Copper Assay
Copper Assay
Reagent | Copper
Benefits of the Randox Copper Assay
Exceptional correlation
A correlation coefficient of r=0.97 was displayed when the Randox copper assay was compared to commercially available methods.
Excellent precision
The Randox copper assay displayed a precision of <2.15% CV.
Wide measuring range
The Randox copper assay has a measuring range of 6.6 – 86µmol/l for the comfortable detection of clinically important results.
Standard supplied with the kit
The Randox copper kit includes the standard simplifying the ordering process. Calibrator is available for automated use.
Controls available
Controls available offering a complete testing package.
Applications available
Applications available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of the Randox copper assay on a variety of clinical chemistry analysers.
Ordering information
Cat No | Size | ||||
CU2340 | R1a 1 x 105ml R1b 5 x 20ml R2 1 x 30ml | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers. Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.
Copper (CU) is an essential trace mineral, naturally available in some foods and as dietary supplements. CU is a cofactor for several enzymes, known as cuproenzymes, which are involved in connective tissue synthesis, energy production, iron metabolism, neuropeptide activation and neurotransmitter synthesis. CU is also involved in brain development, immune system functioning, neurohormone homeostasis, pigmentation, regulation of gene expression, and several physiological processes, such as angiogenesis 1.
CU has been recognised as both an antioxidant and pro-oxidant. Naturally occurring within the body, free radicals interact with genetic material, damage cell walls and contribute to the development of several health problems. As an antioxidant, CU scavenges to neutralise the free radicals, aiding in the prevention of oxidative damage. Conversely, as a pro-oxidant, CU can promote free radical damage, inducing the development of health problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. Consequently, CU is vital as part of a balanced diet 2.
CU deficiency in Western countries is rare, however, altered CU metabolism may influence CU deficiency which negatively impacts the connective tissue, nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. Such conditions that can predispose CU deficiency include: prematurity, gastric bypass, burns, over-the-counter vitamins containing zinc and iron and infants fed with unmodified cow milk 3.
Menkes disease is a rare x-linked recessive disorder of CU metabolism caused by mutations to the ATP7A gene. Menkes disease affects an estimated 1 in every 100,000 – 250,000 births and is characterised by sparse, kinky hair and failure to thrive and progressive deterioration of the nervous system. Symptoms commonly present during infancy, but, in some cases, the symptoms may present in early to middle childhood. If treatment is started early, the prognosis may improve 4.
Copper toxicity is also rare but can be caused by consuming too many dietary supplements high in copper, drinking contaminated water and from fungicides containing CU sulphates 3.
Wilson’s disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations to the ATP7B gene, which is highly expressed in the liver, kidneys and placenta. Wilson’s disease affects approximately 1 in every 40,000 and is characterised by hepatic, neuropsychiatric and ophthalmic symptoms as a result of excess copper accumulation. Unlike most genetic diseases, early detection and implementation of a treatment plan for those with Wilson’s disease can prevent longer term morbidity due to copper induced end organ dysfunction 3.
Related products
Clinical Chemistry Calibrator
Chemistry Premium Controls
Clinical Chemistry EQA
[1] National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. (accessed 10 March 2020).
[4] Rare Diseases. Menkes disease. (accessed 10 March 2020).
Vivalytic Resource Hub
Celebrating World Diabetes Day 2022!

Celebrating World Diabetes Day, 14th November 2022!
Diabetes is a serious medical condition that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to become too high. This can cause complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney problems or nerve damage if not treated.
Although there is no cure for Diabetes, the condition can be controlled and monitored.
There are three main types of diabetes, type one, type two and gestational diabetes. The former two are lifelong and can cause life threatening complications if not monitored effectively.
Type one diabetes is when the body can’t make insulin, which is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction. In the UK, around 8% of the population have type one.
Type two diabetes is generally caused from lifestyle, when the pancreas doesn’t work properly and can’t keep your blood sugar levels from rising. Type two represents around 90% of people with diabetes in the UK.
Gestational diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a form of diabetes that appears in pregnancy, characterised by high blood sugar due to the hormones produced in pregnancy. In the UK, around 5% of pregnant women are diagnosed every year.
Globally, Diabetes affects more than 415 million people, with type 2 being the most common.
People with T1D have an estimated 50% risk of developing Chronic Kidney Disease over their lifetime. CKD can progress to kidney failure, requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant. Taking a personalized approach to kidney disease screening for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) may reduce the time that chronic kidney disease (CKD) goes undetected, according to a new analysis performed by the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications study group.
World Diabetes Day aims to increase visibility around the condition and can help sufferers feel less alone. Charities such as Diabetes UK also use the day to help promote awareness and information around the condition to help get people diagnosed earlier through campaigns such as #RewriteTheStory.
Randox reagents cover a spectrum of laboratory testing which can help monitor Diabetes and the effectiveness of management. This can help prevent serious complications which can become life threatening.
Diagnosis and Monitoring
Fructosamine (Glycated Protein) has been identified as an early indicator of diabetic control compared to other markers such as HbA1c. HbA1c represents the average blood glucose levels for the previous 2-3 months, conversely fructosamine reflects average blood glucose levels of the previous 2-3 weeks. HbA1c levels may also be impacted by genetic, haematological and disease-related factors. The enzymatic Fructosamine method also offers improved specificity and reliability compared to conventional NBT-based methods and does not suffer from non-specific interferences unlike other commercially available Fructosamine assays.
Complications Monitoring – Ketoacidosis
D-3-Hydroxybutyrate (Ranbut) is the most sensitive ketone for the diagnosis of ketosis, in particular diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) , because it represents approximately 80% of ketones present in blood during DKA. The nitroprusside method commonly used in semi-quantitative dipstick tests only detects acetone and acetoacetate making it less accurate.
Complications Monitoring – Renal Dysfunction
Cystatin C is extremely sensitive to very small changes in GFR and has been identified as a strong predictor of clinical outcomes associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Cystatin C doesn’t have a ‘blind area’ like creatinine. Up to 50% of renal function may be lost before significant creatinine elevation occurs. NICE guidelines recommend cystatin C testing due to its higher specificity for significant disease outcomes.
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Celebrating Lp(a) Awareness Day 2022 today!

Randox are raising awareness for Lipoprotein(a), we want to drive awareness on tests that are available to you to decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack or other heart diseases.
Lp(a) is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and related diseases including CHD and stroke. It is increasingly recognised as the strongest known genetic risk factor for premature coronary artery disease. The biggest challenge that exists surrounding Lp(a) measurement is the heterogeneity of the apolipoprotein(a) isoforms, resulting in the underestimation or overestimation of Lp(a) concentrations.
Benefits of the Randox Lp(a) assay
WHO/IFCC reference material – The Randox Lp(a) assay is calibrated in nmol/l and traceable to the WHO/IFCC reference material (IFCC SRM 2B) and provides an acceptable bias compared with the Northwest Lipid Metabolism Diabetes Research Laboratory (NLMDRKL) gold standard method.
Dedicated calibrator & control available – Five point calibrator with accuracy-based assigned target values (in nmol/l) is available, accurately reflecting the heterogeneity of the apo(a) isoforms. Dedicated Lp(a) control is available offering a complete testing package.
Excellent correlation – A correlation coefficient of r=0.995 was displayed when the Randox method was compared against other commercially available methods.
Excellent precision – The Randox Lp(a) assay displayed a within run precision of <2.54%.
Liquid ready-to-use – The Randox Lp(a) assay is available in a liquid ready-to-use format for convenience and ease-of-use.
Applications available – Instrument-specific settings can be provided for a wide range of clinical chemistry analysers.
The biggest challenge that exists surrounding Lp(a) measurement is the heterogeneity of the apo(a) isoforms, resulting in the underestimation or overestimation of Lp(a) concentrations. In immunoassays, the variable numbers of repeated KIV-2 units in Lp(a) act as multiple epitopes. This is where standardisation across calibrators is vital. Unless the calibrants do have the same range of isoforms as test samples, those with higher numbers of the KIV-2 repeat, will represent with an overestimation in Lp(a) concentrations and those with smaller numbers of the KIV-2 repeat, will represent with an underestimation. The smaller isoforms are strongly associated with higher Lp(a) concentrations. Lack of standardisation of the calibrant would result in an underestimation of Lp(a) associated CVD risk. It is important to note that an Lp(a) immunoassay employing isoform insensitive antibodies does not exist.
Lp(a) has been identified to be a key risk factor for cardiovascular complications in individuals with COVID-19!
It is well documented that pre-existing comorbidities such as diabetes and CVD are associated with greater severity and higher fatality rates in those with COVID-19. Those with either baseline elevated Lp(a) or those whose Lp(a) levels increased following infection from COVID-19, or both, maybe at a significantly increased risk of developing thromboses. Elevated Lp(a) levels may cause acute destabilisation of pre-existing but quiescent, atherosclerotic plaques, which could induce an acute myocardial infarction or stroke.
Identifying any possible health conditions that would relate to early signs of stroke, heart attack or other heart diseases will allow you to make any decisions on an appropriate diet, lifestyle changes and early treatment to reduce your risk of further problems.
For more information about Lp(a):
Visit our website: Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] | Reagents | Randox Laboratories
Or email:
Lp(a) Calibrator
Lp(a) Control
Lipid EQA Scheme
Reagents Resource Hub
RX daytona/imola /daytona plus/monaco

We develop a range of applications for the RX daytona/ imola/ daytona plus/ monaco analysers so that laboratories worldwide can enjoy the benefits of freedom of choice from an independent manufacturer, Randox Laboratories. We have a range of assays available for the RX daytona/ imola/ daytona plus/ monaco, and we are always developing more applications. If you don’t see the application you are looking for, please contact us to request an application.
All kits are produced to international standard and have ISO 13485 accreditation.
Existing customers can access IFU’s through Powerline.
Rx daytona/imola /daytona plus/monaco - Reagents
Complement Component 3 CRP Full Range (0.3-160mg/l) IgE CRP
Complement Component 4 CRP High Sensitivity IgG
IgA IgM Rheumatoid Factor
Calcium Creatinine Enzymatic Potassium CO2 Total
Creatinine (Jaffe) Sodium Chloride Glucose
Alkaline Phosphatase Calcium Phosphorus Total Protein
Cholesterol CRP Full Range (0.3-160mg/l) Direct LDL Cholesterol Myoglobin
CK-MB CRP High Sensitivity Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (H-FABP) sLDL
CK-NAC Digoxin Homocysteine Triglycerides
CRP Direct HDL Cholesterol Lipoprotein (a)
Albumin Direct Bilirubin Creatinine (Jaffe) Sodium
Alkaline Phosphatase Calcium Glucose Total Bilirubin
ALT Chloride Lactate Total Protein
AST (GOT) CO2 Total Potassium Urea
Cholesterol Direct HDL Cholesterol Glycerol Ranbut (Hydroxybutyrate)
Creatinine Enzymatic Direct LDL Cholesterol HbA1c/Hb Total Protein
Creatinine (Jaffe) Fructosamine Microalbumin Triglycerides
Cystatin C Glucose NEFA (Non-Esterified Fatty Acids) Urinary Protein
Calcium CO2 Total Magnesium Sodium (Direct / Nondirect)
Chloride (Direct / Nondirect) Lithium Potassium (Direct / Nondirect)
G-6-P-DH Haptoglobin LDH
Albumin Cholinesterase Haptoglobin Total Bilirubin
Aldolase Complement C3 IgA Total Protein
Alkaline Phosphatase Complement C4 IgG Transferrin
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Direct Bilirubin IgM Transthyretin (Prealbumin)
ALT Gamma GT Iron (UIBC) Ammonia
GLDH Leucine Arylamidase (LAP) AST (GOT) Glycerol
Acid Phosphatase ASO Lactate Alpha-1Acid Glycoprotein
CRP Rheumatoid Factor
Apolipoprotein A-I Apolipoprotein C-II Cholesterol Lipoprotein (a)
Apolipoprotein A-II Apolipoprotein C-III Direct HDL Cholesterol sLDL
Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein E Direct LDL Cholesterol Triglycerides
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin CRP Full Range (0.3-160mg/l) IgE CRP
CRP High Sensitivity Transthyretin (Prealbumin)
Albumin Iron Magnesium Transferrin
Copper Iron (UIBC) Potassium Transthyretin (Prealbumin)
Ferritin Lipase TIBC Zinc
Amylase LDH Pancreatic Amylase Glucose
Albumin Creatinine Enzymatic IgG Sodium
Ammonia Creatinine (Jaffe) LDH Phosphorus (Inorganic)
Beta-2 Microglobulin Cystatin C Magnesium Urinary Protein
Calcium Glucose Microalbumin Urea
Chloride HbA1c/Hb Potassium Uric Acid
Albumin Cholinesterase (Butyryl) HDL Superoxide Dismutase (Ransod)
Alkaline phosphatase CK-NAC Iron (UIBC) Sodium
ALT (GPT) CO2 Total Lactate Therapeutic drugs
Aldolase Copper Lactate dehydrogenase Total Protein
Ammonia Creatinine LDL Triglycerides
Amylase CRP Lipase Urea
AST (GOT) Canine CRP Magnesium Uric Acid
Bile acids Fructosamine NEFA (Non-esterified fatty acids) Urinary protein
Bilirubin Gamma-GT Phosphorus (Inorganic) Zinc
Calcium GLDH Potassium Chloride
Glucose Ranbut (Hydroxybutyrate) Cholesterol Glycerol
Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel)
Therapeutic Drugs
Acetaminophen Gentamicin Phenytoin Valproic Acid
Carbamazepine Lithium Salicylate Digoxin
Phenobarbitol Theophyline
Drugs of Abuse
Barbiturates Cocaine metabolite Ethanol Opiates
Benzodiazepines EDDP Methadone Cannabinoids
Ecstasy Methamphetamine
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin ASO Cystatin C IgM
Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein Beta-2 Microglobulin Ferritin Lipoprotein (a)
Apolipoprotein A-I Ceruloplasmin Fructosamine Microalbumin
Apolipoprotein A-II Complement C3 Haptoglobin Myoglobin
Apolipoprotein B Complement C4 HbA1c/Hb Rheumatoid Factor
Apolipoprotein C-II CRP IgA Transthyretin (Prealbumin)
Apolipoprotein C-III CRP Full Range (0.3-160mg/l) IgE Transferrin
Apolipoprotein E CRP High Sensitivity IgG
Albumin Glutathione Reductase TIBC Uric Acid
Bilirubin Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel) Total Antioxidant Status Ferritin
Superoxide Dismutase (Ransod) Transferrin
Glutamate Glutamine
Food and Wine Testing
Acetic Acid Copper Glycerol Malic Acid
Ammonia Glucose Iron Potassium
Calcium Glucose/Fructose L-Lactic Acid Total Antioxidant Status
SARS-CoV-2 Vascular & Multi-System Dysfunction Whitepaper

30 June 2021
SARS-CoV-2 Vascular & Multi-System Dysfunction Whitepaper Download
COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. While many of whom become infected by the disease will experience mild to moderate cold or flu-like symptoms, those with health complications – such as autoimmune diseases, asthma, heart disease and diabetes – are at risk of developing serious illness and adverse outcomes.
As of September 2021, over 228 million COVID-19 cases have been confirmed worldwide, with an estimated one in six patients experiencing complications which could be life threatening, with over £116 billion spent by the UK government alone on measures to combat the disease. This drastic spending has been mirrored across the globe, with the significant economic burden expected to be suffered for generations to come.
The whitepaper provides a brief overview of the COVID-19 pandemic, before discussing vascular abnormalities and associated complications brought on by the virus, such as multi-system disfunction, acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS) and hepatic, renal & cardiovascular function.
Want to know more about Randox?
Contact us or visit our homepage to view more.
Our COVID-19 Products and Services
Why does Randox sponsor Equine Sports events?

Why does Randox sponsor Equine Sports?
1 September 2021: Why does Randox sponsor Equine Sports?
Some may be wondering, why is a healthcare company so invested in the equine industry? Why would they sponsor the world’s most famous steeplechase – The Randox Grand National?
It’s a labour of love… Peter FitzGerald’s fond attachment to the equestrian world, together with 40 years’ experience in the in vitro diagnostics industry, was the perfect match.
Clinical diagnostics is at the heart of Randox and our experience and expertise has paved the way for the development of innovative and accurate diagnostic products for Equine Health.
You could say ‘it runs in our blood.’
With 70% of all medical decisions based on the analysis of blood, Randox are set to release the VeraSTAT-V, a stable-side Equine Serum Amyloid A test device designed to detect levels of inflammation in horse blood in a matter of minutes.
The ability to quickly detect and monitor your horse’s health, at the stable side, brings huge benefits to both horse and owner. Early detection of inflammatory states means treatment plans can start sooner, recovery periods are shorter, and the horse can return to work healthy much earlier.
When performance is key, monitoring inflammation is vital.
Whether it’s detecting inflammation related to joint injury, or screening for infection before or after transport, competition or surgery, the VeraSTAT-V is a valuable means to monitor Equine Health.
At Randox, we have enjoyed a long-standing partnership with the Jockey Club and will continue to deliver innovative diagnostics solutions to the Equine Industry for the years ahead.
Interested in finding out more?
For all Equine SAA and/or Veterinary related inquiries, please email or visit for more information.
Reagents | Syphilis
Randox Syphilis
- Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Assay (TPHA) method
- Liquid ready-to-use reagents
- Stable to expiry when stored at 2-8°C
- Qualitative or quantitative results
Cat No | Size | ||||
SY1480 | 100T (L) | Enquire | Kit Insert Request | MSDS | Buy Online |
SY1478 | 100T (Card test) (L) | Buy Online | |||
(L) Indicates liquid option |
Instrument Specific Applications (ISA’s) are available for a wide range of biochemistry analysers. Contact us to enquire about your specific analyser.
What is the Syphilis assay used for?
Syphilis is a chronic, contagious and often congenital venereal disease caused by Treponema pallidum. Infection results from contact with moist surfaces, originating in lesions of the epithelial tissue of the skin and mucous membranes. If untreated the disease may result in irreversible changes in the cardiovascular and nervous system. Syphilis remains a disease of high incidence, despite advances in modern antibiotic therapy.
Clinical Chemistry Panel
For more information or to view more reagents within the clinical chemistry panel, please click here
Rapid Tests / Serology Panel
For more information or to view more reagents within the rapid tests / serology panel, please click here
Roche Cobas

Applications for Roche Cobas 4000 / 6000 / 8000 / PURE / PRO
We develop a range of applications for the Roche Cobas Series (4000 / 6000 / 8000 / PURE / PRO) analysers so that laboratories worldwide can enjoy the benefits of freedom of choice from an independent manufacturer, Randox Laboratories.
Applications available for Roche Cobas
We have 72 reagents available for the Roche Cobas Series (4000 / 6000 / 8000 / PURE / PRO), and are always developing more. If you don’t see the application you are looking for, please email us to request an application. All kits are produced to international standard and have ISO 13485 accreditation.
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Get in touch with Randox via email at
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Download your kit insert for free on our online portal.
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Order your reagents kits online by visiting our online store