We Are Randox | Randox Apprentice Rory McCloskey Wins Gold at National Competition

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We Are Randox | Randox Apprentice Rory McCloskey Wins Gold at National Competition

A Randox Engineer and Northern Regional College apprentice has been recognised as one of the UK’s most talented young tradesmen at an event organised by Worldskills UK.

Rory McCloskey (21) from Antrim was a gold medal winner at the UK National finals in Birmingham. He was competing with over 500 apprentices, exponents of 55 disciplines – as diverse as Aircraft Maintenance to 3D Game Design, Cabinet Making, Plumbing to Beauty Therapy and Cyber Security.

Rory was recognised for his expertise in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling which involves programming, setting and running a modern CNC milling machine to accurately produce a component in a given timeframe.

His journey to the national finals started earlier this year with local College competitions. From here, he progressed through the regional heats and national semi-finals where he finished in the top six in the UK to qualify for the National Worldskills UK 2017 finals which were held in Birmingham from 16 – 18 November.

Rory is a Higher Level Apprentice and works in the engineering department of Randox Laboratories. As a Foundation Degree student at the College’s Ballymena campus, he was trained on state-of-the-art CNC engineering machinery and taught how to program and operate machines such as Mazek, DMG Mori and Doonson, equipment used in modern manufacturing companies throughout Northern Ireland. The College provides education and training in this technology to a wide range of companies, including Ryobi Aluminium Cating, Linamar Montupet, Hutchinson Engineering, Randox Laboratories, McAuley Engineering.

Congratulating Rory on his success, Professor Terri Scott, Chief Executive of Northern Regional College said:

“The award is a great credit to Rory and all the engineering staff at the College and is just reward for all Rory’s hard work and dedication.

“The College has a proud and prestigious tradition of education and training in the field of engineering and I am delighted to see that our provision continues to deliver a consistently high standard.”

Dr Peter FitzGerald, Founder and Managing Director of Randox Laboratories, commented;

“We are incredibly proud of Rory and what he has achieved at the National Worldskills UK 2017 finals. Our apprentices from both the Northern and Southern Regional College are such talented individuals and so we are delighted to be able to offer them the opportunity to carry out ground-breaking research and development with us as they grow and develop in their careers.

“And the apprenticeship scheme is highly valued by the company – just as our students benefit from the time they spend with us, so too do we as a modern and innovative healthcare firm benefit from the fresh perspectives and forward-thinking ideas these students bring to Randox. 

Passionate and hard-working people like Rory make Randox what it is today.  We’re extremely grateful for his contributions to the engineering team here and equally proud of his achievements.  Congratulations Rory.”

Northern Regional College was well represented at the National Worldskills UK finals. Rory was one of seven students from the College’s Ballymena, Coleraine and Newtownabbey campuses to qualify for the final stage of the competition.

The other College finalists were: Dean Boyle, who was rewarded a bronze medal in CNC Milling; Matthew McLaughlin, who was highly commended in Graphic Design; Ryan Moon and Richard Woods (Mechatronics); James McCaughey (IT Software); Patrick McCloskey (Carpentry).


For further information about Rory’s award or to find our more about our apprenticeship programme please email randoxpr@randox.com 

Staff Newsletter September / October 2017 Edition

Staff Newsletter September / October 2017 Edition

We are delighted to be able to share with you the September / October 2017 edition of our We Are Randox staff newsletter!

Click on the image for a range of company and staff news from the past two months – including the unveiling of our brand new Randox Health Mobile Clinic, attending NCLM China and Apimondia in Turkey, exciting collaborations with Ulster University and Transgene, and of course plenty of photos from our Polo events in Scotland and Bushmills!

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Staff Newsletter July / August 2017 Edition

Staff Newsletter July / August 2017 Edition

We are delighted to be able to share with you the July / August 2017 edition of our We Are Randox staff newsletter!

Click on the image for a range of company and staff news from the past two months – including our annual Sales Conference, AACC, Randox Fest 2017, and of course plenty of exciting staff weddings and engagements!

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We Are Randox | Celebrating Summer at Randox Fest 2017

At Randox we know the importance of celebrating our staff, and encouraging camaraderie between colleagues.

That’s why we host a staff fun day every year during the summer – as an opportunity for Randox staff located across different sites and departments to get to know each other, to enjoy the sunshine together, and of course to raise some funds for a worthy cause.

With all proceeds going towards Meningitis Research NI , this year staff gathered together for a day of games, baking, team building and of course general merriment on Friday 11th August 2017.

The activities on offer were:

  • Tug of war
  • Rounders
  • Bucking bronco
  • Bake Off competition
  • And of course a tasty BBQ!

To add the final icing on the cake, winners of the Randox Fest 2017 Rounders Tournament each won tickets to the Randox Health Grand National 2018. Congratulations Amy Johnston, Brandon Campbell, Rebecca Keenan, Renu Datta, Mary Henry and Emmet Mulholland!

And of course a big congratulations to Amy Best, whose delicious Cookie Cake won the Randox Fest Bake Off 2017. Amy will now be a judge for the Bake Off at our 2018 event!

We hope everyone had an enjoyable afternoon at Randox Fest and have forged some wonderful new friendships across our 1400-strong workforce.

Thank you to all who took part, and we look forward to having you join us for next year’s event!

To find out more about charity fundraising at Randox, please email randoxpr@randox.com 






We Are Randox | Secrets of a Graphic Design Team

Ever wondered what it’s like to be part of the Graphic Design team here at Randox? Well who better to ask than one of our Heads of Design, Caoimhin Magee!

From navigating Illustrator to finding inspiration, collaborating on projects to taking part in creative sessions, and following proofing systems to encouraging professional development, Caoimhin shares all the secrets of one of the most creative departments in our global healthcare company.

Here’s Caiomhin’s story.


When I’m telling people the story of how I came to be Head of Design for such a prestigious company as the sponsor of the Randox Health Grand National, I like to start by saying that there is no one way to become a Graphic Designer.

My background is actually in architecture, which I studied at Queen’s University in Belfast for four years.  But I realised that it just wasn’t for me.  Although there was a certain element of creativity in my architecture degree, there was also a very heavy focus on maths and physics, and it just wasn’t what I pictured myself doing.  I started thinking about changing to a fine arts degree to give me a bit more freedom creatively, but instead of rushing in to making a decision, I took some time out to go travelling across Australia and some of South East Asia.

When I returned home I worked for some time in a printing business in Lurgan, designing and printing a range of stationery for local businesses, and menus for local bars and restaurants.

Then I heard about a Graphic Design course at Shillington College, a design school run by a guy called Andy Shillington.  He has schools in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, London, Manchester and New York, and so I made my way over to the Manchester school to begin training to be a Graphic Designer.

Basically, it was the same as an undergraduate degree in Graphic Design…

…but squeezed into an intense three months.  Everyone studying there had come from different backgrounds and career disciplines but we all started at the same point, learning everything you needed to know to work in the Graphic Design industry – perfecting different design techniques and getting to grips with a range of design software.

Then at the end we were each awarded a Certificate of Education, which is recognised by major design organisations, like Adobe.  We all graduated and showcased our work at a Graduate Show in Shillington, which was attended by some really big names in the design community.  London might be the most obvious city choice for a design career in the UK, but Manchester is very quickly catching up.  There’s a real creative hub there and so on the night of my graduation there some really prestigious designers flicking through my portfolio.  I was lucky enough to secure some great freelance work in Manchester and Liverpool after I graduated.

But then I heard about a design job with Randox and it allowed me the opportunity to move back home and to secure a fulltime job.

What’s so great about working here is that you go in, and effectively you’re just given your own brand to make as exciting as you can.  You’re immediately given the responsibility and trust that you would only get after working in an agency for several years.  Whether you work on the design for Randox Reagents, or Randox Biosciences, or Randox Toxicology, you can go in and put your own stamp on that division.

I always make sure therefore, when talking to designers who are considering coming to work for us, to highlight that there are no Junior Designers in Randox. Everyone works on an equal pegging and we all support each other.

When I moved up to Head of Design here in Randox there were a few new policies that I introduced to improve this sense of collaboration. Even though we each work on our own unique and independent Randox product division, I requested a redesign of the marketing and design office space, so that our designers were each paired off with each other. 

Each designer therefore sits beside another designer and we can all keep track of each other’s work and projects, so that we keep a certain level of consistency under the parent brand of Randox. Working in this way also allows us to take inspiration from each other and help complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

For example, our Motion Graphics Designer Anthony obviously has a very particular skillset, so he’s helping me improve my talents in that area. In turn I’m helping him develop his abilities in our Illustrator software because that’s where my own strengths lie.

I’ve also introduced a Design Studio where the work of our designers is showcased for everyone to see.  Not only does it instil a sense of pride in our work by using it to decorate the office, and showing it to our colleagues, but again it helps us keep track of what other designers are currently working on and makes sure we’re each using the correct typefaces and established colour schemes.  It’s the final stage of the proofing system when we finally see the finished piece of artwork up on the wall for everyone to see.

In the Design Studio you can really see the eclectic mix of projects on which we get to work.  It ranges from virtual reality video, to app design, to brochures for global events like AACC, the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. There is such variety in what we do and there’s always a new challenge to put your hand to. Randox is the perfect place to be if you want to grow your skillset.

Working here also provides us with the opportunity to develop key business skills in the design market.  Relationship building with printers for example, is key, and we do that pretty much every day here.  I honestly can’t think of anywhere else that offers the same level of professional development as Randox. 

I’m very proud of the team we now have in place here. We all work really well together and are making such good progress in our own capabilities and confidence.  We even have a Summer Placement Student, Katie, currently working with us, who is really impressing everybody with her ability and enthusiasm.

I’m sure that the Graphic Design team at Randox will continue to grow and develop, and I can’t wait to see where the coming months and years will take us.


For more We Are Randox stories about our amazing colleagues, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #WeAreRandox.

For current vacancies in our team, visit careers.randox.com

Pictured above: The Randox Graphic Design Team

Front row left to right: Anne Smith, Katie McLernon, Melissa Hull

Middle row left to right: Elizabeth Moran, Amy Fekkes, Anthony Heaney

Back row left to right: Niall McCafferty, Maxwell Brown, Colm Douglas, Caoimhin Magee

Staff Newsletter May / June 2017 Edition

Staff Newsletter May / June 2017 Edition

We are delighted to be able to share with you the May / June 2017 edition of our We Are Randox staff newsletter!

Click on the image for a range of company and staff news from the past two months – including The Great Randox Bake Off, our Placement Students of the Year 2017, and a bunch of exciting staff weddings and engagements!

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We Are Randox | Kathleen Keery named Randox Employee of the Year 2016 at the 3rd Annual Manufacturing Awards Dinner

Randox Packing Department Team Member Kathleen Keery has been named Randox Employee of the Year 2016.

Her award was announced on Friday 24th February 2017, when 139 staff from 34 manufacturing departments of Randox gathered together at The Templeton Hotel in Templepatrick, to connect with colleagues and celebrate the success of their teams at the annual Randox Manufacturing Awards Dinner.

John Campbell, Senior Manager began the evening with his opening address, and thanked all attendees for their hard work;

“Each year our manufacturing department grows in strength and this is thanks to the people working in it.  I am proud to be standing here to recognise our collective capabilities as a team and to celebrate our hard work – with good food and great company.”

Lean Co-Ordinator, Mark Campbell then shared an overview of the year’s manufacturing successes, and looked forward to the activities for the year ahead.

On the night, the following awards were presented:

  • Employee of the Month October 2016 was awarded to Jeanette Robb within our Packing Department.
  • Employee of the Month November 2016 was won by Lisa McHendry of our Conjugate / Antibody Production Team.
  • December 2016’s Employee of the Month was Gareth Bushe of Randox Speciality Controls.
  • The Randox Logistics Department was then named as Department of the Year 2016.

Following the presentation of these awards, all attention turned to Senior Manager John Campbell to announce the prestigious Employee of the Year Award 2016.

We are delighted to be able to share that this award went to Kathleen Keery of our Packing Department.

Kathleen commented;

“I am beyond proud to be able to say that I am Randox Employee of the Year 2016.  I work in such a talented and hard-working team at Randox, so I know there must have been fierce competition!  It was an incredible honour to be able to receive this award surrounded by my colleagues and friends and I would like to thank everybody who has congratulated me over the past number of days.  All the work we do at Randox is truly a team effort and so my award is as much for my team members within the Packing Department as it is for me.  I wouldn’t be able to do my job without them!”

John Campbell closed the night by congratulating Kathleen, and the Logistics team;

“I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate our award winners this evening – particularly the Logistics Team and Kathleen Keery – and to thank you all for the important part you play in making Randox a global leader in the diagnostics industry – manufacturing our products that we distribute all over the globe. Let’s look forward to an exciting and prosperous 2017 together, and I hope you enjoy the evening!”

For more information about the Manufacturing Awards please contact Randox PR by email: randoxpr@randox.com or phone 028 9442 2413

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