Careers Tips | Don’t Get Stressed… Deskercise!
Careers Tips | Don’t Get Stressed… Deskercise!
Ever wonder how motivated and successful people stay so calm at work? Here at Randox, we know that even the most enjoyable careers can get stressful, even for the most motivated employees!
According to a CIPD Absence Management Survey the number one cause for long term sickness is stress. When the paperwork begins to pile up and to-do lists become longer it can be difficult not to let the mounting pressure get to you. But, there’s good news! Exercise is not only for the body, but the mind too. Exercise at work can improve our mental wellbeing improving our ability to deal with the pressure/stress in our working lives. So, if you want to keep your cool like John from H.R., here’s some tips on how you can make some changes today towards improving your mood (even on Mondays!)
1. Get up a go. We all realise how important exercise is but making the time for it in our busy lives can be difficult. Why not make simple changes increasing the amount of physical activity you can squeeze into your day. Take the stairs whenever you can. Perhaps even park your car in a space further away meaning more time to stretch your legs.
2. Stretch at your desk. Research by the NHS says Adults in the UK are sitting for 7 hours a day! Find yourself staring at your computer screen all day? Alternate your tasks at works. Why not even try the CIPD suggested “chairobics”…stretches you can do without even leaving your chair such as rotating your shoulders. Chairobics is so widely praised there’s even sit-down aerobics classes based on teaching people how to get moving at their desk!
3. Clear your head. Don’t be afraid to take a screen-break every now and again. I know it can seem like you’re wasting your precious work time, but clearing your head of the stresses you accumulate at work will give you a clearer perspective on things ensuring you remain motivated and more productive. There is a long history of research into breaks and the correct amount of time for a computer-break. Employers first began offering the break because of its effects of revival on work quality. Not only does it revive your work, however, it revives you! Physical activity goes a long way contributing to improving your own mental well being. Any activity that makes you feel good does well. Feeling good boosts your productivity in work and as the saying goes “Nothing will work unless you do”.
4. Sit up straight. Good posture at your desk will improve your breathing making you feel calmer and therefore less like likely to get stressed no matter what work related task is thrown your way. Bad posture, on the other hand can cause many problems such as pains, and headaches. Try this. Roll your shoulders back and straighten your spine. Lift you chin up. How much better do you feel? More motivated and ready to take on the world of work? Don’t question the power of good posture on your mood!
In conclusion, we quote Ziggy Marley; “Doing something that is productive is a great way to alleviate emotional stress. Get your mind doing something that is productive.” We all want to be as cool as a cucumber in stressful situations at work so the next time you’re feeling under pressure try some of these tips and smile! It’s Friday, afterall!
For more tips, follow Randox Careers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Take a look at our website to discover the endless job opportunities open to you!

Careers Tips | Have More Happy Mondays
Do you feel like you lack a little motivation? Fall back in love with your work this Monday with Randox Careers!
Even if you’re in love with your day job, we all get a little deflated sometimes! Staying positive is one of the most imperative keys to success. As Will Henry once said, “The wishbone will never replace the backbone.” Success means staying strong and working hard, and here’s Randox Careers’ top tips to staying motivated on the path to achieving your goals, even on Mondays!
1. Make Lists
Start the day by making a list of everything you want to achieve in your day ahead. Add to the list as the day goes on, and carry over anything you don’t finish. This will help you organise your thoughts, which can often make multitasking look less daunting. With lists, you can visualise your workload and feel satisfied as you tick tasks off as they’re completed!
2. Bounce Ideas
Don’t be afraid to share your ideas! Bouncing ideas off of other colleagues, have meetings, get lunch together to discuss the topic, don’t be afraid of constructive criticism. Other colleagues may be able to use their expertise to help guide you in the right direction, and add fresh perspectives to your creative thinking process
3. Breaking Your Tasks Up
Breaking your tasks up into smaller, bite-sized fragments can make your goals seem more achievable, and make you feel that little bit closer to success. Switching between these smaller tasks can also help lift a feeling of monotony and give you more variety in your work. Keeping it fresh means you might have new, creative ideas on how to approach things after you’ve stepped back. Often we see things a little bit differently from a new perspective!
4. Exercise Before Work
Wake up an hour early, and go for a jog or practice some yoga before work. Getting your blood pumping can give you a morning release of happy endorphins and get you mentally ready for the day ahead! Yoga is also notorious for mind-cleansing, helping you to clear your thoughts of all negative worries. Don’t fancy exercising before dawn? Try giving yourself more time to get ready in the morning. By doing this, you can ensure you eat a full, wholesome breakfast. Giving yourself some me-time can help prepare you for the day ahead just as well!
5. Set Your 3, 5, and 10 Year Goals
Set your goals and work towards them! Write these goals in e-mails and schedule them to be sent to yourself in 3, 5 and 10 year’s time! These can be little things, like learning another language, or bigger things like buying your first car. Make sure these goals are achievable though, as unobtainable goals can demotivate anyone.
6. Happy Positive Reinforcements!
Have you got a favourite motivational quote? Maybe it’s Theodore Roosevelt’s “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” or George Addair’s “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” Whatever your favourite motivational quote is, embrace it! Set is as your wallpaper on your phone or laptop, write it on a sticky note and place it on the wall, you could even buy a professional print online and frame it! Don’t forget to congratulate yourself, and take pride in your work. Use your mantra to keep you going and don’t forget to look back and admire your own tenacity!
7. Take a Break!
Lastly, don’t forget to rest! Let yourself relax for 5 minutes, take a walk and stretch your legs, or sit in the sun for a little while to clear your mind. You could, alternatively, clear your mind by de-cluttering your desk. Take 10 minutes to reorganise your feng-shui. Often, resetting your mind and clearing your work area can help you see answers and solutions more easily.
Follow these 7 simple steps, and you’ll be sure to have a skip in your step every Monday morning. Best of luck with the week ahead, and happy Monday!
For more, follow Randox Careers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Careers Tips | Simple Tips to Prepare for That Dreaded Presentation!
Have you been asked to make a presentation as part of a job interview? No need to worry!
The word “presentation” can strike fear and panic into anyone, but you can overcome a mild case of Glossophobia in just 6 simple steps!
1. Find Your Technique!
Everybody’s different. Therefore, no one’s preparation or presentation techniques are the exact same. There are plenty of ways for preparing for presentations. To determine your perfect technique, you need to identify your problems. Get some feedback from peers if you’re not sure! After this, you can use your problem-solving skills to try and find a solution. For example, if you find you panic when you forget words and sentences, learn a much “looser” version of your presentation. Learn your slides back to front, but leave the verbal message up to improv! This may be a much better technique to convey passion, if you know your topic well.
2. Communicate a clear message
One of the main reasons you are making this presentation is to communicate a particular subject or field. Make sure that you know what you’re talking about and focus on the topic at hand. It will make you come across more focused in the eyes of the interviewer.
3. Practice!
Practice, practice, practice. When you are conducting a presentation that hasn’t been practiced, it’s obvious. Take some time to prepare your presentation beforehand so you have more time to practice. Practice in front of others, they’ll be able to give you feedback to improve your presentation in a way you’ve never thought of before! The more you practice, the more familiar you come with you presentation which will help you eliminate your nerves!
4. Do your research
There’s nothing worse than a candidate making a presentation who hasn’t done their research on the company. Have a look at the company website, read up about the products they sell and the events they take part in. This will impress the interviewers as it looks like you care about the company you’re applying for and that you want to be a part of the organisation.
5. Watch your timing
The last thing you want to do in your presentation is have your interviewers fall asleep. If you feel like you have too much information to get across in a short space of time, don’t worry – it’s better to keep it shorter and more interesting than bombard them with information. Less is more, so a helpful rule to follow when making a presentation is one slide per minute.
6. Deep breaths
Nerves before a presentation are completely normal. Arrive early, drink some water and take deep breaths to calm yourself down. Just remember that pressure can help you perform well!
Thanks for reading, and good luck!
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