Product Spotlight: RIQAS CO-Oximetry EQA

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Product Spotlight: RIQAS CO-Oximetry EQA

Product Spotlight - RIQAS CO-Oximetry EQA Programme


The RIQAS CO-Oximetry EQA Programme is a comprehensive programme suitable for monitoring the performance of 7 CO-Oximetry parameters. All samples are supplied in a liquid ready-to-use format ideal for both clinical and point-of-care testing (POCT).


CO-Oximetry is a methodology that measures the levels of the oxygen-carrying protein haemoglobin, which is the chief component of red blood cells. CO-Oximetry is a useful tool in that it helps determine the levels of various forms of haemoglobin.

Key Benefits & Features

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • Monthly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for POCT

Liquid ready-to-use

The liquid stable formulation requires no preparation making the samples extremely easy and convenient to use.


Covering 7 CO-Oximetry parameters, the RIQAS CO-Oximetry programme offers a streamlined approach to your EQA, allowing you to test your whole CO-Oximetry menu.


RIQAS is the largest international External Quality Assessment (EQA)/ Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme, there are currently more than 45,000 participants in 133 countries. World renowned for reducing the number of individual programmes required by even the most demanding laboratories.


  • Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb / HbCO)
  • Methaemoglobin (MetHb)
  • Oxygen Content (O₂CT)
  • Oxygen Saturation (sO / Vol O)
  • Oxyhaemoglobin (OHb / HbO)
  • Total Haemoglobin (tHb)
  • Reduced / Deoxyhaemoglobin (RHb / HHb)

Related Products


Suitable for monitoring the performance of 10 blood gas parameters.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • Aqueous material
  • Monthly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for POCT

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Chatburn, R. (2014). To co-ox or not to Retrieved 19 February 2018, from

Product Spotlight: Liquid Urinalysis Control

Product Spotlight - Jan - Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control

Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control

The Randox Acusera Urinalysis Quality Control is designed primarily to ensure accurate test system performance however offer the laboratory additional benefits that will help them to meet regulatory requirements whilst also reducing costs and time.


It is estimated that 1 in 2 people will be affected by a urological condition at some point in their lifetime. Conditions and diseases related to kidneys, bladder and prostate, among others, are commonplace and can be devastating for millions of men, women and children across the globe.

Urological conditions can be common, such as urinary tract infections, or they can be much more serious, for example, prostate or testicular cancer.

Urinalysis is used as a screening or diagnostic tool because it can detect kidney and metabolic disorders. Often, substances such as glucose or protein will appear in the urine before a patient is aware that they have a problem. In some conditions, urinalysis also provides an easy and economical test to track patient progress, for example, if you want to know if a condition is improving.

Key Benefits & Features

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters
  • Suitable for use in POC testing
  • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2°C – 25°C (20 immersions for UC5033/5034)


As a leading provider of multi-analyte, third party controls, Randox helps busy laboratories significantly reduce the number of controls needed to cover their test menu. The Randox Liquid Urinalysis Control combines multiple analytes into a single control reduces cost, preparation time, and required storage space without sacrificing quality. Analytes at key decision levels will ensure test system performance across the clinical range. It can also be used in monitoring the performance of both automated and manual methods of urine test strip analysis.

Liquid Stable

Samples are conveniently supplied ready-to-use requiring no preparation as such they can save valuable laboratory time. The Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Control can be used for POCT as well as laboratory based testing.

True third party quality control

The Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.


  • Albumin
  • Bilirubin
  • Blood
  • Creatinine
  • Glucose
  • hCG
  • Ketones
  • Leukocytes
  • Nitrate
  • pH
  • Protein
  • Specific Gravity
  • Urobilinogen

Complete QC solution

The combining of the Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Quality Control, RIQAS Urinalysis EQA programme, and our Acusera 24•7 software will provide a complete QC solution for laboratories of all sizes.

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Product Spotlight: Maternal Screening

Product Spotlight: Maternal Screening Control

Maternal Screening Control


A maternal serum screening test (MSS) is a blood test offered to pregnant women that helps determine the risk of Down’s syndrome and other chromosomal conditions, further testing can be offered if the patient is found to be high risk. It can be performed at 10 weeks (combined first trimester screening test), and 14-20 weeks (second trimester maternal serum screening test).

MSS is generally offered to all pregnant women, but the decision to have the test is a personal decision.

Quality Control is an important part of any diagnostic test but is of particular importance in screening methods, when a disorder must be detected without the presence of symptoms. In such screening methods, errors can present as false negative or false positive results both of which can have devastating consequences.  In the case of maternal screening a false positive result could mean additional and often invasive procedures which can carry risk of harm to the unborn child. The accuracy and reliability of the laboratory test results are extremely important in minimising both false positive and false negative results.

Product Overview

The Randox Acusera Maternal Screening quality control is the only commercially available control which covers all six analytes used during first and second trimester screening of Down’s syndrome and Spina Bifida.

Instrument specific target values and ranges are provided for AFP, Inhibin A, PAPP-A, β hCG, Total hCG and Unconjugated Estriol. The inclusion of PAPP-A and Inhibin A eliminates the need to purchase additional controls at extra expense.

Key Benefits & Features

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human serum
  • Assayed target values provided for 6 parameters
  • Suitable for double, triple and quad screens
  • Unconjugated Estriol present at clinically significant levels
  • Reconstituted stability of 7 days at 2°C – 8°C
  • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C


As a leading provider of multi-analyte, third party controls, Randox helps busy laboratories significantly reduce the number of controls needed to cover their test menu. Combining multiple analytes into a single control reduces cost, preparation time, and required storage space without sacrificing quality.

Analytes at key decision levels will not only ensure test system performance across the clinical range but will further aid consolidation and maximise laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need to purchase additional and often expensive low or high level controls.

First and second trimester

As the only control on the market to cover all first and second trimester analytes, you can be sure that your lab is covering all bases.

True third party control

The Acusera Maternal Screening Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.


  • AFP
  • PAPP-A
  • Free Beta hCG
  • Total hCG
  • Inhibin A
  • Unconjugated Oestriol

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Product Spotlight: Liquid CSF Control

Liqiuid CSF Control - Product Spotlight

Liquid CSF Control

Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) is produced by the body to protect, provide nutrients, and remove waste from the Central Nervous System (CNS). The CNS consists of the brain, spinal cord, and a complex neuron network. It is responsible for sending information to and receiving information from all parts of the body, co-ordinating organ function and responding to changes in the immediate external environment.

When testing CSF, it is removed from the subarachnoid space via lumbar puncture or spinal tap. The analysis of CSF includes tests such as; clinical chemistry, haematology, immunology and microbiology. These are used to diagnose serious bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, such as meningitis, a cerebral bleed, cancer involving the CNS and inflammatory conditions of the CNS.

Product Overview

Providing a true third party solution for the measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), the Acusera Liquid CSF Control is designed to deliver an unbiased, independent assessment of analytical performance helping to ensure accurate and reliable patient testing of 14 analytes.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use samples requiring no preparation
  • Human based material
  • Assayed target values available
  • True third party control providing unbiased performance assessment
  • Shelf life of 2 years from date of manufacture
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2ºC to 8ºC
Unrivalled Stability

Our Liquid CSF Control boasts a remarkable 30-day open vial stability reducing waste, while remaining easy and convenient to use.

A True Third Party Control

The Acusera CSF Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.


  • Albumin (electrophoresis)
  • Alpha – 1- globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Alpha – 2- globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Beta- globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Chloride
  • Gamma – globulin (electrophoresis)
  • Glucose
  • hsIgA
  • hsIgG
  • hsIgM
  • Lactate
  • Microalbumin
  • Protein (Total)
  • Sodium

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Product Spotlight: PTH Control

Liquid CSF Control Image

PTH Control

PTH is a notoriously unstable analyte and many competitors make reduced stability claims in their Immunoassay controls. Randox’s Liquid PTH Control provides laboratories with a dedicated product with an extended, 30-day, open vial stability to reduce waste and costs.

Parathyroid Hormone, better known as PTH, is produced by the Parathyroid glands to help the body maintain steady
volumes of calcium in the blood stream. PTH is part of a ‘feedback loop’ which also includes; calcium, vitamin
D, phosphate and magnesium. Interruptions to this loop can result in higher or lower levels of calcium or
PTH, leading to Hypercalcaemia or Hypocalcaemia. The Parathyroid Glands are responsible for the secretion of PTH in response to low calcium concentrations in the blood.

Product Overview

Released in 2016, Randox’s Liquid PTH Control provides a true third party solution for the measurement of Intact PTH, delivering an unbiased, independent assessment of analytical performance.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Liquid for ease-of-use
  • Human based serum
  • Assayed target values available for many immunoassay platforms
  • Stable to expiry date at -20°C to 70°C
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2°C to 8°C
Unrivalled Stability

Our Liquid PTH Control boasts a remarkable 30-day open vial stability! Many competitors fail to make stability claims in their immunoassay controls. Our PTH control includes target values and ranges, eliminating the need for extra validation work.

A True Third Party Control

The Acusera PTH Control is a true third party control designed to provide an unbiased assessment of performance with a range of instruments and methods, helping your laboratory meet the ISO 15189 requirements.

“the use of third party control materials should be considered,
either instead of, or in addition to, any control materials
supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer”.

Liquid Frozen

Available in three levels Acusera PTH Control is supplied in liquid frozen format, ensuring ease-of-use with no need to reconstitute. Coupled with it’shuman based matrix, it’s perfect for any laboratories conducting PTH testing.


Intact PTH (Parathyroid Hormone)

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Product Focus: Urology

Did you know?”

The month of September is Urology Awareness Month in 2017.

Focus On - Urology

This month our Randox QC Product Spotlight focuses on urology and our extensive range of urine chemistry controls and EQA programmes.

During the month of September, there is a particular focus placed on helping to raise awareness for Urology and the effects that urological diseases can have on a person’s life.

It is estimated that 1 in 2 people will be affected by a urological condition at some point in their lifetime. Conditions and diseases related to kidneys, bladder and prostate, among others, are commonplace and can be devastating for millions of men, women and children across the globe.

Urological conditions can be common, such as a urinary tract infections, or they can be much more serious, for example, prostate or testicular cancer.

Throughout September the aim is to make people more aware of these urological conditions and reduce the stigma attached by encouraging people to be more open when talking about their conditions.

So where do Randox Quality Control fit into this?

It is accepted that over 70% of medical decisions are based on laboratory test results with Quality Control playing an often behind the scenes but vital role in ensuring both accuracy and reliability.

Our range of Urine Chemistry and Urinalysis quality controls are designed primarily to ensure accurate test system performance however offer the laboratory additional benefits that will help them to meet regulatory requirements whilst also reducing costs and time.  Manufactured from 100% human urine each control will react to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample reducing inconvenient shifts in QC results when reagent batch is changed.  As true third party controls you can be sure of unbiased performance assessment with any instrument or method.

Introducing Acusera Urine Controls

With a choice of liquid or lyophilised and assayed or unassayed controls there is a cost effective option to suit any laboratory. Read on to find out more information on the range – each week of Urology month we will add additional products so make sure you come back every week to find out more!

Week One (1) - Acusera Assayed Urine Control

The Randox Acusera Assayed Urine Quality Control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of urine chemistry tests. Assayed, method specific target values and ranges are provided for 24 analytes including kidney function parameters, catecholamines and urinary proteins.


Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Assayed target values provided for 24 parameters
  • Stable to expiry date at 2 – 8℃
  • Reconstituted stability of 5 days at 2 – 8℃ or 14 days at -20℃

Week Two (2) - Acusera Liquid Urine Control

The Randox Acusera Liquid Urine quality control is designed to be both convenient and easy to use. The liquid ready-to-use format eliminates issues with pipetting and allows convenient storage at 2 – 8℃. Assayed instrument and method specific target values and ranges are provided for 18 commonly tested urine chemistry parameters.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% Human Urine
  • Assayed target values provided for 18 parameters
  • Stable to expiry date at 2oC – 8oC
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2oC – 8oC

Week Three (3) - Acusera Unassayed Urine Control

The Randox Acusera Unassayed Urine Quality Control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of 12 common urine chemistry parameters.

Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Approximate target values available
  • Stable to expiry date at 2 – 8℃
  • Reconstituted stability of 5 days at 2 – 8℃or 14 days at -20℃

Week Four (4) - Acusera Liquid Urinalysis Control

The Randox Acusera Urinalysis quality control is specifically designed for use with both manual and automated method of urine test strip analysis. The control is available in convenient 12ml vials with assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters covering the chemical examination of urine strips.

Features & Benefits

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Assayed ranges provided for 13 parameters
  • Suitable for use in POC testing
  • Stable to expiry date at 2 – 8℃
  • Open vial stability of 30 days at 2oC – 25oC (20 immersions for UC5033/5034)

Introducing RIQAS Urine Programmes

It is important to note that Randox QC don’t just supply top quality Urine Controls, we also have a number of RIQAS EQA programmes that go hand-in-hand perfectly. RIQAS is the largest, international EQA scheme in the world with over 45,000 laboratory participants spanning 133 countries, as such peer groups are maximised ensuring data for a wide range of instruments.

Week One (1) - RIQAS Human Urine Programme

The RIQAS Human Urine EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of 25 routine chemistry assays in urine.

  • Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043
  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • 100% human urine
  • Bi-weekly reporting
  • 24 x 10ml samples provided
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Register up to five instruments at no extra cost

Week Two (2) - RIQAS Urinalysis Programme

The RIQAS Urinalysis EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of urine dipstick test using both manual and automated methods. All samples are supplied in a liquid ready-to-use format ideal for both clinical and point-of-care testing (POCT).

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Bi-monthly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for POCT

The RIQAS Urine Toxicology EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of 20 drugs of abuse tests in urine. Suitable for both qualitative and semi-quantitative methods of analysis.

  • Liquid ready-to-use
  • 100% human urine
  • Monthly reporting
  • Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
  • Suitable for use with both quantitative and screening methods
  • Report results for drug group or individual metabolite

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Product Focus: Randox HbA1c

This month’s product spotlight is our new Liquid HbA1c Control. Over the next few weeks, we will be taking a look at some of the QC solutions available from Randox for HbA1c.

Haemoglobin is an oxygen-transporting protein found inside Red Blood Cells (RBC). Glycated Haemoglobin is simply a haemoglobin with a glucose molecule attached. The higher the level of glucose in the blood the more glycated haemoglobin is formed. Red Blood Cells live for around 2-3 months, because of this the HbA1c test is used by clinicians to get an overall picture of average blood sugar levels for the last 2-3 months. For people with diabetes this is important as the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. It is suggested that an individual’s HbA1c target should be under 48mmol/mol or below 6.5%. By lowering your HbA1c, you help reduce the risk of long-term health problems.

HbA1c is used to monitor patients with diabetes providing an indication of how well the condition is controlled. A measurement of less than 6% of HbA1c in the sample indicates good glucose control and a lower risk of diabetic complications for the majority of diabetics.

Week 1: HbA1C Quality Control

The Randox Acusera HbA1c control is designed for use in the quality control of both HbA1c and Total Haemoglobin assays. Assayed instrument and method specific target values and ranges are provided for all major systems and methods including HPLC. A reconstituted stability of 4 weeks keeps waste to a minimum and helps to reduce costs.

Main Features and Benefits:

Lyophilised for enhanced stability
100% human whole blood
Assayed target values provided for 2 parameters
Convenient bi-level pack containing two clinically significant levels of control
Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
Reconstituted stability of 4 weeks at 2°C – 8°C

Week 2: Liquid HbA1C Quality Control

The Randox Acusera Liquid HbA1C control is conveniently supplied in a liquid ready-to-use format and is ideally suited to both clinical laboratories and POCT helping to significantly reduce preparation time. With a stability of 30 days, waste and costs are also kept to a minimum.

Main Features and Benefits:

Liquid ready-to-use
Human based whole blood
Convenient bi-level pack covering clinically relevant decision levels
Stable to expiry date at  2°C – 8°C
Open vial stability of 30 days at  2°C – 8°C

Week 3: RIQAS HbA1C Programme

RIQAS is the largest international External Quality Assessment Scheme, with more than 40,000 participants in over 124 countries. World renowned for reducing the number of individual programmes required by even the most demanding laboratories, RIQAS covers 360 parameters across 32 flexible multi-parameter programmes.  Effective consolidation in this way will not only deliver real cost savings but free up storage space and ultimately reduce the time spent preparing multiple samples at each survey.

The RIQAS Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) EQA programme is designed to monitor the performance of HbA1c and Total Haemoglobin assays.

Main Features and Benefits:

Accredited to ISO/IEC 17043 designed to meet ISO 15189 requirements
Lyophilised for enhanced stability
100% whole blood ensuring a matrix similar to the patient sample
Monthly reporting allowing identification of any system errors sooner
Submit results and view reports online via RIQAS.Net
Register up to five instruments at no extra cost

Product Focus: Calibrators


The importance of accurate instrument calibration in the laboratory is often overlooked. At Randox Quality Control we believe that accurate calibration is the foundation for producing reliable patient results. In fact, we believe that this should be your first step in ensuring accurate instrument performance and something you should consider carefully.

Effective instrument calibration will provide you with a baseline for your analysers from which accurate results can be produced. This baseline is then used to adjust readings to match the computed value and ensure accurate patient results are reported.

Calibrator features you should consider;

As well as frequent recalibration, according to the instructions provided by the instrument / reagent manufacturer, Randox Quality Control recommends;

  • Utilising a third party calibrator, such as those available from our Acusera range, which have independently assigned values and have not been optimized for use with any specific instrument or reagent system
  • Ensuring the calibrator you employ has the same matrix as a patient sample
  • Choosing a calibrator that is 100% commutable, ensuring it mimics the behaviour of a patient sample
  • multi-analyte calibrator with a long shelf life

Clinical Chemistry Calibration Serum

Third party calibrator covering 42 commonly used clinical chemistry tests. Method and instrument specific target values and ranges are provided for most chemistry analysers. Two clinically significant levels are available.

Features & Benefits

  • Lyophilised for enhanced stability
  • Human based serum
  • Instrument specific target values provided for 42 parameters
  • Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
  • Reconstituted stability of 7 days at 2°C – 8°C or 4 weeks at -20°C

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