle row left to right: Elizabeth Moran, Amy Fekkes, Anthony Heaney

Back row left to right: Niall McCafferty, Maxwell Brown, Colm Douglas, Caoimhin Magee

Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Quality Control

Is Point-of-Care Testing QC needed?

In the past QC for Point-of-Care testing (POCT) has been considered to be unnecessary. However, research carried out by the Ontario Laboratory Accreditation Body has found that POCT is the largest source of error in the hospital.

What is POCT?

POCT is typically carried out at the patient’s bedside in hospital departments such as; the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit, as well as a Polyclinic, GP Office or Outpatient Clinic. As a result, when selecting appropriate IQC material for POCT there are a number of key characteristics you must consider.


The Randox Acusera range of Quality Controls offer many advantages to laboratories who rely on Point-of-Care testing. The following characteristics outline how our Acusera controls, including, Blood Gas, Liquid Cardiac, Liquid HbA1c and Liquid Urine, are ideal for use in POCT;

  • Format of the material – These controls are presented in a liquid ready-to-use format, therefore requiring no preparation.
  • Value assignment – all values are accurately assigned using data from thousands of independent labs, saving you valuable time.
  • Third party controls – all Randox Acusera Quality Controls are manufactured independently from any specific instrument or method
  • Storage – these controls are in a liquid ready-to-use format, as such these can be easily shipped and stored.
  • Stability – With the exception of our Blood Gas control, all Randox Acusera controls suitable for use in POCT have a 30 day open vial stability.

A white paper outlining the importance of Quality Control in Point-of-Care Testing has been published and is now available for Download. For further information on POCT and Randox QC please email

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  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.
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Make an Enquiry - Future Diagnostics
Make an Enquiry - RX series (Product)
Make an Enquiry - Quality Control
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Make an Enquiry - RIQAS
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Make an Enquiry - Reagents
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  • Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności.
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    Rejestracja na naszej liście mailowej jest szybka i łatwa. Nie chcemy wysyłać e-maili zawierających spam lub wiadomości, które są automatycznie przekierowywane do kosza. W zawiązku z czym firma Randox deklaruje, że będzie wysyłac tylko informacje na temat nowych produktów,akutalizacji obecnych, trendów rynkowych, wydarzeń branżowych itp. Firma Randox Laboraotries obiecuje, że Państwa dane nie będą nigdzie przekazane, a przechowywanie owych danych będzie się odbywało z zachowaniem największego bezpieczeństwa. Prosimy o przeczytani naszje polityki prywatności .
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    Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.
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    Randox Clinical Chemistry Products Join the Randox Laboratories Mailing List * I would like to receive emails with new product releases and updates from Randox Laboratories, market trends, and more. I do not want to receive email marketing from Randox. Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not want to send you any spam or junk emails, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promises never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.

Enquire Now - Coronavirus Testing
  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox Laboratories promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.