Randox Covid-19 PCR Tests Reduced to Ā£60 for Overseas Travel
Randox Covid-19 PCR Tests Reduced to Ā£60 for Overseas Travel

Tuesday 13th April 2021
Randox Covid-19 PCR Tests Reduced to £60 for Overseas Travel
Randox, the UK’s largest Covid-19 PCR testing provider, today announced their support for UK holidaymakers seeking trips overseas by reducing the cost of PCR tests to support travel to £60 per test. Currently PCR tests can cost from £100 each, and often much more.
This announcement comes hot on the heels of the Department for Transport’s plans to open-up overseas travel, potentially from as early as 17th May, but dependent on PCR testing pre-departure and on return. Specific PCR testing requirements will be based on the grading of destination countries within a green, amber and red traffic light system.
Last week UK transport secretary Grant Shapps sought to lower the cost of coronavirus testing to help encourage foreign holidays this summer – and Randox have led the response.
Dr Peter FitzGerald, Randox Managing Director said;
“In recognition of the needs of both the travel industry and the British public at this unprecedented time, Randox will reduce the all-inclusive cost of PCR testing for those in the UK undertaking international travel to £60 per test. We can see the pressures faced by the both the travel industry and the general public and are committed to effective and economical testing to support holidaymakers and those undertaking international travel.
The £60 PCR test is based on a testing kit ordered, on-line, for home sample collection with the sample returned to the laboratory for testing. The cost is inclusive of VAT and logistics. In order to achieve the £60 price, which is limited to those undertaking international travel, purchasers will need to apply a discount code which can initially be obtained from airlines when booking travel.
Those passengers wishing to order a Randox PCR COVID-19 home test should visit: https://www.randoxhealth.com/covid-19-home-testing-kit/
Randox have been active in Covid-19 testing since early 2020, and currently have the largest Covid-19 testing network within the UK.
Background Notes
The Department of Transport report, produced by the Global Travel Taskforce and released on 9th April, shows how international travel could resume from 17 May 2021 at the earliest, in an accessible and affordable way. This includes the removal of the permission to travel form – meaning passengers would no longer need to prove they have a valid reason to leave the country.
The UK is a global leader in genome sequencing, which in positive cases allows the identification of variants of concern.
The risks posed by these variants remain significant, and restrictions for inbound passengers, such as 10-day managed quarantine, home quarantine, and stringent testing will remain in place – but will apply to people differently depending on whether the destination visited is categorised as ‘green’, ‘amber’ or ‘red’.
Green: arrivals will need to take a pre-departure test as well as a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on or before day 2 of their arrival back into the UK – but will not need to quarantine on return (unless they receive a positive result) or take any additional tests, halving the cost of tests on their return from holiday
Amber: arrivals will need to quarantine for a period of 10 days and take a pre-departure test, and a PCR test on day 2 and day 8 with the option for Test to Release on day 5 to end self-isolation early
Red: arrivals will be subject to restrictions currently in place for ‘red list’ countries which include a 10-day stay in a managed quarantine hotel, pre-departure testing and PCR testing on day 2 and 8
Testing remains an essential part of protecting public health as restrictions begin to ease – with all arrivals who are not exempt required to book a pre-departure, day 2 and day 8 test before travelling.
For further information on our £60 PCR test please contact the Randox Covid Customer Support team on covidcustomersupport@randox.com or 0800 2545 201.
For press enquiries please contact Amy Millar in the Randox PR team on amy.millar@randox.com or 028 9442 2413
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Randox launches ā¬99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service at Dublin Airport

Randox launches €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service at Dublin Airport
16 November 2020: Randox launches €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service at Dublin Airport
A €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service which launches this week in a new Travel Testing Centre at Dublin Airport, will see the creation of 50 new jobs.
The testing service from Randox, a laboratory partner in the UK’s National COVID-19 Testing Programme, utilises a robust and reliable method of testing known as PCR, which Junior Minister for Transport Hildegarde Naughton described as “the gold standard” for travel testing.
The launch of the Randox Health Travel Centre, which offers rapid next day delivery of results for pre-departure screening as well as on-arrival testing to reduce quarantine timeframes, comes just after Ireland aligned itself with the new EU ‘traffic light’ system to co-ordinate international travel, on Sunday 8th November.
Sophie Boyd, Project Manager for the Randox Express COVID-19 Testing Service, explained;
“With the introduction of the new EU traffic lights system, some people will need a COVID-19 test before travelling or equally, will want a negative test result simply for their peace of mind.
“We are delighted to have secured a location at Dublin Airport, that allows us to extend our rapid and reliable COVID-19 Testing Service, already used by a range of well-known companies, airlines and elite sporting organisations, to individual passengers and consumers.”
The Irish Government has agreed that, whilst those arriving from red zones currently have to quarantine for 14 days, this could soon be waived following a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken five days after arrival in Ireland.
Sophie continued;
“Travel requirements during the pandemic continue to evolve, but with the introduction of the EU traffic light system, a common prerequisite to travel or to shorten existing quarantine periods will be a negative PCR COVID-19 test, which is currently the only method of COVID-19 testing recognised and approved by every country worldwide.
“With significant capacity in place to implement high volume PCR testing, we welcome the opportunity to bolster the travel industry’s enormous efforts to restore public confidence in international travel.
“We are committed to providing the most cost-effective and accurate test in the market to assist with the normalisation of travel, and so Randox will be opening a number of regional travel centres across Ireland over the coming weeks.”
Dublin Airport Managing Director Vincent Harrison said the health and safety of passengers and staff had been the airport’s key priority during the pandemic and that continued to be the case;
“We continue to operate a range of globally-recognised COVID-19 safety measures for the health and wellbeing of all airport visitors, and with the official opening of the Randox Health Travel Centre at Dublin Airport we can further support our passengers by offering them access to testing facilities onsite at the airport.”
The Randox €99 Express COVID-19 Testing Service is open to all asymptomatic individuals and operates from the Randox Health Travel Centre beside Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport, as well as at a testing facility in Leopardstown Dublin.
In the coming weeks Randox Health Travel Centres will also open in Galway, Limerick and Cork.
Visit booking.randox.ie to book your appointment.
For further information please email info@randoxhealth.com or phone 0800 2545 130.
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New Express COVID-19 Testing Service with next day results launched in Dublin

New Express COVID-19 Testing Service with next day results launched in Dublin
06 November 2020: New Express COVID-19 Testing Service with next day results launched in Dublin
A new express COVID-19 testing service has now launched in Ireland, with a rapid next day delivery of results.
From global diagnostics provider Randox, a laboratory partner in the UK’s National COVID-19 Testing Programme, the service utilises a robust and reliable method of testing known as PCR, the only method recognized and approved for travel testing.
The PCR testing, which Junior Minister for Transport Transport Hildegarde Naughton described as “the gold standard,” is available in Dublin for pre-travel clearance, or simply for those wanting a COVID-19 test for peace of mind.
Sophie Boyd, Project Manager for the Randox Express COVID-19 Testing Service, explained;
“We appreciate that many people will want a COVID-19 test before travelling home this Christmas, or equally, will want a negative test result to reduce quarantine times and enable them to spend more time with loved ones.
“PCR testing is currently the only method of COVID-19 testing which is recognised by every country worldwide. Our rapid, accurate and reliable testing service, used already by a range of well-known companies, airlines and elite sporting organisations, will help get plans off to a hassle-free start for travellers and non-travellers alike.”
The launch of the Randox testing service comes just as Ireland aligns itself with the new EU ‘traffic light’ system to co-ordinate international travel, on Sunday 8th November.
The Government has agreed that, whilst those arriving from red zones currently have to quarantine for 14 days, this could soon be waived following a negative test result from a COVID-19 test taken five days after arrival in Ireland.
Sophie continued;
“Travel requirements during the pandemic continue to evolve, but with the introduction of the EU traffic light system, a common prerequisite will be a negative PCR COVID-19 test prior to travel or to shorten quarantine periods.
“We have significant capacity in place to implement high volume testing and with our PCR testing service, we look forward to supporting the travel industry’s enormous efforts to restore public confidence in international travel.”
The Randox Express COVID-19 Testing Service is priced at €99, is open to all asymptomatic individuals and operates from the Clayton Hotel in Dublin.
Visit booking.randox.ie to book your appointment.
For further information please email info@randoxhealth.com or phone 0800 2545 130.
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EU Traffic Light System: How to get a COVID-19 PCR test before travelling

12 October 2020
EU Traffic Light System: How to get a COVID-19 PCR test before travelling
EU Traffic Light System: How to get a COVID-19 PCR test before travelling
As Covid-19 infection rates continue to rise in many parts of the world, an increasing number of countries are asking for a negative PCR test as a means of proof that travellers do not have the Covid-19 virus.
Whilst not yet a common requirement globally, it is understood that the EU could soon be turning to a Traffic Light System that will require pre-departure testing for individuals departing any of the 15 ‘red list’ countries – which includes the UK and could be extended to include Ireland.
Whilst there are currently a number of countries across the EU that do not require a negative COVID test for visitors from the UK, the implementation of this co-ordinated approach across the EU will place common requirements on all travellers from the UK, no matter which country they are visiting.
It could also be used in support of reduced quarantine in those countries which require it.
So – what is a PCR test?
PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction and is a method of testing used to detect infectious disease, including COVID-19.
A PCR test is performed in a laboratory and is indicative of an individual’s COVID status at the time their sample is taken. It does not show previous infection.
Where can I get a COVID PCR test done?
PCR tests are available at Randox Health via an in-clinic appointment, or a home sample collection.
Are home tests accepted as proof of my COVID status?
It is important to note that many countries do not accept ‘home tests’ as proof of a negative COVID-19 result. Results must show that the test was performed in a certified laboratory.
Whilst Randox Health offers a home sample collection kit, all our testing is performed using PCR methods in our certified laboratories.
If the country you are travelling to requires a PCR test result, we’ve got you covered.
How do I know if I need a COVID PCR test?
You can check the entry requirements for your destination at gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice
Requirements are subject to change, so keep checking in the weeks and days leading up to your trip.
When do I take my sample for testing?
Your destination country will determine the time frame required for testing. For example, it may state that your sample needs to be taken and tested within 72 hours before departure / arrival. You cannot be swabbed before this time.
It is best to book / order your test in advance and take it as early as possible within your window, so that you allow for the maximum amount of time to get your test results back.
How long do I wait for my results?
Upon receipt of sample at Randox’s laboratories, you will receive your results within 24 hours.
Our rapid, accurate and reliable COVID-19 testing service will help get your trip off to a hassle-free start, with minimum disruption to your travel plans.
Visit https://www.randoxhealth.com/covid-travel-certificate/ to order your home sample collection kit or book your clinic appointment.
For further information please email info@randoxhealth.com or phone 0800 2545 130.
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Randox selected to screen travellers to the UAE for Covid-19

02 September 2020
Randox selected to screen travellers to the UAE for Covid-19
Randox Laboratories selected to screen travellers to the UAE for Covid-19, with six sample collection centres across the United Kingdom and Ireland
Randox Laboratories has been selected by Pure Health, the largest laboratory network in the UAE, to test airline passengers flying into the United Arab Emirates, in accordance with the UAE’s requirement for travellers to prove they are not infected with Covid-19. Pure Health has been appointed by the UAE’s government to launch this pioneering project to promote safe travel.
“We are delighted to support Pure Health in their efforts to control the Covid-19 pandemic and facilitate safe travels for passengers flying into the UAE,” said David Adamson, Randox Laboratories, Business Development Manager.
“As one of the largest diagnostic facilities in UK, we are ideally placed to successfully deliver this ambitious initiative, and we are grateful for the trust placed in us.”
Randox Laboratories has already set up six collection centres across United Kingdom and Ireland. The programme is already up and running in London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Belfast, Antrim and Dublin.
“The UAE has trusted Pure Health with safeguarding it against any incoming Covid-19 threats, worldwide, this responsibility requires us to ensure we only partner with verified and accredited facilities around the world, thus why we have partnered with Randox Laboratories, to ensure that the screening process is of the highest quality and to ensure an excellent customer service for the travellers.” said Maria El Houari, International Passenger Screening Project Manager at Pure Health.
The UAE issued regulations that require all travellers flying into the UAE to provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test. Travellers without such a certificate are refused entry into the flight.
The system is similar to the ESTA process in the United States. The traveller visits screening.purehealth.ae, chooses a testing location, selects a time slot, and completes the test at the agreed time and place. Test results are then transmitted to the UAE authorities, who use the data to cross-check arriving travellers against the border control database.
For further information please email randoxpr@randox.com
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We Are Randox | Career opportunities in India and beyond
With a presence in as many as 145 different countries around the world, a lot of our Randox team work outside the UK. This week we headed in the direction of Asia and met up with Pankaj Chitkara, who is our National Sales Manager for the RX Series in India.
Hi Pankaj, can you tell me about your relocation?
When I first started with Randox I was based in Mumbai and then I relocated to New Delhi. I have been with Randox for nearly ten years now and I am employed as the national sales manager for the RX Series – I love my job.
How did you find the relocation process?
I never really imagined relocating when I first started off in Randox but now I love living in New Delhi. I think because I am doing the exact same role as I did when I was based in Mumbai I am quite lucky because relocating didn’t involve starting off from scratch. I was saved from having to learn a whole new role as well as getting used to a whole new city, which I know can be a bit daunting. Of course, as with any move there are always a few hurdles you have to get passed before you’re fully settled in. House hunting usually takes a bit of time before you find something that’s right and then you have the hassles of packing and unpacking and getting your family all settled into their new home and routine. But overall relocating was never a big issue for me. I think if I was given the opportunity to relocate again I would definitely consider it. As long as there are opportunities to grow, learn and improve it can be a very positive experience.
Do you travel back to Mumbai often?
New Delhi is my home now so I don’t need to travel back to Mumbai. It’s roughly about two hours on the plane so if I needed to go back it wouldn’t be a problem. My parents currently live here so it was good to already have family near. They were able to help me get settled in and find somewhere to live.
How are you finding living in New Delhi?
There is loads to do and see here, and I am really enjoying the lifestyle that it offers. The weather is always on your side and I love the culture of the city. The India Gate which is 42m high is like an archway in the middle of a crossroad. It was built to commemorate 70,000 Indian soldiers who lost their lives during World War 1. At night it is beautifully lit up while the fountains nearby make a lovely display with coloured lights.
What has been the highlight of your relocation so far?
The highlight of my relocation definitely has been managing the business without an office. It’s fantastic!
If you would be interested in joining our team you can visit Randox careers to see what current opportunities we have available for you. #WeAreRandox
We Are Randox | Randox Artist-in-Residence Joe McGuinness on his passion for art, his love of drawing and his plans to release a second novel
Through our We Are Randox stories we aim to showcase all our employees’ skills and talents and with a dedicated workforce of over 1400 people we are always spoilt for choice!
This week we sat down with artist Joe McGuinness, who joined our team only six weeks ago, to hear all about his passion for art, his love of drawing and his plans to release a second novel.
“I was about seven years old when I first realised that I was going to be an artist. I remember my mother was pregnant with my baby brother, she was unwell and I found her curled up on our sofa. So I went and got some paper and a pencil and decided that I was going to draw a portrait of her. To this day I can still remember the expression on her face when I showed her the finished piece. It was her reaction and the look in her eyes that kicked me off and I knew in that exact moment that art was going to be a big part of my life.”
As Joe went on to study Art and Design for three years at the Rupert Stanley College located in Belfast he found himself more interested in learning about the history of artists’ lives and what inspired them to produce art.
“I love the works of Paul Gauguin, Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh and I am fascinated by his life. There has been many an afternoon where I have just sat down and looked up as many channels as I can to find out more about him and how he lived. Similarly to Van Gough I tell a story or a personal journey that I have been on through my art. I do have an emotional connection to some of my art, they mean a lot to me and I wouldn’t part with them.
“My favourite piece is a piece called “Lock and Key.” There is a lock and a key hidden in the picture and I will only reveal where it is to the person that I pass it on to.”
“It’s great when I get to barter with my art.”
“I was once asked to do a painting of a friend’s house up in Donegal. So I said I would if they gave me the keys of the house so I could go up and stay in it for a week in August with my wife. There was another occasion when I was asked from a friend of a fella originally from County Antrim if I could reconstruct an old dwelling that he grew up in. It turned out he was a multi-millionaire who is now about 90 years of age living out in New Zealand. Sometime after I had sent the painting to New Zealand I received a letter back from his wife. She said when he first saw the picture he cried. It’s now his pride and joy, and has been placed in his study where he sits and looks at it. I find that incredible and that’s what makes me glad that I am an artist.
“I like to draw while I’m away on holidays, I find that I can relax in the good weather and just sit and draw. I remember back when I was in Milan, there was this little fountain spouting water. It wasn’t famous or of much interest to the passers-by but I thought it would make a beautiful picture. So I sat down and started to draw it when a gentleman came and asked could he join me. It turned out that he was a professional photographer from Paris and loved my art work. It’s great when you can make friends out of something that you love. “
“Through my art I have met a range of friends all over the globe, from France, to Rome, Sicily, Milan, Australia, it just goes on.”
“Most Saturdays you can find me downstairs in the Conway Mill. I sit and draw next to where my artwork is displayed and people sometimes like to look on and watch while I’m drawing. My favourite type of medium to paint with is acrylics but I can teach a range of different techniques. Wax etching is a beautiful technique which I learnt whilst I was studying art. Sometimes people stop and ask me questions about my pictures or about certain techniques and I would invite them back the following week to join me.”
“In my first ever exhibition I sold about 90% of my work.”
“It feels incredible to say that my art has been bought by people all over the world from New York, Europe and as far as Australia. The great-great niece of the famous Ned Kelly has some of my work. I have also donated work to Autism New York to help raise money for autism which is a cause I am very passionate about.
“In the future I would like to get more involved in the design aspect of art. I have been asked if my drawings could be used for prints for duvets covers and also for pottery and vases which would be great so I’m going to start looking into that. I’m also currently looking at property in Alvor in Portugal- that’s where I want to be in nine years’ time. My hope is that I can retire there and open up my own art academy. There is nothing greater than a group of artists sitting together and talking art and learning from each other. I’m also working on some illustrations for my second book that is based on events that have happened throughout my life. I think it will be a much deeper Joe than what you got to read about in my first book, ‘Rainbow over the Black Mountain’.
“My wish for the future, when I’m gone is for museums across Ireland – north and south – to have their pick of my art collection. In some of my paintings that I sold I have hidden letters inside the frame explaining the inspiration behind the painting, just to add that little extra personal touch to them. Sure you never know, in a hundred years’ time someone might find some of my letters… now wouldn’t that be a story worth telling!”
**Joe would like to offer a special thanks to Maureen Shields (Supervisor) and Cathy Hurrell (HR) and to the rest of Randox staff and employees. Following Joe’s time with us he added “You’re a great bunch of people.” **
Thank you Joe for spending the time to discuss your art work with us. We can’t wait to read your second novel and see all the wonderful images that will come with it.
For more information about our wonderful mulit-talented team here at Randox, please contact randoxpr@randox.com